management wealth management and research

Anxiety Disorders an introduction to clinical management and research - part 1 potx

Anxiety Disorders an introduction to clinical management and research - part 1 potx

... Crino and Andrews, 1996), social phobia (42%, Crino and Andrews, 1996), eating disorders (17%, Rasmussen and Eisen, 1994), and Tourette’s disorder (5%, Black and Noyes, 1990) Crino and Andrews ... and social, personal and professional functioning and can put a great strain on quality of life (Candilis and Pollack, 1997; Candilis et al., 1999) Comorbidity Comorbidity of panic disorder and ... Clinical Management and Research Edited by Eric J.L Griez Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands Carlo Faravelli Department of Neurology and Psychiatry,...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 00:22

38 375 0
Anxiety Disorders an introduction to clinical management and research - part 2 ppt

Anxiety Disorders an introduction to clinical management and research - part 2 ppt

... to Clinical Management and Research Edited by E J L Griez, C Faravelli, D Nutt and J Zohar © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd j:C02 14-11-2001 p:2 c:0 26 —————————————————— M.C CAVALLINI AND L BELLODI ... of PD probands First-degree relatives of PD probands First-degree relatives of PD probands First-degree relatives of 203 PD probands First-degree relatives of PD with onset before and after 20 ... selected samples (Vieland and Hodge, 1995; Vieland et al., 1996) The main differences among cited studies could be represented by a potential heterogeneity of probands: indeed, probands recruited in...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 00:22

38 418 0
Anxiety Disorders an introduction to clinical management and research - part 5 pps

Anxiety Disorders an introduction to clinical management and research - part 5 pps

... Introduction to Clinical Management and Research Edited by E J L Griez, C Faravelli, D Nutt and J Zohar © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 158 —————— Y SASSON, M CHOPRA, R AMIAZ, I IANCU AND J ZOHAR was a ... the obsessions and compulsions are excessive or unreasonable 160 —————— Y SASSON, M CHOPRA, R AMIAZ, I IANCU AND J ZOHAR hands, phones) Patients wash their hands excessively and sometimes avoid ... States, Canada, Latin America and Puerto Rico The findings were the same in Europe and New Zealand, while in Asia and Korea, OCD prevalence was found to be 1.9%, and in Taiwan 0.7% Therefore,...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 00:22

38 354 0
Anxiety Disorders an introduction to clinical management and research - part 6 docx

Anxiety Disorders an introduction to clinical management and research - part 6 docx

... his time (Gersons and Carlier, 1992; Kinzie and Goetz, 1996) The Anxiety Disorders: An Introduction to Clinical Management and Research Edited by E J L Griez, C Faravelli, D Nutt and J Zohar © 2001 ... Chambless and Gillis, 1993; Schweizer and Rickels, 1996) The aim of cognitive-behaviour therapy is to help the patient recognise and alter patterns of distorted thinking and dysfunctional behaviour and, ... Introduction to Clinical Management and Research Edited by E J L Griez, C Faravelli, D Nutt and J Zohar © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 188 ——————————————————— N CAYCEDO AND E.J.L GRIEZ this type...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 00:22

38 380 0
Anxiety Disorders an introduction to clinical management and research - part 7 doc

Anxiety Disorders an introduction to clinical management and research - part 7 doc

... Introduction to Clinical Management and Research Edited by E J L Griez, C Faravelli, D Nutt and J Zohar © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 250 ——————————————— P EELEN, D HERMANS AND F BAEYENS Learning ... especially relevant to understand anxiety disorders and their treatment LEARNING PARADIGMS AND ANXIETY DISORDERS Given the conceptual and empirical richness of the research on learning, it is sometimes ... survivors of a ship fire with and without PTSD and other manifest or subclinical psychiatric diagnoses for word and non-word (complex) stimuli with respect to intrusion, arousal and avoidance The complex...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 00:22

38 509 0
Anxiety Disorders an introduction to clinical management and research - part 9 potx

Anxiety Disorders an introduction to clinical management and research - part 9 potx

... SAMPLING METHOD IN STRESS AND ANXIETY RESEARCH 297 ESM Research on Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia Agoraphobic patients differed from panic patients without agoraphobia and normal controls in the ... stress and anxiety, but also optimal experiences and well-being The data thus far revealed new dimensions of stress and anxiety and opened up new avenues for treatment Bio-psychosocial research ... J Nervous and Mental Disease 175: 558–565 Martin M, Ward JC, Clark DM (1983) Neuroticism and the recall of positive and negative THE EXPERIENCE SAMPLING METHOD IN STRESS AND ANXIETY RESEARCH 305...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 00:22

38 361 0
Anxiety Disorders an introduction to clinical management and research - part 10 ppt

Anxiety Disorders an introduction to clinical management and research - part 10 ppt

... subjective experiences such as affects and Anxiety Disorders: An Introduction to Clinical Management and Research Edited by E J L Griez, C Faravelli, D Nutt and J Zohar © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, ... Introduction to Clinical Management and Research Edited by E J L Griez, C Faravelli, D Nutt and J Zohar © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 360 —————————— S.V ARGYROPOULOS, J.K ABRAMS AND D.J NUTT temporarily ... method Second, from a research point of view, disentangling the complexity of the model will serve the understanding of the real disease and bring us closer to diagnoses and treatments based on...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 00:22

38 301 0
Project Management Theory and the Management of Research Projects pptx

Project Management Theory and the Management of Research Projects pptx

... COMMUNICATION AND SHARED LEADERSHIP 21 4.1 COMMUNICATION AND PARTICIPATIVE MANAGEMENT IN RESEARCH PROJECTS 24 4.2 THE “EMPOWERED”, “VIRTUAL” RESEARCHER – OR RESEARCH PROJECT MANAGEMENT ... MANAGEMENT THEORY 26 SUMMING-UP; TOWARDS A NEW PROJECT MANAGEMENT MODEL FOR RESEARCH? 27 REFERENCES 33 Project management theory and the management of research ... the day-to-day administration of a research work place and the management of research work The research project leader’s task belongs to the last category and a research project leader may thus...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 02:20

37 575 0
Studies and Research Projects - Best Practices Guide to Synthetic Nanoparticle Risk Management ppt

Studies and Research Projects - Best Practices Guide to Synthetic Nanoparticle Risk Management ppt

... Boutin, Monty Antoun, Christian Normand “Nanoparticles: Current Knowledge about Occupational Health and Safety Risks and Prevention Measures”, Studies and Research, IRSST, Report R-470, September ... Occupational Health and Safety Risks and Prevention Measures”, Second Edition, Studies and Research, IRSST, In preparation IRSST - Best Practices Guide to Synthetic Nanoparticle Risk Management A WIDE ... type of NPs handled and their toxicity, the potential exposure levels and the safety risks at the different workstations and for all tasks It includes different complementary steps and is part...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 23:21

67 1,6K 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Biometric Methods for Secure Communications in Body Sensor Networks: Resource-Efficient Key Management and Signal-Level Data " potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Biometric Methods for Secure Communications in Body Sensor Networks: Resource-Efficient Key Management and Signal-Level Data " potx

... survey of the existing research on BSNs, highlighting the salient features and assumptions This is followed by a high-level summary of our methodologies and objectives of research on BSNs in Section ... structure and assumptions Even though BSN is a comparatively new technology, it has garnered tremendous interest and momentum from the research community This phenomenon is easy to understand when ... Time-variance and key randomness At this point, it behooves us to distinguish between timeinvariant and time-variant biometrics In most conventional systems, biometrics are understood and required...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 00:20

16 460 0
Báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học " Improving the safety and quality of Vietnamese vegetables through research and capacity building in quality assurance, postharvest management and high technology protected cropping systems - MS2" pdf

Báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học " Improving the safety and quality of Vietnamese vegetables through research and capacity building in quality assurance, postharvest management and high technology protected cropping systems - MS2" pdf

... quality management systems, pest & disease management and innovations in supply chain management A research and demonstration project titled "Evaluation of growing media (including cocopeat) and ... Information Project Name Improving the safety and quality of Vietnamese vegetables through research and capacity building in quality assurance, postharvest management and high technology protected cropping ... RIFAV-Hanoi, HUAF-Hue and IAS-HoChiMinh A supply chain management strategy will be incorporated This will allow both Vietnamese and Australian scientists to collaborate in this joint research and demonstration...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 12:20

9 601 1
Báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học " Improving the safety and quality of Vietnamese vegetables through research and capacity building in quality assurance, postharvest management and high technology protected cropping systems - MS3 " pot

Báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học " Improving the safety and quality of Vietnamese vegetables through research and capacity building in quality assurance, postharvest management and high technology protected cropping systems - MS3 " pot

... (ManilLa and 386) and cucumbers were sown in November 2005 on different media: • Media – Cocopeat and sand and cow manure • Media – Cocopeat • Media – Coffee bean husk and cow manure • Media – Peat and ... Nguyen, Newman and Parks and Mr Ekman visiting project partners in Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi and collaborators in Lam Dong province and Hai Phong Highlights from this visit included: Organising and delivering ... programs for research and extension staff and a series of research demonstration trials This project uses a participatory research approach to foster uptake by both Vietnamese institutions and key...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 12:20

10 488 0
Báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học " Improving the safety and quality of Vietnamese vegetables through research and capacity building in quality assurance, postharvest management and high technology protected cropping systems - MS6 " pptx

Báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học " Improving the safety and quality of Vietnamese vegetables through research and capacity building in quality assurance, postharvest management and high technology protected cropping systems - MS6 " pptx

... programs for research and extension staff and a series of research demonstration trials This project uses a participatory research approach to foster uptake by both Vietnamese institutions and key ... Wholesale Markets, and an importing and export business to enable them to understand Australian supply chains and quality requirements Visits to research stations at Gosford and Yanco provided ... Information Project Name Improving the safety and quality of Vietnamese vegetables through research and capacity building in quality assurance, postharvest management and high technology protected cropping...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 12:20

11 503 0
Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " Improving the safety and quality of Vietnamese vegetables through research and capacity building in quality assurance, postharvest management and high technology protected cropping systems " ppt

Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " Improving the safety and quality of Vietnamese vegetables through research and capacity building in quality assurance, postharvest management and high technology protected cropping systems " ppt

... both a research and demonstration trial context; 3) Enhanced capacity of Vietnamese research and extension personnel and 4) Economic analysis of protected cropping systems for tomatoes and cucumbers ... programs for research and extension staff and a series of research demonstration trials This project uses a participatory research approach to foster uptake by both Vietnamese institutions and key ... Wholesale Markets, and an importing and export business to enable them to understand Australian supply chains and quality requirements Visits to research stations at Gosford and Yanco provided...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 13:20

23 348 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Adaptive Bandwidth Management and Joint Call Admission Control to Enhance System Utilization and QoS in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Adaptive Bandwidth Management and Joint Call Admission Control to Enhance System Utilization and QoS in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks" pptx

... least the minimum bandwidth needed Handoff calls are prioritized over new calls by using different call rejection thresholds for new and handoff calls, and also by using different bandwidth adaptation ... new and handoff calls In the second implementation, both new and handoff calls can be downgraded to accommodate an incoming new (or handoff) call In this implementation, prioritization of handoff ... available bandwidth On the other hand, the handoff dropping probability, Pd1 increases as a result of the higher degree of sharing between the new and the handoff calls However, Pb1 and Pd1 of...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

11 296 0
The Emergence of the “I” Reflections on the Use of Qualitative Research Methods in a Master´s Program in Educational Management and Leadership at the VNU University of Education

The Emergence of the “I” Reflections on the Use of Qualitative Research Methods in a Master´s Program in Educational Management and Leadership at the VNU University of Education

... a reflective dialogue between researcher and researched and to the emergence of a leadership-oriented “I” on the part of the researcher I will regard qualitative research methods as those which ... dialogue between researcher and researched Both are present and active: the researcher organizes, participates, asks, considers, reacts, reflects, interprets, asks again; she consciously and continuously ... face-to-face interaction which involves the selves of both researcher and researched Second, and related to this, the interaction demands that the researcher switches roles from being a distant observer...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2015, 10:21

14 337 0


... environment in general, and land environment in particular have been degraded seriously Land exploitation destroyed terrain and landscape, simultaneously causing erosion and landslide with very high ... after the end of the exploitation - Well-handling the relationship of interest related to land and environment, between enterprises and communities, encourage and attract the community to implementing ... environmental pollution and degradation in different places; altering the topography and landscape, causing erosion, washout and soil erosion; affect to the economic development of tourism and urban development,...

Ngày tải lên: 26/08/2015, 21:36

26 453 0
Research on the correlation between forest management and climate change in bao thang district, lao cai province local peoples perception and potential uses of GIS technology

Research on the correlation between forest management and climate change in bao thang district, lao cai province local peoples perception and potential uses of GIS technology

... foundation on forest management and climate change, but also act as a primary source of data for further study, research and management in the future 1.2 Research' s objectives The research focused ... both climate change and anthropogenic activities Land use and land cover change affects a wide range of human and natural systems and contributes to changes in carbon exchange and climate through ... useful framework for investigating alternative futures of land use and land cover and the potential impacts of Earth systems Land use and land cover change is now recognized as a major force of environmental...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2016, 13:42

57 517 0


... Johnson and Anand D Pandyan Physiotherapy management of spasticity 79 Roslyn N Boyd and Louise Ada Seating and positioning 99 Craig A Kirkwood and Geoff I Bardsley Orthoses, splints and casts ... Neurorehabilitation and Neuropsychiatry Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Roslyn N Boyd Associate Professor Scientific Director Queensland Cerebral Palsy and Rehabilitation Research Centre Department of Paediatrics and ... updated the chapters and provided new references and described new techniques We hope we have covered all aspects of management from physiotherapy, seating and positioning and orthoses to the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:02

265 738 2