... 166 usermod 166 vipw and vigr 166 Installing Sysklogd 167 Installation of Sysklogd 167 Contents 167 Description 167 klogd 167 syslogd 167 Installing Sysvinit 168 Installation of Sysvinit 168 Contents ... of Tar 171 Contents 171 Description 171 tar 171 Linux From Scratch xvii Table of Contents Books 316 HOWTOs and Guides 317 Other 318 Linux From Scratch xxxiv Table of Contents chmod 136 chown ... Man 104 Installation of Man 104 Contents 104 Description 104 man 104 Linux From Scratch viii Table of Contents Linux From Scratch 1 Gerard Beekmans 1 Dedication 2 Preface 10 Who would want to...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 01:15
... decided to create from scratch his own version of Minix, but to make it better, avoiding what many considered the pitfalls of Minix. He managed to produce version 0.01 of Linux in just over ... advanced computer. It’s free with Linux. The Linux Community So we’ve established that Linux is powerful, secure, and flexible. But I’ve saved the best for last. Linux is more than a computer operating ... embracing Linux, it could massively enhance the functions of its aging NetWare product, yet without needing to return to the drawing board and start from scratch. It could just take what it wanted from...
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 06:20
... nominative pronouns and quantifiers occupy their own regions, and are well separated from each other and from open classes. 254 A BIRECURRENT NETWORK FOR PART-OF-SPEECH PREDICTION A straightforward ... to predict the next word from its own context units in the previous step and the current word. The network in Figure 3 has two novel features: It uses the vectors from the second singular ... mapping from one "time step" to the next. The connections on the right side are linked in the same way. The train- ing set consisted of 8,000 words in the New York Times newswire (from...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 20:20
hebrew from scratch 2
... put in lie hate ' ¥ 'r' judge תונוש Miscellaneous ץוח מ וליאכ except / apart from as if > ׳ ׳'-׳-/״ ׳ ןמוא ,.ז תינמוא .נ שורקה ךורב אוה .ז קוח ,.ז םיקוח ןגמ דוד .ז ... — ונל ןמז .םויה אל( / ןיא / )ילב 66) ינא בהוא תא ה—: ,לוגס קורי .םוחו םינבא( / םיעבצ / )םיחמצ 67) םהרבא הרישו אל — ונל םוש .רבד ורמא( / תרמא / )ונרמא 68) - הנח ,יסויו המ ?עמשנ רבכ הברה ןמז אל ... such as םיילענ םייסנכמו :and a few other words such as .This form cannot be derived automatically from every noun 72) ינא — דומלל לבא ןיא יל .חוכ עמוש( / ךירצ / )אצומ 73) ונכלה טרסל עבשב ,ברעב ו...
Ngày tải lên: 17/04/2014, 09:41
Technical reference manual Bay control IED REC 670 Innovation from ABB .Technical reference manual Bay control IED REC 670 About this manual Document No: 1MRK 511 187-UEN Issued: March 2007 Product version: 1.1 Revision: – © Copyright 2007 ABB. All pptx
... control (VCTR) 466 Introduction 466 Principle of operation 467 Automatic tap changer control (ATCC) 467 Introduction 467 Principle of operation 467 Tap Changer (YLTC) 479 Introduction 479 18 Keypad ... 001-BEN Accessories for IED 670 1MRK 514 012-BEN Getting started guide IED 670 1MRK 500 080-UEN SPA and LON signal list for IED 670 , ver. 1.1 1MRK 500 083-WEN IEC 61850 Data objects list for IED 670 , ver. 1.1 ... control IED REC 670 About this manual Document No: 1MRK 511 187-UEN Issued: March 2007 Product version: 1.1 Revision: – Technical reference manual Bay control IED REC 670 Innovation from ABB 4 Introduction...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 22:20
How to setup a Linux system that can boot directly from a software RAID
... /dev/md0 /dev/md0: Version : 00.90.01 Creation Time : Sat Sep 24 19:52:04 2005 Raid Level : raid1 Array Size : 3582336 (3.42 GiB 3 .67 GB) Device Size : 3582336 (3.42 GiB 3 .67 GB) Raid Devices ... /dev/md0 /dev/md0: Version : 00.90.01 Creation Time : Sat Sep 24 19:52:04 2005 Raid Level : raid1 Array Size : 3582336 (3.42 GiB 3 .67 GB) Device Size : 3582336 (3.42 GiB 3 .67 GB) Raid Devices ... /dev/md0 /dev/md0: Version : 00.90.01 Creation Time : Sat Sep 24 19:52:04 2005 Raid Level : raid1 Array Size : 3582336 (3.42 GiB 3 .67 GB) Device Size : 3582336 (3.42 GiB 3 .67 GB) Raid Devices...
Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2012, 10:11
Installing and Using Endpoint Security Agent for Linux Server Version NGX 7.0 GA
... Agent for Linux 7 Endpoint Security Agent for Linux 7 To manage Linux computer groups: 1. Create a user catalog and group for Linux computers. See “Creating a user catalog and group for Linux computers,” ... Security Agent for Linux. All references in this document to Endpoint Security Agent refer to the Linux version, unless otherwise specified. Endpoint Security Agent for Linux 17 Building a ... Agent for Linux. Setting specific security policies: You may wish your Linux users to have different security rules than your Windows users. Reducing policy size: Since the Linux version of...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 12:15
Tài liệu From DOS/Windows to Linux HOWTO ppt
... example of shell script, from which you can extract some basic rules: #!/bin/sh From DOS/Windows to Linux HOWTO 10. A Bit of Programming 6 Table of Contents From DOS/Windows to Linux HOWTO 1 By Guido ... Greenfield's ` `Linux User Guide'' ( /Linux/ docs /linux doc−project/users−guide), and the Linux FAQ ( /Linux FAQ.html). Feel ... xsetroot or xloadimage; From DOS/Windows to Linux HOWTO 7. What About Windows? 29 The latest version of this document is available in several formats on /Linux/ docs/howto. 1.2...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 09:20
Noun phrases in some selected chapters from “pride and prejudice” by jane austen and the equivalents in the translated version in vietnamese
... the meaning of the original version other than transmitting a smooth version, which is acceptable in the target language, to the readers. The author of the translated version has employed the ... translated version. To be more specific, the study will examine the difference between noun phrases in English and Vietnamese and their equivalents. The sources of data are typical written examples from ... written examples from the collected materials or extracts from “Pride and Prejudice” in the source language text and its translated version. '( '( '(...
Ngày tải lên: 05/02/2014, 22:22
Bài tập thực hành RedHat Linux (version 1) pdf
... Bài tập thực hành RedHat Linux (version 1) Quản trị hệ thống tập tin B1. Chuyển vào thư mục /etc/init.d, so sánh và giải thích...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 07:20
Đề tài: Iptables trên hệ điều hành Linux Centos version 5.8
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From how to master listening skill LECTURE READY version 1
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WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5 Programming Guide part 67 pps
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