law and order special victims unit closure part 2

Law and order

Law and order

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 06:20

24 318 0
Test Topic 10 : Law and order pot

Test Topic 10 : Law and order pot

... the captital. HOME 2. Drug ________ is a problem causing great concern. ADDICT 3. ________ creates hardship for all members of the family. EMPLOY 4. We feel that the laws against begging ... money for illegal services. 4. Driving after taking alcohol 7. Taking a child and asking its parents for money 2. Stealing from a shop 5. Threatening to reveal secrets 8 Stealing from people’s ... -verdict / witness Jack (1)___ a crime when he (2) ___ a post officer. He (3) __ 5000$. A (4) ___managed to take a photograph of him. The police (5) __ him and (6) __ him with robbery. The case came...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 01:20

2 515 0
TEST 2 : Law and order ppt

TEST 2 : Law and order ppt

... the captital. HOME 2. Drug ________ is a problem causing great concern. ADDICT 3. ________ creates hardship for all members of the family. EMPLOY 4. We feel that the laws against begging ... money for illegal services. 4. Driving after taking alcohol 7. Taking a child and asking its parents for money 2. Stealing from a shop 5. Threatening to reveal secrets 8 Stealing from people’s ... -verdict / witness Jack (1)___ a crime when he (2) ___ a post officer. He (3) __ 5000$. A (4) ___managed to take a photograph of him. The police (5) __ him and (6) __ him with robbery. The case came...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 19:21

2 431 0
Energy Law and the Environment Part 1 doc

Energy Law and the Environment Part 1 doc

... resources 16 2. 2.1 Solar energy 16 2. 2 .2 Wind energy 19 2. 2.3 Geothermal energy 21 2. 2.4 Biomass 22 2. 2.5 Other renewable energy resources 23 2. 2.6 Hydrogen and fuel cell vehicle technology 25 2. 3 Advanced ... Advanced fossil fuel and nuclear technologies 26 2. 4 The role of the law 28 2. 4.1 Law in context 28 2. 4 .2 Law, economics and education 29 2. 4.3 The meaning and scope of energy law 30 3 Energy, international ... national or State law reform measures 198 7.3.1 International law 198 7.3 .2 National or State law 199 7.3 .2. 1 Solar energy 20 1 7.3 .2. 2 Wind energy 20 2 7.3 .2. 3 Geothermal energy 20 2 7.3 .2. 4 Energy efficiency...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20

27 358 0
Energy Law and the Environment Part 2 pptx

Energy Law and the Environment Part 2 pptx

... between 80% and 90%. In contrast, industrial plant which produces steam and purchases electricity is usually only 50% to 70% efficient. 21 2. 2 Renewable energy resources 22 2. 2.1 Solar energy 23 Australia ... 1978, 92; W Lawrence and J Minan, ‘The Competitive Aspects of Utility Participation in Solar Development’ (1979) 54 Indiana LJ 22 9 at 23 0. 27 TWest, ‘Photovoltaics: A Quiet Revolution’ (19 82) 3 ... theNetherlands’ (20 03) 8International EnergyLawand TaxationRev 225 ;AJBradbrook andASWawryk,‘TheLegalRegime Governing the Exploitation of Offshore Wind Energy in Australia’ (20 01) 18 Environmental and...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20

27 368 0
Energy Law and the Environment Part 3 pps

Energy Law and the Environment Part 3 pps

... and Developing Countries’ (1994) 12 JEnergy and Natural Resources Law 95; C Redgwell, ‘Energy, Environment and Trade in the European Community’ (1994) 12 J Energy and Natural Resources Law 128 . 8 In ... Energy and Natural Resources Law 4; E Smith and D Cluchey, ‘GATT, NAFTA and the Trade in Energy: A US Perspective’ (1994) 12 J Energy and Natural Resources Law 27 ;DMacDougall, ‘Trade in Energy and ... 5 J Energy and Natural Resources Law 20 2; A E Boyle, ‘Nuclear Energy and International Law: An Environmental Perspective’ [1989] British Yearbook of International Law 25 7; Birnie and Boyle, International...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20

27 283 0
Energy Law and the Environment Part 4 docx

Energy Law and the Environment Part 4 docx

... 7), capacity building and technology transfer (Principle 9), and public participation in decision-making (including women and indigenous people) (Principles 10, 20 and 22 ). States were also called ... of Law, DRAFT/BR/17.01.05. 104 United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and World Energy Council, World Energy Assessment 20 04 Update,United ... to 0.33% in 20 10, 0.47% in 20 15 and 0.51% by 20 20. However, if Australia does not participate in Kyoto but other Annex B countries (excluding the United States) do participate, the cost is still high...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20

27 318 0
Energy Law and the Environment Part 5 pot

Energy Law and the Environment Part 5 pot

... 300 20 02 1100 20 03 1800 20 04 26 00 20 05 3400 20 06 4500 20 07 5600 20 08 6800 20 09 8100 20 10 and later years 9500 Table 4.1 Renewable energy targets example, the RPP for the year 20 01 was 0 .24 %. Consequently, ... development; and generate the use of new technologies and provide opportunities particularly for rural and regional Australia. See The HeatisOn, notes 17 and 34, at 120 . 1 02 ENERGY LAW AND THE ENVIRONMENT 4.10 .2 ... Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) s 12. 65 Ibid s 16. 66 Ibid s 18. 67 Ibid s 20 . 68 Ibid s 21 . 69 Ibid s 23 . 70 Ibid s 25 . 71 Ibid s 26 . 72 Ibid s 67. 94 ENERGY LAW AND THE...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20

27 298 0
Energy Law and the Environment Part 6 potx

Energy Law and the Environment Part 6 potx

... < FinalReport20December20 022 004 021 3110039.pdf?CFID =24 2389&CFTOKEN=11377 123 >. ELECTRICITY AND GAS SECTORS 123 offered various undertakings under s 87B of ... UNSW Law Journal 25 (1) (20 02) 129 –36. 17 16 USC 26 01. 18 PURPA inserts s 3(17)(C) into the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791). 19 PURPA, s 20 1; see Kantro, ‘What States can glean’, 537. 20 PURPA, s203.The ... EMRP. 68 Ibid s 20 . 69 Ibid s 44. 70 Ibid s 40. 71 Ibid s 90 (2) . 72 Ibid s 68. 73 See < %20 Environment %20 Centre.pdf>. 126 ENERGY LAW AND THE ENVIRONMENT caps,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20

27 326 0
Energy Law and the Environment Part 7 pptx

Energy Law and the Environment Part 7 pptx

... < d85500a0d7f5f07b4a2565d10 022 68f3/a9c1e4da4c8b0 124 ca256b3c00111e13/$FILE/ 824 .pdf> (accessed 4May 20 05). 38 Available at <>. 1 52 ENERGY LAW AND ... Administrative Appeals Tribunal. 31 20 Electricity (Greenhouse Gas Abatement) Act 20 04,s7. 21 Ibid s 15. 22 Ibid s 10. 23 Ibid Part 8. 24 Ibid s 17. 25 Ibid s 12( 6). 26 Ibid s 16. 27 Electricity (Greenhouse ... June 20 05). 55 Available at < 50f990be90fcedc2ca256ee00 027 bd61/$FILE/ESDC %20 Guidelines %20 - %20 Vers %20 1B %20 2003 121 0. pdf>...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20

27 321 0
Energy Law and the Environment Part 8 pot

Energy Law and the Environment Part 8 pot

... < 20 022 004 021 3110039.pdf?CFID =24 2389&CFTOKEN=11377 123 > (accessed 4 May 20 05). 103 Ibid at 173. 104 Ibid at 178. 190 ENERGY LAW AND THE ENVIRONMENT devoted ... by 25 0MW (2% ) and reduce emissions by 6000ktCO 2 e per annum (ibid at 29 ) and by 1634MW and 3462ktCO 2 e per annum, if renewables were fully operational (ibid at 30). ASUSTAINABLE ENERGY LAW ... 20 05). 124 See <> (accessed 2 January 20 05). 170 ENERGY LAW AND THE ENVIRONMENT DSM in NSW In 20 02, the New South Wales Independent Pricing and Regulatory...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20

27 394 0
Energy Law and the Environment Part 9 docx

Energy Law and the Environment Part 9 docx

... The standard set in various countries is as follows: the Netherlands – 10% by 20 20, 17 Denmark – 20 % by 20 10, 18 the United States – 10% by 20 19, 19 and the United Kingdom – 10.4% by 20 10. 20 Despite ... Danish Electricity reform’ (20 01) 29 Energy Policy 509 21 . 19 Energy Policy Act 20 02. 20 The Renewables Obligation Order 20 02 No. 914 made under the Utilities Act 20 00 (UK); for a detailed discussion ... stan- dard and which do not comply with that standard, or goods in respect of which 72 Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act,USCode 19 82, Title 15, ss 1901, 20 01- 12; PL 96- 425 ; 94 Stat 1 821 . 73 Motor...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20

27 424 0
Energy Law and the Environment Part 10 potx

Energy Law and the Environment Part 10 potx

... 115 information rights 21 2 not consulted on green power 1 62 controlled actions 92 conventions, international law 41–66 cooperation between states 64, 21 4, 22 1 cooperative federalism 120 Coordinating ... policy and 119 electricity restructuring 1 12, 113–18 emergency obligations 39 environmental planning 151–3, 155 hydro-electricity 24 impact assessment 22 4 impact mitigation 21 2 international law ... production 1–9 Australian use 2 3 international law 34–77 international trade 35 legal issues 30 2, 1 82 20 7 legislation to cover 92 5 performance standards 174–81 pricing 21 1 security of 185 technologies...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20

16 249 0


... Directive 20 02/ 21/EC Framework Directive OJ [20 02] L 108. Council Directive 20 02/ 20/EC Authorisation Directive OJ [20 02] L 108. Council Directive 20 02/ 19/EC Access Directive OJ [20 02] L 108. Council ... Directive 20 02/ 22/ EC Universal Service Directive OJ [20 02] L 108. Council Directive 20 02/ 58/EC Data Protection and Electronic Commu- nications Directive, OJ [20 02] L 108. Council Decision 676 /20 02/ EC ... Education and Skills, C -20 9/03, [20 05] nyr, judgment 15 March 20 05 TV10 SA v. Commissariaat voor de Media, C -23 /93, [1994] ECR I-4795 United Brands Co and United Brands Continental BV v. Commission ,27 /76, [1978]...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20

38 382 0