invasibility of communities and ecosystems

 testbeds and research infrastructures for the development of neetwork and communities

testbeds and research infrastructures for the development of neetwork and communities

... with 20, 40, 80 and 100 nodes randomly uniformly deployed The MAC protocol of each node is IEEE802.11 DCF, and the bandwidth of wireless interface is 11 Mb/s The transmission range of a node is ... quality of service routing problem with bandwidth and delay with other norms, such as l2 , l∞ and Hamming distance Second, it is meaningful to consider the inverse quality of service of routing ... coverages of these nodes are small and cause high redundancy The final value of Dth is determined by the value of average distance aver(d) and r If aver(d) is smaller than r, Dth is set to aver(d) And

Ngày tải lên: 09/11/2018, 15:03

184 156 0
A	Systematic	Inventory	of	Scelioninae	and	 Teleasinae	(Hymenoptera	:	Platygastridae)	 in	the	Rice	Ecosystems	of	Northcentral	Kerala RAJMOHANA,	K. A	Systematic	Inventory	of	Scelioninae	and	 Teleasinae	(Hymenoptera	:	Platygastridae)	 in	the	Rice	Ecosystems

A Systematic Inventory of Scelioninae and Teleasinae (Hymenoptera : Platygastridae) in the Rice Ecosystems of Northcentral Kerala RAJMOHANA, K. A Systematic Inventory of Scelioninae and Teleasinae (Hymenoptera : Platygastridae) in the Rice Ecosystems

... Zoological Survey of India 2014 Volume 22 (No 1) MEMOIRS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA A Systematic Inventory of Scelioninae and Teleasinae (Hymenoptera : Platygastridae) in the Rice Ecosystems of North-central ... inventory of Scelioninane and Ecosystems of North-central Kerala PLATE-VII Figs 56 Doddiella nigricephala Mukerjee (Male), Figs 57-61 (Female) 57 Head-profile 58 Head and antenna 59 Body profile ... wetland ecosystems with a high degree of environmental heterogeneity operating on a short temporal scale, harbour a rich and varied fauna (Heckman, 1979) The species diversity and total number of

Ngày tải lên: 18/07/2019, 07:40

93 133 0
Soil aggregation and organic carbon fractions and indices in conventional and conservation agriculture under vertisol soils of sub-tropical ecosystems: A review

Soil aggregation and organic carbon fractions and indices in conventional and conservation agriculture under vertisol soils of sub-tropical ecosystems: A review

... rates of 13.2 g OC m-2 yr-1 and 0.8 g N m-2 yr-1 at the 0–20 cm depth and of 2.4 g OC m-2 yr-1 and 0.4 g N m-2 yr-1 at the 20–40 cm depth The stocks of OC and N in this system increased by 45 and ... observed between TOC and organic C fractions (POC and SMBC), illustrating a close relationship between TOC and POC and TOC and SMBC and that SOC is a major determinant of POC and SMBC The microbial ... SOC, reducing the rate of SOM decomposition Since soil aggregation and stability of aggregates is a function of SOC and its fractions, their concentration and stock are of paramount importance

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2020, 20:01

18 49 0
Detection and visualization of communities in mass spectrometry imaging data

Detection and visualization of communities in mass spectrometry imaging data

... edge reduction (tS ), number of edges (NE ), number of vertices (NV ), number of communities (NC ) and number of communities of size greater than two (NC2+ ) for DG , DB and DT are shown Wüllems ... Author’s contributions Concept and design of study and software: KW, JK, TWN Developed and implemented software: KW Analyzed data: KW Evaluation and interpretation of results: KW, JK, HB, KN, TWN ... followed by a small random distortion of the position, x size and y size, combined with a randomized rotation A sketch of the gaussians and their variation is shown in Fig If we think of a biological

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2020, 12:28

12 17 0
Landscapes and ecosystems of tropical li

Landscapes and ecosystems of tropical li

... Location and topography of Cat Ba Island Located between 106°54ʹ11˝-107° 07ʹ05˝ and 20°42ʹ40˝-20°52ʹ45˝, Cat Ba Island is situated in the northwest margin of the Gulf of Tonkin and forms the coast of ... level, the heights of the topographic steps on the islands can be divided into March 2010 Landscape and Ecosystems of Tropical Limestone, Cat Ba Islands 25 Fig Topography of Cat Ba Islands three ranges: ... island landscapes, coastal ecosystems in Vietnam can be divided into four habitat types: limestone mountains, rocky and magma areas, and basal and sandy mountains Of the 2773 coastal islands in

Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2022, 15:57

14 15 0
Measuring of the value electronic word of mouth and its impact on consumer communities

Measuring of the value electronic word of mouth and its impact on consumer communities

... of varying sizes that connect and interact online for the purpose of meeting personal and shared goals A brief perusal of the virtual communities hosted by Yahoo! reveals that many of these communities ... Involvement and Word of Mouth Holmes and Lett (1977) found that product usage and purchase intention, both signs of product involvement, resulted in word-of-mouth behavior Houston and Rothschild ... Role of Trust Even the limited sample of communities used in this study highlights the diversity of subject matter around which online communities form Some of the content posted to these communities

Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2022, 16:57

17 14 0
Biodiversity exploitation for traditional healthcare delivery in montane forest communities case of belo and njinikom sub divisions in cameroon

Biodiversity exploitation for traditional healthcare delivery in montane forest communities case of belo and njinikom sub divisions in cameroon

... Year of creation Mission (Scope of Activities) BERUDA 1997 Treatment of Typhoid, Haemorrhoids and honey production MIFACIG 2013 Cultivation and sale of Medicinal Plants Production and sale of honey ... Treatment of malaria, and honey production CDVTA Herbal Ointment Group 1998 Production of Herbal ointment for the treatment of Arthritis, joint pains and swollen legs, production and sale of Honey and ... montane highlands remain an important source of raw materials for traditional healthcare delivery, survival and sustenance of the population in communities that are reliant thereof Belo and Njinikom

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2022, 14:52

13 3 0
Warming effects on dynamics of microbial communities in coastal waters of temperate and subtropical zones through dilution and fractionation experiments

Warming effects on dynamics of microbial communities in coastal waters of temperate and subtropical zones through dilution and fractionation experiments

... on dynamics of microbial communities in coastal waters of temperate and subtropical zones through dilution and fractionation experiments Dao Thi Anh Tuyet Graduate School of Science and Technology, ... aspects of the function and structure of marine ecosystems (Edwards and Richardson 2004, Montoya and Raffaelli 2010) particularly microbial food web Among the marine environment, prokaryotes and ... microbial communities, dilution and size fractionation methods were very well utilized (Landry and Hassett 1982, Wright and Coffin 1984, Rassoulzadegan and Sheldon 1986, Šolić and Krstulović 1994, Yokohama

Ngày tải lên: 14/10/2022, 15:36

76 3 0
Nutrient Pollution, Eutrophication, and the Degradation of Coastal Marine Ecosystems

Nutrient Pollution, Eutrophication, and the Degradation of Coastal Marine Ecosystems

... Eutrophication, and the Degradation of Coastal Marine Ecosystems S.W Nixon1 and R.W Fulweiler2 Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI, United States Department of Oceanography ... Nixon and Buckley 2002; Kemp et al 2005; Oczkowski and Nixon 2008) And it is the occurrence of hypoxia and anoxia that is the best documented and understood and, perhaps, most severe impact of eutrophication ... issues of the journals Estuaries (Rabalais and Nixon 2002), Ambio (Galloway and Cowling 2002), Limnology and Oceanography (Smith, Joy, and Howarth 2006), and Ecological Applications (Kennish and

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2022, 14:19

32 1 0
SW 525.01- Theory and Practice of Groups and Communities

SW 525.01- Theory and Practice of Groups and Communities

... assess and evaluate their professional competence and pursue opportunities for self-awareness and professional growth and development Promote understanding of research as a fundamental component of ... self-assessment of personal and professional development; evaluate strategies and tactics of practice; and critically reflect on the interrelationship of values, ethics, power, knowledge, and communication ... Evaluation, and Celebration Reading List SW 525 Theory and Practice of Groups and Communities Spring 2003 History of Social Work Group Work Andrews, J & Reisch, M (1997) The legacy of McCarthism

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2022, 19:22

11 2 0
Teachers Perceptions of Professional Learning Communities and Th

Teachers Perceptions of Professional Learning Communities and Th

... 13 Professional Learning Communities 17 Benefits of Professional Learning Communities 20 School Culture 22 Professional Learning Communities and School Culture ... achievement and expand the pedagogy of the individual as well as the group Studies on PLCs, grounded by the social constructivism theory of Vygotsky, Bandura, and Wenger, have found that collaboration and ... ScholarWorks Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies Collection 2017 Teachers' Perceptions of Professional Learning Communities and Their Impact on School

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2022, 16:48

194 2 0
The role of Savings and Internal Lending Communities (SILCs) in improving community-level household wealth, fnancial preparedness for birth, and utilization of reproductive health

The role of Savings and Internal Lending Communities (SILCs) in improving community-level household wealth, fnancial preparedness for birth, and utilization of reproductive health

... sharing of ideas and stories, and generate a sense of belonging and trust among their members [14] Studies consistently find that SGs increase social capital, often defined as networks of social ... the interaction effects of CGs and timepoint on outcome variables provides a more accurate understanding of how the inclusion of SILCs in communities influences wealth and maternal health Key ... Thandiwe Ngoma6, Jeanette L. Kaiser7, Peter C. Rockers7, Nancy A. Scott7 and Jody R. Lori8  Abstract  Background:  Savings and Internal Lending Communities (SILCs) are a type of informal microfinance

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2022, 04:04

12 8 0
microbial communities and their performances in anaerobic hybrid sludge bed fixed film reactor for treatment of palm oil mill effluent under various organic pollutant concentrations

microbial communities and their performances in anaerobic hybrid sludge bed fixed film reactor for treatment of palm oil mill effluent under various organic pollutant concentrations

... seed, fourteen DGGE bands of the EUB communities (S1-14) and five bands of ARC communities (G1-5) as shown in Figures 5(a), and 5(b), respectively, were observed These EUB communities were represented ... sludge and packed zones of the AHR The work will lead to an understanding of the operational efficiency of the AHR system, depending on the structure of the microbial Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology ... 40 cycles of 30 sec at 95◦ C and combined annealing and elongation for 30 sec at 60◦ C Standard curves were generated using 16S rDNA of eubacteria and methanobacteria as standard EUB and ARC stains,

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2022, 14:27

12 2 0
Sổ tay hướng dẫn đánh giá tâm lý xã hội trẻ em và cộng đồng trong những tình huống khẩn cấphandbook on psychosocial assessment of children and communities in emergencies

Sổ tay hướng dẫn đánh giá tâm lý xã hội trẻ em và cộng đồng trong những tình huống khẩn cấphandbook on psychosocial assessment of children and communities in emergencies

... ALexander Takarau Dawia, Bougainville and Solomons Trauma Association, Solomon Island; Sekolasika Satui, Ethnic Communities Council of Qeensland, Solomon Island; Delilah Borja, ConsortiumThailand, ... _ TRONG NHỮNG TÌNH HUỐNG KHẨN CẤP U Dịch từ nguyên tiếng Anh: Handbook on H Psychosocial Assessment of Children and Communities in Emergencies Tháng năm 2006 H P Thơng tin liên hệ Văn phịng ... Island; Delilah Borja, ConsortiumThailand, Thailand; Saengduan Khongwiwattanakul, Catholic Office for Emergency Relief and Refugees (COERR), Thailand; Annerita Joku-Howard, GDM/DAIKONIA Foundations,

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2023, 18:38

70 2 0


... model of tested methodologies for analyzing and assessing the condition of other seas and ecosystems as well The project was called The Sea Around Us, a name drawn from the outstanding book of this ... few hundred years of the appearance of humans Thus disappeared the giant kangaroos and wombats of Australia 50,000 years ago, and the elephant-like mastodons and the sloth of North America about ... pressure and increasing demand from each of us, we have the opportunity to reverse the clearly declining nature of the planet’s oceanic ecosystems The mapping approach that forms the basis of much of...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 18:21

206 577 0
pastor - mathematical ecology of populations and ecosystems (blackwell, 2008)

pastor - mathematical ecology of populations and ecosystems (blackwell, 2008)

... made of my colleagues Bruce Peckham and Harlan Stech of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Minnesota Duluth and Yossi Cohen of the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife ... several of the topics and Harlan Stech read through the entire book and made many helpful comments and suggestions and corrected some errors Tom Andersen of the University of Oslo also read many of ... to handle Mathematics provides a more precise way than the spoken word of thinking and talking about the rates of change, nonlinearities, and feedbacks characteristic of populations and ecosystems...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 12:02

344 281 0
Ecotoxicological Testing of Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems Emerging Techniques, Trends, and Strategies pot

Ecotoxicological Testing of Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems Emerging Techniques, Trends, and Strategies pot

... understanding of the aquatic environment and its response to disturbances The book as a whole promotes the understanding of the structure, function, and performance of healthy and damaged aquatic ecosystems ... expense of each other The complexity of aquatic ecosystems requires consideration of both exposure to chemicals and effects of chemicals, as well as the interaction between organisms and the ... Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment, and the Netherlands Society of Toxicology The concept of sustainable development necessitates the integration of ecotoxicological...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 18:21

293 1,8K 0
Reproductive health in nomadic communities: Challenges of culture and choice pdf

Reproductive health in nomadic communities: Challenges of culture and choice pdf

... ON HIV AND AIDS, SEXUALITY AND GENDER ON HIV AND AIDS, SEXUALITY AND GENDER distance to health services, high levels of illiteracy and local beliefs and practices On the other hand, HIV incidence ... risks of unplanned pregnancies, STI s and HIV Improvement and increase of FP services uptake and use of health facility-based maternal health care services will contribute to the achievement of ... the mobile communities who live in the vast and sparsely populated dry lands of the Rift Valley Moreover, delivery facilities are often inappropriate for the needs and preferences of the population...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 16:20

16 702 0
Polar Lakes and Rivers Limnology of Arctic and Antarctic Polar Lakes and Rivers Limnology of Arctic and Antarctic Aquatic Ecosystems docx

Polar Lakes and Rivers Limnology of Arctic and Antarctic Polar Lakes and Rivers Limnology of Arctic and Antarctic Aquatic Ecosystems docx

... objectives of the McMurdo LTER are to understand the influence of physical and biological constraints on the structure and function of dry valley ecosystems, and to understand the modifying effects of ... sentinels of climate change, as refugia for unique species and communities, as sources of greenhouse gases and, in the case of the large Arctic rivers, as major inputs of freshwater and organic ... cycling of nitrogen and phosphorus and the changes in standing stock and productivity of phytoplankton, sediment algae, zooplankton, micro- and macrobenthic invertebrates, bacteria, and emergent...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 17:20

364 223 0
HOMINOID EVOLUTION AND CLIMATIC CHANGE IN EUROPE VOLUME 1 The Evolution of Neogene Terrestrial Ecosystems in Europe ppt

HOMINOID EVOLUTION AND CLIMATIC CHANGE IN EUROPE VOLUME 1 The Evolution of Neogene Terrestrial Ecosystems in Europe ppt

... reconstruction of past geographical events, and the eVects they had on European environments and the plants and animals living in them Together, they form a coherent and consistent image of environmental and ... Lorenzo Rook and Peter Andrews ´ The late Neogene (the period between − 14 and − 2.4 Ma) is one of the most interesting phases in understand the present conWguration of terrestrial ecosystems It ... present conWguration of the Old World land masses, and the successive drying of inland seas in the European area facilitated faunal interchange between Europe and Central Asia and Africa At the...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 17:20

529 432 0