lord of the flies summary and analysis chapter 10

lord of the flies 2

lord of the flies 2

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:07

1 714 0
lord of the flies 3

lord of the flies 3

... with Piggy ,and the two of them refuse to adopt the new, less structured way of life that most the boyson the island experience. Both of them are very firm in their belief of organization andcivilization, ... Ralph, Simon, and Jack climb, and from which theyare able to see the terrain. Finally, there is the castle at the other end of the island, whichrises a hundred feet above the sea and becomes Jack's ... to the pig's head. In Simon's hallucination the head becomes the "Lordof the Flies& quot;. Then Simon, terrified and sickened, starts back to where the other boys areto tell them...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:07

3 541 0
lord of the flies 4

lord of the flies 4

... Ralph, Simon, and Jack climb, and from which theyare able to see the terrain. Finally, there is the castle at the other end of the island, whichrises a hundred feet above the sea and becomes Jack's ... strong sense of place, and the setting shapes the story's direction. At the outset theboys view the island as a paradise because it is lush and abundant with food. As the fear ofthe beast grows, ... down ,and they crash on a tropical island. Ralph and Piggy are the first characters introduced ,and they find a white conch shell. Ralph blows on the conch, and the other boys appear.Among them...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:07

2 626 0
lord of the flies

lord of the flies

... Lord of theFlies, and is of extreme importance to help reconstruct the current wave ofrevolutionary ideas that swept the twentieth-century generation. Lord of the Fliesportrays the belief of the ... The Lord of the Flies The world had witnessed the atrocities of World War II and began toexamine the defects of their social ethics. Man's purity and innocence was gone. ... throughout Lord of the Flies. The most obvious is the struggle between Ralph and Jack. The charactersthemselves have been heavily influenced by the war. Ralph is the representative ofDemocracy....

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:07

3 690 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: NMR-based determination of the binding epitope and conformational analysis of MUC-1 glycopeptides and peptides bound to the breast cancer-selective monoclonal antibody SM3 pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: NMR-based determination of the binding epitope and conformational analysis of MUC-1 glycopeptides and peptides bound to the breast cancer-selective monoclonal antibody SM3 pptx

... RPAP. The size o f the interaction surface between the peptide and the non binding bottom of the Fab is 173 A ˚ 2 which c orresponds to about 36% of the interaction of the full peptide with the ... simulation and minimiza tion over 200 steps. Both the ligand and the binding site were kept flexible during the simulation . (C) Sup erposition of PDTRP (red) with the ligand of the X-ray structure analysis ... with the protein, we docked the ligand into the b inding site with the software tool FLEXIDOCK within the software package SYBYL . (e) We carried out another constrained MD over 100 ps in the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 15:20

12 718 0
Summary of the updated Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) for the Reconsideration of the  2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS)  pdf

Summary of the updated Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) for the Reconsideration of the  2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS)  pdf

... Section4containssupplementalevaluation of aseparatesecondaryozoneNAAQSin the range of 7to15ppm‐hr,aswellasalessstringent of 21ppm‐hr.This supplementalprovidesanexplanation of the extremedifficulty of quantifying the costs and benefits of asecondarystandardatthistime. S1.1Results of Benefit‐Cost Analysis ThisupdatedRIAconsists of multipleanalyses,includinganassessment of the nature and sources of ambientozone;estimates of current and futureemissions of relevant ozoneprecursors;airqualityanalyses of baseline and alternativecontrolstrategies; illustrativecontrolstrategiestoattain the standardalternativesinfutureyears; estimates of the incrementalcosts and benefits of attaining the alternativestandards, S1‐1 Summary of the updatedRegulatoryImpact Analysis (RIA)for the Reconsideration of the 2008OzoneNationalAmbientAirQualityStandard(NAAQS) OnSeptember16,2009,EPAcommittedtoreconsidering the ozoneNAAQSstandard promulgatedinMarch2008. The ozoneNAAQSwillbeselectedfrom the proposedrange of 0.060to0.070ppm,basedonthisreconsideration of the evidenceavailableat the time the last standardwasset.Today’sproposedrulealsoincludesaseparatesecondaryNAAQS,forwhich thisRIAprovidesonlyqualitative analysis dueto the limitednature of availableEPAguidance forattainingthisstandard Thissupplementto the RIAcontainsanupdatedillustrative analysis of the potential costs and humanhealth and welfarebenefits of nationallyattaininga newprimaryozone standard. The basisforthisupdatedeconomic analysis is the RIApublishedinMarch2008with afewsignificantchanges.Thesechangesreflect the morestringentrange of optionsbeing proposedby the Administrator.Italsoreflectssomesignificantmethodologicalimprovements toairpollutionbenefitsestimation,whichEPAhasadoptedsince the ozonestandardwaslast promulgated.Thesesignificantchangesinclude the following:  ... $47,000 a Estimatesareroundedtotwosignificantfigures.Assuch,totalswillnotsumdowncolumns.  S.2.4.4 Summary of TotalCosts   TableS2.9presentsa summary of the totalnationalcosts of attaining the 0.055ppm and the 0.060ppmalternativestandardsin2020.This summary includes the engineeringcosts of the modeledcontrolstrategy(presentedin the 2008OzoneNAAQSRIA Chapter 5 4 ), the additionalsupplementalcontrols,aswellas the extrapolatedcosts.ConsistentwithOMB CircularA‐4,costsarepresentedata7%discountrate.  7 The midrangeestimateconsists of usinganMvalue of 0.24for the estimation of the averagecostperton of controlbygeographicarea.Foracompletelisting of averagecostpertonbygeographicareaseeAppendixS2a. ... togetherwithanexamination of keyuncertainties and limitations; and aseries of conclusions and insightsgainedfrom the analysis. ItisimportanttorecallthatthisRIA restson the analysis donein2008;nonewairqualitymodelingorotherassessments werecompletedexceptthoseoutlinedabove. The supplementincludesapresentation of the benefits and costs of attainingvarious alternativeozoneNationalAmbientAirQualityStandardsin the year2020.Theseestimates onlyincludeareasassumedtomeet the currentstandardby2020.Theydonotinclude the costsorbenefits of attaining the alternatestandardsin the SanJoaquinValley and SouthCoast airbasinsinCalifornia,becauseweexpectthatnonattainmentdesignationsunder the CleanAir Actfortheseareaswouldplacethemincategoriesaffordedextratimebeyond2020toattain the ozoneNAAQS. InTableS1.1below, the individualrowestimatesreflect the differentstudiesavailableto describe the relationship of ozoneexposuretoprematuremortality.Thesemonetizedbenefits includereducedhealtheffectsfromreducedexposuretoozone,reducedhealtheffectsfrom reducedexposuretoPM 2.5 , and improvementsinvisibility. The rangeswithineachrowreflect twoPMmortalitystudies(i.e.Pope and Laden). Rangesin the totalcostscolumnreflectdifferentassumptionsabout the extrapolation of costsasdiscussedin Chapter 5 of the 2008OzoneNAAQSRIA. The lowend of the range of netbenefitsisconstructedbysubtracting the highestcostfrom the lowestbenefit,while the highend of the rangeisconstructedbysubtracting the lowestcostfrom the highestbenefit. The presentation of the netbenefitestimatesrepresents the widestpossiblerangefromthis analysis.  TableS1.2presents the estimate of totalozone and PM 2.5 ‐relatedprematuremortalities and morbiditiesavoidednationwidein2020asaresult of thisregulation.  ...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 21:20

89 333 0
barriers to asset recovery an analysis of the key barriers and recommendations for action

barriers to asset recovery an analysis of the key barriers and recommendations for action

... protect the rights of the asset holder, and do not permanently prejudice the rights of the asset holder (see Barrier 13). Given the risk that the assets will be dissipated or moved if notice of ... enses and required elements for proof, the assessment of dual criminality can prove problematic when it is based solely on the category and title of the o ense without consideration of the criminalized ... kept current and include the name and address of the central or compe- tent agency, the position or title of the focal point, contact details (e-mail, telephone, facsimile) and the languages...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2014, 14:08

200 927 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Comparative metal binding and genomic analysis of the avian (chicken) and mammalian metallothionein potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Comparative metal binding and genomic analysis of the avian (chicken) and mammalian metallothionein potx

... evolution of the spectra when the indicated number of Cd(II) was added. (B) CD spectrum of the acidification of the final solution of the Cd(II) titration of Zn–ckMT, the arrow shows the evolution ... volume of 100 lL, comprising 2 lLof25mm dNTP mixture, 2 lLof20lm primer solution, 1 U of DeepVent DNA polymerase (New England Biolabs, Hitchin, England) and 100 ng of the tem- plate DNA. The cDNAs ... the num- ber of in vivo and in vitro metal–MT generated species, their stoichiometry, and their degree of folding. Addi- tionally, the spectrometric measurements revealed the composition of the...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 11:20

13 383 0
Báo cáo y học: "Foramen Magnum Arachnoid Cyst Induces Compression of the Spinal Cord and Syringomyelia: Case Report and Literature Review"

Báo cáo y học: "Foramen Magnum Arachnoid Cyst Induces Compression of the Spinal Cord and Syringomyelia: Case Report and Literature Review"

... adhered to the cerebrum, pons and cervical spinal cord. The com- partments were then separated and the posterior wall of the cyst was excised to break down the cystic structure. The tissue ... extended across the foramen magnum into the spinal canal at the level of the atlas. Thus, the lesion in our case was extremely rare, and it is also possible one of the reasons that the syrinx ... magnum and posterior arch of the atlas were then fully decompressed, followed by opening the dura mater. A blister-like cyst was seen to be located in the pons and posterior part of the cervical...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:00

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