methods for the determination of column quality parameters

Chapter 18  microbiological methods for the determination of the b group vitamins

Chapter 18 microbiological methods for the determination of the b group vitamins

... Pantothenic Acid The usual assay organism for the microbiological determination of pantothenic acid in foods is L plantarum The basal medium has the same composition as that used for the determination ... pantothenic acid can be used for biotin assays with the exclusion of the relevant vitamin (in this case biotin) from the formulation The use of the same organism (L plantarum) for assaying the ... need for establishing the activity of the enzymes before they could be relied upon for use in an of? ??cial assay procedure Measurement of enzyme activity requires a stable standard of bound pantothenic

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2017, 11:13

30 539 0
development of a sensor system for the determination of sanitary quality of grapes

development of a sensor system for the determination of sanitary quality of grapes

... formation of high levels of gluconic and acetic acids These undesired fermentation processes affect the taste of the wine finally produced For this reason, the sanitary quality of the grapes ... constituting the official method of analysis [5], or by spectrophotometric assessment of the effect of an enzymatic reaction (enzymatic kit) [6,7] However, both these methods require the presence of qualified ... Among the others, GDH is commercially available and, in the presence of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+), leads to the formation of the redox active NADH cofactor, according with the reaction:

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2022, 09:54

11 5 0
Ambient air quality  standard gravimetric measurement method for the determination of the PM2,5 mass fraction of suspended particulate matter

Ambient air quality standard gravimetric measurement method for the determination of the PM2,5 mass fraction of suspended particulate matter

... 2005 ICS 13.040.20 English Version Ambient air quality - Standard gravimetric measurement method for the determination of the PM2,5 mass fraction of suspended particulate matter Qualité de l'air ... responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, ... 2005 CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2021, 15:24

32 16 0
Artificial neural network model for the determination of GSM rxlevel from atmospheric parameters

Artificial neural network model for the determination of GSM rxlevel from atmospheric parameters

... wi, is the weight of the respective inputs xi, u is the argument of the activation function and wT is a transpose of the weight vector The weight and bias are adjustable parameters of the neuron ... discussion The performances of the developed ANN based Rxlevel models were evaluated using MSE For each of the activation function pair, the best and worst performed networks in the 20 run of the script ... number of run of the script file has no obvious effect on the performance of the trained Table Best Performance in 20 Runs for Pairs of Activation Function Hidden Layer Output Layer No of Runs No of

Ngày tải lên: 19/11/2022, 11:43

10 2 0
Microfluidic methods for the crystallization of active pharmaceutical ingredients

Microfluidic methods for the crystallization of active pharmaceutical ingredients

... prevention of which is of paramount importance in the final formulation of solid dosage forms Therefore, until these issues all get resolved, the. .. emulsions and the on-line monitoring of ... SAs form and the mathematical modeling thereof Owing to the increased need for novel... Microfluidics for Microparticle Production In the microfluidic production of microparticles (the ... the morphology of these particles is often inaccessible with conventional 14 methods, the monodispersity of microfluidic... to the commonly used Classical Nucleation Theory (CNT), the

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:29

135 498 0
Part   development of novel methods for the synthesis of homoallylic alcohols part II  multigrams synthesis of ( ) epibatidine

Part development of novel methods for the synthesis of homoallylic alcohols part II multigrams synthesis of ( ) epibatidine

... DEVELOPMENT OF NOVEL METHODS FOR THE SYNTHESIS OF HOMOALLYLIC ALCOHOLS PART II : MULTIGRAM SYNTHESIS OF (−)-EPIBATIDINE KEN LEE CHI LIK B.Sc (Hons.), NUS A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF ... SUMMARY PART I: Development of Novel Methods for the Synthesis of Homoallylic Alcohols In the development of novel methods for the synthesis of homoallylic alcohols, two conceptual strategies ... up the large scale synthesis of epibatidine. However, if not for the generous assistance from the following people, I would not have “survive these ordeals.” I would therefore like to thank the

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 17:11

211 497 0
Exploration on in situ diagnosis methods for the evaluation of mechanical and magnetic performance of hard disk drives

Exploration on in situ diagnosis methods for the evaluation of mechanical and magnetic performance of hard disk drives

... Methods for the Evaluation of Mechanical and Magnetic Performance of Hard Disk Drives ZHU JIN (B.Eng (hons) HUST, P.R.China) A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF ... Exploration of In-Situ Diagnosis Methods for the Evaluation of Mechanical and Magnetic Performance of Hard Disk Drives ZHU JIN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2005 Exploration of In-Situ Diagnosis Methods ... are the only high capacity storage devices which can meet all those requirements at the lowest cost To further increase the recording density, one of the most critical approaches is to reduce the

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2015, 22:15

128 414 0
Hollow fiber protected microextraction for the determination of pollutants in complex matrices

Hollow fiber protected microextraction for the determination of pollutants in complex matrices

... funnel for extraction and at the same time as a syringe for direct injection of the extract into a GC or GC-MS for analysis. The main feature of this method was the use of smaller amounts of the ... MICROEXTRACTION FOR THE DETERMINATION OF POLLUTANTS IN COMPLEX MATRICES SHU YAN (B. Sc.) A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2003 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I ... inserted into the hollow fiber. These two steps were performed in n-nonane. For solvent impregnation, the fiber was dipped with n-nonane for 10s. The solvent entered through the pores of the fiber into the

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2015, 21:08

79 291 0
Liquid phase microextraction for the determination of acidic drugs and beta blockers in water samples

Liquid phase microextraction for the determination of acidic drugs and beta blockers in water samples

... for their help during the course of this project Special thanks to Xiaofeng for her insight to the project; Junie for proofreading this thesis; Elaine and Debbie for their friendship during the ... orders of magnitude in the concentration range, 0.2-200 ppb, with r2 values >0.992 for most of the analytes The RSD for these compounds were between 7.4-11.8% The LODs for these drugs were in the ... the pores of the hollow fiber In the second step, the analytes are back-extracted into another aqueous phase held inside the lumen of the hollow fiber For analyte A, the

Ngày tải lên: 10/11/2015, 11:00

74 277 0
Methods for the determination ofphthalates in food

Methods for the determination ofphthalates in food

... important due to the ubiquity of some phthalates, which in some cases is the limiting factor for method performance parameters such as the limit of quantitation (LOQ) Hence the focus of the questionnaire ... Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements Title: Methods for the determination of phthalates in food Author(s): Thomas Wenzl Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European ... extent of contact between the fatty food and the food packaging, which is influenced by the way of handling of the food during its shelf life, in other words the history of the particular food sample,

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2016, 09:27

50 501 0
Guidelines for the determination of brain death in infants and children

Guidelines for the determination of brain death in infants and children

... Children:An Update of the 1987 Task Force Recommendations— Executive Summary Thomas A Nakagawa, MD, FAAP, FCCM 2.Report of Special Task Force Guidelines for determination of brain death in children ... death All aspects of the clinical examination, including the apnea test, or ancillary studies must be appropriately documented 4 References Guidelines for the Determination of Brain Death in ... Guidelines for the Determination of Brain Death in Infants and Children. .. remain consistent with brain death All aspects of the clinical examination, including the apnea

Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2016, 06:25

15 293 0
Development of a Standard Protocol for the Processing of High Quality Sweetpotato Starch for Noodle Making

Development of a Standard Protocol for the Processing of High Quality Sweetpotato Starch for Noodle Making

... improves the strength of uncooked noodles without affecting the firmness of cooked noodles (Oh et al 1985) Baseline variability of the raw material The variability of the properties of sweetpotato starch ... variability in their properties than those from Shandong Factors affecting starch quality Raw material 143 Root quality The quality of sweetpotato roots, the raw material for starch production, is the primary ... and starch quality The n, sieving is done with 120 mesh to remove other fibrous impurities Sometimes peeling of the roots is suggested to obtain high quality starch Otherwise, the use of sour liquid

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2017, 07:28

21 267 1
Cocoa Processing Methods for the Production of High Quality Cocoa in Vietnam ppt

Cocoa Processing Methods for the Production of High Quality Cocoa in Vietnam ppt

... reveals the presence of certain defects which may cause off-flavours and indicates the degree of fermentation of the beans which has a bearing on the flavour and quality of the beans The International ... rule, the closer to 50oC, that fermentations reach, the better the quality of the dried cocoa is Typical temperatures for the different types of fermentation are presented in figures 5, & For all ... fermentation box Because of their beneficial effect on cocoa fermentation and the resultant dried cocoa quality, the practices of pod storage for 7-9 days and spreading of beans in the sun for two hours,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

18 565 0
comparison of the methods for the determination of surface acidity of solid catalysts

comparison of the methods for the determination of surface acidity of solid catalysts

... water formed during the reaction The fraction of the various forms of hydrogen can be determined from the ratios of the areas of the corresponding peaks The technique, implying measurement of the ... of the basic form of the indicator represents the measure of the quantity of acid centers present on the catalyst surface Obviously only the centers whose strength is higher than the pK, of the ... site is given by the slope of the linear portion of the curves of the type reported in Fig 20, while each point of the curve of Fig 21 corresponds to the specific activity of the various partially...

Ngày tải lên: 29/07/2015, 02:27

53 378 0
Comparison of Methods for the Extraction of Bioflocculants from Activated Sludge

Comparison of Methods for the Extraction of Bioflocculants from Activated Sludge

... of 95 ml) The A280 to A260 ratio of the UV-absorbing peak indicated it was composed mainly of nucleic acid In the profile of the NaOH-extracted polymer (B), the elution volume (80 ml) of saccharide ... compared to the other methods The SDS-extracted polymer included a small amount of material other than protein Furthermore, the steaming- and washing-extracted polymers contained large amounts of phosphorus ... buffer at a flow rate of ml/h and ml fractions were collected The void volume of the column was determined by the elution of Blue Dextran (Pharmacia) Other analyses - 147 - Journal of Water and Environment...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:08

11 695 1
Review of the Existing Techniques for the Determination of Dry Rubber Content in Natural potx

Review of the Existing Techniques for the Determination of Dry Rubber Content in Natural potx

... for the issue of land suitable for the cultivation of plantation crop was formulated? The liberal rules formulated in Travancore during 1860s and subsequently in Cochin for the distribution of ... K) of the insulating medium and (iii) the reciprocal of the separation, t, between the plates The relation is given by'·' C = Kfj 1.3 t If the area of the plates and the separation between them ... has set in, is therefore an extremely difficult task" Numerous methods have been cited in literature for the measurement of the DRC of latex, of which the hydrometer":" is probably the most rapid...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 21:21

32 890 2
nmr methods for the investigation of structure and transport

nmr methods for the investigation of structure and transport

... scrutinized the German version of this text Prof Nirschl suggested the idea of this book Prof Reimert organized the continuation of the research unit after the DFG funding as well as Prof Kasper, Prof ... derivation due to the time-dependence of the unit vectors Using the product rule for the derivation and the fact that the time derivative of the unit vector is the cross product of !rf with this ... the scaling of the argument on index k of the measured data in reciprocal space As the sum is finite, it only represents an approximation of the delta function The position of the origin and the...

Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2014, 18:32

223 786 0
báo cáo hóa học: " The evolution of methods for the capture of human movement leading to markerless motion capture for biomechanical applications" pptx

báo cáo hóa học: " The evolution of methods for the capture of human movement leading to markerless motion capture for biomechanical applications" pptx

... University of California [5,6] provided a tremendous resource of knowledge related to the mechanics of human movement The work at the University of California formed the basis for many of the fundamental ... improving the efficiency of troop movement During the 1950s there was a need for an improved understanding of locomotion for the treatment of World War II veterans The classic work at the University of ... patterns of locomotion requires new methods that would limit the risk of producing artifact due to markers or the constraints of the testing methods For example, the constraints of the laboratory...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20

11 511 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Analysis of in vitro replicated human hepatitis C virus (HCV) for the determination of genotypes and quasispecies" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Analysis of in vitro replicated human hepatitis C virus (HCV) for the determination of genotypes and quasispecies" docx

... in the sera of patient 313 had large deletions of a part of the 5'UTR These deletions are described in a separate report [21] The comparisons of the sera and isolates presented here were performed ... sequenced The dates of transmission indicate the date that HCV was added to the cells For the T1 through T7 isolates, the exact date of transmission sometimes wasn't known, but the first date of isolation ... (Figure 5) The change at position 204 was a reversion to the sequence found in the patient's sera For all three of these changes, one of the two isolates had the same base in that position as the patient...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 02:20

15 340 0
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater P4. end

Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater P4. end

... chromatograph The sample merges with the eluent stream and is pumped through the ion chromatographic system Anions are separated on the basis of their affinity for the active sites of the column packing ... nonconductive, they severely distort the signal in the detector; therefore, many systems remove the bubbles before the optical light path However, if the system removes the bubbles at any point within the ... depends on the size and range of the scales With practice, the recommended nomographs can be read with a precision of 1% However, the overall bias of the results depends on the bias of the analytical...

Ngày tải lên: 29/07/2014, 18:58

733 721 0