linux operating system lecture notes

UNIX LINUX Operating System

UNIX LINUX Operating System

... facilities Distributions Linux ã Distribution = A collection of all or some programs altogether around a Linux kernel which allows to install a collaborative system, operating perfectly. – Include ... OS. – -p, processor: processor type #uname –a  Linux 2.2.14-5.0#1 Tue Mar 7 21:07:39 EST 2000 i386 unknown Free Software, Linux & Open Source ã 1984 : Richard Stallman, ... Live CD Linux ã Distro Linux on one CD GNU /Linux OS. Plus with necessary softwares – Not affect the current status of PC, HD not required! ã Some typical distro Knoppix DemoLinux Mandows FreeSBIE ...

Ngày tải lên: 09/05/2014, 08:45

44 509 0
Linux Operating System ( TS NGÔ BÁ HÙNG ) doc

Linux Operating System ( TS NGÔ BÁ HÙNG ) doc

... Bỏ Hựng - 17 H iu hnh Linux Linux Operating System ã Tng quan v h iu hnh Linux ã H thng tp tin trờn Linux ã B thụng dch lnh ã Lp trỡnh shell script 14/08/2009 Ngụ ... Bỏ Hựng - 2 H iu hnh Linux Linux Operating System ã Tng quan v h iu hnh Linux ã H thng tp tin trờn Linux ã B thụng dch lnh ã Lp trỡnh shell script 14/08/2009 Ngô ... 16 Hệ điều hành Linux Tài liệu chi tit ã Ngụ Bỏ Hựng - Linux - Cỏc lnh c bn ã Ngụ Bỏ Hựng - Linux - H thng tp tin ã - Unix /Linux Command Reference [] ã UNIX...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 06:22

59 415 2
GNU/Linux Basic operating system ppt

GNU/Linux Basic operating system ppt

... file system hierarchy Any operating system needs to save numerous files: from system configuration files, to log files or user files etc. In general, each operating system uses its own file system ... use. On GNU/ Linux systems, this system is called a quota. GNUFDLã PID_00148393 19 Basic GNU /Linux servers, groups etc. This account should not be used for working normally on the system. We should ... have on the system appropriately, so that we can have more than one operating system installed on the same disk, for instance. The df command shows us, for each unit mounted on the system, the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 23:20

255 348 0
Operating System Concepts - Chapter 21: The Linux System pot

Operating System Concepts - Chapter 21: The Linux System pot

... â2005 Operating System Concepts 7 th Edition, Feb 6, 2005 The Linux System The Linux System  Linux uses many tools developed as part of Berkeley’s BSD operating system, MIT’s X Window System, ... and Gagne â2005 Operating System Concepts 7 th Edition, Feb 6, 2005 Components of a Linux System Components of a Linux System 21.36 Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne â2005 Operating System Concepts ... 21.13 Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne â2005 Operating System Concepts 7 th Edition, Feb 6, 2005 Components of a Linux System (Cont.) Components of a Linux System (Cont.)  The system libraries define a standard...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 02:20

62 558 0
lecture operating system chapter 01 - university of technology

lecture operating system chapter 01 - university of technology

... What is an operating system 1.2 History of operating systems 1.3 The operating system zoo 1.4 Computer hardware review 1.5 Operating system concepts 1.6 System calls 1.7 Operating system structure ... Operating Systems (4) ã Multiprogramming system three jobs in memory 3 rd generation 8 The Operating System Zoo ã Mainframe operating systems ã Server operating systems ã Multiprocessor operating ... systems ã Multiprocessor operating systems ã Personal computer operating systems ã Real-time operating systems ã Embedded operating systems ã Smart card operating systems 9 Computer Hardware Review...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2014, 15:30

36 320 0
lecture operating system chapter 02 - Processes and Threads University of technology

lecture operating system chapter 02 - Processes and Threads University of technology

... instant 3 Process Creation Principal events that cause process creation 1. System initialization ã Execution of a process creation system 1. User request to create a new process 2. Initiation of a batch ... unnecessary user/kernel transitions ã Kernel assigns virtual processors to each process lets runtime system allocate threads to processors ã Problem: Fundamental reliance on kernel (lower layer) ...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2014, 15:30

55 412 0
The Duality of Memory and Communication in the Implementation of a Multiprocessor Operating System

The Duality of Memory and Communication in the Implementation of a Multiprocessor Operating System

... University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Appeared in Proceedings of the 11th Operating Systems Principles, November, 1987 Abstract Mach is a multiprocessor operating system being implemented at Carnegie-Mellon University. ... Collins and L.W. Loen. System/ 38 Machine Storage Management. IBM System/ 38 Technical Developments, IBM General Systems Division :63-66, 1978. [7] Gupta, A. Parallel Production Systems. PhD thesis, ... November, 1984. [9] Kahn, K.C. et al. iMAX: A Multiprocessor Operating System for an Object-Based Computer. In Proc. 8th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, pages 127-136. ACM, December, 1981. [10]...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 15:05

23 1,3K 1
Tổng quan về Operating System

Tổng quan về Operating System

... là hệ điều hành sau này. 1.23 Một số khái niệm của hệ điều hành(tt)  Sự phân lớp hệ thống (System Layering) – Mỗi người sử dụng khác nhau yêu cầu khai thác hệ điều hành ở những mức độ khác...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2013, 16:48

62 500 3
Operating system

Operating system

... Warm up A. Look at the diagram What is the function of the operating system? The function of operating system is to control a computer, manage the function of the computer, and ... text below and find 1. MS - DOS 2. Microsoft window 3. Pocket PC 4. Mac OS 5. OS/2Wrap 6. UNIX 7. Linux 8. Solaries ...

Ngày tải lên: 03/08/2013, 01:26

7 419 0
matlab lecture notes

matlab lecture notes

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2013, 16:27

66 383 0
Linux Gold-System Build

Linux Gold-System Build

... address and a system name, and then you can connect the finished system to the network. for slice in 6 1 5 7 8 9 11 do umount /dev/hda$slice done 245 ■ ■ ■ CHAPTER 38 Linux Gold -System Build B uilding ... /tmp/root/boot mount /dev/hda5 /tmp/root/usr if [ ! -d /tmp/root/usr/local ] 248 CHAPTER 38 ■ LINUX GOLD -SYSTEM BUILD system to make sure the script output and the gold partition table match while account- ing ... file systems were part of this build, but it would be trivial to modify the code to remove unnecessary ones or to add your own file systems to match your gold build. The last two file systems...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:51

6 211 0