machinery electrical and optical equipment car industry

Báo cáo hóa học: " Effects of silver impurity on the structural, electrical, and optical properties of ZnO nanowires" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Effects of silver impurity on the structural, electrical, and optical properties of ZnO nanowires" doc

... very sensitive tool for the characterization of acceptor/donor impurities and is helpful in understanding the optical and electrical performances of the materials We focused on the temperature-dependent ... were cleaned in acetone and methanol for 20 and rinsed in de-ionized water for The 1, 3, and wt % SZO (5SZO) NWs are grown in a furnace at 800°C with argon gas of 90 sccm and a working pressure ... 0, 0.25, 3.14, and 6.68 wt.% for the un-doped, 1SZO, 3SZO, and 5SZO, respectively electrical properties of SZO NWs are changed with different Ag ratios caused by controlling the carrier concentration...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20

8 509 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Effect of Composition on Electrical and Optical Properties of Thin Films of Amorphous GaxSe1002x Nanorods" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Effect of Composition on Electrical and Optical Properties of Thin Films of Amorphous GaxSe1002x Nanorods" pptx

... of the electrical and optical properties of this compound in thin film formation Since the optimization of device performance requires a well-established knowledge of the electrical and optical ... lone-pair states and hence broaden the valence band This will give rise to additional absorption over a wider range of energy leading to band tailing and hence shrinking of the band gap The optical gap ... applications for frequency doubling and fast optical gating [11] and behaves as an X-ray detector [12] Electronic and optoelectronic properties of GaSe, GaS, and InSe materials indicate the possibilities...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 17:20

6 413 0
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) ppt

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) ppt

... Lighting equipment – Lamps 27.9% 2008 Review of Directive 2002/96 on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment - Final Report Electrical and electronic tools 20.8% Toys, leisure and sports equipment ... equipment Luminaires , 0.7% 5B Lighting equipment 3B CRT monitors, 8.3% – Lamps, 2008 Review of Directive 2002/96 on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment - Final Report 1.7% Electrical and ... Cumulative Energy Demand and Resource Depletion for Category 1B Cooling and Freezing, 3B and 4B CRT screens, and • Acidification for Category 3A IT excl CRT and 3C LCD Monitors and Eutrophication...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 19:20

377 258 0
Structural, electrical and optical studies on the effects of rapid thermal processing on silicon germanium carbon films

Structural, electrical and optical studies on the effects of rapid thermal processing on silicon germanium carbon films

... (structural, electrical, and optical) of as-prepared and rapid thermal processed (oxidation and annealed) Si1−xGex and Si1−x−yGexCy alloys grown by RTCVD The structural properties of the as-prepared and ... Si1-xGex and Si1−x−yGexCy (x=10%, 20%, and 30%, y varied between 0% and 3%) and tensile strained Si1-yCy and Si1-x-yGexCy (y=1%, 2%, and 3%, x varied between 0% and 30%) plotted as a function of the ... the E1 and E1+∆1 band gaps of relaxed Si1−xGex/Si and the 29 viii estimated band gaps of strained layer using Eq (2.11)-(2.15) Fig 2.9 Valence-band offsets for compressive strained Si1-xGex and...

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2015, 17:18

242 443 0
iec 60255-6 electrical relays - measuring relays and protection equipment

iec 60255-6 electrical relays - measuring relays and protection equipment

... Licensed by Information Handling Services 255-6 O IEC -7- ELECTRICAL RELAYS Part 6: Measuring relays and protection equipment SECTION ONE - GENERAL Scope and objecí This standard specifies the general ... -1.1 ii Standard reference values of influencing quantities and faclors anYsrandurd values o j t h e i r riomi.wl and extreme ranges Siandard reference values of influencing quantities and faclors ... frequente la tolérance peut eire prli\ gr:iiidc.Quand le relais es! tr¿s sensible a la friquence et quand on demande une grande précision, on pourra deniander des toliranccs plue faibles - Dans IC...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 10:49

38 601 1


... by PES and IPES28 DFT-GGA calculation shows that anatase has an indirect band gap with the VBM at Δ (0, 0, 0.44) between Γ and X (0, 0, 0.5) and the CBM at Γ (Figure 1.2(b)) The indirect band gap ... a direct band gap at Γ (Figure 1.2(c)) The predicted direct band gap with GW is 3.86 eV which is larger than that of anatase (3.57 eV) and rutile (3.30 eV) Figure 2: Band structure and the corresponding ... works Due to optical excitation, an electron is activated from the valence band to the conduction band of a semiconductor; meanwhile a hole is created in the valence band These excited carriers diffuse...

Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2015, 15:20

142 339 0
Defect mediated novel structural, optical, electrical and magnetic properties in ti1 xtaxo2 thin films

Defect mediated novel structural, optical, electrical and magnetic properties in ti1 xtaxo2 thin films

... O2p and Ti3d bands exists in the anatase polymorph too Even though, the electronic band structure for the anatase and the rutile structures are not that different their electrical transport, optical ... material with electrical conductivity lower than that of a metal (104 Scm-1) and higher than that of an insulator (10-10 Scm-1) In terms of the band structure and band gaps, a band semiconductor ... O K edge of the pure TiO2 and Ti1-xTaxO2 (x~0.06) films grown at 600 and 750°C where µ+ and µ- are parallel and antiparallel alignments between the photon helicity and the sample magnetisation...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 18:49

185 484 0
Theory and Design of Electrical and Electronic Circuits

Theory and Design of Electrical and Electronic Circuits

... System Bibliography Theory and Design of Electrical and Electronic Circuits _ Introduction Spent the years, the Electrical and Electronic technology has ... Theory and Design of Electrical and Electronic Circuits Index Introduction Chap 01 Generalities Chap 02 Polarization ... feedback) and A0 = ∞ This last one will give, using it like linear amplifier, exits limited in the power supply VCC and therefore voltages practically null differentials to input his On the other hand,...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 16:15

493 797 6
Stimulated Emission and Optical Gain in Semiconductors

Stimulated Emission and Optical Gain in Semiconductors

... orbital and consists of a heavy-hole band, a light-hole band and a split-off band [3] The upper edge of the valence band is at the À point, the center of k space, where the heavy-hole and light-hole ... etc.) and II–VI compound semiconductors have a band structure similar to that of Fig 3.1 and the direct-transition bandgap On the other hand, for group IV semiconductors such as Si and Ge, and ... parabolic band Here, Ec and Ev are energies of the lower edge of the conduction band and the upper edge of the valence band, respectively, the difference Eg ¼ Ec À Ev is the bandgap energy, and mn...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 20:15

44 280 0
Electronics - Theory and Design of Electrical and Electronic Circuits

Electronics - Theory and Design of Electrical and Electronic Circuits

... System Bibliography Theory and Design of Electrical and Electronic Circuits _ Introduction Spent the years, the Electrical and Electronic technology has ... Theory and Design of Electrical and Electronic Circuits Index Introduction Chap 01 Generalities Chap 02 Polarization ... feedback) and A0 = ∞ This last one will give, using it like linear amplifier, exits limited in the power supply VCC and therefore voltages practically null differentials to input his On the other hand,...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 16:15

493 735 2
iec 60332-2_2 tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire condition

iec 60332-2_2 tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire condition

... report on ONE STANDARD and ONE STANDARD ONLY Enter the exact number of the standard: (e.g 60601-1-1) Q6 standard is out of date standard is incomplete standard is too academic standard is too superficial ... vertical electrical insulated conductor or cable, or optical cable, under fire conditions The apparatus is given in IEC 60332-2-1 This standard gives the procedure for testing small optical fibre ... questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields To this end and in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 10:58

36 461 3
iec 60332-1_1 tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire condition

iec 60332-1_1 tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire condition

... report on ONE STANDARD and ONE STANDARD ONLY Enter the exact number of the standard: (e.g 60601-1-1) Q6 standard is out of date standard is incomplete standard is too academic standard is too superficial ... confirmatory test arrangement and guidance IEC Guide 104, The preparation of safety publications and the use of basic safety publications and group safety publications Terms and definitions For the ... questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields To this end and in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 10:59

24 355 2
iec 60332-1_2 tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire condition

iec 60332-1_2 tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire condition

... report on ONE STANDARD and ONE STANDARD ONLY Enter the exact number of the standard: (e.g 60601-1-1) Q6 standard is out of date standard is incomplete standard is too academic standard is too superficial ... questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields To this end and in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical ... This first edition of International Standard IEC 60332-1-2, together with IEC 60332-1-1, cancel and replace the third edition of IEC 60332-1, published in 1993, and constitute a technical revision,...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 10:59

30 483 3
iec 60332-1_3 tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire condition

iec 60332-1_3 tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire condition

... report on ONE STANDARD and ONE STANDARD ONLY Enter the exact number of the standard: (e.g 60601-1-1) Q6 standard is out of date standard is incomplete standard is too academic standard is too superficial ... safety publications and the use of basic safety publications and group safety publications ISO 187, Paper, board and pulps – Standard atmosphere for conditioning and testing and procedure for monitoring ... questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields To this end and in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 10:59

30 417 3
iec 60332-2_1 tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire condition

iec 60332-2_1 tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire condition

... report on ONE STANDARD and ONE STANDARD ONLY Enter the exact number of the standard: (e.g 60601-1-1) Q6 standard is out of date standard is incomplete standard is too academic standard is too superficial ... questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields To this end and in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical ... edition numbers 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 refer, respectively, to the base publication, the base publication incorporating amendment and the base publication incorporating amendments and Informations supplémentaires...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 11:00

28 357 3
Tài liệu New Generation Networks and Optical Network Testbeds doc

Tài liệu New Generation Networks and Optical Network Testbeds doc

... 100Gbps optical path and QoS service 100Gbps optical path and QoS service provisioning between terabit-class LANs provisioning between terabit-class LANs >100Gbps optical 3R 32 Optical RAM for all -optical ... Nano-second switching capability for optical burst handling Nano-second switching capability for optical burst handling Multiple granularity switching node up to waveband for throughput expansion Multiple ... optical LAN Optical path ISP network B Optical path ISP network C Terabit-class optical LAN Super-computer 10Gbps×n Tx Tx Rx Rx Optical peer-to-peer connection >100Gbps Terabit-class optical LAN...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 02:20

46 325 0


... adjectives b Understanding and using verb tenses and forms c Understanding and identifying the types of sentences: simple or complex, passive and active voice d Identifying the main and subordinate ... “difficult” and “very difficult” for them to understand and use verb tenses and forms whereas 67.5% found it “difficult” and “very difficult” to understand the relationship between clauses of compound and ... identify and recognize conjunctions and discourse markers The other items 6b (Understanding the relationship between paragraphs in the text) and 6c (Understanding the graphs, diagrams and figures)...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 10:33

35 1,1K 1
Tài liệu Going Global- U.S. Government Policy and the Defense Aerospace Industry pdf

Tài liệu Going Global- U.S. Government Policy and the Defense Aerospace Industry pdf

... the U.S and European aerospace industries and stressing new and innovative types of approaches Analysis of aerospace and defense industry trade and investment data suggests that U.S industry ... Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics and current Director of the Center for Public Policy and Private Enterprise at the University of Maryland; and RAND Senior Economist Lloyd Dixon ... Crawford, RAND Vice President and Director of RAND Project AIR FORCE, and C Robert Roll, Director of the Project AIR FORCE Resource Man- xxv xxvi U.S Government Policy and the Defense Aerospace Industry...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 11:20

247 423 0