marketing and sales promotion ideas

The New Marketing and Sales

The New Marketing and Sales

... Technology-Enabled Marketing Technology-Enabled Marketing  Direct marketing and Direct marketing and predictive analytics predictive analytics  Marketing metrics Marketing metrics  Marketing models Marketing ... coupons and samples Targeting coupons and samples  Pricing airline seats and hotel reservations Pricing airline seats and hotel reservations The New Marketing and Sales The New Marketing and Sales ... Kotler and Fernando Trias de Bes, Source: Philip Kotler and Fernando Trias de Bes, Lateral Marketing: A Lateral Marketing: A New Approach to Finding Product, Market and Marketing Mix Ideas...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 07:15

52 362 0
101 b2b marketing and sales tips from the b2b lead - 101 lời khuyên marketing online và bán hàng online cho doanh nghiệp B2B

101 b2b marketing and sales tips from the b2b lead - 101 lời khuyên marketing online và bán hàng online cho doanh nghiệp B2B

... VolumeOne:Online Marketing VolumeTwo:Event Marketing VolumeThree:Direct Marketing VolumeFour: Marketing and Sales Alignment VolumeFive:More Marketing and Sales Tips 101 B2B Marketing and Sales Tips ... engine marketing and new media programs. 101 B2B Marketing and Sales Tips from The B2B Lead PRESENTED BY VOLUME ONE ã Online Marketing 23 Put These 20 Ideas into Action for B2B Viral Marketing ... AmyHawthorne,Directorof Marketing atReachForce PamO’NealMickelson,VPof Marketing atBreakingPoint LeighAnneWallace, Marketing CoordinatoratReachForce 101 B2B Marketing and Sales Tips from The B2B Lead PRESENTED BY VOLUME ONE ã Online Marketing 2 101 B2B Marketing...

Ngày tải lên: 23/02/2014, 08:54

38 668 1
 Hoạt động của Công ty Marketing and Communication –Marcom về quà tặng quảng cáo – Thực trạng và giải pháp phát triển

Hoạt động của Công ty Marketing and Communication –Marcom về quà tặng quảng cáo – Thực trạng và giải pháp phát triển

... tr- ờng và tình hình thực tế tại công ty Marketing and Communication - Marcom, tác giả luận văn tốt nghiệp này đà chọn đề tài: Hoạt động của công ty Marketing and Communication- Marcom về quà tặng ... việc nâng cao kiến thức marketing cho đội ngũ nhân viên thiết kế nh gửi đi học những lớp về marketing hoặc mở những lớp học ngắn hạn tại công ty do các chuyên gia về marketing đảm nhận. - Tạo ... quan trọng đó, để đóng góp vào việc quảng cáo bằng các vật phẩm lu niệm, công ty Marcom - Marketing and Communication đà đợc hình thành. Những sản phẩm qùa tặng quảng cáo mới lạ, độc đáo, tuy...

Ngày tải lên: 12/11/2012, 11:34

31 1,2K 11


... ≥ 5 and nq ≥ 5, the proba- bility can be easily approximated by using E(X) = à = np and V(X) = σ 2 = npq, where E and V represent expected value and variance, respectively. if p ≤ 0.1 and ... between Cpk and the sigma level is Hence, in the long-term the relationship between Cp and Cpk is from (1.18) and (1.19), Table 1.3 shows the relationship between process capability index and sigma ... Sigma concepts, methodologies, and tools for quality and productivity promotion in their companies. However, this book will also be of interest to researchers, quality and productivity specialists,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/02/2013, 09:46

218 466 9
Customer Service - Principles of Service Marketing and Management - C Lovelock & L Wright

Customer Service - Principles of Service Marketing and Management - C Lovelock & L Wright

... bought and sold, but which cannot be dropped on your foot." 32 PART ONE ã UNDERSTANDING SERVICES Extent to which Demand and Supply Are in Balance Some service industries face steady demand ... demand for service fluctuates widely over time, capacity must be adjusted to accommodate the level of demand or marketing strategies must be implemented to predict, manage, and smooth demand ... one of several standard options.The bus service is standardized, with a fixed route and schedule (unlike a taxi), but passengers can choose when to ride and where to get on and off. By encouraging...

Ngày tải lên: 07/02/2013, 09:52

387 1,2K 6
Tài liệu Marketing And Selling - Marketing Without Advertising ppt

Tài liệu Marketing And Selling - Marketing Without Advertising ppt

... “Who” of Your Marketing Plan 12/2 B. How to Evaluate Your List 12/3 C. Marketing Actions and Events: The “What” of Your Marketing Plan 12/5 D. Direct Marketing Actions 12/7 E. Parallel Marketing ... business and so can most of my clients, sup- pliers, friends and employees. 4. My pricing is clear and complete and tells customers what they need to know about my level of expertise and my target ... directories, and through neighbors and business associates. 8. I have a complete list with mailing addresses and phone numbers of my current and former clients as well as my suppliers, friends and in- terested...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 14:15

265 386 0
Tài liệu 2012 Marketing Trends Survey: Email Marketing and Social Media are Top Beneficiaries of Healthy 2012 Marketing Budgets doc

Tài liệu 2012 Marketing Trends Survey: Email Marketing and Social Media are Top Beneficiaries of Healthy 2012 Marketing Budgets doc

... outlook for marketing budgets in 2012, with 51% of companies increasing and 41% maintaining current levels. Additionally, for the third year in a row, email marketing and social media marketing ... StrongMail Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 2012 Marketing Trends Survey Email Marketing and Social Media are Top Beneficiaries of Healthy 2012 Marketing Budgets A new StrongMail survey conducted ... forge meaningful, protable and long-lasting connections with their customers through email marketing and social media. Featuring a unique combination of technology and services, StrongMail takes...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 02:20

7 528 0
Tài liệu The Art of Creative Thinking: How to Be Innovative and Develop Great Ideas (John Adair Leadership Library) ppt

Tài liệu The Art of Creative Thinking: How to Be Innovative and Develop Great Ideas (John Adair Leadership Library) ppt

... was virtually in command of the garrison of Jerusalem and was in the front line for six weeks. After national service he qualified as a deckhand and sailed an Arctic trawler to Iceland. He then worked ... recog- nition of his ‘outstanding research and contribution in the field of Leadership’. John had a colourful early career. He served as a platoon commander in the Scots Guards in Egypt, and then became the ... Leadership and Motivation, Develop Your Leadership Skills, Leadership for Innovation and Decision Making and Problem Solving Strategies. Apart from being an author, he is also a teacher and consul- tant,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 03:20

144 805 1
Tài liệu Sustainability Communications A Toolkit for Marketing and Advertising Courses doc

Tài liệu Sustainability Communications A Toolkit for Marketing and Advertising Courses doc

... SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND THE MARKETING MIX (MO = Marketing mix) The marketing mix The term marketing mix” denotes the various development and promotion operations used to determine ... bananas and other fruits, fruit juice, sugar, wine, flowers, coffee and tea. - Sales of fair trade tea and coffee rose by 42% in 2004. Sales of fair trade coffee account for 15% of the total and ... Industry and Economics The UNEP Division of Technology, Industry and Economics (DTIE) helps governments, local authorities and decision-makers in business and industry to develop and implement...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 07:20

90 554 0
Tài liệu Guide to Organic Marketing and Trade Periodicals, Calendars and Trade Shows pptx

Tài liệu Guide to Organic Marketing and Trade Periodicals, Calendars and Trade Shows pptx

... and speeches by practitioners that contribute to the better practice and understanding of food marketing. The journal provides a single forum for both food marketing academicians and food marketing ... exchange and dissemination of food and agribusiness marketing knowledge and experiences on an international scale. Designed to study the characteristics and workings of food and agribusiness marketing ... dissemination, and implementation of marketing concepts, practice, and information and (2) to probe and promote the use of marketing concepts by businesses, not-for-profits, and other institutions...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 03:20

22 478 0
Tài liệu Innovative sales promotion techniques among Hong Kong advertisers – a content analysis ppt

Tài liệu Innovative sales promotion techniques among Hong Kong advertisers – a content analysis ppt

... Very Successful Price Promotion on Brand, Category and Competitor Sales // Journal of Product and Brand Management, 2004. – Vol. 13. – ʋ5. – pp. 303-314. 7. Davies, M., Sales promotion as a competitive ... sampling, and point of pur- chase promotions and displays. Sales promotion works as short-term incentives to encourage pur- chase of a product or service (Kotler, Brown, Adam and Armstrong, 2006), and ... other aspect of the promotion mix (Srinivasan and Anderson, 1998). Many such promotions ac- complish little more than inviting imitation and re- ducing profits (Betsy, Andrew and Lam, 2007). The...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 10:20

8 343 0