introduction to thcaf and the teaching and learning of english

Sử dụng CAP (quá trình áp dụng cụm từ kết hợp) để phát triển việc sử dụng cụm từ kết hợp trong các bài viết của 1 nhóm sinh viên năm thứ 2 hệ đào tạo chuẩn

Sử dụng CAP (quá trình áp dụng cụm từ kết hợp) để phát triển việc sử dụng cụm từ kết hợp trong các bài viết của 1 nhóm sinh viên năm thứ 2 hệ đào tạo chuẩn

... way to reduce these enormous learning and teaching loads?  Does the learner really have to learn all of these collocations? According to Bahns (1993), there is no need to so According to the ... research because they want to “improve the quality of teaching and learning , together with the learning and working conditions in schools According to Altrichter et al., action research in the educational ... unaware of collocation in writing, the teacher-researcher began to gather data about the target population and then interpret the data to see whether they had the same problem After the 40 results...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:33

98 624 0
Application of task-based language teaching in teaching writing to non-major English students at Namdinh industrial college = Áp dụng phương pháp dạy học theo đ

Application of task-based language teaching in teaching writing to non-major English students at Namdinh industrial college = Áp dụng phương pháp dạy học theo đ

... left to right across the page, firstly to take in letters, secondly to combine these to form words and then to combine to form the phrase, clauses, and sentences of the text.( cited in Anderson, ... conceptions of interactive approaches The former relates to the interaction that occurs between the reader and the text The latter relates to the interaction between bottom-up and top-down processes They ... different from their own They must make their own personal sense of their implicit and explicit ideas/theories and practices Finally, they must increase their tolerance and understanding of diverse...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:07

82 749 0
On applying process approach in teaching writing skill for grade 10 non  major students at dong da high school

On applying process approach in teaching writing skill for grade 10 non major students at dong da high school

... Comments of the T and S on the topics and exercises in the textbook According to the result shown in the table, the majority of the subjects indicated that the topics and exercises in the textbook ... considerably to the improvement of the teaching and learning English in general and the teaching and learning writing skill in particular, there has been a gap that needs to be filled in Firstly, up to ... further researches 5.1 Review of the Study As stated previously in Chapter of the thesis, the aims of the research is to investigate the applicability of the process approach in teaching and learning...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:29

31 1,2K 6
Problems experienced by teachers in teaching writing to English major students at Hanoi University of Industry and suggested solutions  giáo viên gặp phải trong

Problems experienced by teachers in teaching writing to English major students at Hanoi University of Industry and suggested solutions giáo viên gặp phải trong

... teachers and students Factors affecting the teaching and learning of writing In addition to the teaching approaches which properly affect the quality of the writing teaching and learning, there ... contribution to the failure of many learners of 15 English as a second, foreign or other language to even acquire basic competence in English and to the failure of most of them to develop the ability to ... factors affecting the teaching and learning of writing, communicative competence is very important to the success of language teaching and writing It serves as the basis for the teaching and learning...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:30

57 613 0
Techniques in teaching writing for high school students

Techniques in teaching writing for high school students

... introduce the topic of the essay - give background information on the topic + thesis statements: - States the main topic - Lists the subdivisions of the topic - May indicate the method of organization ... paid to the teaching and learning of grammar and they tend to ignore the teaching of some basic skills such as writing, speaking, and listening Consequently, Vietnamese students, though they ... when teaching writing a paragraph The topic sentence: The topic sentence is the most general and important statement of the paragraph It is the key sentence because it names the subject and the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2016, 09:12

12 325 0
idea  generating activities in teaching writing

idea generating activities in teaching writing

... difficulty and not know what to and how to it Teachers, therefore, in the process of writing have to guide students to the task and create activities to help students orient and complete the task ... for them to the writing; they not have to worry much about the organization of the writing In short, the survey result has pointed out that the teachers should continue and promote the uses of these ... studying the requirement of the task, the teacher asks the students to think of the topic of the lesson and speak out all the things relating to a person’s biography fami date of ly birth nam e 3.5...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 14:36

40 485 0
skkn techniqes of using new language games in teaching grade 10 english lessons effectively

skkn techniqes of using new language games in teaching grade 10 english lessons effectively

... Vietnam and write each jumped word on the pieces of the paper and stick them on the board (as shown) “Tom and Jerry“/ is/ film/ The cartoon/ “Tom and Jerry“/ film/ is/ the about/ “Tom and Jerry“/ ... master the methods of learning English and they weren’t hard-working, active and creative in applying the knowledge the teacher guided them to communicate II- AIMS OF THE RESEARCH From the matter of ... for English Therefore, the teaching qualities of English not live up to our expectations Following is the convey on the quality of English of classes: 10A, 10B, 10D at the beginning of the first...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 13:50

19 974 4
a study on teacher s difficulties in teaching writing skill to the 11th grade at a school in bac giang n

a study on teacher s difficulties in teaching writing skill to the 11th grade at a school in bac giang n

... the time of the study, they were in the first term of the school year 20132014 18 There are teachers of English, four of them are teaching grade 11 at present All of them have been teaching English ... principles for teaching writing and the author focuses on the needs of the learners: (1) The learners have to be taught how to write, the ability to write is all too often assumed, especially if the learners ... the teaching and learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) On the one hand, it stimulates thinking, compels students to concentrate and organize their ideas, and cultivates their ability to...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2015, 17:18

58 832 3
An investigation in paraphrasing experienced by vietnamese students of english in academic writing

An investigation in paraphrasing experienced by vietnamese students of english in academic writing

... proportion of the student population It was unrealistic to ask all the students of the fourth – year to the Questionnaire and Diagnostic Test in their free time during break; therefore, the scope of the ... always understand the whole content of the original to fulfill these objectives Following are the main findings from the passage, so were unable to retain all the main ideas in the investigation ... Reading, Listening and Speaking, to devise STEP 4: Name the source of the original passage in parentheses at methods to help Vietnamese learners of English improve this ability the end of your paraphrase...

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2016, 18:38

13 281 0


... Checklist  The letter has parts  Your address is at the top of the right hand side of the page  Their address is on the left hand side of the page  The date is on the right hand side of the page, ... at the top of the right hand side of the page  His/ her address is on the left hand side of the page  The date is on the right hand side of the page, underneath your address  It begins and ... The students have to run to the table and arrange the words into correct sentences - They are not allowed to breathe in To prevent this the students have to repeat “kabadi” over and over If they...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2016, 02:32

41 596 0


... Checklist  The letter has parts  Your address is at the top of the right hand side of the page  Their address is on the left hand side of the page  The date is on the right hand side of the page, ... at the top of the right hand side of the page  His/ her address is on the left hand side of the page  The date is on the right hand side of the page, underneath your address  It begins and ...  The first line of the paragraph is indented  The title of the book  The author of the book  The setting of the book  The type of the book The main character Plot summary Your opinion  There...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2016, 02:32

47 566 0


... desk on the right side of the long wall To the left on the desk, there is a bookcase with four shelves In the farther left corner of the room, there is a chest of drawers The rest of the short ... opportunity to go to Australia to study” To sum up, in most of the cases, the errors are caused by lack of understanding of how to write a paragraph Therefore, one important task of the teacher is to ... students to remind the typical feature and structure of the text type they are writing, for example of paragraph: introduction to the topic with a topic sentence, the supporting ideas for the topic...

Ngày tải lên: 06/02/2014, 14:40

61 1,4K 4
exploiting model essays in teaching ielts writing to students in foundation studies department hanoi university

exploiting model essays in teaching ielts writing to students in foundation studies department hanoi university

... methods of the study Ending the chapter is the overview of the rest of the paper With such contents, this chapter acts as a guideline or orientation for the development of the later chapters of the ... students have to learn their majors in English, which is not their mother tongue In the first year, students learn to consolidate their English to achieve IELTS overall band score of at least 6.0 ... finished their work, I will then elicit their ideas I let them openly express how they understand the description from the model essay Sometimes I may ask them to write the outline of the description...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:32

65 356 3
A study on how to apply communicative language teaching techniques in teaching grammar to first-year non major English students at Hanoi General College

A study on how to apply communicative language teaching techniques in teaching grammar to first-year non major English students at Hanoi General College

... and my colleagues to improve their learning and teaching English especially in learning and teaching grammar that they may need for further study, work or leisure 11 Aims and objectives of the ... in teaching grammar It is the matter of fact that teaching and learning grammar is very important in the process of teaching and learning a language The objective of language teaching is seen to ... which can affect the success or failure of their teaching process In order to meet the demand of the society, teachers have tried their best to adapt themselves to the new methodology and find a suitable...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:30

55 1,7K 3
Investigation into Task-based language teaching in teaching ESP to the non-English major 2nd year students at Academy of Finance

Investigation into Task-based language teaching in teaching ESP to the non-English major 2nd year students at Academy of Finance

... at English When they took the entrance exam to this university, they just took the test in math, physics and chemistry; therefore, they only paid attention to these subjects to pass the exam English ... demand and supply at the beginning of a school- year to introduce the content of the lesson Then he asked students to look at the reading text and provide new words Then a topic “discuss the ... Language Teaching Ss: Students viii PART I: INTRODUCTION This initial chapter states the problem and the rationale of the study, together with the aims, objectives and the scope of the whole...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:32

73 872 2
Nghiên cứu về phát triển ngôn ngữ cho học sinh trường Tiểu học Đoàn Xá thông qua điệu ca, bài hát và trò chơi = A study on using chants, songs and games to DEVELOP LANGUAGE IN TEACHING ENGLISH TO  STUDENTS AT DOAN XA PRIMARY SCHOOL

Nghiên cứu về phát triển ngôn ngữ cho học sinh trường Tiểu học Đoàn Xá thông qua điệu ca, bài hát và trò chơi = A study on using chants, songs and games to DEVELOP LANGUAGE IN TEACHING ENGLISH TO STUDENTS AT DOAN XA PRIMARY SCHOOL

... consists of odd number of sets, then the middle value is the median of the set, and if the set consists of an even number of sets, then the median is the average of the two middle values - Standard ... difficulties for the learners Although most of the learners started learning English at the same time, many of them have low proficiency of English because of their wrong attitudes towards English learning ... minutes The objective of the lesson is that by the end of the lesson, students will be able to bear in their mind the numbers from one to ten to ask and answer about the age During the process of teaching, ...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:00

69 617 0


... concerned, the period of Language Focus is the best time for us to revise, to expound and show the way to speak and pronounce words and sentences with the use of stress and intonation As teachers of English, ... Vietnamese either To give an example, the word thirsty with the sound /s/ in the middle of the word; if we forget to pronounce /s/, then the word will automatically change into the word thirty, and of ... that the English sounds are much like the tones in the Vietnamese language cung, cùng, củng, cụng, cúng, These tones change the meanings of the words, and English sounds change the meanings in the...

Ngày tải lên: 13/06/2015, 17:42

14 983 1