lt span gt element with style attribute

Báo cáo khoa học: Interaction of G-rich GT oligonucleotides with nuclearassociated eEF1A is correlated with their antiproliferative effect in haematopoietic human cancer cell lines potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Interaction of G-rich GT oligonucleotides with nuclearassociated eEF1A is correlated with their antiproliferative effect in haematopoietic human cancer cell lines potx

... Length (-mer) 5¢-TGTTTGTTTGTTTGTTTGTTTGTTTGT-3¢ 5¢-TGGTGTGTGTGGGGTGGTTGGTG-3¢ 5¢-TGGGGTGTGTGGGGTGGTTGGTG-3¢ 5¢-TGGGGTGTGTGGGGGGGTTGGTG-3¢ 5¢-TGGTTGGGGTGGGGGGGGGGGTG-3¢ GT GT-G1 GT- G2 GT- G3 GT- G4 ... 3A, the nonlabelled GT- G1, GT- G2 and GT- G3 were able to displace the labelled GT from binding to the CRC (white arrow) in the order GT- G1 > GT- G2 > GT- G3 (lanes 3, 4, 5) GT- G3 (lane 5) was the ... ª 2006 FEBS 1355 GT oligonucleotides, eEF1A and antiproliferative effect A B Scaggiante et al GT GT-G1 GT- G2 GT- G3 GT- G4 GRO26A GRO29A CD[mdeg] -3 220 B 240 260 280 300 Wavelength [nm] 320 GRO26A...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 13:20

12 376 0
Plex: Your Media, with Style

Plex: Your Media, with Style

... settings button in the bottom-left corner (the button with the gear on it) Working With Metadata On Windows & Ubuntu Via The Web UI Working with metadata through the Web UI is just as easy as ... show Filters, Ratings & Queues While Plex may be simple to use, it can also some extremely powerful stuff You can filter your movies or TV shows by any number of things, from the common filters ... TV and use a media player like VLC, but even with a wireless keyboard and mouse this would be a pain if you're sitting on the other side of the room Alternatively, you could buy an Apple TV or...

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 00:48

57 199 0
How to Draw Cartoon Stars with Style! ppt

How to Draw Cartoon Stars with Style! ppt

... He's got style, and he's got moxie This pretty little star is extremely easy to make and you can learn how to draw it with just a few lines Step Make a C shape It should be a slightly tilted C ... one What you should have now should look like a slightly tilted crescent moon Step Add two curved lines in the lower part of the moon with some space between them They should be curving outward, ... stars drawing example Now join them with an upside down curving V Step Let's now go to the upper part of the moon in the middle and make a simple triangle with curved lines to form the top of...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 21:20

5 391 0
Tài liệu Formatting Text Fields with Cascading Style Sheets pdf

Tài liệu Formatting Text Fields with Cascading Style Sheets pdf

... new TextField.StyleSheet(); This line creates a StyleSheet object named myStyleSheet The setStyle() method is used to define rules for this object within Flash: myStyleSheet.setStyle("greeting", ... new TextField.StyleSheet(); myStyleSheet.onLoad = function(){ myTextField_txt.styleSheet = myStyleSheet; } myStyleSheet.load("myCSS.css"); The first line of this script creates a StyleSheet object ... used when defining rules using the setStyle() method The main differences to note here are that the style is defined within parentheses; the style' s name is within quotes, followed by a comma;...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 22:15

15 407 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Four divergent Arabidopsis ethylene-responsive element-binding factor domains bind to a target DNA motif with a universal CG step core recognition and different flanking bases preference pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Four divergent Arabidopsis ethylene-responsive element-binding factor domains bind to a target DNA motif with a universal CG step core recognition and different flanking bases preference pptx

... the AtERFs with the EMSA analysis The three AtERFs, AtERF1 AtERF4 and AtEBP, with higher sequence similarity to each other than to CBF1, had similar binding preferences in comparison with CBF1 ... the same as the experiments without the addition of an effector The results are shown as relative luciferase activity per control These observations were consistent with the findings in the in ... performed The resulting binding motif of hexamers selected by these four ERF domains is shown in Table AtERF1 seemed to prefer the hexamer GCCGCC motif, which is consistent with the results from previous...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 13:20

10 464 1
Báo cáo khoa học: The 3¢-UTR of the mRNA coding for the major protein kinase C substrate MARCKS contains a novel CU-rich element interacting with the mRNA stabilizing factors HuD and HuR ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: The 3¢-UTR of the mRNA coding for the major protein kinase C substrate MARCKS contains a novel CU-rich element interacting with the mRNA stabilizing factors HuD and HuR ppt

... sites containing primers (sense: 5¢-TAG CGG ATC CGA GCC TCA GGT GTC AAA TGG-3¢; antisense: 5¢-AAT GCC CGG GTC AGG ACT TGT GGG CTT TGT-3¢) The plasmid kuniZAP-265114, kindly provided by M Kock, ... transcript with cytoplasmic protein of Swiss 3T3 cultures As shown in Fig 3A (left panel) the formation of two RNA:protein complexes with identical mobility to those observed with the fulllength 3¢-UTR ... RNA element with high sequence-specificity (A) pBS-MARCKS-52nt was linearized with BamHI (sense) or EcoRV (antisense) and in vitro transcribed with [a-32P]UTP using T3-RNA polymerase (sense) or with...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 08:20

16 754 0
oreilly getting started with metro style apps (2012)

oreilly getting started with metro style apps (2012)

... Getting Started with Metro Style Apps Ben Dewey Beijing • Cambridge • Farnham • Köln • Sebastopol • Tokyo Getting Started with Metro Style Apps by Ben Dewey Copyright © 2012 ... Tile with a Collection of Images Updating Multiple Tiles with a Single Command Pickers FileOpenPicker FileSavePicker Sharing ShareDataRequestedMessagePump ShareUriHandler ShareImageResultsHandler ... Metro style apps promote a model where the user is in charge, you will find their ability to connect with other apps is far superior than its predecessor Metro style apps can communicate with...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:34

110 381 0
Báo cáo khoa học: IMP1 interacts with poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) and the autoregulatory translational control element of PABP-mRNA through the KH III-IV domain pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: IMP1 interacts with poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) and the autoregulatory translational control element of PABP-mRNA through the KH III-IV domain pdf

... EarI-catgaacaagctttacatcg EarI-catggtggacatcccccttcgg EarI-catggctgctccctatagctcc KpnI-ttaaacagttggaacaccgg KpnI-ttagcctactccacttttgcg KpnI-ttaagcttctcgttctttacg KpnI-ttagcgcttaagttccgtct KpnI-ttactggttagtgaggagagc ... BamHI-aaccccagtgccccc BamHI-gagcgccaggctcac BamHI-aacaagctttacatcggc BamHI-gtggacatcccccttcgg BamHI-gctgctccctatagctcc EarI-catgaaccccagtgcc EarI-catggatgttataaagggc EarI-catgggacgatttaagtct EarI-catggaacagatgaaacaa ... radiolabelled ARS RNA with 0.1 M NaOH Lane and 3, 5¢ end radiolabelled ARS RNA with or without purified 6· His-IMP1, respectively Lanes and 5, 5¢ end radiolabelled ARS RNA with or without purified 6·...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 10:20

13 466 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Learning Better Rule Extraction with Translation Span Alignment" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Learning Better Rule Extraction with Translation Span Alignment" pptx

... inconsistent with P ⇔ ∃τ ∈ P : ci ∈ src (τ ) ∧ e j ∉ tgt (τ ) OR ∃τ ∈ P : ci ∉ src (τ ) ∧ e j ∈ tgt (τ ) where src(τ) and tgt(τ) indicate the source and target span of a translation span pair τ ... alignment A, a translation span pair τ is a pair of source span (ci cj) and target span (ep eq) τ = ( ci j ⇔ e q ) p where τ indicates that the source span (ci cj) and the target span (ep eq) are translational ... matches a span of the given source (or target) sentence The source side src(ri) and the target side tgt(ri) of each phrase translation rule ri in d* form a translation span pair {src(ri)tgt(ri)}...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 14:20

5 243 0
Supporting Finite Element Analysis with a Relational Database Backend docx

Supporting Finite Element Analysis with a Relational Database Backend docx

... number of tables is due the number of modeling dimensions (with or without interfaces, with or without particles, linear or quadratic elements, etc.) Note that the term ‘replicate’ is used in ... better performance on systems with multiple CPUs or CPUs which support Hyperthreading We did some experiments with multi-threaded versions of the Python scripts, multiple connections, and query ... form the surface mesh on the internal faces The two meshes (with and without duplication) can be used to define finite elements The resulting node sets are kept separate from the meshes, because...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 22:20

30 402 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "HPSG-Style Underspecified Japanese Grammar with Wide Coverage" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "HPSG-Style Underspecified Japanese Grammar with Wide Coverage" docx

... the results of our experiments Comparison of the results between (a) and (bd) shows that all the three constraints improve p a r t i a l a c c u r a c y and t o t a l a c c u r a c y with little ... (NPs) with nominal suffixes such as nen (year), gatsu (month), and ji (hour) represent information about time Such NPs are sometimes used adverbially, rather t h a n nominally Especially NPs with ... constraint for wa-marked PPs, (c) (a) + constraint for relative clauses with a c o m m a , (d) (a) + constraint for nominal time suffixes with a comma, and (e) (a) + all the three constraints We evaluated...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 04:20

5 276 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Assessment of the primary rotational stability of uncemented hip stems using an analytical model: Comparison with finite element analyses" potx

báo cáo hóa học:" Assessment of the primary rotational stability of uncemented hip stems using an analytical model: Comparison with finite element analyses" potx

... frictional forces are neglected (although friction could be implemented in a later stage): Figure One element of the prosthesis surface supported by bone One element of the prosthesis surface ... Linear tetrahedral 4-node elements (TET4 type) were used to build the FE models and coincident nodes were used at the bone-stem interface The resulting models had a number of elements ranging from ... bone results in larger stem displacements, which improves the relative accuracy of the FE results Both titanium and bone material were assumed isotropic and linear elastic For comparison with the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

9 543 0
TB-SYMKEYS 2 User library with flow diagram symbols and switch elements for GT and GN touch terminals pot

TB-SYMKEYS 2 User library with flow diagram symbols and switch elements for GT and GN touch terminals pot

... Terminal\GTWIN\stp\MONOR40P2.1.UPL • the key library “8Gray“ for GT1 2 (8 grayscale) C:\ Pro… \Panasonic-EW Terminal\GTWIN\stp\8GRAYKEY34P2.1.UPL • sample applications for GT3 2, monochrome GT0 5, GT0 2 ... Terminal\GTWIN\TB-SYMKEYS \GT1 2 Appl mono Demo SYMKEYS V2.1 C:\ Pro… \Panasonic-EW Terminal\GTWIN\TB-SYMKEYS \GT3 2 Appl color Demo SYMKEYS V2.1 • PLC programs with FBs for animation of the GT symbols ... GT3 2, monochrome GT0 5, GT0 2 und GT1 2 C:\ Pro… \Panasonic-EW Terminal\GTWIN\TB-SYMKEYS \GT0 2 Appl mono Demo SYMKEYS V2.1 C:\ Pro… \Panasonic-EW Terminal\GTWIN\TB-SYMKEYS \GT0 5 Appl mono Demo SYMKEYS...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 21:20

9 469 0
Getting Started with Metro Style Apps docx

Getting Started with Metro Style Apps docx

... Getting Started with Metro Style Apps Ben Dewey Beijing • Cambridge • Farnham • Köln • Sebastopol • Tokyo Getting Started with Metro Style Apps by Ben Dewey Copyright © 2012 ... Tile with a Collection of Images Updating Multiple Tiles with a Single Command Pickers FileOpenPicker FileSavePicker Sharing ShareDataRequestedMessagePump ShareUriHandler ShareImageResultsHandler ... Metro style apps promote a model where the user is in charge, you will find their ability to connect with other apps is far superior than its predecessor Metro style apps can communicate with...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 16:20

110 304 0
Báo cáo y học: " Substitution of the Rev-response element in an HIV-1-based gene delivery system with that of SIVmac239 allows efficient delivery of Rev M10 into T-lymphocytes" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: " Substitution of the Rev-response element in an HIV-1-based gene delivery system with that of SIVmac239 allows efficient delivery of Rev M10 into T-lymphocytes" ppsx

... results suggest that both packaging and gene transfer vector constructs must contain SIV RRE to provide useful titers with SIV Rev The results also demonstrated that the HIV-1 packaging system with ... higher than one with the 272 nt RRE Finally, the results showed that a packaging system with 1045 nt SIV RRE achieved titers equal to that of the HIV-1 RRE-based one The results, demonstrating ... lower The results were similar for a packaging system that used SIV RRE of 272nucleotide length in the packaging construct (Figure 2F); however, the titers (3.6 ± 0.09 × 106 IU/ml) with HIV-1 Rev...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:21

13 357 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Three lateral osteotomy designs for bilateral sagittal split osteotomy: biomechanical evaluation with three-dimensional finite element analysis" ppt

báo cáo khoa học: " Three lateral osteotomy designs for bilateral sagittal split osteotomy: biomechanical evaluation with three-dimensional finite element analysis" ppt

... elastic analysis with the finite element method Head Face Med 2007, 3:38 Korkmaz HH: Evaluation of different miniplates in fixation of fractured human mandible with the finite element method Oral ... size of the lever arm decreases as a result of the increased surface area of medullary bone contact [26]; we agree with this interpretation of the results However, in our FEA simulation, we did ... techniques with miniplate fixation at four different locations, resulting in 12 FEA miniplate fixation methods We then applied incisal and contralateral molar compressive loads to compare the resultant...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:20

10 259 0
báo cáo khoa học:" Applied mechanics of the Puricelli osteotomy: a linear elastic analysis with the finite element method" doc

báo cáo khoa học:" Applied mechanics of the Puricelli osteotomy: a linear elastic analysis with the finite element method" doc

... in a data file Deformations and tensions are also computed Results are examined with a commercial finite elements software Results In Test Group I, maximum stress (von Mises tension field) was ... hexahedral finite element Depending on the resolution in which the structure is digitalized, a mesh with hundreds of thousands of finite elements may be generated [12,10] This results in systems ... • Elasticity module (E): 2,26 GPa (value established with a mechanical assay, validated by a finite element numerical model); The finite element analysis method has been used in the last decades...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 00:20

7 301 0