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Tiêu đề Lessons from the public speaking gold mine
Tác giả Kerry O’Hallaron
Thể loại Tài liệu
Năm xuất bản 2007
Thành phố Tampa
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Số trang 36
Dung lượng 325,17 KB

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Lessons From the Public Speaking Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine 1 ©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change and without charge. To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html . Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine “A Revolutionary, Step-By-Step Roadmap For Becoming a Successful and Well Paid Speaker No Matter What Your Topic – 100% Guaranteed!” by Kerry O’Hallaron by Kerry O’Hallaronby Kerry O’Hallaron by Kerry O’Hallaron Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine 2 ©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change and without charge. To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html . Reprint and Red Reprint and RedReprint and Red Reprint and Redistribution Rights istribution Rightsistribution Rights istribution Rights You have permission to print this document in its entirety for your own use You have permission to print this document in its entirety for your own use You have permission to print this document in its entirety for your own use You have permission to print this document in its entirety for your own use and for redistribution at no charge. and for redistribution at no charge.and for redistribution at no charge. and for redistribution at no charge. You have permission to re You have permission to reYou have permission to re You have permission to re- -distribute this document in its entirety distribute this document in its entirety distribute this document in its entirety distribute this document in its entirety electronically, via e electronically, via eelectronically, via e electronically, via e- -mail, RSS, web mail, RSS, webmail, RSS, web mail, RSS, web- -site, blog, or sim site, blog, or simsite, blog, or sim site, blog, or similar means. ilar means.ilar means. ilar means. You have permission to quote portions of this document verbatim, provided You have permission to quote portions of this document verbatim, provided You have permission to quote portions of this document verbatim, provided You have permission to quote portions of this document verbatim, provided you attribute the quote to Kerry O’Hallaron and that you include the link you attribute the quote to Kerry O’Hallaron and that you include the link you attribute the quote to Kerry O’Hallaron and that you include the link you attribute the quote to Kerry O’Hallaron and that you include the link www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.comwww.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com. . You m You mYou m You may not charge for this document or the information in it. ay not charge for this document or the information in it.ay not charge for this document or the information in it. ay not charge for this document or the information in it. Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine 3 ©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change and without charge. To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html . About the Author About the AuthorAbout the Author About the Author Kerry O’Hallaron Kerry O’HallaronKerry O’Hallaron Kerry O’Hallaron Kerry O’Hallaron is quickly becoming recognized as the leader in his niche – which he calls “selling what you already know”. His friends were not the least bit surprised when he decided to share the unique concept he had developed after years of speaking and training – that concept being that “every presentation is a sales presentation.” In this free training, as well as in his more advanced Public Speaking Gold Mine training, he teaches how to condition your audience so that they will not only buy your idea or your product, but they will feel great about their decision! Kerry is a financial services consultant, speaker, author, and trainer who lives in sunny Tampa, Florida with his wife Carol and his Irish Setter dog, Seamus. Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine 4 ©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change and without charge. To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html . Table of Contents Table of ContentsTable of Contents Table of Contents Overview – Secrets of the Public Speaking Gold Mine 5 You as a (Very Well) Paid Speaker 7 Presentation Skills 101 12 If They Like You, They’ll Pay to Have More of You 16 Creating Your “Back of the Room Product”– Easily and For Free! 19 Creating Your Advanced Package – Still Free and Easy 25 Bonus Section 30 Conclusion 33 Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine 5 ©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change and without charge. To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html . Overview Overview Overview Overview – –– – Secrets of the Public Speaking Gold Mine Secrets of the Public Speaking Gold Mine Secrets of the Public Speaking Gold Mine Secrets of the Public Speaking Gold Mine Hello. My name is Kerry O’Hallaron and on behalf of myself and my associates, I would like to welcome you to this special preview version of ‘Public Speaking Goldmine Training.’ Let me start by asking you a question. Are you listening to (or reading) this training because you want to learn to make more money? How about a lot more money? Well if the answer to that question is yes, that’s great because that’s why we’re here. Again, my name is Kerry O’Hallaron and my purpose today is to give you as much information as I can in the short time we have together, on how to tell what you know and get paid really, really well for it. So yes, we are here to learn about making more money. But first, with your permission, I’d like to share a few thoughts on something that may even be nearer and dearer to your heart; and that is ways and means of achieving financial independence. Financial Independence: That is, after all the ‘American Dream’ isn’t it? But just what is financial independence? What does it mean to you? The last time I shared these thoughts with a live audience, they gave me some interesting answers. I’m going to share some of them with you so that you can decide what financial independence means to you. One member of the audience said, ‘It means having more money come in than you have going out.’ Is this how you see it? Another said simply ‘No bills.’ That one seemed to get some applause. Yet another one got a bit technical and talked about things like, ‘X amount of income-producing assets, producing Y amount of passive income.’ Well, a little technical but that’s what financial independence means to that person. Then somebody gave my personal favorite. Financial independence to this person is, ‘The ability to do what you want, when you want, how you want and if you don’t want to do anything at all then you don’t!’ How about that one? Do any of these answers fit your personal definition of financial independence? You see, it doesn’t really matter because there are no wrong Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine 6 ©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change and without charge. To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html . answers. In fact, when you’re all done with this training program, one thing I want you to take away is the idea that the American Dream of financial independence is alive and well. Yes my friend, the American Dream of financial independence is alive and well and whatever it means to you, you can have it if you can simply take the time to learn how to get it. So in this short time that we have together, I’m going to do what I can to help you get on the road to financial independence by using your speaking and presentation skills or, as I call it, selling what you know. Don’t worry if your skills aren’t that great because we’re going to work on that too. You know, in just about any type of presentation the best approach is – you may have heard this – tell them what you’re going to tell them, tell them then tell them what you told them. Well, ‘what’s good for the goose should be good for the gander’ as the saying goes so let me what I’m going to tell you. We’re going to break the idea of making money as a speaker into a few main topics. Number one is called ‘You as a Paid Speaker - What it means and how to get there quickly.’ Number two is a mini presentation skills course, “Presentation Skills 101’, which provides a few principles that can quickly elevate your speaking style. Number three – you’re going to like this one – Creating Your “Back of the Room Product”– Easily and For Free! Number four is called ‘Creating Your Advanced Package – Still Free and Easy.’ Then we throw in our ‘Bonus Section’ – always deliver more than you promised. So these are the main categories. I promise you I’m going to give you everything I have with our only limitation being the amount of time we have available. One of the most important secrets I’m going to share with you is why I never hold back. I never tease. I always give all the information I have in the available time and why you should do the same. So with that, let’s go to the first topic, shall we? Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine 7 ©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change and without charge. To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html . Section 1 Section 1Section 1 Section 1 You as a You as a You as a You as a (Very Well) (Very Well) (Very Well) (Very Well) Paid Speaker Paid SpeakerPaid Speaker Paid Speaker And the first topic is called, ‘You as a Paid Speaker.’ You know for years before I ever got paid for anything on the stage, I used to speak to trade groups and business associations and so on for free. One time I had a ‘wild hair’ to record my presentation and to promise at the end of the presentation if the audience was a good little audience, I was going to promise them a CD copy of the presentation. Well as it turns out, it was one of my favorite groups called ‘The Insurance Women of Tampa’. I recorded the presentation, and it was simply one of the best killer presentations I ever made. I was just really ‘on’ that night and the audience was with me. We just had a great time and at the end of the presentation, I mentioned the fact that I had been recording it and as a free gift. I was going to give each of the members of the audience a copy of the presentation if they would simply fill out a form with their name and address so that I could mail them the CD. Well, we passed the form around and guess what kind of percentage response I got from the audience? 100%! Now granted it was free. But still, it showed some pretty clear interest because it was a big enough room that if a person didn’t want it, all they had to do was let the piece of paper pass them by. But 100% of the audience got a copy of that and I learned a lesson from that: It is a good practice to either give something away or sell something because if the audience likes you; they’re willing to pay to get more of you. Remember that I said that. That’s going to be very important in this whole process. If you’ve ever learned about speakers, you’ve probably learned that there are two types. I’m going to tell you about three but you probably learned about two. One is a fee paid speaker. That of course is the kind that gets a check; well first, he goes out, gives a talk and then gets a check, right? That is something that I have always aspired to be especially when I’d sit in a big audience at a Trade meeting and listen to the keynote speaker who’s getting paid 5-10-20-$25,000 to give an hour long talk and he was boring! He wasn’t enthusiastic, he didn’t say much of anything and I knew that I could Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine 8 ©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change and without charge. To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html . do a better job than he could. Fee paid speaker. Problem is getting the gigs, getting enough of them and getting the money. The other option is quite simply the default option, a non-fee paid speaker. There are a lot of them. They’re typically people that have to do some speaking in their business so they also speak to trade groups, civic groups, whatever. Not all of them aspire to be fee paid speakers. Some of them would probably be better than the fee paid speaker… There’s lots and lots of folks out there who speak for free. The third though is called a platform selling speaker. That’s a bit of a misnomer because if you stand up there and try to sell, you’re not going to succeed at selling anything. But basically a platform selling speaker is a speaker that has more to offer after the talk if the audience really wants it. Notice I didn’t say they stand up there and sell. That’s called a salesman. The platform-selling speaker stands up and provides an information exchange. In other words, they give a talk that’s loaded with information and then, if the audience wants more, they offer it to you. Which one of these three do you want to be? Do you want to be a fee paid? Do you want to be a non-fee paid – don’t go for that one! Or do you want to be a platform selling speaker? It’s up to you. Let’s talk about how income flows to speakers for a minute. One way is to be a non-fee paid speaker, which I have done countless times. In fact, I really highly recommend doing this to at least get some practice. But the downside to being a non-fee paid speaker is they don’t appreciate the time and the effort that you’ve put into the preparation and the delivery. In fact, often times the organizer – the president of the organization or whatever – it’s just an agenda item that they have to fill. I’ll give you an example. I was talking to a trade group - and if time permits, I’m going to give you my introduction format I always write my own introductions but then I ask the organizer to give it because it should be in their best interest, as well as mine, that I get a good introduction so I get a good applause so the talk starts out well. Well, I gave this introduction and it was a great one. It inspired enthusiasm. It was really a rousing introduction and I gave it to the sponsor and first of all, she didn’t even want to read it. When it finally came time to read it, she could barely get through it without stumbling on the words. She was Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine 9 ©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron. You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change and without charge. To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html . supposed to interject enthusiasm and I was afraid I was going to have to go and wake her up while she was doing my introduction! Fortunately I was able to carry the talk from there but the point being, if you’re a non-fee paid speaker, you don’t necessarily get the co-operation and the interest from the organizer or possibly from your audience that you need. If you’re a fee-paid speaker, it puts a burden on you to work for a fee that’s probably not all that big because until you start earning the five, ten, twenty and twenty five thousand dollar gigs, you’re probably looking at five hundred bucks or something like that. That’s not a whole lot of money for something that might take you – it take’s me ten to twenty hours to prepare for a talk. Maybe it takes you a little less, a little more but that’s not a lot of money for that much work. When you get up there for any money at all, you better be great because they may not even pay you if they don’t like you. They may throw tomatoes at you. ☺ Another type of income that flows to speakers is fee income that goes to a named speaker. For example, Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton doesn’t have to be all that good when he talks. He may get paid $100,000 for a talk but you’re paying him just for his name, for what he knows, but not for the quality of his delivery. Bill Gates, same way. I recently heard that Donald Trump gave a talk and he got paid a million dollars for that talk. Now, if I give a talk for $500 to a group that just used up half their annual operating budget to have me talk, I better be really good at that talk! Donald Trump gets paid a million dollars to give a talk and he’s just got to show up and do his ‘Donald Trump’ thing. All he’s got to do is brush his hair and he’s going to do well. It’s a very unusual situation. The last way in which income can flow to a speaker is by way of the platform sale. An adequate speaker, a fairly decent speaker – not even a great one - with a fifty dollar CD set, can make a thousand dollars for an hours work by selling his CD at the back of the room at the end of his talk. That’s not too bad. But let’s talk about bigger tickets because if you try to sell your CD set at the back of the room for fifty bucks, you’ll make a few sales, you’ll cover your costs and make a few dollars profit maybe but there is not an inverse relationship between the price of your back of the room sale and the amount of your sales. Yes, there is a relationship. It’s just not proportionate. For example: A typical back of the room sale might generate 10% response. In other words, [...]... to others without change and without charge To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine anything? All I said is if you had the information, if you had the right to stand up there in front of a group teaching them on a subject then you have the. .. document to others without change and without charge To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine freebie, which we’re going to use via auto-responders on the Internet to sell product, or preferably your back of the room product By the way, if they don’t... to others without change and without charge To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine you can then take to the printer and have printed on glossy paper and it will look like a million bucks Another resource that I want you to look at is Public. .. this document to others without change and without charge To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine play it back with a partner and have the partner critique you – when you read it, put major emphasis on the highlighted word or the underlined... trying Public Speaking Goldmine.’ 34 ©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change and without charge To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine But that’s not the big... you have agreed on their cut, if there’s going to be one 17 ©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron You may reprint and/or electronically post or transmit this document to others without change and without charge To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine ●... transmit this document to others without change and without charge To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine one of them Every presentation you make is a sales presentation Just don’t make it sound like one Stand up there, give information,... this document to others without change and without charge To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine recording this seminar Oh! You’re going to sell a bunch of them In fact, you’ve probably just made enough money to pay for the room and your... without change and without charge To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine Section 3 Have If They Like You, They’ll Pay to Have More of You So let’s move in to your delivery and your close In the previous section, we did a quick outline that... electronically post or transmit this document to others without change and without charge To learn more about the Public Speaking Gold Mine Advanced Training Course, go to www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com OR www.1publicspeakinggoldmine.com/offer.html Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine Bonus Section Now we’ve gone through the Four Sections: ● ● ● You as a Paid Speaker; The Mini Presentation Skills Training; . Secrets of the Public Speaking Gold Mine Secrets of the Public Speaking Gold Mine Secrets of the Public Speaking Gold Mine Secrets of the Public Speaking. Lessons From the Public Speaking Lessons From the Public Speaking Gold Mine 1 ©2007 Kerry O’Hallaron.

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