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A Sneaky Backdoor In to Google FAST With Free Press Releases!

A Sneaky Backdoor In to Google FAST With Free Press Releases!

... what it ‘REALLY’ takes to get your website on the 1 st page in the Search Engines than 99% of those on the Net! Click here and download this amazing, free report today. ... are more than welcome to use it yourself and see what you come up with. However, in order to get the most out of this little secret I suggest you go to the source I went to. A young Fella ... you want to get blasted out on the Internet FAST? It can be done and it’s easier than you think ;-) You can get TOP placements at Google in record- breaking time instead of having to wait...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 01:15

8 384 0
Tài liệu A Sneaky Backdoor In to Google FAST With Free Press Releases pptx

Tài liệu A Sneaky Backdoor In to Google FAST With Free Press Releases pptx

... are more than welcome to use it yourself and see what you come up with. However, in order to get the most out of this little secret I suggest you go to the source I went to. A young Fella ... what it ‘REALLY’ takes to get your website on the 1 st page in the Search Engines than 99% of those on the Net! Click here and download this amazing, free report today. ... you want to get blasted out on the Internet FAST? It can be done and it’s easier than you think ;-) You can get TOP placements at Google in record- breaking time instead of having to wait...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 20:20

8 310 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Learning to Recognize Tables in Free Text" pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Learning to Recognize Tables in Free Text" pptx

... 12: 13: Net tons Capability 14: produced utilization 15: Week to March 14 1,633,000 75.8~ 16: Week to March 7 1,570,000 71.9~ 17: Year to date 15,029,000 66.9~ 18: Year earlier to date 18,431,000 ... plified by the tables in Figure 1 to 3. Instead of resorting to an ad-hoc method to rec- ognize tables, we present a new approach in this pa- per that learns to recognize tables in plain text. ... Fared Stock's 'Bid'* Initial Date** Reaction*** Bidder (Target Company) TWAICarl Ic~h- (USAir Group) $52 +5 3/8 to 49 1/8 3/4/87 Outcome Bid, seen a ploy to get USAir to buy...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 19:20

8 495 0
 21 Powerful Ways To Persuade People To Do What You Want - By Michael Lee

21 Powerful Ways To Persuade People To Do What You Want - By Michael Lee

... pay attention to the person who is going to tell the story. Everybody loves stories! For this reason, storytelling has become one of the most powerful covert persuasion techniques to influence ... about knowing how to deal with annoying people, the best thing for you to remember is to not give them an opportunity to get into your personal space; and if you really have to interact with ... partner to "stop drinking because it's bad"? You bet! Storytelling is one of the most effective covert persuasion techniques if you know how to apply it properly. To become...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2012, 09:37

45 1.1K 3
How to Free Yourself of ANY Disease, Stop Fatigue, And Create Unstoppable Energy in Your Life.

How to Free Yourself of ANY Disease, Stop Fatigue, And Create Unstoppable Energy in Your Life.

... package and all the bonuses at no cost to you. Click here to grab Powerful Sleep now. How to Free Yourself of ANY Disease, Stop Fatigue, And Create Unstoppable Energy in Your Life. by Kacper ... encouraged to the point to actually USE what I’m about to show you here, and experience the many incredible changes in your life. I promise you, How to Free Yourself of ANY Disease, Stop Fatigue, ... that are out there to KILL and destroy us! What do they have against us !? We’re just trying to live! How to Free Yourself of ANY Disease, Stop Fatigue, And Create Unstoppable Energy in...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 21:15

20 541 1
Tài liệu How to Get Free Traffic doc

Tài liệu How to Get Free Traffic doc

... niche to find more. How to Get Free Traffic © 2008 Lambert Klein – GhostWriter4You.com 17 How to Get Free Traffic © 2008 LambertKlein.com How to Get Free Traffic There are several ways to attract ... "Submit". How to Get Free Traffic © 2008 Lambert Klein – GhostWriter4You.com 8 How to Get Free Traffic © 2008 LambertKlein.com How to Get Free Traffic © 2008 Lambert Klein – GhostWriter4You.com 1 How to ... policy • A call to action Keep your opt-in form in view. Don't force them to scroll to find it. How to Get Free Traffic © 2008 Lambert Klein – GhostWriter4You.com 18 How to Get Free Traffic...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 14:15

27 446 0
How to Attract New Customers on Facebook for Free

How to Attract New Customers on Facebook for Free

... http://www.ryanhache.com/how -to- attract-new-customers-on-facebook.html How to Attract New Customers on Facebook for Free Today i’m excited t o share with you what i’ve learned about attracting and engaging new customers ... Page St arting Today 4. Why you need to be showing in the “t op news” sect ion and how to get t here consistent ly. “the free way to attract new customers on facebook!” – Click to Tweet Step 1 ... you are going to learn 1. The 3 steps to launching any facebook fan page and attracting new cust omers f or free 2. Why you need to become irresistible and how to do it. 3. How to Launch and...

Ngày tải lên: 08/02/2014, 18:11

7 342 0
Tài liệu Freedom of Expression on the Internet - A study of legal provisions and practices related to freedom of expression, the free flow of information and media pluralism on the Internet in OSCE participating States ppt

Tài liệu Freedom of Expression on the Internet - A study of legal provisions and practices related to freedom of expression, the free flow of information and media pluralism on the Internet in OSCE participating States ppt

... implicit to the right to free expression and free information Access to the Internet remains the most important prerequisite to be part of and take part in e Information Society. Access to the ... also in regard to the medium and technology The right to freedom of expression and freedom of the media were not designed to fit a particular medium, technology or platform. Freedom of expression ... countries, the freedom to report freely and unhindered will be severely hampered. Journalists might be subject to defamation charges in many countries where their stories have been read or downloaded....

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 00:20

238 2.7K 0
Tài liệu A junk‐free childhood: Responsible standards for marketing foods and beverages to children doc

Tài liệu A junk‐free childhood: Responsible standards for marketing foods and beverages to children doc

... 21  school,playground,recreationcentreorfacility,childcarecentre,arcade,orlibrary. 40 There arealsomanyexamplesoflocation‐basedtobaccocontrols. 41   Standard7:Accountability  Issue:Marketingmessagesareproducedanddistributedbydiversestakeholdersincluding foodproducers,manufacturers,importersorsellers,advertisingagencies,media companies,mediadistributorsandretailers,webcontenthosts,webaccessprovidersand websearchengines.  Proposal:Riskreductionrequiresthatadutyofcareandattention to theprotectionof childrenandadolescentsshouldbeexercisedbyallpartiesinthedisseminationof marketingmessages.  Ahighstandard:Acomprehensiveapproachwouldholdallpartiesinvolvedinconveyinga marketingmessage to beaccountable.Forsponsorshipmediathisincludessportsevent hosts.Forpromotionaltechniquesembodiedinafoodproductthis includesimporters, retailersandcaterers.Cross‐bordermarketingstandardsneed to beenforceablethrough internationalagreementswithsanctions.Examplesofpossiblestandard‐settingmechanisms includeWHOhealthregulations,ISOstandardsandCodexAlimentariusstandards.   40 http://business.highbeam.com/410209/article‐1G1‐204543912/alcohol‐advertising‐billboards‐transit‐ shelters‐and 41 http://tobaccodocuments.org/women/2080811374‐1392.html. 18  Proposedstandards  Asnotedearlier,theobjectiveofuniversalstandardsis to instituteruleswhichachieve maximumprotectionwhileremainingpracticalandeconomicalinapplication.Althoughit couldbeproposedthatchildrenshouldnotbeexposed to anymarketing,thepresent documenttakesa‘risk‐based’approach to reducingexposure to themarketingoffoodand beverageproductswhoseregularconsumptionisliable to increasetheriskofnon‐ communicablediseases.  Furthermore,itisimportant to identifyexamplesofhighstandardsforcross‐border marketingwhichhavebeenproposedasaresultofconsensus‐buildingbyreputable agencies,thusindicatingthatsuchstandardsarefeasible,practicalandeconomical.  Inthissectionweproposestandardsbasedonaresponsibleapproach to marketingonthe understandingthatchildrenshouldnotbesubjected to inducements to consumeproducts which,ifconsumedroutinely,arelikely to bedetrimental to theirhealth.Whereavailable weshowexamplesoftheuseofsimilarstandardsinothersectors.  Standard1:Specifyingthefoodsandbeverages  Issue:Thepromotionofsomefoodsandbeveragescanunderminechildren’sdietaryhealth.  Proposal:Riskreductionmeanspromotingonlythosefoodandbeverageproductswhich conform to nationaldietaryguidelinesandinternationalstandardssupportingtheWHO GlobalStrategyonDiet,PhysicalActivityandHealth 29 .  Ahighstandard:Foodandbeveragesshouldbecategorisedaccording to avalidated nutrientprofilingsystem.ExamplesmayincludetheUKOfcommodelused to regulate advertisingontelevision, 30 theNordicKeyholefoodcategorisationmodel, 31 ortheproposals fromtheUSInteragencyWorkingGroup 32 .  Standard2:Agegroups  Issue:Somemarketingworksbelowconsciouscontrol.Evenwhenchildrenandadolescents areawareofmarketing,theymaybetrustinganduncriticalofthemessages.Medialiteracy doesnotreducemarketingmessageimpact.  Proposal:Riskreductionmeanspromotingonly to thosepersonswhohavereachedanage whentheyarelegallyconsidered to becompetentenough to protecttheirownwelfare.  29 WorldHealthOrganization,2004See http://www.who.int/entity/dietphysicalactivity/strategy/eb11344/strategy_english_web.pdf 30 UKOfficeofCommunications(Ofcom)2007.See http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/consultations/foodads_new/statement/andsee http://collections.europarchive.org/tna/20100927130941/http://food.gov.uk/healthiereating/advertisingtochi ldren/nutlab/nutprofmod 31 Seehttp://www.slv.se/en‐gb/Group1/Food‐and‐Nutrition/Keyhole‐symbol/ 32 FederalTradesCommission(2011)InteragencyWorkingGroupSeeksInputonProposedVoluntaryPrinciples forMarketingFood to Children.Seehttp://www.ftc.gov/opa/2011/04/foodmarket.shtm 2  • ... Childrenarepersonswhohavenotyetreachedanagewhentheyarelegallyconsidered to becompetent to protecttheirownwelfare. • Foods to bepromotedarethoseproductswhichconform to nationalandinternational dietaryguidelinessupportingWHO’sGlobalStrategy to preventobesityandchronic disease. • ... 21  school,playground,recreationcentreorfacility,childcarecentre,arcade,orlibrary. 40 There arealsomanyexamplesoflocation‐basedtobaccocontrols. 41   Standard7:Accountability  Issue:Marketingmessagesareproducedanddistributedbydiversestakeholdersincluding foodproducers,manufacturers,importersorsellers,advertisingagencies,media companies,mediadistributorsandretailers,webcontenthosts,webaccessprovidersand websearchengines.  Proposal:Riskreductionrequiresthatadutyofcareandattention to theprotectionof childrenandadolescentsshouldbeexercisedbyallpartiesinthedisseminationof marketingmessages.  Ahighstandard:Acomprehensiveapproachwouldholdallpartiesinvolvedinconveyinga marketingmessage to beaccountable.Forsponsorshipmediathisincludessportsevent hosts.Forpromotionaltechniquesembodiedinafoodproductthis includesimporters, retailersandcaterers.Cross‐bordermarketingstandardsneed to beenforceablethrough internationalagreementswithsanctions.Examplesofpossiblestandard‐settingmechanisms includeWHOhealthregulations,ISOstandardsandCodexAlimentariusstandards.   40 http://business.highbeam.com/410209/article‐1G1‐204543912/alcohol‐advertising‐billboards‐transit‐ shelters‐and 41 http://tobaccodocuments.org/women/2080811374‐1392.html. 18  Proposedstandards  Asnotedearlier,theobjectiveofuniversalstandardsis to instituteruleswhichachieve maximumprotectionwhileremainingpracticalandeconomicalinapplication.Althoughit couldbeproposedthatchildrenshouldnotbeexposed to anymarketing,thepresent documenttakesa‘risk‐based’approach to reducingexposure to themarketingoffoodand beverageproductswhoseregularconsumptionisliable to increasetheriskofnon‐ communicablediseases.  Furthermore,itisimportant to identifyexamplesofhighstandardsforcross‐border marketingwhichhavebeenproposedasaresultofconsensus‐buildingbyreputable agencies,thusindicatingthatsuchstandardsarefeasible,practicalandeconomical.  Inthissectionweproposestandardsbasedonaresponsibleapproach to marketingonthe understandingthatchildrenshouldnotbesubjected to inducements to consumeproducts which,ifconsumedroutinely,arelikely to bedetrimental to theirhealth.Whereavailable weshowexamplesoftheuseofsimilarstandardsinothersectors.  Standard1:Specifyingthefoodsandbeverages  Issue:Thepromotionofsomefoodsandbeveragescanunderminechildren’sdietaryhealth.  Proposal:Riskreductionmeanspromotingonlythosefoodandbeverageproductswhich conform to nationaldietaryguidelinesandinternationalstandardssupportingtheWHO GlobalStrategyonDiet,PhysicalActivityandHealth 29 .  Ahighstandard:Foodandbeveragesshouldbecategorisedaccording to avalidated nutrientprofilingsystem.ExamplesmayincludetheUKOfcommodelused to regulate advertisingontelevision, 30 theNordicKeyholefoodcategorisationmodel, 31 ortheproposals fromtheUSInteragencyWorkingGroup 32 .  Standard2:Agegroups  Issue:Somemarketingworksbelowconsciouscontrol.Evenwhenchildrenandadolescents areawareofmarketing,theymaybetrustinganduncriticalofthemessages.Medialiteracy doesnotreducemarketingmessageimpact.  Proposal:Riskreductionmeanspromotingonly to thosepersonswhohavereachedanage whentheyarelegallyconsidered to becompetentenough to protecttheirownwelfare.  29 WorldHealthOrganization,2004See http://www.who.int/entity/dietphysicalactivity/strategy/eb11344/strategy_english_web.pdf 30 UKOfficeofCommunications(Ofcom)2007.See http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/consultations/foodads_new/statement/andsee http://collections.europarchive.org/tna/20100927130941/http://food.gov.uk/healthiereating/advertisingtochi ldren/nutlab/nutprofmod 31 Seehttp://www.slv.se/en‐gb/Group1/Food‐and‐Nutrition/Keyhole‐symbol/ 32 FederalTradesCommission(2011)InteragencyWorkingGroupSeeksInputonProposedVoluntaryPrinciples forMarketingFood to Children.Seehttp://www.ftc.gov/opa/2011/04/foodmarket.shtm 2  •...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 02:20

26 521 0


... not link to AnnualCreditReport.com. In 2005, the Commission staff sent warning letters to the known operators of those suspect sites, totaling 29 operators. While this suggests that the total number ... reasonably anticipated to be able to accept the consumers’ request for an annual file disclosure; and (C) Taking all reasonable steps to restore the centralized source to normal operating status as ... CRAs to inform consumers of the availability of credit scores when providing file disclosures to them and that there was a benefit to those consumers wishing to purchase a credit score to do...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 07:20

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Tài liệu A junk-free childhood 2012 - The 2012 report of the StanMark project on standards for marketing food and beverages to children in Europe pptx

Tài liệu A junk-free childhood 2012 - The 2012 report of the StanMark project on standards for marketing food and beverages to children in Europe pptx

... been updated regarding advertising to children in schools and on the web. More attention has also been given to the techniques used to market food and beverages to children, including product placement ... should be to reduce both the exposure of children to, and power of, marketing of foods high in saturated fats, trans -fatty acids, free sugars, or salt. Policy development 3. To achieve ... the associative effect can be a powerful marketing tool. The example below shows products likely to appeal to children branded with an image (Tony the Tiger) strongly associated with sweetened...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 21:20

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