... hospitable Someone seeking food and shelter would never be turned away 31 John is going to take Cybil out for a nice dinner and a late-night film 32 She should never have taken on so much responsibility ... the capital city and gained control of the government 38 Jim really takes after his father They look the same, they act the same - they even have the same laugh! 39 You thought I stole your wallet?!...
Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2015, 09:00
English phrasal verbs - The ultimate phrasal verb book
... 15 Phrasal Verbs and will or be going to /107 16 Phrasal Verbs with Gerund Objects, / 116 17 Adverbs and Phrasal Verbs / 125 18 Phrasal Verbs and can, could, will, and would / 133 19 Phrasal Verbs ... Nonseparable Phrasal Verbs / Phrasal Verbs and do, does, and did / Three-Word Phrasal Verbs / 14 Present and Past Continuous Phrasal Verbs / 18 Pronunciation of Two-Word Phrasal Verbs / 24 Pronunciation ... Phrasal Verbs Used as Nouns, / 61 11 Phrasal Verbs Used in Compound Nouns / 70 12 Past Perfect Phrasal Verbs / 83 13 Passive Phrasal Verbs, / 91 14 Participle Adjectives Formed from Phrasal Verbs,...
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 11:20
The untimate phrasal verb book
... 15 Phrasal Verbs and will or be going to /107 16 Phrasal Verbs with Gerund Objects, / 116 17 Adverbs and Phrasal Verbs / 125 18 Phrasal Verbs and can, could, will, and would / 133 19 Phrasal Verbs ... Phrasal Verbs Used as Nouns, / 61 11 Phrasal Verbs Used in Compound Nouns / 70 12 Past Perfect Phrasal Verbs / 83 13 Passive Phrasal Verbs, / 91 14 Participle Adjectives Formed from Phrasal Verbs, ... 24 Phrasal Verbs Used as Nouns, / 180 25 Phrasal Verbs and have to, have got to, and must / 188 iii 26 Phrasal Verbs and the Adverb bade / 194 27 Phrasal Verbs with the Particle off and the Adverb...
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2012, 13:44
phrasal verb 1-HSG+ ANSWER
... st jabber about joke about joke with so about so/st jot down st keep on (doing something) keep so/st from (doing something) keep st for so know about laugh about laugh at learn about lend st ... talk about talk to tell so about st thank so for st think about think of toast to translate st into (a language) trust so with st turn to use st for st vote against vote for wait for warn about ... (money/time) on wish for work for work on worry about write about write to so yap about yearn for I smiled at the newcomers The director spoke to the employees about the changes He specializes in technical...
Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2013, 01:26
Động từ+giới từ (phrasal verb)
... st jabber about joke about joke with so about so/st jot down st keep on (doing something) keep so/st from (doing something) keep st for so know about laugh about laugh at learn about lend st ... talk about talk to tell so about st thank so for st think about think of toast to translate st into (a language) trust so with st turn to use st for st vote against vote for wait for warn about ... of (doing something) be worried about beg for begin with believe in belong to benefit from blame so for st blame st on so boast about borrow st from so care about care for catch up with cater...
Ngày tải lên: 13/06/2013, 01:26
Phrasal verb book
... 15 Phrasal Verbs and will or be going to /107 16 Phrasal Verbs with Gerund Objects, / 116 17 Adverbs and Phrasal Verbs / 125 18 Phrasal Verbs and can, could, will, and would / 133 19 Phrasal Verbs ... Phrasal Verbs Used as Nouns, / 61 11 Phrasal Verbs Used in Compound Nouns / 70 12 Past Perfect Phrasal Verbs / 83 13 Passive Phrasal Verbs, / 91 14 Participle Adjectives Formed from Phrasal Verbs, ... Nonseparable Phrasal Verbs / Phrasal Verbs and do, does, and did / Three-Word Phrasal Verbs / 14 Present and Past Continuous Phrasal Verbs / 18 Pronunciation of Two-Word Phrasal Verbs / 24 Pronunciation...
Ngày tải lên: 20/07/2013, 01:25
English Phrasal Verb
... something investigate We are going to look into the price of snowboards today look out be careful, vigilant, and take notice Look out! That car's going to hit you! look out for someone/someth ing be ... on me look for someone/something try to find I'm looking for a red dress for the wedding look forward to something be excited about the future I'm looking forward to the Christmas break look into ... in check out leave a hotel You have to check out of the hotel before 11:00 AM check someone/something out look at carefully, investigate The company checks out all new employees check out someone/something...
Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2013, 19:05
Ultimate Phrasal verb book hay
... Adverbs and Phrasal Verbs / 125 18 Phrasal Verbs and can, could, will, and would / 133 19 Phrasal Verbs and the Adverb right I 141 20 Phrasal Verbs Followed by the -ing Form / 149 21 Phrasal Verbs ... ThreeWord Phrasal Verbs, / 257 35 Gerund Phrasal Verbs / 264 36 Phrasal Verbs with the Particle down / 271 37 Phrasal Verbs Used as Nouns, / 280 38 The Verb keep and Adverbs and Adverbials Showing ... Three-Word Phrasal Verbs / 14 Present and Past Continuous Phrasal Verbs / 18 Pronunciation of Two-Word Phrasal Verbs / 24 Pronunciation of Three-Word Phrasal Verbs / 32 Separable Phrasal Verbs with...
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 01:10
phrasal verb
... track of: quên make allowance for: chiếu cố đến make fun of: chọc ghẹo, chế nhạo make a fuss over/about: làm lộn xộn make room for: nhường chỗ cho make use of: sử dụng, tận dụng pay attention to: ... lưu ý, để ý go down: (giá cả) giảm (# go up) go off: cháy, nổ go on: xảy ra, diễn ra, tiếp tục go out: tắt, bò dặp tắt go over: xem xét, kiểm tra kỹ go with: hợp với ...
Ngày tải lên: 11/10/2013, 15:11