... (rather than formal and rigid), and encourage dialogue up and down the corporate ladder The way to harness the power of these people is not to protect them…but to turn them loose, and get the ... for themselves If managers are managing less, then the rest of the company must a better job of managing themselves Welch felt that it was the organization’s responsibility to give workers the ... confident team, allow them to make decisions and think for themselves Set stretch goals, and if they don’t make them, don’t punish them for trying The key is helping people reach for the unreachable,...
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2013, 01:15
... example, Steele said a third-party conservative group tweeted about ABC's Dancing With the Stars during the show Move people t o act ion Steele says, like the political campaigns, you can use Twitter ... engage your communit y Find out what people expect and want from your brand As an example, Steele said the Romney campaign posts behind -the- scenes campaign trail photos Show personalit y Have fun ... and mentioned "Big Bird" during the first debate, "Big Bird" began trending on Twitter Early on, the TV network bought a "sponsored tweet" that turned up high on the list when people clicked on...
Ngày tải lên: 07/01/2014, 15:28
6 lessons from the social media world forum
... about sneaking snacks into theaters, and Taco Bell and Old Spice had an exchange about their “spicy” ingredients These conversations were both genuine and humorous and left the door open for consumers ... helped bring the correct information to light in the end Brands Can Talk t o Ot her Brands Shane Steele, Director of Sales Marketing at Twitter, shared examples of brands talking with each other, which, ... you can find my interviews with these SMWF speakers: Kip Wetzel (Comcast), Jay Epstein (Sprinklr), Nicole Bohorad (CapitalOne) and Morgan Baden (Scholastic) all on TheDrewBlog Connect: Aut hored...
Ngày tải lên: 07/01/2014, 16:34
Tài liệu Lessons From the Public Speaking ppt
... presentation the best approach is – you may have heard this – tell them what you’re going to tell them, tell them then tell them what you told them Well, ‘what’s good for the goose should be good for the ... able to carry the talk from there but the point being, if you’re a non-fee paid speaker, you don’t necessarily get the co-operation and the interest from the organizer or possibly from your audience ... humility ● Give the agenda ● Give the body ● Give the conclusion and then talk about your action steps and what’s in it for them if they those action steps ● Then offer them the more information...
Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 22:20
... reason that the causality of any correlation between the health of the banking system and economic activity runs from the real sector to banks Still others link the importance of banks to the structure ... inside the event window For the results reported in the tables, we start the estimation 150 days prior to the start of the event window, include up to 40 days inside the window, and end the estimation ... errors with the index values If part of the next chronological event overlaps with the first, we use the index values from the first event plus or minus the distance in event time between the two...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 10:20
Tài liệu The German Banking System: Lessons from the Financial Crisis pptx
... associations, as they remain owners of the assets The future losses of the PSV have to be paid out of net profits of the transferring bank and the owners if the earnings are insufficient The loss liability ... funded by the supervised institutions and around half of the members of the administrative council come from the industry To facilitate the co-operation between the Bundesbank and the BaFin, the Forum ... restoring and maintaining the stability of the banking system, the underlying causes of the crisis need to be understood in order to draw lessons for reform The evidence points to the importance...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 11:20
... that there were more than 200 replies identical in their content; these were all received from the German audit profession The second biggest group of respondents were the preparers of the accounts ... communication by the auditor to the stakeholder but that the time gap between the year end and the issue of the audit opinion should not be reduced Reducing the time available for the auditor to gather and ... firm at the top end of the market There have been other players but they were acquired by the Big Four They also indicate that concentration is also lower in France at the next level of the market...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 05:20
Tài liệu LEADERSHIP LESSONS from The Game of Golf pdf
... elements and factors that make up the swing, and even the frequency of the swing But then who is the customer? The answer is the ball! This particular customer is perhaps the most demanding, unpredictable, ... rely heavily on the goods and services they provide to one another Golf also has its customers and suppliers, but not in the way you might imagine The golfer is the supplier of all the elements ... on the weekend, just so they can hit an unpredictable little ball and then chase it into tall brush, sand, or water? They enjoy the challenge of trying to improve their performance—that’s why they...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 08:20
Mcgraw hill team bush leadership lessons from the bush white house ebook
... presidencies—Ronald Reagan from the right, Bill Clinton from the left (until scandal knocked him off the tracks) The job is toughest when the problems are great and, as was the case for Bush, the leader faces ... trouble On the other end of the spectrum, Bush learned from the relatively smooth Reagan transition, in which the president kept staff struggles under control and far from the public eye The first ... while the outcome of the election was still in doubt During the interminable vote-counting in Florida, Gore often seemed the senior partner in the team of lawyers fighting the case Bush, on the other...
Ngày tải lên: 27/02/2014, 20:50
Credit at times of stress: Latin American lessons from the global financial crisis pot
... after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Taking into account the characteristics of the evolution of real credit, the variable under analysis in the rest of this paper is defined as the change in the ... the new controls was statistically significant at the 10% level, and none o f the main results presented in the benchmark regression changed qualitatively That is, the size of the banks and their ... to the answers from a survey conducted by the World Bank using the Berth et al (2007) questionnaire The value of each variable for every country is the average of the assigned scores All the...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:20
CURRENCY BOARD OR CENTRAL BANK? Lessons from the Irish Pound''''s Link with Sterling, 1928-79 ppt
... UK, fully participated from the start, Irish currency remained at par with sterling From the legal point of view, the period from independence to the establishment of the European Monetary System ... participation of the UK Before the end of the month, a strengthening sterling brought the Irish pound to the upper intervention limit of the EMS, and the sterling link had to be broken The following ... the banking system or to the government clearly protected the Irish system from obvious pitfalls The same can be said of the fact that the Government adopted the practice of only taking out the...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 14:20
GREEN PAPER - Audit Policy: Lessons from the Crisis (Text with EEA Relevance) ppt
... services by the auditor to its clients as well as strong restrictions on the possibility for the members of the network of the auditor to provide services to the members of the group of the audited ... making them more informative The French Commercial Code requires the auditors to publicly justify, together with their report on the annual accounts, their audit opinion This includes their appreciation ... allow the group auditor to assume its role and responsibilities Group auditors should have access to the reports and other documentation of all auditors reviewing sub-entities of the group Group...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20
Social Marketing and Public Health Lessons from the Field pptx
... grandmothers as the appropriate source for the intervention The grandmothers who participated in formative research developed the chitterlings cleaning method for their peers Having the grandmothers ... Latino mothers of children between the ages of and 12 years old were identified as the primary target group This group was selected because mothers usually purchased their families’ food, and their ... build their own carts, vendors were to purchase them from manufacturers who would guarantee their health code compliance The county also helped locate sources for these code-compliant carts The...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 00:20
BIS Working Papers No 345 The bank lending channel: Lessons from the crisis doc
... by banks in the European Union and the US The average size of the banks in the sample is largest in the United Kingdom, Belgium and Sweden and smallest in Finland At the same time, the average ... the main results of the model remained unchanged from a qualitative point of view 19 The high ratio for Denmark is due to a large amount of foreign assets owned by the central bank However, the ... stylised facts together with the existing empirical evidence Section revisits the bank lending channel in the light of the recent crisis After a description of the econometric model and the data in...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:20
The Corporate Governance Lessons from the Financial Crisis docx
... financial crisis since the Great Depression It is therefore natural for the Steering Group to examine the situation in the banking sector and assess the main lessons for corporate governance in general ... strategy) and the size of the FINANCIAL MARKET TRENDS – ISSN 1995-2864 - © OECD 2009 11 THE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE LESSONS FROM THE FINANCIAL CRISIS disaster became known to the board The UBS report ... when they have to: at the upper end, the size of the bonus is unlimited while at the lower end it is limited to zero Losses are borne entirely by the bank and the shareholders and not by the employee...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 19:20
Air Force Procurement Workforce Transformation - Lessons from the Commercial Sector pptx
... have difficulty fulfilling their commitments The “right” number of suppliers will depend on the importance of the good or service to the firm and the risks inherent in the interruption of its provision ... once, the chosen strategy might be different from the approach used if the firm is a frequent purchaser For the Air Force (and other federal agencies), acquisition regulations, policies, and other ... discuss the role of certifications in the training of Harley-Davidson’s buyer/planner staff In making the conversion to the current buyer/planner system, the company chose certifications from the...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20
Why Organizations Thrive Lessons from the Front Lines for Nonprofit Executive Directors ppt
... relationship Of course, the quality of the relationship matters too The deeper the relationship, the greater the odds that we will listen to someone, be persuaded by them, or take action at their request ... failing to recognize the gap between what they know about the organization and what the board and other close friends of the organization know The Executive Director lives and breathes this stuff ... The organization runs like a rat around the wheel, but never gets the wheel to the next level In my experience, these organizations fail to hit the next level because they fail to recognize the...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 03:20
Reforming Internet Govermernance- Perspectives from the Working Group on Internet Governance pptx
... Perspectives from WGIG main factors that shaped the working group s story, and the kinds of lessons that can be learned from the WGIG experience The Mandate The first WGIG meeting took place at the United ... to the fact that they all felt their experience was positive and successful Their contributions reflect their own views, and not those of the group as a whole The WGIG brought together people from ... deconstruction is contained in the Background Report rather than in the Main Report of the Group The Background Report is not an agreed report in the sense that every member of the group has not signed...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20
Lessons from the Army''''s Future Combat Systems Program doc
... carry away from the FCS experience Some of the lessons from FCS the Army has already begun to learn, and others remain to be Introduction learned While the report analyzes the FCS program, the purpose ... architechting (SE&A) experts within the Army The Army has an opportunity to so in the future, pulling from the work accomplished in FCS, and xxiv Lessons from the Army Future Combat Systems Program ... providing a backdrop for further discussion within and outside the Army Second, Arroyo would identify lessons that the Army should carry away from the FCS experience Some of these the Army has already...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 02:20
Lessons from the Field pptx
... seconded from the Ministry of Education—which limited the office’s capacity to focus on the implementation of the QCEA alongside the implementation of other components of the QSAS Third, the SAO ... throughout the school year The results of the assessments could be tracked in a database managed by the Evaluation Institute In the first years of the reform, RAND and the SAO focused on the development ... 2004, the SAO had only three staff members, which limited the office’s capacity to focus on the implementation of the QCEA alongside the implementation of other components of the QSAS Third, the SAO,...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 03:20