liquid ring vacuum pumps compressors and systems



... Technology Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Đề cương môn học Bơm, quạt, máy nén ( Pumps, Fans and Compressors ) Số tín chỉ 3 ETCS 2 Mã số môn học ... thuyết và thực hành Bơm – Quạt – Máy nén, Nhà xuất bản Đà Nẵng, 2005 [4] J B Rishel, HVAC pump handbook, McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed, 2006 Hiểu biết, kỹ năng, thái độ cần đạt được sau khi học môn học

Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2024, 23:32

14 0 0
Process technology equipment and systems chapter 5 & 6

Process technology equipment and systems chapter 5 & 6

... displacement, and thermal. Dynamic compressors include centrifugal (radial flow) and axial (straight-line) flow compressors. Positive displace- ment compressors include rotary and reciprocating compressors. ... sliding vane compressors. • Explain how lobe compressors operate. • Describe how liquid ring compressors operate. • Explain the scientific principles associated with reciprocating compressors. ... axial flow compressors are not as common as reciprocat- ing and centrifugal compressors. One main use of axial compressors is in gas turbine applications. Blowers and Fans Blowers and fans are

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 10:47

44 566 1
Process technology equipment and systems chapter 7 & 8

Process technology equipment and systems chapter 7 & 8

... shell and tube, reboiler, plate and frame, air cooled, and spiral The shell -and- tube heat exchanger is the most common in the process industry Shell -and- tube heat exchangers are designed to handle ... between them and how each applies to heat exchangers Which is (are) the most critical and why? Draw and label a hairpin heat exchanger Draw and label a shell -and- tube heat exchanger Draw and label ... or accumulated liquids This standard applies to both tube-side and shell-side flow Designs and Components Exchanger nomenclature uses the terms front end, shell or middle section, and rear end

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2013, 10:39

31 846 1
Process technology equipment and systems chapter 9, 10 & 11

Process technology equipment and systems chapter 9, 10 & 11

... water and steam flow rates and temperatures and water level in the boiler The operator also checks for smoke and checks burner and flame pattern The operator maintains good housekeeping and unit ... turbines, distillation systems, and reaction systems They can be used for such processes as laminating, vulcanizing, extrusion, firefighting, and flare systems; and to provide cooling or heating ... good housekeeping and unit logs and checks fuel pressure and temperature and oxygen level Finally, the operator monitors the pressure of 220 Steam Systems the firebox and drum; the temperatures in

Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2013, 10:47

72 606 1
Process technology equipment and systems chapter 12&13

Process technology equipment and systems chapter 12&13

... technicians and instrument and electrical, mechanical, safety, and engineering personnel. In order to read a P&ID, the technician needs an understanding of the equipment, instrumentation, and technology. ... picture of electronic and instrument systems. Process operators can look at their process and see how the e ngineering department has automated the unit. Pressure, temperature, flow, and level control ... Regulator Pressure Reducing Regulator S VALVES TA N K S PUMPS & TURBINE COMPRESSORS HEAT EXCHANGERS Bin Mixer XXXXXX LLL VESSELS Liquid Ring Compressor Kettle Plate & Frame Spiral U-Tube

Ngày tải lên: 23/08/2013, 14:30

21 809 1
Process technology equipment and systems chapter 14&15

Process technology equipment and systems chapter 14&15

... systems, process variable alarms, and automatic shutdown controls. Quench systems are designed to stop the reaction pro- cess. Pressure relief systems are sized to handle and contain any release from ... flow in and are exposed to catalysts, pressure, liquids, or heat. Chapter 14 ● Reactor Systems 346 Stirred Reactors A common type of reactor is the mixing, or stirred reactor (Figures 14.3 and 14.4). ... with synthetic resins. Resins come in a variety of shapes and designs. Some- times resins take the form of plastic strands rolled into balls and charged with ions. A hydrogen (H 1 ) ion on a resin

Ngày tải lên: 23/08/2013, 14:47

62 797 1
Process technology equipment and systems chapter 16&17

Process technology equipment and systems chapter 16&17

... focuses on the liquid- liquid extraction process. Reasons for Extraction Each method of separation has its own advantages and disadvantages, and several situations call for the use of liquid- liquid extraction ... by dissolving it in a l iquid and flushing it away. You use this process every time you take a shower. In liquid- liquid extraction, all three materials are liquids, and the mixture is separated ... separated in liquid- liquid extraction. Raffinate—in liquid- liquid extraction, material that is left after a solvent has removed solute. Scrubber—a device used to remove chemicals and solids from

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2013, 07:28

57 674 1
Evaluation of heat pumps usage and energy savings in residential buildings

Evaluation of heat pumps usage and energy savings in residential buildings

... factors and parameters (economics, social and institutional) that affect consumer behavior in relation to end use energy demand and consumption, the economic rationality in energy use and the ... with heat pumps. The energy consumptions for homes with gas and homes with a combination method of heating are 1.9 and 1.6 times the consumption of house with heat pumps. To further understand the ... respectively and the percentages of the house sizes in the control group are 33%, 62%, and 5% for large, medium and small homes respectively. The percentages of 1-4 years old, 5-8 years old and 9-12

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10

10 466 0
Mobility of Human Resources and Systems of Innovation pdf

Mobility of Human Resources and Systems of Innovation pdf

... social, labour, education, and science and technology (S&T) policies. While regional, urban, sectoral and technological systems of innovation may be distinguished, the systems- of-innovation approach ... causes and effects of the internal mobility of these human resources; and (4) the actual and/ or perceived match between the skills and experience of these human resources and ... between London and New York Mobility and sectoral systems Sectoral mobility. .. Brain drain and the effects of mobility on source sectors and locations In

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 05:22

82 359 0
dod information technology software and systems process improvement programs potx

dod information technology software and systems process improvement programs potx

... institute SEO systems engineering organizations SEPG software engineering process group SPAWAR Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command SSC SPAWAR Systems Center SSG Standard Systems Group SW-CMME® ... from the Naval Aviation ? ?Systems Command at Patuxent River, Maryland; and the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command Centers at San Diego, Califor; Chesapeake, ‘Virginia; and Charleston, South ... and standards ‘governing the development, acquisition, and operation of ronweapons systems software and information systems. " Similarly, the Under Secretary {or Acquisition, Technology, and

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 09:20

51 344 0
Mobility of Human Resources and Systems of Innovation pptx

Mobility of Human Resources and Systems of Innovation pptx

... social, labour, education, and science and technology (S&T) policies. While regional, urban, sectoral and technological systems of innovation may be distinguished, the systems- of-innovation approach ... causes and effects of the internal mobility of these human resources; and (4) the actual and/ or perceived match between the skills and experience of these human resources and ... between London and New York Mobility and sectoral systems Sectoral mobility. .. Brain drain and the effects of mobility on source sectors and locations In

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 11:20

82 356 0
Báo cáo Y học: RING finger, B-box, and coiled-coil (RBCC) protein expression in branchial epithelial cells of Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica pot

Báo cáo Y học: RING finger, B-box, and coiled-coil (RBCC) protein expression in branchial epithelial cells of Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica pot

... adaptation; gill; RBCC protein; RING finger; ubiquitin ligase. RING finger, B-box, and coiled-coil (RBCC) proteins are a group of zinc-binding proteins that belong to the RING finger family. They are ... imaging plate for 8 h and the result was analyzed with a BAS-2000 image analyzer (Fuji Film). Differentially expressed bands of interest were extracted fromthegelandreamplifiedandthenclonedintopBlue- script ... was 32 P-labeled by random priming and hybridized to the RNA filters in 50% formamide, 5 · SSPE (SSPE ¼ 0.15 m M NaCl, 1 m M EDTA, and 10 m M NaH 2 PO 4 ,pH7.4),2· Denhardt’s solution, and 0.5% SDS for

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 10:20

10 399 0
Mechanical vacuum pumps * doc

Mechanical vacuum pumps * doc

... history of vacuum and a summary of important and basic vacuum concepts are first presented. 1 Introduction Vacuum? It is just like turning on a tap. We have come to take for granted vacuum and its ... Mechanical vacuum pumps developed and used from ~ the mid 20th century to the present day will be discussed after some basic vacuum concepts. 2 Basic vacuum concepts The commonly used and basic vacuum ... range of choices involved between wet (oil-filled) and dry (oil-free) vacuum pumps. Table 1: Wet and dry pump comparisons Wet pumps Dry pumps Capital cost Low High Oil loss Can be high

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 05:20

22 369 0
Addressing Chronic Disease through Community Health Workers: A POLICY AND SYSTEMS-LEVEL APPROACH doc

Addressing Chronic Disease through Community Health Workers: A POLICY AND SYSTEMS-LEVEL APPROACH doc

... setting; • Measuring and monitoring blood pressure; • Educating patients and their families on the importance of lifestyle changes and on adherence to their medica- tion regimens and recommended ... the United States on prevention and on support from social and health care systems. 12,32 How Can CHWs Support the Prevention and Control of Chronic Disease and Assist in Self-Management ... informal counseling and social support; • Advocating for individuals and communities; • Providing direct services (such as basic rst aid) and admin- istering health screening tests; and • Building

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 21:20

20 260 0
Challenges in Attaining Audit Readiness and Improving Business Processes and Systems docx

Challenges in Attaining Audit Readiness and Improving Business Processes and Systems docx

... little standardization across the department, (2) multiple systems performing the same tasks and storing the same data, and (3) the need for data to be entered manually into multiple systems. ... 645 logistics systems, 243 real property and installation systems, and 281 weapon acquisition management systems. The military services continue to perform certain finance and accounting ... responsibilities of the DOD components, and prescribes a standard, systematic approach that components should follow to assess processes, controls, and systems, and identify and correct weaknesses in order

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 22:20

27 370 0
Mechanical Computation: its Computational Complexity and Technologies Chapter, Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science docx

Mechanical Computation: its Computational Complexity and Technologies Chapter, Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science docx

... symbolic description of a Turing machine M and the input string x, and simulates M on input x. Because of its simplicity and elegance, the Turing Machine has come to be the standard computing model ... enumeration of all Turing machines and inputs, and showed a contradiction occurs when a universal Turing machine attempts to solve the Halting problem for each Turing machine and each possible ... flow of liquids (e.g., water clocks), or sands (e.g., sand clocks), and more conventional pendulum -and- gear based clock mechanisms A wide variety of mechanical automata and other

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 23:20

32 423 0
distributed multiple description coding principles, algorithms and systems

distributed multiple description coding principles, algorithms and systems

... ISO/IEC, and ITU-T, and other international organizations have made many successful image and video standards [1–8], such as the still image video standard represented by JPEG and JPEG-2000, ... and transfer... and adopting the coding frame of “independent coding and joint decoding” for adjacent frames, which has essential difference with the structure of “joint coding and ... Conference, Snowbird, pp 158–167 (1999) 54 Pradhan, S., Ramchandran, K.: Distributed source coding: symmetric rates and applications... coding and decoding adopt the traditional intra ways, such

Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2014, 23:40

185 532 0
high performance data mining scaling algorithms, applications, and systems

high performance data mining scaling algorithms, applications, and systems

... linear systems, such as block - structured systems, symmetric systems, or Toeplitz systems; b) developing new algorithms such as the Wierderman and Lancos algorithms for solving sparse systems; and ... Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, and served on the editorial board of IEEE Transactions of Data and Knowledge Engineering during 93-97... R., Imielinski, T., and Swami, A 1993 ... ranking and discretization IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Eng., 9(5):718-730 Joshi, M.V., Karypis, G., and Kumar, V., 1998 ScalParC: A new scalable and. .. and ACM, and a

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 09:18

111 330 0
the manual of free energy devices and systems

the manual of free energy devices and systems

... THESE VARIOUS UNITS AND SYSTEMS ARE HERE AND NOW EVENTS WHICH WILL CONTINUE TO BE IMPROVED UPON UNTIL A "NEW WAVE" OF APPLIED ENERGY PHYSICS IS IN PLACE, AND THE OLD BELIEFS AND VIEWS FALL BY THE ... shot once and he and his family fired upon from ambush In more recent times, the late 1960's and 1970's, Mr John R R Searl in England had his home invaded by government inspectors and his free ... Von Reichenbach's and some others of his time He developed an early understanding of the field forces which form around growing plants and support their flowering, levitation and overall vitality

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 12:43

128 634 0
Advanced Microwave Circuits and Systems Part 4 pot

Advanced Microwave Circuits and Systems Part 4 pot

... inversion, and can be digitized. The same principle can also be used to convert two (or more) band-pass signals 1 s and 2 s , located at different carrier frequencies 1c f and 2c f , with band-widths ... noise aliasing and aperture jitter; then out-of-bands signals and wideband noise must be filtered out before the sampler. That noise would otherwise, after sampling, translate and accumulate ... two baseband DAC preceded by a proper digital filtering and digital frequency conversion system. In a similar way, the RF ADC can be replaced by two frequency converters and two baseband ADCs.

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20

35 413 0

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