... apparent application o+ Lexi- ~anis is, in Lexicography, the generation of "morpheme-based" dictionaries and the generation of lemmata. Lexifanis may serve as a background in a ... and error detection package , or any "writers aid" software system. Finally, Machine Translation woulO be another major area of application where Lexifanis may be included, as ... fait du savoir une f~te' R.BARTHES ABST~ Lexifanis& quot; is a Software Tool designed and implemented by the authors to analyze Modern Greek Language (~AnuoTL~'). This system assigns...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 09:20
... face the task. There are two reasons why the approach doesn't do as well as an automatic approach ought to. First, as mentioned above, our method of evaluation is not ideal; it may make ... seem poor. Perhaps our results actually show the level of 'typical usage' in the newspaper. Second, lexical ambiguity is a major problem, affecting both evaluation and the construction ... financially sup- ported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada. References Church, Kenneth Ward, William Gale, Patrick Hanks, Donald Hindle, and Rosamund Moon. 1994. Lexical...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 03:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Sentiment Analyzer for Micro-blogs" potx
... Marshall S. Smith, and Daniel M. Ogilvie. 1966. The General Inquirer: A Computer Approach to Content Analysis. MIT Press. Maite Taboada and Jack Grieve. 2004. Analyzing Ap- praisal Automatically. ... Micro-blogs Aditya Joshi 1 Balamurali A R 2 Pushpak Bhattacharyya 1 Rajat Mohanty 3 1 Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay, Mumbai 2 IITB-Monash Research Academy, IIT Bombay, Mumbai 3 AOL ... University. Go Alec, Bhayani Richa, Raghunathan Karthik, and Huang Lei. 2009b. May. Andrea Esuli and Fabrizio Sebastiani. 2006. SentiWord- Net: A publicly available lexical resource for opinion mining....
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 00:20
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 02:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Semantic Analyzer for English Sentences" pdf
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Morphological Analyzer and Generator for the Arabic Dialects" pdf
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 18:20
Báo cáo khoa học: " Parsing the Wall Street Journal using a Lexical-Functional Grammar and Discriminative Estimation Techniques" doc
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 20:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Simultaneous Tokenization and Part-of-Speech Tagging for Arabic without a Morphological Analyzer" doc
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 21:20
A study on syntactic, lexical semantic and rhetorical features of word groups containing words denoting seasons in vietnamese and english
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:16
A study of lexical, syntactic and pragmatic features of company slogans in english and vietnamese
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:23
A comparative study of lexical cohesion in english and vietnamese newspaper articles
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 00:40
... used Child care Care program Healthcare IT Healthcare professionals Healthcare products Healthcare solutions Healthcare process Healthcare providers Healthcare goals Healthcare program Healthcare market Health ... information to have an overview of the operation and organizational structure. As a matter of fact, the advertisements are almost in English that is regarded as an international language. How ... collocation as a word that keeps a family of words collocated with each other. This leads to the notion of lexical phrases, certain phrases that always appear in the same form, such as by pure...
Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 10:43
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Large Scale Distributed Syntactic, Semantic and Lexical Language Model for Machine Translation" doc
... Stochastic analysis of lexical and semantic enhanced structural language model. The 8th International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference (ICGI), 97-111. K. Yamada and K. Knight. 2001. A syntax-based ... signif- icantly. Bear in mind that Charniak et al. (2003) in- tegrated Charniak’s language model with the syntax- based translation model Yamada and Knight pro- posed (2001) to rescore a tree-to-string ... Typically, the number of documents and vocabulary size are much larger than the size of latent semantic class variables. Thus, latent semantic class variables function as bot- tleneck variables...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 04:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A High-Accurate Chinese-English NE Backward Translation System Combining Both Lexical Information and Web Statistics" pdf
... Tom’s Cabin” and “湯姆(pronounced as Tang-Mu)叔叔的(uncle’s)小屋(cabin)” Translating by Both Phonetic Values and Meaning The translation would have both a similar pronunciation and a similar meaning ... 大(great) 聖 (saint)” Parallel Names NE is initially denominated as more than one name or in more than one language. “孫中山(Sun Zhong-Shan)” and “Sun Yat-Sen” Table 1. Possible translating ways ... Abstract Named entity translation is indispensable in cross language information retrieval nowadays. We propose an approach of combining lexical information, web sta- tistics, and inverse...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 12:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Lexical transfer using a vector-space model" doc
... Laboratories 2-2 Hikaridai, Seika, Soraku Kyoto 619-0288, Japan sumita@slt.atr.co.jp Abstract Building a bilingual dictionary for transfer in a machine translation system is conventionally ... using matrix PRICAI-00, 2000, (to appear). Tanaka H. (1995) Statistical Learning of “Case Frame Tree” for Translating English Verbs, Journal of NLP, 2/3, pp. 49-72, (in Japanese). Yamada, S., ... generalization (Akiba et. al., 1996 and Tanaka, 1995); (2) approaches using structural matching: to obtain transfer rules, several search methods have been proposed for maximal structural matching between...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 18:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Mapping Lexical Entries in a Verbs Database to WordNet Senses" doc
... tokens in a text corpus. Second, we take an “all-words”rather than a lexical- sample” approach (Kilgarriff and Rosenzweig, 2000): All words in the lexical database “text” are disam- biguated, not ... ambiguityin naturallanguage. In Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, num- ber 11, pages 95–130. Hans Van Halteren, Jakub Zavrel, and Walter Daele- mans. 1998. Improving data-driven wordclass tag- ging ... and the Humanities, 34:217–222. Adwait Ratnaparkhi. 2000. Trainable methodsfor sur- face natural language generation. In Proceedings of the ANLP-NAACL, Seattle, WA. Philip Resnik. 199 9a. Disambiguating...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 18:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Acquiring Lexical Generalizations from Corpora: A Case Study for Diathesis Alternations" pdf
... percentages are the aver- age of the judges' individual classifications. 399 Acquiring Lexical Generalizations from Corpora: A Case Study for Diathesis Alternations Maria Lapata School ... attested in corpus data. We automatically acquire alternating verbs from large balanced corpora by using partial- parsing methods and taxonomic information, and discuss how corpus data can ... in al- ternations was judged as follows: (a) a verb partic- ipates in the dative alternation if it has the double object and 'V NP1 to NP2' frames and (b) a verb Dative Alternation...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Lexical Morphology in Machine Translation: a Feasibility Study" potx
... For example, the Italian relational adjective aziendale (from the noun azienda, Eng: com- pany) has no adjectival equivalent in French. The Italian prefixed adjective interaziendale can only ... morphographemic variations). For example, the routine is able to find links between adjectives and base nouns such as ambientale and ambiente, aziendale and azienda, cortisonica and cortisone ... derived words may seem attractive, it raises many problems and so it is currently more of a research goal for MT than a practical possibility” (Arnold, Balkan et al. 1994). As far as we know,...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 02:20
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