... 38 Chapter IV – Exchange rate regimes and monetary cooperation 41 A Introduction: currency speculation and financial bubbles 41 B The history of different exchange ... monetary and financial governance A better understanding is required of how lack of proper financial regulation set the scene for increasingly risky speculative operations in commodities and currency ... prices in traded goods as a result of speculation in currency and financial markets, which leads to considerable misalignments of exchange rates Speculation in currency markets due to interest rate...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2014, 21:47
... have gotten from my friends and family until I finished my thesis and looked back over the journey past They have helped and continually supported me along this long and fulfilling road I would ... years Graduate Scholarship financial assistance I am also grateful to our co-chair, Professor Gong Zhiyuan and former co-chair, Professor Hew Choy Leong and the staff and students in SMA, especially ... beautiful and accurate figures in my thesis I especially thank my mom and dad They have sacrificed so much in their lives for my comfortable life and provided me unconditional love and care I...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:17
Báo cáo khoa học: "Veterinary decision making in relation to metritis - a qualitative approach to understand the background for variation and bias in veterinary medical records"
... metritis score data and metritis treatment data, and how the relationship between these two types of data is influenced by human percep- http://www.actavetscand.com/content/51/1/36 tions and decisions ... drying off and at calving (5-21 days post partum) The mandatory screenings focus on general condition, metritis/vaginitis, mastitis and body condition Optional screenings focus on ketosis and limb ... treatments and longer withdrawal period of milk in organic herds, or for other reasons As an aid to understanding the quote, note that the veterinarian equates 'smell' and metritis score or higher, and...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:45
Vcd as a stimulating factor to increase the young learners’ time-on-task
... attracted by live, funny and colorful images and pictures All of these factors also make pupils understand easier and make teachers explain to pupil clearer with some “hard-to-understand” concepts Q8 ... and how they teach, an important dimension of the teaching-learning that takes place in school, is what student and how much time they spend on different types of learning and other related and ... questionnaires and class observations are represented in Appendix I, II and III, respectively at the end of the study CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 20 IV.1 Data analysis and discussion...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:44
A computational study to investigate the effects of insulation and EGR in a diesel engine
... Journal of Energy and Environment (IJEE), Volume 3, Issue 2, 2012, pp.247-266 249 resolved for the swirl and main chamber and the swirl chamber throat separately Also, the thermal NOx and soot formation ... process and emissions in the Lister 8.1 indirect injection diesel engine in baseline, adiabatic, and adiabatic with EGR conditions For optimization and simultaneously improvement of NOx emission and ... Part and full load injection histories Results and discussion The calculations are carried out for the single cylinder Lister 8.1 IDI Diesel engine and the operating conditions are both full and...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:11
Báo cáo khoa học: Investigations into the ability of an oblique a-helical template to provide the basis for design of an antimicrobial anionic amphiphilic peptide pot
... spectra were produced For these spectra, water bands were subtracted, and the evaluation of peptide band parameters (peak position, band width and intensity) Antimicrobial properties of an anionic ... these isotherms (Table 2), and Cs is seen to be generally low, indicating that the lipid monolayers analysed were in a liquid expanded phase [35] and, thus, are more uid and possess high 3796 Fig ... superpositions of Gaussian and Lorentzian band shapes Best ts were obtained by assuming a Gauss fraction of 0.550.6 The curfit procedure measures the peak areas of single band components, and, after statistical...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 12:20
Ocean Acidification: A National Strategy to Meet the Challenges of a Changing Ocean docx
... and biological parameters to be measured by the network and ensuring data quality and consistency across space and time There is widespread agreement on the chemical parameters (and methods and ... ecological and societal vulnerabilities • deploying and field testing new remote sensing and in situ technologies for observing ocean acidification and its impacts; and • supporting the development and ... and assessments? Identify critical uncertainties and key science questions regarding the progression and impacts of ocean acidification and the new information needed to facilitate research and...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 15:20
The Weapons Mix Problem - A Math Model to Quantify the Effects of Internetting of Fires to the Future Force pptx
... Center (TRAC) and was conducted in RAND Arroyo Center’s Force Development and Technology Program RAND Arroyo Center, part of the RAND Corporation, is a federally funded research and development ... Stanton (RAND) and MAJ Robert Kewley for their reviews of and helpful comments on the report Others at RAND who provided help in the preparation and review of the document include Ken Horn, Leland ... Their vision of networked fires is based on weapons, sensors, and command and control systems rapidly and decisively responding to a commander’s needs The vision is as follows [9]: Networked fires...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 02:20
A practical guide to adopting the universal verification methodology pdf
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 01:20
A Practical Guide to Designing the invisible by Robert Mills doc
... when handed over and that when it came back it would look incredible! Nathan, Dan and Alex: Thanks for all of your hard work in creating the ePub version, the website and for proofing and sense ... understand our audience, and then tell that story in the best way possible This helps build trust between our users and our brand, product or service If we don’t invest time to plan our story and ... experience (UX) and invisible communication go hand-inhand If the invisible communication elements are done right (appropriate colours, brand consistency, appropriate tone of voice and efficient...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 21:20
a consumer guide to accompany the australian drinking water guidelines
... Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992 The NHMRC advises the Australian Community and Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments on standards of individual and public health, and supports ... sulfate (alum), polymers and iron salts Together, coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation remove more than 99% of bacteria and viruses, organic matter from soil and vegetation, and some chemicals ... sedimentation and filtration It is based on the fairly simple technologies that were developed in the 19th century and have been refined to require less time, space and cost and to operate more efficiently and...
Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 14:41
– THE GRE QUANTITATIVE SECTION – The area of a sector is found in a similar way to finding the pptx
... the same length and intersect at 90-degree angles D C AC = DB and AC DB A B Solid Figures, Perimeter, and Area You will need to know some basic formulas for finding area, perimeter, and volume on ... GRE QUANTITATIVE SECTION – Percentage and Probability Part of data analysis is being able to calculate and apply percentages and probability Further review and examples of these two concepts are ... analysis (as in using measures of central location), finding probability, and reading charts and graphs All these topics, and a few more, are covered in the following section Don’t worry, you are...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Preferences of diabetes patients and physicians: A feasibility study to identify the key indicators for appraisal of health care values" doc
... Netherlands and the USA in several health care projects [13-17] The aim of this paper is to identify the factors which are important for treatment decisions of diabetes type I and II in Germany and ... service, such as Time-Trade-Off, Standard Gamble, and Quality Adjusted Life Years, is discussed controversially because these methods include the preferences of the raters and require assumptions which ... co-treatments, stress factors and interpersonal relationship influence the outcome and are therefore eliminated in efficacy trials but not in effectiveness studies Efficacy and effectiveness are two...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20
Báo cáo toán học: " A new approach to investigate the interactions between sediment transport and ecotoxicological processes during flood events" ppt
... presents considerable advantages for a better understanding and description of the relevant processes and interactions in the field Experimental set-up and test programme One of the primary objectives ... processes, sediment erosion, transport and deposition, bioavailability of the sediment bound contaminants and the ecotoxicological effectiveness in both in vitro and in vivo systems) (Figure 1) Therefore, ... controlled hydraulic and sedimentological conditions Artificial, multi-fractional sediment was used in each experiment This sediment was composed of 5% peat, 20% kaolinite, 75% silica sand and 30% water...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " A Proxy Architecture to Enhance the Performance of WAP 2.0 by Data Compression" ppt
... the uplink and downlink In real life, the traffic and propagation conditions in the CDMA channel may cause fluctuations in noise and interference levels and hence the FER, and the uplink and downlink ... various IS-95 wireless links and Internet channel conditions and compared against the standard configuration in which the gateway is located at junction of the cellular network and the Internet Despite ... client, and an emulated wireless channel connecting the proxy to the client The network simulator (ns-2) [24] is used to emulate the packet level behaviors of over narrowband IS-95 and wideband CDMA2000...
Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 00:20
Sectors and Styles - A New Approach to Outperforming the Market docx
... Australia, and Asia, Wiley is globally committed to developing and marketing print and electronic products and services for our customers’ professional and personal knowledge and understanding The ... George and Andrea Fulop, Emily and Len Brizzi, Gino and Donna Albertario, Vahan Janjigian, Annette and Clint Welch, Don Horenstein, Mark Wachs, John Mihale, Mark and Roberta Aaronson, Rocco Papandrea, ... acknowledge and thank the many speakers and panelists whom I have had the pleasure and privilege of getting to know up close and personal at the various events and functions I produced and conducted...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo toán học: "Towards a Katona type proof for the 2-intersecting Erd˝s-Ko-Rado theorem o" docx
... element in common) and n ≥ 2k then |F | ≤ n−1 and k−1 this bound is attained A similar result holds for t-intersecting k-element subsets (Wilson, [11, 23]): if n ≥ (k − t + 1)(t + 1) and F is a t-intersecting ... numbers, and any two of them have at least two elements in common, then m ≤ k It is easy to see that Conjecture is equivalent for rational, real and for integer arithmetic progressions, and therefore ... assumption on k and thus completes the proof ♠ Comments and open problems It is not impossible to obtain an effective bound p0 (k) in Theorem Using a rectifica3 tion principle, due to Bilu, Lev and Ruzsa...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:22
Báo cáo khoa học: "NaCl plus chitosan as a dietary salt to prevent the development of hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats" ppt
... inorganic materials, and proteins were then removed with N NaOH to produce chitin The chitin was then centrifuged and washed with distilled water, ethanol, and ether, in o order, and vacuum dried ... age and weighing 280∼310 g (male) were purchased from Central Laboratory Animal, Korea Animals were maintained in a certified animal house under supervision and standard o conditions of 22 ± C and ... darkness Water and a dry pellet diet (Purina Rodent Laboratory Chow; Ralston Purina, USA) were given ad libitum The rats were acclimatized for days prior to the start of the experiments and randomly...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 23:22
Báo cáo khoa học: "Preoperative Y-90 microsphere selective internal radiation treatment for tumor downsizing and future liver remnant recruitment: a novel approach to improving the safety of major hepatic resections" docx
... both as a stand-alone therapy and in conjunction with systemic or regional chemotherapy (chemo-SIRT), has been demonstrated to be an effective modality in the management of primary and metastatic ... 2007, 48(7):721-7 Moroz P, Anderson JE, Van Hazel G, Gray BN: Effect of selective internal radiation therapy and hepatic arterial chemotherapy on normal liver volume and spleen volume J Surg Oncol ... chemotherapy, and > 40% in patients with hepatic fibrosis/cirrhosis is recommended for a safe major hepatic resection [2,10] A recent meta-analysis concluded that PVE is a safe and effective...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 04:21
Báo cáo khoa học: "A pilot study to assess the feasibility of evaluation of markers of response to chemotherapy at one day & 21 days after first cycle of chemotherapy in carcinoma of breast: a prospective non-randomized observational study" potx
... histopathology by Miller-Payne criteria Levels of Ki-67, Bcl-2, and Caspase-3 and their comparisons in C0, C1 and C2 biopsy are shown in Figures 1, and respectively Chemotherapy regimens included Adriamycin ... Ki-67 levels in (a) C0–C1 biopsy; and (b) C0–C2 biopsy; and (c) Change in mean value over time Comparison of Ki-67 levels in (a) C0–C1 biopsy; and (b) C0–C2 biopsy; and (c) Change in mean value over ... Bcl-2 levels in (a) C0–C1 biopsy; and (b) C0–C2 biopsy; and (c) Change in mean value over time Comparison of Bcl-2 levels in (a) C0–C1 biopsy; and (b) C0–C2 biopsy; and (c) Change in mean value over...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 04:21