international human rights standards or the constitution



... representing the ends of the Charter and the other four standing for the means to be adopted The position of human rights and human dignity in the UN Charter and the contemporary sources of international ... respect for the spirit and conscience of the man, for the man and by the man individually; and, respect for the spirit and conscience: of the people, for the people and by the people collectively These ... commensurate to the same spirit in the four ends It is the humanity of man, in the form of human rights and human dignity, which stands at the core of this octagon of eight fundamental concepts, the first...

Ngày tải lên: 07/12/2015, 00:47

502 784 1

... affecting the validity of the concept of human rights, or because human rights cannot be what they are said to be, making the concept invalid In other words, critiques of human rights can either require ... represent the nihilist position on human rights The moral stance of human rights nihilism For the natural scholar, human rights are simply there, and they are definitely a good thing, part of our moral ... between theory and practice so that the practice helps to explicate and refine the theory, while at the same time the theory generates more subtle readings of practice Wishing to render theory and...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:02

340 742 3
báo cáo hóa học:" HIV, disability and discrimination: making the links in international and domestic human rights law" pot

báo cáo hóa học:" HIV, disability and discrimination: making the links in international and domestic human rights law" pot

... disabilities (The full text of the core human rights treaties, and their accompanying optional protocols, can be found on the website of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights at ... system for human rightsThe Human Rights Council consists of representatives from UN member states It is the top body within the UN for dealing with human rights issues, and reports to the UN General ... addition to the ICESCR, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, another of the "core" human rights treaties, expressly prohibits any discrimination in respect of the enjoyment of convention rights...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20

15 310 1
Taking workers fundamental rights seriously a study on the chinese labor law from the perspective of international core labor standards

Taking workers fundamental rights seriously a study on the chinese labor law from the perspective of international core labor standards

... ARE INTERNATIONAL CORE LABOR STANDARDS VALUABLE TO CONTEMPORARY CHINA? 14 2.1 Overview on International Core Labor Standards A Declaring the Core B Human Rights and the Core 2.2 Background Information ... instance, according to the former Director-General of ILO Michel Hansenne’s 1997 report to the International Labor Conference, the existence of a set of core labor rights is beyond doubt.31 Labor rights ... Overview on International Core Labor Standards A Declaring the Core It is observed that a host of scholars and experts take for granted the existence of international core labor standards For instance,...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:04

371 704 0
A comparative study of discourse structures and some major linguistic features of international declarations and international conventions on human rights part 2

A comparative study of discourse structures and some major linguistic features of international declarations and international conventions on human rights part 2

... Archaic words and phrases 17 b2 Technical words 17 b3 Borrowed words 17 c Thematization 17 d Speech acts 3.3.3 11 The Title and Preamble of the Declaration and their realization 3.3.2 The ... with those of the International Declaration on Human Rights 21 21 Remarks 4.3.2 The Beginning The Title and Preamble of the Convention and their realization 4.3.1 21 23 The Body 23 ... SOME MAJOR LINGUISTIC FEATURES OF THE INTERNATIONAL DECLARATION ON HUMAN RIGHTS 3.1 Definition of an International Declaration 10 3.2 Purposes and typical legal characteristics of the International...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:17

6 634 0
A comparative study of discourse structures and some major linguistic features of international declarations and international conventions on human rights part  3

A comparative study of discourse structures and some major linguistic features of international declarations and international conventions on human rights part 3

... Two of these (Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Convention on the Rights of the Child), which are most popular, are enclosed in the Annex Within the frame of a minor M.A thesis, the analysis ... of the International Declaration and the International Convention on Human Rights are drawn at the end of the paper for readers to have an overall look on Two of the most popular documents on Human ... sentence or utterance is the prominence or importance that the speaker or writer wishes to give different pieces of information Theme is a formal grammatical category which refers to the initial...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:17

41 839 3
A comparative study of discourse structures and some major linguistic features of international declarations and international conventions on human rights part  4

A comparative study of discourse structures and some major linguistic features of international declarations and international conventions on human rights part 4

... to protect the national security, public order (ordre public), public health or morals or the rights and freedoms of others and are consistent with the other rights recognized in the present ... birth or other status Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether ... these shall only be such as are provided by law and are necessary: (a) For respect of the rights or reputations of others; or (b) For the protection of national security or of public order (ordre...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:17

28 612 0
The return of universalist law - human rights and free trade

The return of universalist law - human rights and free trade

... and the ‘ancient guidelines for human behavior which are found in the teachings of the religions of the world and which are the condition for a sustainable world order’.106 In recognition of the ... of the 1994 reference to the aim of ‘optimal use of the world’s resources’ as opposed to the 1947 objective for the use of the ‘full resources of the world’ References to human rights and the ... ‘foreign policy’, by strengthening GATT as the ‘foreign policy constitution : see Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann, Human Rights, Constitutionalism and the World Trade Organization: Challenges for World...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20

40 532 0
The human rights creed in four schools

The human rights creed in four schools

... ‘politics of human rights and emancipatory ‘politics for human rights For him, the passage from the latter to the former occurs through an ‘order of progress which makes the state more ethical, ... fight for the other To them, the motives underlying the pursuit of having human rights recognized are irrelevant to its moral legitimacy Above I wrote: the more we become used to having human rights ... of human rights, where he stressed the respect for human dignity and human freedom as the principle underlying human rights, including ˆ the rights provided in the Convention Also going to the...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20

40 310 0
Advancing the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Human Rights of People Living With HIV pdf

Advancing the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Human Rights of People Living With HIV pdf

... human rights standards are violated.54 At the national level, national human rights institutions (e.g., an Ombudsman or Human Rights Commission) can work to monitoring implementation and enforcement ... feeding, what they should STIs improves prisoners’ health overall and increases the if babies have oral sores or they themselves have sores or effectiveness of HIV prevention and treatment efforts inflammation ... many forms, whether it be legal aid refers to relevant international human rights guidelines to utilize the courts or make contracts, or access dispute It particularly stresses the importance...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 16:20

66 479 0
Human Rights Related Trade Measures under International Law potx

Human Rights Related Trade Measures under International Law potx

... Rules of International Law Peremptory Norms (Jus Cogens) Peremptory Norms and the Interpretation of Treaties Peremptory Norms and Other Rules of International Law Peremptory Norms and Human Rights ... restricting the volume of imports or exports, charges, whether in the form of tariffs or otherwise, that are imposed in relation to the import or export of goods, and regulations that restrict imports ... Peremptory Norms Obligations under the Charter of the United Nations and the Effect of Article 103 of the Charter Forms of Interaction Between Human Rights Norms, Trade Norms and Other Norms and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 10:20

517 5K 1
Freedom from Want - The Human Right to Adequate Food (Advancing Human Rights series) pptx

Freedom from Want - The Human Right to Adequate Food (Advancing Human Rights series) pptx

... Assembly, the Economic and Social Council, the Commission on Human Rights, the Commission on the Status of Women, the Center for Human Rights, and the O~ce of the High Commissioner for Human Rights ... ensure the realization of all human rights for all people A child may have the misfortune of being born in a poor country, but that child is not born in a poor world The world as a whole has the ... that the three key elements of any rights system are a The rights holders and their rights; b The duty bearers and their obligations corresponding to the rights of the rights holders; and c The...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 21:20

278 795 0
The Framework of INTOSAI Government Auditing Standards: In the Stream of International Convergence pdf

The Framework of INTOSAI Government Auditing Standards: In the Stream of International Convergence pdf

... state or supranational organization which, however designated, constituted or organized, exercises, by virtue of law, or other formal action of the state or the supranational organization, the ... Performance and Other Information Internal Control Guidelines for Internal Control Standards for the Public October 1992 Standards Committee Sector (October 2004) Guidance for Reporting on the ... for Debt Management and the Role for SAIs Code of Independence of SAIs The Lima Declaration Name of document Guidelines for Internal Control Standards for the Public Sector Guidance for Reporting...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20

21 541 0
Environmental Injustice and Human Rights Abuse: The States, MNCs, and Repression of Minority Groups in the World System pptx

Environmental Injustice and Human Rights Abuse: The States, MNCs, and Repression of Minority Groups in the World System pptx

... officials of the World Bank have supported the idea of exporting more polluting industries from the core nations to underdeveloped countries for profit They contend that, in order to maximize the overall ... environment, the cooperation of the NGOs, international human rights and environmental groups, MNCs, 54 the United Nations, the World Bank, national and local governments is sine-qua-non Furthermore, there ... influence, and human rights were obtained from the UN (1988, 1998), the World Bank (199899), the World Resources Institute, UN and World Bank (1998-99), Amnesty International (1995), the Freedom...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:20

21 684 0
Fair Trials: The European Criminal Procedural Tradition and the European Court of Human Rights potx

Fair Trials: The European Criminal Procedural Tradition and the European Court of Human Rights potx

... on the effect of these rights on the procedural form of the proceedings, not on the ways in which the procedural forms dictate the extent of the participatory rights This is highlighted, for ... the other It is important to note that their demands for reform were made in the belief that they could interrupt the smooth working of the procedure of the inquisition and thereby abolish, or ... ruling in the case if they were the spouse or guardian of the accused or the victim, if they were directly related to the accused or the victim by blood, marriage or adoption, or if they had already...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 03:20

209 1,3K 0
The human rights impacts of oil palm plantation expansion in Indonesia pot

The human rights impacts of oil palm plantation expansion in Indonesia pot

... said: “They told us they would make compensation payments for the land They said that if the oil palm failed, they would give back the land to the owner They would only borrow the land for 25 ... 1.2.4 Indonesia’s international human rights obligations The human rights referred to in this report are guaranteed under key international human rights instruments such as the International Covenant ... compensation payments for the land They said that if the oil palm failed, they would give back the land to the owner They would only borrow the land for 25 years This is what the company people said.”...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 11:20

108 583 0
The Constitution of Private Governance Product Standards in the Regulation of Integrating Markets pptx

The Constitution of Private Governance Product Standards in the Regulation of Integrating Markets pptx

... incorporate references to other standards, and approve, amend or reject standards from other bodies Together, they form the normative netherworld of acronyms and abbreviations that generates the ... authorities not exercise some influence over the content and use of these standards –either by the participation of officials in the elaboration and approval of the standard, or because of the ... Associations the state, others are in overt competition with public agencies– or with other standards bodies––for the ‘business’ of regulating the production and marketing of goods They write standards themselves,...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 05:23

498 588 0