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La Vuelta de Martín Fierro de José Hernández Bienos pot

La Vuelta de Martín Fierro de José Hernández Bienos pot

... debe ajustarse estrictamente los usos y costumbres de esos mismos lectores, rendir sus ideas é interpretar sus sentimientos en su mismo lenguage, en sus frases mas usuales, en su forma mas general, ... nuestros proverbios gauchos Qué singular es, y qué digno de observacion, el oir nuestros paisanos mas incultos, espresar en dos versos claros y sencillos, máximas y pensamientos morales que las ... estraordinario estremo de que, todos sus refranes, sus dichos agudos, sus proverbios comunes son espresados en dos versos octosílabos perfectamente medidos, acentuados inflexible regularidad, llenos de...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 02:21

74 394 0


... Disclosure of, DNA Records and Samples Upload of DNA Records Quality Assurance Standards The FBI issued two sets of Quality Assurance Standards: (1) QAS for Forensic DNA Testing Laboratories, ... Appendices III and IV, respectively The following provides the OIG analysis of the responses and summary of actions necessary to close the report Analysis of Auditee s Response In response to our ... forensic unknown Specifically, question V from the NDIS allowability flowchart asks “was the item seized by law enforcement from the suspect s person, or was the item in the possession of the suspect...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 22:20

55 408 0
What Janus Meant: The First Wave of Court Decisions Interpreting the Supreme Court’s “Ultimate Authority” Test in Securities Cases potx

What Janus Meant: The First Wave of Court Decisions Interpreting the Supreme Court’s “Ultimate Authority” Test in Securities Cases potx

... contents “As to other statements, such as those made in press conferences or in press releases, there is no allegation that anyone other than ES and the direct issuers of those statements had authority ... purpose and effect of a purported scheme is to make a public misrepresentation or omission, courts have routinely rejected the SEC s attempt to bypass the elements necessary to impose ‘misstatement’ ... Conclusion The Janus decision will continue to shape both the plaintiffs’ bar s claims alleging securities fraud, and defendants’ arguments for dismissal of such claims Within six months of the Supreme...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 14:20

9 435 0
elite trader’s secrets - market forecasting with the new refined elliott wave principle pattern recognition system - rich swannell

elite trader’s secrets - market forecasting with the new refined elliott wave principle pattern recognition system - rich swannell

... behave It shows that mass psychology swings from pessimism to optimism, and back again, in a natural sequence, creating specific measurable patterns One of the most obvious places to see this phenomenon ... defines the primary aspects of an Impulse wave as: Wave does not fall below the starting price of Wave Wave is not the shortest wave by price movement when compared to Wave and Wave Wave does not ... traders will Mass crowd psychology comes into play, the result of mass human emotion as it swings from fear to hope, and back again Liquidity is essential for consistent Elliott Wave behavior Stocks...

Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2014, 16:26

83 461 1
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article From Newton’s Equation to Fractional Diffusion and Wave Equations" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article From Newton’s Equation to Fractional Diffusion and Wave Equations" pptx

... combination of a spring and a dashpot in series In this case, the stresses are equal for both structural parts while the strains add This leads to the classical Maxwell model which is described by ... ideal solids and liquids and are named viscoelastic materials The basic models of such materials are based on combinations of springs and dashpots 2, 16, 54 As an illustration, let us consider the ... x, t also satisfies the diffusion equation above Such solutions can be interpreted as probability distributions with internal structure associated to internal degrees of freedom of the system We...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

13 313 0
Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 1 pot

Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 1 pot

... of Sciences Research Center of Ecological Safety Korpusnaya ul 18 197110 St Petersburg Russian Federation Dr Alexander V Vasilyev St Petersburg State University Institute of Physics Ulyanovskaya ... observed values The analysis of the database convinces us that solar radiation absorption in the dust and cloudy atmosphere is more significant than has been considered Many authors have classified ... both are also called semispherical fluxes expressed in watts per square meter (per micron) The physical sense of these definitions is evident The downward flux is radiation energy passing through...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:21

32 358 0
Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 2 ppsx

Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 2 ppsx

... level are Alto-stratus (As), Alto-cumulus (Ac); the high stratiform clouds are Cirrus-stratus (Cs); and also the Frontal cloud systems are Ns-As, As-Cs, Ns-As-Cs (Feigelson 1981; Matveev et al ... classification of the stratiform clouds: the stratiform clouds of the lower level are Stratus (St), Stratus-cumulus (Sc), Nimbus stratus (Ns); the stratiform clouds of the medium level are Alto-stratus ... atmosphere Reference book Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad (in Russian) 44 References Penner SS (1959) Quantitative molecular spectroscopy and gas emissivities AddisonWesley, Massachusetts Rothman LS,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:21

32 347 0
Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 3 doc

Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 3 doc

... 2002, St Petersburg Chemistry Institute, St Petersburg University Press, St Petersburg Yanovitskij EG (1972) Spherical albedo of planet atmosphere Astronomical J 49:844–849 (in Russian) Yanovitskij ... Thickness The optical thickness of certain cloud layers is not sufficient in some cases for making use of the above-presented equations and their application leads to significant errors and it causes ... the standard calculations of the radiative characteristics of the atmosphere Besides, the Monte-Carlo method makes possible the simulation of the processes of the real radiation measurements,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:21

32 321 0
Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 4 potx

Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 4 potx

... Thus, the new algorithm has been elaborated for processing the results of soundings accomplished in the years 1983–1985 It is also based on certain assumptions but not so severe as before Let us ... Characteristics of Ground Surface 111 evidently has a sense of the spectra density in this class Hence, the spectrum providing the maximal spectra density in the class has been chosen as starting ... classification has to be followed by a stage of hand analysis At this stage, the information concerning measuring factors is analyzed for every class Some classes are united after this analysis...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:21

32 318 0
Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 5 pptx

Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 5 pptx

... (in Russian) Sobolev VV (1972) The light scattering in the planet atmospheres Nauka Moscow (in Russian) STANDARDS 4401–81 Standard atmosphere USSR state standard (1981) Standard s Press, Moscow ... thesis are given: The excessive absorption of SWR is defined just by the optical properties of cloudiness and is not caused by the observational or processing uncertainties as some investigators ... is registered, really it is representing as a finite array of the measured characteristics (see Sect 3.1) The opposite case is impossible because of digitations of the output signal Thus, it is...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:21

32 381 0
Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 6 pdf

Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 6 pdf

... methods of dynamic processes studying St Petersburg University Press, St Petersburg (in Russian) Rodgers CD (1976) Some theoretical aspects of remote sounding in the Earth s atmosphere J Quant Spectroscopy ... of Lidar sounding of aerosols Thesis on III Int Conf “Natural and anthropogenic aerosols”, 2001, St Petersburg Chemistry Institute, St Petersburg University Press, pp 57 (in Russian) Prasolov AV ... the cases of the water and sand surfaces, while the snow surface has been assumed as an orthotropic one (Sect 3.4) Note that these anisotropic models were constructed just for the surfaces above...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:21

32 439 0
Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 7 pptx

Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 7 pptx

... experiments with the processed results is less than ten for every type of surface, it would not be enough for statistical analysis of the results and for presenting them as models Nevertheless, it is ... expressions of the radiative characteristics suggest an idea to convert these expressions and to obtain the inverse formulas for the retrieval of the desired parameters after substituting the measured ... could also serve to study the aerosol content and distribution While studying the scattered radiation field within clouds, it is necessary to distinguish two essentially different cases: (1) a single...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:21

32 276 0
Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 8 pps

Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 8 pps

... thickness τi 6.2 Some Possibilities of Estimating of Cloud Parameters 6.2.1 The Case of Conservative Scattering Sometimes there is no true absorption of solar radiation by clouds at separate wavelengths, ... optical parameters inside cloud layer In: Problems of Atmospheric Physics, St.Petersburg State University Press, St.Petersburg 6:261–272 (in Russian) Melnikova IN, Zshanabaeva SS (1996) Evaluation ... thickness The restriction on the true absorption arises due to expansions over the small parameter for the asymptotic constants The applicability region of the inverse expressions for values s and...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:21

32 277 0
Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 9 pot

Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 9 pot

... clouds by absorption aerosol particles Beitr Phys Atmos 48:199–209 Ivlev LS, Andreev SD (1986) Optical properties of atmospheric aerosols St Petersburg University Press, St Petersburg (in Russian) ... Class 4.0 Class 5.0 Class 6.0 Class 7.0 Class 8.0 Class 9.0 Class 10.0 268 Appendix A: Tables of Radiative Characteristics and Optical Parameters of the Atmosphere Table A.4 (continued) Class ... (continued) Class 11.0 Class 12.0 Class 13.0 Class 14.0 Class 14.1 Class 14.2 Class 14.3 ∗ The Tsimlyansky reservoir (water has light green color) There is no data about C(cl) and C(ms) N = 6, H = (200/200/200),...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:21

32 268 0
Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 10 docx

Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 10 docx

... irradiance 65 shadow parameter 247 shortwave absorption 255 shortwave anomalous absorption 118 shortwave radiation 40, 115 shortwave solar radiation 20 shortwave spectral range 201 shortwave spectral ... coefficient 134 scattering angle 11 scattering azimuth 11 scattering cross-section 10 secondary processing 81, 94 semi-infinite atmosphere 58, 64 semiautomatic regime 89 semispherical flux semispherical ... Formulas Derivation Substitute to (B.5) the following expansions over powers of small parameter s for values: 3.6 m = 8s2 + s − 7.5g + + O (s4 ) , 1+g l = − 6q s + 18q s2 + O (s3 ) , (B.6) a∞ = − 4s...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:21

25 311 0
báo cáo khoa học: "A challenging case of gastric outlet obstruction (Bouveret''''s syndrome): a case report" docx

báo cáo khoa học: "A challenging case of gastric outlet obstruction (Bouveret''''s syndrome): a case report" docx

... rates Case presentation: An 82-year-old Caucasian woman presented with signs and symptoms of small bowel obstruction Her laboratory workup showed elevated alkaline phosphatase and amylase levels ... her abdomen revealed abdominal distension, epigastric tenderness, tympanic sounds on percussion and decreased bowel sounds Initial laboratory results were as follows: hemoglobin 11.4 g/dL, white ... gastric outlet obstruction (Bouveret s syndrome): a case report Journal of Medical Case Reports 2011 5:497 Conclusion This case clearly illustrates the considerable morbidity and mortality associated...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 23:20

4 235 0
Báo cáo khoa hoc:" Bouveret''''s syndrome as an unusual cause of gastric outlet obstruction: a case report" pptx

Báo cáo khoa hoc:" Bouveret''''s syndrome as an unusual cause of gastric outlet obstruction: a case report" pptx

... invasive surgery versus laparotomy should be made on an individual patient basis and operator experience Fistula repair is unnecessary due to spontaneous closure especially if the cystic duct is ... gallstones Abdominal CT should also be per- Figure associated ulceration A large smooth mass in the first part of the duodenum with A large smooth mass in the first part of the duodenum with associated ... attempted first, but lithotripsy and stone extraction is rarely successful [4] Intracorporeal endoscopic electrohydraulic lithotripsy has been used successfully in the treatment of Bouveret 's syndrome...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:22

3 225 0
IELTS Foundation Student's Book ANSWER_KEY.pdf

IELTS Foundation Student's Book ANSWER_KEY.pdf

... are used to express a result As a result is used to describe something that is caused directly by something else happening Therefore is used when something happens as a result of the reason previously ... p18 Prediction cars noise, smell, dirt, expense Student s own answers Possible answer Problems caused by cars Guessing meaning from context EU decade congestion asphyxiated subsidized (on) the ... buys and sells things consumer – someone who buys something or uses services 10 player – a person or organization that influences a situation, especially in business or politics Prices going down:...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2012, 10:15

68 14.1K 58
PHP Architect's Guide to PHP Security

PHP Architect's Guide to PHP Security

... utilizes the system stack for tracking purposes Alas, the system stack is limited, and with enough iterations, it s possible to “smash” the stack and crash PHP For example, if the user supplies a ... characters, such as emdashes (—) and single quotes are not found in the locale-sensitive [A-Za-z] range and invalidate strings White space characters such as spaces, tabs, and new lines are also considered ... becomes unnecessary  Access Exemptions A security-minded administrator generally doesn’t want users to access the central temporary directory, since it can store sessions To prevent access to...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2012, 10:14

201 1.1K 4