management of the consequences of partial edentulism

Báo cáo y học: "Comparison between single antiplatelet therapy and combination of antiplatelet and anticoagulation therapy for secondary prevention in ischemic stroke patients with antiphospholipid syndrome"

Báo cáo y học: "Comparison between single antiplatelet therapy and combination of antiplatelet and anticoagulation therapy for secondary prevention in ischemic stroke patients with antiphospholipid syndrome"

... [3, 7] The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of these regimens on recurrence of stroke So, the primary endpoint was occurrence of stroke This study was approved by the ethics ... preventing further thrombotic events Crowther [7] recently reported the results of the first randomized, double-blind, controlled trial of two different intensities of warfarin treatment on the prevention ... Brey RL Management of the neurological manifestations of APS – what the trials tell us? Thrombosis Research 2004; 114: 489-99 Khamashta MA, Cuadrado MJ, Mujic F, et al The management of thrombosis...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:48

4 601 0
Removal of arsenic from synthetic groundwater by adsorption using the combination of laterite and ironmodified activated carbon

Removal of arsenic from synthetic groundwater by adsorption using the combination of laterite and ironmodified activated carbon

... is also possible to realize that the longer the portion of AC-Fe, the higher the adsorbent cost Therefore, optimizing the AC-Fe portion in the column is one of the key factors for a feasible arsenic ... ratio, the value of V/WACFe (V, the volume of drinkable water produced from the start using adsorbents until breakthrough / WACFe, the weight of AC-Fe in the column) was calculated and found that the ... Langmuir isotherm and the adsorption capacities were 0.48mg/g and 1.18mg/g, respectively, as shown in the value of q0 of Langmuir isotherm Figure and Figure are non-linear plots of the most common...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

12 530 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Serial Combination of Rules and Statistics: A Case Study in Czech Tagging" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Serial Combination of Rules and Statistics: A Case Study in Czech Tagging" potx

... limits the context to a single sentence If it is generally appropriate for the disambiguation of the languages of the ¢ ¢ the direct choice of the correct tag(s) ¢ ¢ the oblique one consisting in the ... system of Czech, its langue, rather than parole The rules are to reduce the input ambiguity of the input text During disambiguation the whole rule system combines two methods: the description of the ... only in local contexts requiring the vocalisation of the basic form of the preposition “s” (with) resulting in the form “se” However, in the majority of phenomena the correct disambiguation requires...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 05:20

8 519 0
Synergistic combination of heat and ultrasonic waves under pressure for cronobacter sakazakii inactivation in apple juice

Synergistic combination of heat and ultrasonic waves under pressure for cronobacter sakazakii inactivation in apple juice

... temperature, the lethality of the process would only be caused by the effect of ultrasound, and above 45  C, the lethality of the process would result from the combination of the lethality of both ... (TSAYE-BS) These percentages of sodium chloride and bile salts were the maximum concentrations that did not affect the growth of healthy cells (data not shown) The loss of tolerance to the presence of ... different profiles and, therefore, conclusions drawn from the comparison of the d values might not be applicable for the following log cycles of inactivation, the theoretical times for the 2nd, 3rd and...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 08:43

7 481 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " First-line chemoimmunotherapy in metastatic breast carcinoma: combination of paclitaxel and IMP321 (LAG-3Ig) enhances immune responses and antitumor activity" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " First-line chemoimmunotherapy in metastatic breast carcinoma: combination of paclitaxel and IMP321 (LAG-3Ig) enhances immune responses and antitumor activity" pptx

... function calculated as the mean of the percentage increases of each of the eight activation markers in Figure 3A is plotted as a function of the percentages of change in the mean sum of tumor diameters ... analysis of the response at the different timepoints reveals a particularly interesting difference in the time-profile of the response compared to paclitaxel alone With chemotherapy alone, most of the ... assess the functionality of monocytes after treatment, we considered the upregulation of the expression of any one of these independent markers by more than 50% to be a gain of function In the 1.25...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

11 472 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "Combination of cyclosporine and erythropoietin improves brain infarct size and neurological function in rats after ischemic stroke" potx

Báo cáo sinh học: "Combination of cyclosporine and erythropoietin improves brain infarct size and neurological function in rats after ischemic stroke" potx

... (Figure 4B) On the other hand, the protein expression of NOX-2 did not differ among the groups (Figure 4C) In contrast, the protein expression of endothelial NOS (eNOS), in index of anti-inflammation, ... investigate the safety of CsA dosage so that the side-effects of CsA therapy remain unclear A balance between the benefits and risks of CsA use, therefore, is still a major concern regarding the clinical ... [16,23] Briefly, the rat was allowed to walk through a tunnel and then into a corner, the angle of which was 60 degrees To exit the corner, the rat could turn either to left or right The results were...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

14 475 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " A combination of hard and soft templating for the fabrication of silica hollow microcoils with nanostructured walls" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " A combination of hard and soft templating for the fabrication of silica hollow microcoils with nanostructured walls" pptx

... magnification show unambiguously the hollow nature of the specimens; the very thin silica walls allow the transmission of the electron beam The fine structure of the walls can be imaged at higher ... surface of the coils The differences in contrast of the two specimens (CMC-COOHs and silica coils) can also be clearly observed by the optical microscope (Figure 2) The images are a proof that the ... fluorescent namely, the dye strongly adsorbs on the surface of silica microcoil, indicating that the surface is negatively charged, as expected from the highpH synthesis conditions On the other hand,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

7 525 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "The combination of deoxynivalenol and zearalenone at permitted feed concentrations causes serious physiological effects in young pigs" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "The combination of deoxynivalenol and zearalenone at permitted feed concentrations causes serious physiological effects in young pigs" ppt

... show that the gene expression of selected cytokines was impaired However, the combined effects of DON and ZON on the mechanisms of toxicity of the potential immunotoxins are still unknown The histopathological ... from the toxin group are significantly lower than those from the control group at the 28th day The real-time PCR results of mRNA expressions of IFN- 42 Feng Chen et al Table The effects of DON ... by DON in the liver may play some role One of the toxicities of DON is thought to derive from the inhibition of protein synthesis [13] Overall, our results showed that supplementation of mg/kg...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 20:23

6 180 0
Báo cáo y học: "Inhibitory effects on HAV IRES-mediated translation and replication by a combination of amantadine and interferon-alpha" doc

Báo cáo y học: "Inhibitory effects on HAV IRES-mediated translation and replication by a combination of amantadine and interferon-alpha" doc

... to the interpretation of the interpretation of the results and took part to the critical revision of the manuscript All authors read and approved the final manuscript Competing interests The ... viral RNA Suppression effects of these treatments were stronger in the mut-HAV replicon than in the HAV replicon These findings support our observation of the suppression of HAV IRESmediated translation ... in the 5’NTR region, the most conserved region among HAV strains In the present study, we evaluated the HAV antiviral activity of amantadine and IFN-alpha We initially examined the effects of...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 01:21

5 301 0
Báo cáo thú y: "The effect of the combination of acids and tannin in diet on the performance and selected biochemical, haematological and antioxidant enzyme parameters in grower pig" docx

Báo cáo thú y: "The effect of the combination of acids and tannin in diet on the performance and selected biochemical, haematological and antioxidant enzyme parameters in grower pig" docx

... feed constitutes the major part of the production costs of pork [3] The combination of acids and tannin decreases the amount of added acids in basal feed and thus lowers the cost of feed Tannin ... significant differences in any of selected blood parameters between the three groups of growers, neither at the beginning nor the end of the trial However, most of the selected blood parameters, ... between the beginning and end of the feeding trial (Tables 3, 4, and 6) Among the biochemical parameters (Table 3), the level of protein, an indicator of adequacy of protein in terms of quality...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 18:22

8 469 0
Báo cáo y học: "Combination of histopathological and electromyographic patterns can help to evaluate functional outcome of critical ill patients with neuromuscular weakness syndromes" docx

Báo cáo y học: "Combination of histopathological and electromyographic patterns can help to evaluate functional outcome of critical ill patients with neuromuscular weakness syndromes" docx

... in all of these patients to determine the cause of limb weakness and diaphragm dysfunction The medical committee of the hospital approved the study, and informed consent was obtained from the relatives ... sedatives, the exact time of onset of weakness was usually not possible to determine Of the patients studied, 50% presented with asymmetric tetraparesia, predominantly involving the legs The other ... particular component of the motor unit Using electromyography, Bolton [9] and Zochodne [10] and their colleagues were the first to identify one of the major neuromuscular causes of neuromuscular...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:20

9 427 0
A Novel Combination of Negative and Positive Selection in Artificial Immune Systems

A Novel Combination of Negative and Positive Selection in Artificial Immune Systems

... Figures 3.a, 3.d and 3.e The output of the algorithm is “s∗ is non-self” because all the paths of tree T not contain substring s∗ [2, ,4] = 010 of s∗ From the description of PNSA, it is trivial ... (also the height of binary trees) It is noted that when converting a positive tree to a negative tree as in PNSA, the reduction in number of nodes is exactly as the result of the subtraction of ... subtree then delete this subtree end end if (number of leaves of T i ) > (number of nodes of T i that have only one child) then for every internal node ∈ T i if it has only one child then if the...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2015, 10:00

10 353 0
Tài liệu LoopStar® 711 Leveraging a Full Suite of Ethernet and TDM Services to Cost-Effectively Utilize Fiber Networks doc

Tài liệu LoopStar® 711 Leveraging a Full Suite of Ethernet and TDM Services to Cost-Effectively Utilize Fiber Networks doc

... Ethernet or Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS) over a packet-based infrastructure to begin the migration of their revenue streams With its two built-in 100Base-FX ports, the LoopStar 711 is the ... 711 Ethernet T-1 IP/MPLS Core Wireless Backhaul Edge Switch 100FX 100FX LS 750 102160AE LoopStar® 711 Fiber Extension LS 711 T-1 Ethernet T-1 Ethernet 100FX LS 711 T-1 Ethernet PBX 01/06 • The ... (SFP) • CLI management interfaces - RS-232 - 10/100 • In-band or out -of- band • SNMP • FTP to download multiple software images and configurations • LoopStar 700 intelligent management Ethernet Services...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 19:15

4 406 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Japanese Dependency Parsing Using Co-occurrence Information and a Combination of Case Elements" pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Japanese Dependency Parsing Using Co-occurrence Information and a Combination of Case Elements" pdf

... (T ) : the set of particles in the set of case elements that modify the i-th verb in T nsi (T ) : the set of nouns in the set of case elements that modify the i-th verb in T ri,j (T ) : the j-th ... 50 The score we used for reranking the parses was the product of the probability of the posterior context model and the probability of our proposed model: score = Pcontext (T )α × P (T ), they ... too much Therefore the variance of the reranking model (Equation [8]), which is the combination of our proposed model and the posterior context model, is close to that of the test data The best...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 12:20

8 482 0
Tài liệu Higher economic growth through macroeconomic policy coordination? The combination of wage policy and monetary policy docx

Tài liệu Higher economic growth through macroeconomic policy coordination? The combination of wage policy and monetary policy docx

... some of them: In the second half of the nineties, the real effective exchange rate of the dollar rose sharply, in addition the terms of trade improved as a result of a drop in the price of raw ... influenced by the degree of credibility of the announcement of the wage policy authori3 The cause of the increase in production potential is irrelevant for the further analysis The increase could ... policy The statute and the targets of the ECB are described in the Treaty establishing the European Community.16 The independence of the ECB is clearly defined According to the Treaty, “neither the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 20:20

31 505 0
A Guide to the Analysis of Fish Marketing Systems Using a Combination of Sub-sector Analysis and the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach potx

A Guide to the Analysis of Fish Marketing Systems Using a Combination of Sub-sector Analysis and the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach potx

... failing to meet their objectives this may be because of lack of assets or that their aims are in conflict with those of other, more powerful, groups One of the key principles of the SLA is the attempt ... estimates of the characteristics of interest Precision relates to the consistency of estimates if the sampling was carried out a number of times In general, the larger the sample, the more precise the ... another area that is likely to be important in the economic context of the subsector analysis For example, one of the objectives of the Bangladesh study was to investigate the link between the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 00:20

95 646 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Transparent combination of rule-based and data-driven approaches in a speech understanding architecture" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Transparent combination of rule-based and data-driven approaches in a speech understanding architecture" pot

... Section 4, use of the default pruning values reduces the size of the generated table of statistics by a factor of about 50 The decoding process closely follows the description in Section The target ... the rule-set; it is rather the case that the trainable N-gram based component learns useful heuristics for covering the portion of the training data that is outside the area of appliability of ... without backing-off rules induce an association between the feature pattern_match (3) and the semantic atom Since the numbers in the feature and the atoms are the same, the backing-off rules transform...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 21:20

8 461 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Construction and biological activity of a full-length molecular clone of human Torque teno virus (TTV) genotype 6 pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Construction and biological activity of a full-length molecular clone of human Torque teno virus (TTV) genotype 6 pptx

... marked with * (B) Southern analysis of the input constructs The products of the restriction enzyme digestions are marked as those in the 293T-cell figure (Note the absence of a 3748 bp product.) ... division, together with the diminished viability of the electroporated KU812Ep6 cells, could explain the lack of replication of our full-length clone in those cells The deficiency of TTV replication ... (Fig 1A) The previously cloned 3.3 kb region of TTV isolate HEL32 [44] was completed to contain the full-length genome of the isolate The GC-rich part of the TTV genome was amplified from the original...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 05:20

12 446 0