invention of the first computer mouse

slide 1 welcome to teacher and my classmates a sermon of group a topic computer and the internet the first computer the computer today and supper computer the internet was invented in the late 1970s a

slide 1 welcome to teacher and my classmates a sermon of group a topic computer and the internet the first computer the computer today and supper computer the internet was invented in the late 1970s a

... (1)(2)A sermon of group : A topic : (3 )The first computer (4)(5 )The computer today: (6)And supper computer (7)(8)(9 )The internet was invented in the late 1970s and became to huge computer ... related to all the realm of economy, politics, culture, education, health … (10)(11 )The internet has increasingly developed and became part of our everyday life.  Do you find the internet ... for reduce stress.  Benefits of the Internet: – A very updated source of (14)– A very fast and cheap way to communicate with your friends and relatives by means of e-mail, chatting, webcam,

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2021, 10:04

22 8 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "Decision making for cognitive radio equipment: analysis of the first 10 years of exploration" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: "Decision making for cognitive radio equipment: analysis of the first 10 years of exploration" potx

... then processed by the decision making engine. The kind of process highly depends on the quality of the metrics (level of uncertainty on the captured numerical value for instance) as well as the ... another when needed (known as the Velcro approach [2]). With the growth of the number of these standards (GSM, EDGE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, LTE, etc.) in one equipment, the design and development of ... “constraints” on which the design of a CR equipment depends: First, the constraints imposed by the surrounding environment, then the constraints related to the user’s expectations and finally, the constraints

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20

41 301 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Optimum Detection of Ultrasonic Echoes Applied to the Analysis of the First Layer of a Restored Dome" pot

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Optimum Detection of Ultrasonic Echoes Applied to the Analysis of the First Layer of a Restored Dome" pot

... [1] was devoted to the problem of determin- ing the state of adhesion of the interface between the third and fourth layers. The depth of such an interface (3 cm) and the type of materials (mortar-bricks) ... total control of the work. The study was made on a 1 : 1 scale model of the actual dome to overcome the problems of accessibility and the dan- ger of damaging paintings. A photograph of the 1 : 1 ... Before presenting the results of the processing, we will consider some aspects of the selection of the parameters in- volved in the algorithms. We need to fit N and C g . The length of the moving window

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

10 386 0
Báo cáo toán học: "On the Smoothness of Solutions of the First Initial Boundary Value Problem for Schr¨dinger o Systems in Domains with Conical Points" pps

Báo cáo toán học: "On the Smoothness of Solutions of the First Initial Boundary Value Problem for Schr¨dinger o Systems in Domains with Conical Points" pps

... ∂ k apq q D ∂tk By Theorem 2.1 the function v = uts still satisfies the boundary conditions Therefore from inductive hypothesis and by repeating arguments of the proof in the case s = 0, we obtain ... C = const On the Smoothness of Solutions 145 For j = we obtain the statement Propostion 2.2 is proved We can now state our theorem on the smoothness of generalized solutions of the problem (2.1) ... Consider the sequence of domains Ωk = x ∈ K : 2−k ≤ |x| ≤ 2−k+1 , k = 1, 2, Choosing a smooth domain Ω2,0 such that Ω2 ⊂ Ω2,0 ⊂ Ω1 ∪ Ω2 ∪ Ω3 By the theorem on the smoothness of solutions of elliptic

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 05:20

13 264 0
Báo cáo y học: " The establishment and characterization of the first canine hepatocellular carcinoma cell line, which resembles human oncogenic expression patterns" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: " The establishment and characterization of the first canine hepatocellular carcinoma cell line, which resembles human oncogenic expression patterns" ppsx

... (Table 3). Of another specific liver enzyme, GLDH, the cHCC cell line produced 19% of the activity of HepG2, whereas the MDCK cells produced only 10%. The cHCC cell line produced 28% of AST compared ... definitive proof of the hepatocytic and neoplastic nature of the cHCC cells. Positive staining for hepatocyte marker HepPar1 strongly indicates the hepatocytic origin of the cultured cells [10]. The neoplastic ... [10]. The neoplastic nature of the cells can be deduced from the pleiomorphism of the cells, the number of sometimes bizarre mitotic figures. The simul- taneous presence of CK7 and HepPar1 positive

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 13:20

10 336 0
language activities for improving linguistic competence of the first year students in thai nguyen university (sum)

language activities for improving linguistic competence of the first year students in thai nguyen university (sum)

... listeners, their lack of confidence in the language; and their irresponsibility in their own learning. These causes can also be related to other issue like that of their lack of understanding of words ... questionnaire, teacher-made test. Finally, form the relationship of the first two boxes emerge the third box of the paradigm that illustrates the output of the study, the suggested language activities. ... teacher-made test. The output of the study was in the form of language activities to improve students’ linguistic competency. 8 2. SUBJECT OF THE STUDY The subjects of the study comprised of three

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2014, 04:13

25 451 0
language activities for improving linguistic competence of the first year students in thai nguyen university

language activities for improving linguistic competence of the first year students in thai nguyen university

... F. Letters of Request to the Heads of Institutions…. 174 G. Response Letters of the Heads of Institutions… 178 H. Photographs of the study sites…………………… 179 I. Photographs of the Student ... output of the study is the proposed language activities to enhance the linguistic competency of first year students of Thai Nguyen University The study includes the ... Schleicher who used the term for the study of the form of words It is one of the major components of grammar that studies word structure especially in terms of morphemes...

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2014, 04:14

198 428 0
History of the First International

History of the First International

... The other bright feature of the situation was the triumph of the co-operative principle? and this was of even greater importance to the proletariat than the winning of the ... held by THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL 24 the Fraternal Democrats in the summer of. .. ing, among others, the following points : the brotherhood of the nations, and especially the fraternal ... address of the British to the THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL. .. of the Federation of the Just, "All men are brethren, " the 16 THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL new fighting call of proletarian

Ngày tải lên: 27/05/2015, 17:25

237 165 0
A translation quality assessment of the first three chapters of the novel “the da vinci code” by do thu ha (2005) based on’s model

A translation quality assessment of the first three chapters of the novel “the da vinci code” by do thu ha (2005) based on’s model

... PROCEDURES III.1. Subject of study As the study of the whole text is beyond the scope of this paper, the object under investigation is the first three chapters in the SL ? ?The Da Vinci Code‖ written ... chapters will be analyzed under the light of J. House‘s approach of TQA in order to reach the objectives of (1) discovering the features of the source text (ST) in the light of Halliday‘s functional ... của tổ chức… (p.14) In the first example, the verb ―trả lời‖ is added to the end of the first sentence to connect the two sentences. In the second and third example, the noun phrases ―a plush

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:48

14 598 4
Electromagnetic analysis and design of semiconductor qubit structures for the realization of the quantum computer

Electromagnetic analysis and design of semiconductor qubit structures for the realization of the quantum computer

... DESIGN OF SEMICONDUCTOR QUBIT STRUCTURES FOR THE REALIZATION OF THE QUANTUM COMPUTER HAMIDREZA MIRZAEI A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ... Further Study on Perturbation Theory and Other Alternative Theories to Find the Wavefunction of the Donor Electron 104  7.2.5  Further Study on Determinant Factors Affecting the Wavefunction of ... Figure 3.2 For Faraday’s Law, the closed integral on the left hand side of the equation can be replaced by the sum total of four grid voltages The matrix representation of the Faraday's law is shown

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2015, 06:37

135 291 0
The invention of the artists life (Pierre Bourdieu)

The invention of the artists life (Pierre Bourdieu)

... reproduced, in the imaginary space of the novel, the structure of the relation that Gustave maintains with the universe of constitutive positions of the field of power in the form of the relation ... single glance all of the constitutive "positions" of the field of power and of the avenues that lead there: "For me there yet remain the great highways, the ready-made roads, clothes to sell, positions, ... the home of the. .. els, the tiny core of symmetries and antitheses around which he builds the space of the novel, clearly reveal the modus operandi that is at the root of

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2016, 09:27

30 306 0


... 1 Rationale of the study Aims of the study Scope of the study .2 Research questions .3 Methods of the study Design of the study ... English speaking It is hoped that this thesis will help other teachers of English be aware of the benefits of pair work and group work activities and apply them in their teaching English speaking successfully ... ABSTRACT This thesis was carried out to investigate the use of pair work and group work activities to develop speaking skills for the first year English major students at the Faculty of Foreign

Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2018, 20:29

65 850 2


... ACADEMY OF GDYNIA FACULTY OF NAVIGATION AND NAVAL WEAPONS PROGRAMME AND PLAN OF THE FIRST CYCLE DEGREE STUDIES Field of study: Computer science (IT) in the range of students exchange under the program ... competence in the areas of the computer science Therefore, the proposed part of studies, in the range of students exchange ERASMUS, is addressed to for all those students whose field of studies ... components of computer systems LO2 Student can describe the current class of computer hardware architecture, explain in detail the structure of its components, and show the impact of architecture on software

Ngày tải lên: 20/05/2018, 20:07

41 97 0
14 the door to your book the importance of the first five pages

14 the door to your book the importance of the first five pages

... was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, ... YOUR BOOK: THE IMPORTANCE OF THE FIRST FIVE PAGES su bchapt e rs The First Page Is a Gateway Writing the Beginning of The Handmaid’s Tale C h a pt e r R evi e w The first five pages are the doorway ... goods, and the mob fired on the musketeers, and the musketeers fired on the mob, and nobody thought any of these occurrences much out of the common way In the midst of them, the hangman, ever busy

Ngày tải lên: 09/11/2019, 10:24

16 58 0
Applying stem education in teaching registers of representation of the first-degree function

Applying stem education in teaching registers of representation of the first-degree function

... specifically, students strapped the spring in vertical position of the axis (l), the startpoint of the spring stayed at the origin of the coordinates axis At the end-point of the spring, students drew ... with the graph of the first- degree Figure The product of group function, from the intersection, drew a line vertically intersected with the OP axis The value determined on the (P) axis is the ... representing the relationship between the weight of the objects (P) and the length of the spring (l) Use these following suggestions: a) Demonstrate the pair (P,l) as dots onto the coordinates

Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2020, 10:42

13 44 0
A study on the reality of learning english speaking skill of the first year english majored students at thuong mai university and solutions

A study on the reality of learning english speaking skill of the first year english majored students at thuong mai university and solutions

... 49.6% of the students said that they have suffered of this problem, they were afraid of losing their face in front of other students in the class Other students (41.6%) faced with fear of making ... because they not have good English, and they had encountered with speaking English and express their idea 32.1% of the students confirmed that they usually used their mother-tongue with their friends ... speaking skill of the first- year English majored students at Thuongmai University and solutions 1.3 Aims of the study The primary aim of this research is to find out the reality of learning English

Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2020, 19:28

49 607 4
Gender differences and typical nutrition concerns of the diets of preschool children – the results of the first stage of an intervention study

Gender differences and typical nutrition concerns of the diets of preschool children – the results of the first stage of an intervention study

... Ministry of Science and Higher Education The funding body had no role in the design of the study, data collection, analysis of the results, interpretation of the data or writing the manuscript Page of ... is 0.0 their peers in the general population [33] Moreover, high percentages of them assessed the economic status of the family as good or very good [33] These findings, together with the fact ... on the amount of iodine consumed by the animal [26], iodine content in plants depends on the amount of iodine in the soil which may vary in different regions of the country, etc Therefore, these

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2020, 22:36

11 20 0
An investigation on the effectiveness of l1 l2 glossing in reading comprehension lessons of the first year non english major students at food industry college

An investigation on the effectiveness of l1 l2 glossing in reading comprehension lessons of the first year non english major students at food industry college

... rationale of the study, the aims and objectives, the research questions, the scope, the methods, the significance, and the design of the study Rationale of the study In today‟s world, the importance of ... Rationale of the study .1 Aims of the study .3 Research questions of the study .3 Scope of the study .3 Methods of the study .4 Significance of the ... effectiveness of L1-L2 glossing in reading comprehension lessons of the first year non-English major students at Food Industry College.” is the result of my own research for the Degree of Master of Arts

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2020, 22:55

69 97 1