... some agent on the expansion bus segment on the other side of the bridge So the bridge claims the transaction by asserting DEVSEL# and forwards it to the expansion bus The problem with subtractive ... request the bus causing the arbiter to remove GNT# from the agent in the process of stepping Since the stepping agent hasn’t asserted FRAME# the bus is technically idle In this case the stepping ... to another PCI segment or an expansion bus such as ISA, EISA, etc The strategy is that if no agent claims the transaction on this bus segment, then its probably intended for some agent on the expansion...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 11:22
... referring to the signal level on the PCI pins and not to the voltage that powers the board The motherboard (including connectors) defines the signaling environment for the bus, whether it be 5V ... and only half way As the wave front propagates to the end of the line, it is insufficient to switch the receivers that it passes When the wave front reaches the end of the bus, it is reflected ... up to the signaling voltage (3.3V or 5V) through a resistor The PCI spec requires that AD[31::0], PAR and C/BE[3::0] be driven to stable states when the bus is idle If the bus is parked, the agent...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 11:22
An Idiot’s Guide to Photoshop: Advanced Features and Fun Photo Effects
... results: a) The higher the image resolution, the better; b) Make selections a bit bigger than the object; c) For small objects use the Spot Healing Brush Tool; d) It is better to use the Spot Healing ... Save the selection (from the right-click menu): Deselect (Ctrl+D) Select the Content-Aware Scale tool (from the Edit menu) and choose your saved selection from the drop-down list right next to the ... compare the final image to the original you will see the changes: See how it played with the lights? OK, this was too easy Sometimes, when you edit a photo, you have to cut or scale the image...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 13:28
Compatibility and Advanced Interoperation
... TheModule easily: static void UseTheClass() { List l = new List(); l.Add(new TheClass(5)); l.Add(new TheClass(6)); l.Add(new TheClass(7)); TheModule.incList(l); foreach (TheClass ... meaning you give the return type, the F# type, the name of the function, and finally the types and names of the parameters surrounded by parentheses The resulting function can then be called as ... TlbImp.exe the location of the dll that contains the COM component, and the managed wrapper will be placed in the current directory So if you wanted to create a managed wrapper for the Microsoft...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 10:20
Strength Modeling And Advanced Net Types Definitions
... value on the net The value is continuously stored in the trireg net It takes the strength of the driver Capacitive state— All drivers on the net have high impedance (z) value The net holds the last ... is 0, the value of the net wand is Net wor performs the or operation on multiple driver values If any value is 1, the net wor is Nets triand and trior have the same syntax and function as the nets ... If there are two signals of opposite values and same strength, the resulting value of the tri net is x A.3.2 trireg Keyword trireg is used to model nets having capacitance that stores values The...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 22:15
... consultation or feedback from other Party / Một bên định: không tư vấn nghe thông tin phản hồi từ phía bên D-2 One Party decides after consultation and feedback from the other Party / Một bên định ... Chương trình biên Lots of 2-way communication tools/ Sử dụng công cụ thông tin hai chiều The Two Basic Components of a Successful LabourManagement Relationship / Hai yếu tố để có mối quan hệ tốt ... CONTENT Nội dung Basis for Decision-Making Power Quyền lực Rights Quyền Interests Lợi ích The Two Basic Components of a Successful LabourManagement Relationship / Hai yếu tố để có mối quan hệ tốt...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 04:15
A study on syntactic and pragmatic features of insertion sequence in english and vietnamese
... includes the statement of the problem, the aims and the objectives, the scope of the study, the research questions and the organization of the study Chapter – LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL ... person speaks at a time The Sp generally has the floor, the right to speak, and when he gives some signal to give up his or her turn, the other takes the turn and becomes the Sp The turn exchanges ... the limitations of the thesis that will be discussed later The second type of repairs is other-initiated self-repair where the Sp corrects himself or herself after being prompted by another These...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:16
An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of idioms denoting work in english and vietnamese
... 2.7% 40 18.2% The meaning of idioms cannot be determined just by looking at or understanding the meaning of the components in isolation, we had better obtain the relationship between the connotative ... living, experience, and customs Therefore, they have their own ways CHAPTER of recording events or phenomena which happening around them Hence, they reflect what they perceive differently and use ... well as the constraints faced by the 5.2 IMPLICATIONS FOR LANGUAGE TEACHING researcher, therefore there are still areas for further studies such as Idioms are widely used in our life by the native...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:16
A study on syntactic and pragmatic features of thank givings in english and vietnamese
... sentences The most - The older to the younger typical feature of thank- givings in English is that they are often - The younger to the older constituted into conversationalized formulaes Otherwise, ... specific but they” know all the words” Worse, they may interpret what they hear also the culture – specific in both language English and Vietnamese according to the rules of speaking of their native ... summarize the frequency of structures used for The contrastive method was applied to analyse the thank-givings The similarities and differences between the two similarities and differences in the syntactic...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:16
A study on syntactic, semantic and pragmatic features of exaggeration in english and vietnamese
... million things to do” they probably mean they have a considerable amount of work to do; additionally, they may be unhappy about being so busy, or that they are feeling the pressure of This study ... and use Therefore, I choose the topic “A study on Syntactic, Semantic and Pragmatic Features of Exaggeration in English and Vietnamese” for my thesis 1.2 JUSTIFICATION OF THE STUDY The thesis ... it more than the truth Along with the purpose, the nature of unconsciously Irony has a strong power of expressive and therefore exaggeration, lie is used to deceive other people Otherwise, through...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:16
A study on syntactic and pragmatic features of asking and answering in english and vietnamese job interviews
... of the Derivational morphemes can also be added to “heart” to combinations, choosing the approaches to the problem and the create another word to change either the meaning of the word or the theoretical ... the value of the thesis are realiability and validity Therefore, the researcher always considers these criteria carefully and thoroughly during the process of doing the research descriptive The ... interesting The above facts give the inspiration for the thesis entitled “A Study on Linguistic Features of English Word Groups Containing the Word “Heart” and the Vietnamese Ones Containing the Word...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:16
A study on syntactic, lexical semantic and rhetorical features of word groups containing words denoting seasons in vietnamese and english
... classifying the senses of the word spring from the samples, Implying to the youth, the period time in the young people, the dates in the youthful time we can take out the lexical-semantic features of the ... deals with the previous studies related to the thesis Besides, the theoretical background about the word and word groups and some rhetorical features are chosen for the theory of this 2.3 THEORETICAL ... word denoting season Therefore, the word spring - Senses related to “Lunar Tet holidays”, the first days of the lunar with the sense related to was the year first season of the year was investigated...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:16
A study on semantic and syntactic features of words and phrases in quotation marks in english and vietnamese economic magazines
... economic magazines? the aim to raise the awareness of the role of euphemism to 1.6 ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY Vietnamese learners of English language and provide them with The thesis is divided ... These are “Kinh t Sài Gòn” and “Kinh t Châu Á- Thái The Business” and The 11 12 Data are analyzed on the basic of the knowledge of : CHAPTER - Semantics - Syntax 3.7 RELIABLE AND VALIDITY The ... whether foreign should have to apply to each European Union country to business, or whether, as the parliamentary draft proposes, they could get a European “passport”… b) Noun + Noun (11) They’re...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:18
A study of semantic and syntactic features of english famous love sayings and their vietnamese translation
... OF THE STUDY The thesis could consist of five chapters as presented below: Chapter 1: Introduction - presents the reason why the topic is chosen, the justification, the aims, the objectives, the ... summarizes the major findings of the thesis along with the practical implications, the limitations of the study and the suggestions for further study CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL ... translation theory, if the text describes a situation which has elements peculiar to the topics related to their language area, there is an inevitable loss because of the transference rather than the...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:21
A study of semantic and syntactic features of idioms relating to fruits in english and vietnamese
... What are the underlying cultural features reflected through these similarities and differences in IsRTFs? 1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY 1.5 SCOPE OF THE STUDY 1.6 ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY The study ... DESIGN The research design has been made with the aim of providing guidelines for systematic data gathering and finding the diversity of IsRTFs in English and Vietnamese It further helps discover the ... Thirdly, another straightforward difference of these two ambition to conquer the nature Meanwhile, the East has the hot, languages is living environment In fact, people are not only the humid climate...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:21
A study of semantic and pragmatic features of the adjective warm and its vietnamese equivalents
... get the most suitable Noticeably, learners tend to impose the use of the native meaning of the adjective Warm, he should ask himself whether the language on the target language In fact, the two ... situations Another name for strategies might condition of the atmosphere E.g, warm weather, cold weather, wet be attitudes Many proverbs rely on antithesis: "Out of sight, out weather, dry weather, etc ... that the meaning of the word is The main goal of the study is to investigate the semantic and not determined by itself but by its relations with other linguistic and pragmatic properties of the...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:21