linear time invariant systems and their properties



... stability radii of linear time-invariant time-delay systems, Systems Control Lett., 50 (2003), pp 209–219 [25] P Kunkel and V Mehrmann, Differential-Algebraic Equations Analysis and Numerical Solution, ... radii of linear systems, Systems Control Lett., (1986), pp 1–10 [22] D Hinrichsen and A J Pritchard, Stability radius for structured perturbations and the algebraic Riccati equation, Systems Control ... Industrial and Applied Mathematics STABILITY AND ROBUST STABILITY OF LINEAR TIME-INVARIANT DELAY DIFFERENTIAL-ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS∗ NGUYEN HUU DU† , VU HOANG LINH† , VOLKER MEHRMANN‡ , AND DO DUC

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2017, 02:57

24 67 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article Novel Heuristics for Cell Radius Determination in WCDMA Systems and Their Application to Strategic Planning Studies" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article Novel Heuristics for Cell Radius Determination in WCDMA Systems and Their Application to Strategic Planning Studies" potx

... to digital systems (like Global Systems for Mobile (GSM) Communications or IS-95), and currently to 3G multiservice systems, such as Universal Mobile Telecommunication Systems (UMTSs) and 4G Long ... one, and of course for the uplink and the downlink Therefore the formulation explained previously, and the value R p , has to be applied for each service i and each direction (Uplink (UL) and ... and unbalanced traffic scenarios Tables and provides the traffic figures for the different services in these two general categories In this case α and ts are the call attempt rate and the service time

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20

14 353 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Maximum Likelihood Turbo Iterative Channel Estimation for Space-Time Coded Systems and Its Application to Radio Transmission in Subway Tunnels" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Maximum Likelihood Turbo Iterative Channel Estimation for Space-Time Coded Systems and Its Application to Radio Transmission in Subway Tunnels" potx

... principle to channel estimation/ equalization and coding on graphs, with special focus on their generalization to MIMO systems and their implementation issues Joaqu´n M´guez was born ... Dapena, and L Castedo, Space-time a coding for GSM systems in subway. .. Demodulation using demodulator diversity and BER estimation, Ph.D thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and ... filtering, stochastic optimization, and their applications to multiuser communications, smart antenna systems, target tracking, and vehicle positioning and navigation Luis Castedo was born

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 01:20

13 390 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article About K-Positivity Properties of Time-Invariant Linear Systems Subject to Point Delays" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article About K-Positivity Properties of Time-Invariant Linear Systems Subject to Point Delays" pdf

... by Alexander Domoshnitsky This paper discusses nonnegativity and positivity concepts and related properties for the state and output trajectory solutions of dynamic linear time-invariant systems ... particular,... discrete-time linear control a systems, ” Linear Algebra and Its Applications, vol 310, no 1–3, pp 49–71, 2000 [10] R Bru, S Romero, and E S´ nchez, “Structural properties of ... singular regular linear time-delay time-invariant systems subject to multiple internal and external incommensurate point delays,” to appear in Applied Mathematics and Computation

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 18:20

28 352 0
Changes of temperature data for energy studies over time and their impact on energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The case of Athens and Thessaloniki – Greece

Changes of temperature data for energy studies over time and their impact on energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The case of Athens and Thessaloniki – Greece

... energy systems analysis, thermal and physical processes and equipment, internal combustion engines, utilization of renewable energy sources and de-pollution systems and technology for industrial and ... cooling demands is 28.5% and for Thessaloniki 13.2% Obviously, directly proportional to the energy demand for heating and cooling is the fuel (diesel oil) and electricity consumption and hence ... indicator and the basis for calculations of heating and cooling energy demand [1] or for estimating bin data and heating and cooling degree-days at any base [2, 10, 11] Table shows the monthly and

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10

14 548 0
Control and scheduling codesign flexible resource management in real time control systems   feng xia  you xian sun

Control and scheduling codesign flexible resource management in real time control systems feng xia you xian sun

... control, 5, quantization, 114, 115 real-time communication, 5, 26 real-time computing, 26, 40 Real-Time Control Systems, 3, real-time scheduling, 6, 12 real-time systems, 3, reference input, 43, 161 ... University Press and Springer jointly publish monographs by Chinese scholars and professors, as well as invited authors and editors from abroad who are outstanding e>q)erts and scholars in their fields ... feedback control theory, sampleddata control, and real-time systems Prior e^erience with intelligent control, poweraware computing, and network bandwidth allocation is also helpful, thou^ not

Ngày tải lên: 01/01/2014, 18:47

256 404 1
Finding Surprising Patterns in a Time Series Database in Linear Time and Space pdf

Finding Surprising Patterns in a Time Series Database in Linear Time and Space pdf

... ăÂÂăƯÔ Eamonn Keogh Bill ‘Yuan-chi’ Chiu Finding Surprising Patterns in a Time Series Database in Linear Time and Space  eT B VFT HT X e B C @ @ € X C e X 8T B 8 HT e S …T e B b XT S X C ... f`qpiDYhGgDfD`1ƯdÔƯcÔÔa`YW9G(9ƯăIÔG9$D(A975 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of California Riverside, CA 92521  "        © Ơ & % #$! ă('Â##ă ... V e V ˜ —–  “  •  ” Œ “ Œ ‘   Œ Ž w w ăÔiG(9A`ăƯătăfd'f{(Ư(ƯÔ9s9f9d  i Categories and Subject Descriptors w R CT e V €F V … F V e R HT B @ z 8 …T X R e z R V eT ‘ b V C B 3$iD1ƯG$$Ô$tÔpGDfafÂG`9ÔDfd$|Dcsht$#D(@

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 13:20

11 485 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " A systematic review of mobility instruments and their measurement properties for older acute medical patients" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " A systematic review of mobility instruments and their measurement properties for older acute medical patients" doc

... multiple stands from chair, standing balance, step-up and ambulation Approximately 10 minutes [29] 8.6 minutes (SD = 3.6 minutes) [41] A bed, chair, stop watch, standardised step and gait aid ... measures and monitors this important construct for hospitalised older patients would have a range of useful applications in clinical care Mobility is the focus of the Timed Up and Go (TUG) [2] and ... unrelated constructs) For groups of patients who are known to differ in their mobility, group mean scores (and standard deviations) and between groups comparison data were extracted as evidence of 'known

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

15 939 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Stability criteria for linear Hamiltonian dynamic systems on time scales" potx

Báo cáo sinh học: " Stability criteria for linear Hamiltonian dynamic systems on time scales" potx

... problems, for discretea time linear Hamiltonian systems Dyn Syst Appl 8, 439–459 (1999) (Special Issue on “Discrete and Continuous Hamiltonian Systems” edited by Agarwal RP and Bohner M) [21] Vl ... ω-periodic time scale and ∈ T Consider the polar linear Hamiltonian dynamic system on time scale T x (t) = α(t)x(σ(t)) + β(t)y(t), y (t) = −γ(t)x(σ(t)) − α(t)y(t), t ∈ T, (1.1) where α(t), β(t) and ... Agarwal, M Bohner, P Rehak, Half-linear dynamic equations Nonlinear Anal Appl 1, 1–56 (2003) [8] LQ Jiang, Z Zhou, Lyapunov inequality for linear Hamiltonian systems on time scales J Math Anal Appl

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

21 240 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Surface properties of glass micropipettes and their effect on biological studies" pot

Báo cáo hóa học: " Surface properties of glass micropipettes and their effect on biological studies" pot

... Surface properties of glass micropipettes and their effect on biological studies Majid Malboubi 1* , Yuchun Gu 2 and Kyle Jiang 1* Abstract In this paper, an investigation on surface properties ... ette’s tip surface properties, one parameter was varied whereas the others were held uncha nged in every set of experiments. Delay and time are both c ooling para- meters. Time has quite narrow ... GTP, 10 mM HEPE, and at 7.2 in pH, and the bath solution was composed of 110 mM NaCl, 5 mM KCl, 1 mM MgCl 2 , 1 mM CaCl 2 , 5 mM HEPEs, 5 mM HEPE-Na, and at 7.2 in pH. Results and discussion Over

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20

10 313 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Review of thermo-physical properties, wetting and heat transfer characteristics of nanofluids and their applicability in industrial quench heat treatment" pot

Báo cáo hóa học: " Review of thermo-physical properties, wetting and heat transfer characteristics of nanofluids and their applicability in industrial quench heat treatment" pot

... fraction, and tempera- ture [66]. Xue and Xu derived a model which consists of the thermal conductivity of the solid and liquid, their relative volume fraction, the particle size and interfacial properties ... Review of thermo-physical properties, wetting and heat transfer characteristics of nanofluids and their applicability in industrial quench heat treatment Gopalan Ramesh and Narayan Kotekar Prabhu ... so lid and liquid, their volume fractions, particle size and interfacial shell prop- erties. The proposed model creates a non-linear relation between the effective thermal conductivity and nanopar-

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

15 434 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article About Robust Stability of Caputo Linear Fractional Dynamic Systems with Time Delays through Fixed Point Theory" pot

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article About Robust Stability of Caputo Linear Fractional Dynamic Systems with Time Delays through Fixed Point Theory" pot

... positivity of singular regular linear time-delay time-invariant systems subject to multiple internal and external incommensurate point delays,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol 190, no ... been employed successfully in stability problems of dynamic systems such as time-delay and continuous-time/digital hybrid systems and in those involving switches among different parameterizations ... dynamic systems,” International Journal of Systems Science, vol 14, no 4, pp 367–383, 1983 25 M De la Sen and N Luo, “On the uniform exponential stability of a wide class of linear time-delay systems,”

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

19 403 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article On Some Integral Inequalities on Time Scales and Their Applications" pdf

báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article On Some Integral Inequalities on Time Scales and Their Applications" pdf

... of time scales and time scales notation; for an excellent introduction to the calculus on time scales, we refer the reader to Bohner and Peterson for general overview Some Preliminaries on Time ... and Applications Volume 2010, Article ID 464976, 13 pages doi:10.1155/2010/464976 Research Article On Some Integral Inequalities on Time Scales and Their Applications Run Xu,1 Fanwei Meng,1 and ... Li and W Sheng, “Some nonlinear integral inequalities on time scales,” Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Article ID 70465, 15 pages, 2007 W N Li, “Some Pachpatte type inequalities on time

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 18:20

13 282 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Reduced-Rank Shift-Invariant Technique and Its Application for Synchronization and Channel Identification in UWB Systems" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Reduced-Rank Shift-Invariant Technique and Its Application for Synchronization and Channel Identification in UWB Systems" potx

... investigate reduced-rank shift-invariant technique and its application for synchronization and channel identification in UWB systems. Shift-invariant techniques, such as ESPRIT and the matrix pencil method, ... matrix U and Q×L matrix V consist of left and right singular vectors, respectively. U p (V p ) and U r (V r ) are the left and right submatrices of U(V), associated with the p principal and the ... receiver and the transmitter, and T s is the symbol period. To set up the connection between (22)and(1), we can transform (22) from time domain to frequency domain by (1) Let i = 1, and set the

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20

13 301 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Contiguous Frequency-Time Resource Allocation and Scheduling for Wireless OFDMA Systems with QoS Support" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Contiguous Frequency-Time Resource Allocation and Scheduling for Wireless OFDMA Systems with QoS Support" pdf

... 802.16e-2005, “IEEE standard for local and metropolitan area networks—part 16: air interface for fixed and mobile broadband wireless access systems, ... scheme for OFDMA systems (following ... each ith burst must follow a rectangular shape and considering the burst starts at n i and k i with h i and w i the number of the MRUs in frequency and time, respectively, ξ i is given by ξ i ( n, ... developed simulator using c ++ and it ++ communi- cation libraries. The simulator includes both the link level and the system level properties where both the MAC and the PHY properties of the WiMAX

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20

12 348 0
Stabilization and control of unstable time delay systems

Stabilization and control of unstable time delay systems

... hysteresis, time-varying plant parameters, time-varying delay, unknown and time varying model uncertainties and even a nonlinear dynamics model. The nonlinear behavior cannot be neglected and has ... STABILIZATION AND CONTROL OF UNSTABLE TIME DELAY SYSTEMS LEE SEE CHEK NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2012 STABILIZATION AND CONTROL OF UNSTABLE TIME DELAY SYSTEMS LEE SEE CHEK ... An Introduction to Linear, Sampled &Non-linear Systems. World Scientific, 1995. [29] Z. Zhang, Q.-G. Wang, and Y. Zhang, “Relationship on stabilizability of LTI systems by P and PI controllers,”

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 17:57

147 323 0
Electronic and magnetic properties of two dimensional electron gases at complex oxide interfaces for different polar systems and crystallographic orientations

Electronic and magnetic properties of two dimensional electron gases at complex oxide interfaces for different polar systems and crystallographic orientations

... motivated and to improve myself I would like to thank all my Nanocore colleagues for their motivation and kind help during my research work I appreciate Dr Gopi and Dr Arkajit and Dr Wang Xiao for their ... between lattice structure and electronic properties is found to be key to manipulate the properties in these oxide interfaces and may applicable to other oxide systems whose properties are sensitive ... fascinating interface systems whose properties sensitive to the crystal structure The correlation between the lattice structure and electronic properties is found to be key to manipulate the properties

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:11

228 495 0
Structural decomposition of general singular linear systems and its applications

Structural decomposition of general singular linear systems and its applications

... in Digital Systems and Applications Lab and Control and Simulation Lab, the National University of Singapore. Their kind assistance and friendship have made my life in Singapore easy and colorful. ... gratitude to my parents and parents-inlaw for their persistent support, love and encouragement, and to my wife, Weirong, my son, Zhizhou, for their unwavering understanding and warmest love. iii ... essential in understanding the internal states of linear systems, which is the first step in solving linear systems and control problems Hence... detectibility and so on The second

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2015, 17:18

161 378 0
Assembly of nanoparticles and small molecules on graphene and their nonlinear optical limiting properties

Assembly of nanoparticles and small molecules on graphene and their nonlinear optical limiting properties

... thermal, electrical and mechanical properties. In nonlinear optical limiting measurement, a Z-scan measurement is used to measure the non-linear index n2 (Kerr nonlinearity) and the non-linear absorption ... of Thiophene-Acrylonitrile-Carbazole Oligomer and Their Nonlinear Optical Limiting Properties 3.1 Introduction Nonlinear Optical limiting (NLO) materials have potential applications in protection of eyes and sensitive optical ... to 7 their high quantum yields and lifetimes. Their fluorescence emission spectra are very sensitive micro-environment which enables us to investigate the electronic status of other aromatic systems

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2015, 14:23

81 370 0
classes of groups and their properties

classes of groups and their properties

... Fitting in 1938. The formations N c and S (d) are also Fitting classes and, in general, since D 0 ≤ N 0 and R 0 ≤ SD 0 , a subgroup 112 2 Classes of groups and their properties was the soluble one, ... the first and third properties leading to the theory of saturated formations and Schunck classes and the associated projectors and the second property to the theory of Fitting classes and injectors. Both ... He proves: 92 2 Classes of groups and their properties 2. If F and G are formations and F ∩ G =(1),thenD 0 (F ∪ G)=R 0 (F ∪ G). 3. Let ∅ = F be a formation and let S be a non-abelian simple...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 01:59

37 378 0