installation et configuration de sql server 2008 pdf

.So sánh hiệu suất hoạt động của MongoDB và SQL Server 2008 pdf

.So sánh hiệu suất hoạt động của MongoDB và SQL Server 2008 pdf

... biệt rõ ràng MongoDB SQL Server: Quá trình thực cách chèn 50.000 đối tượng độc lập sử dụng NoRM MongoDB LINQ tới SQL dành cho SQL Server 2008 Mô hình mẫu sau: MongoDB SQL Server Sau đó, chạy ứng ... hiệu suất hoạt động MongoDB SQL Server 2008 Trong viết đây, điểm khác biệt hiệu suất hoạt động hệ quản trị sở liệu mẻ nay, MongoDB hệ thống phổ biến SQL Server (MySQL Oracle) Chủ yếu số liệu ... insert: MongoDB SQL Server Và nhìn kỹ vào phần thông tin quan trọng hiển thị đây, thời gian thực hiện: MongoDB SQL Server Rất dễ dàng, bạn nhận khác biệt giây – MongoDB 205 giây – SQL Server Để đảm...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 08:20

12 578 1
Tài liệu Expert SQL Server 2008 Development- P3 pdf

Tài liệu Expert SQL Server 2008 Development- P3 pdf

... C# code illustrates a simple CLR user-defined function (UDF) to divide one number by another: [Microsoft.SqlServer .Server. SqlFunction()] public static SqlDecimal Divide(SqlDecimal x, SqlDecimal ... x, SqlDecimal y) at ExpertSQLServer.UserDefinedFunctions.Divide(SqlDecimal x, SqlDecimal y) SQL Server automatically wraps an exception handler around any managed code executed from within SQL ... user-defined routine or aggregate "Divide": System.DivideByZeroException: Divide by zero error encountered System.DivideByZeroException: at System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal.op_Division(SqlDecimal...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 15:15

50 561 1
Tài liệu Apress - Pro SQL Server 2008 Service Broker (2008)02 pdf

Tài liệu Apress - Pro SQL Server 2008 Service Broker (2008)02 pdf

... the following deployment scenarios: • Both services are deployed in the same SQL Server database • Each service is deployed in a separate SQL Server database located on the same SQL Server instance ... Each service is deployed in a separate SQL Server database located on another SQL Server instance on a different SQL Server The good thing about the Service Broker programming model is that you ... SQL Server database or on a SQL Server running in another country connected through the Internet Chapters and talk more about distributed scenarios with Service Broker Now, let’s take a detailed...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 02:15

20 577 2
Tài liệu Cấu hình dễ dàng các thiết lập Password trong Windows Server 2008 pdf

Tài liệu Cấu hình dễ dàng các thiết lập Password trong Windows Server 2008 pdf

... CmdLets PowerShell Specops Password Basic gồm có cụm nhỏ CmdLets PowerShell Bảng hướng dẫn vắn tắt có CmdLets miễn phí: Bảng 1: Tham chiếu vắn tắt PowerShell Tên CmdLet Nhiệm vụ CmdLet GetBasicAffectedUsersForPasswordPolicy ... Get-BasicAffectingPasswordPolicy Được sử dụng để tìm sách mật bắt buộc ảnh hưởng đến người dùng cụ thể Get-BasicDomainPasswordPolicy Lấy lại sách mật không bắt buộc thiết lập Group Policy Get-BasicPasswordPolicy ... Trước sử dụng CmdLet PowerShell này, lệnh phải thực thi (bên tiện ích PowerShell): Add-PSSnapin SpecopsSoft.PasswordPolicyBasic Để có danh sách kiểu CmdLets, bạn sử dụng lệnh sau: Get-Command -Noun...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 22:17

8 493 1
Tài liệu Wiley - Data Mining with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (2009)01 pdf

Tài liệu Wiley - Data Mining with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (2009)01 pdf

... data mining in SQL Server SQL Server 2008 Data Mining (including the Data Mining Add-Ins) is a product jointly developed by the SQL Server Analysis Services team and other teams inside Microsoft ... SQL Server Data Mining Introducing the Business Intelligence Development Studio Understanding the User Interface Offline Mode and Immediate Mode Immediate Mode Getting Started in Immediate Mode ... Microsoft Decision Trees Algorithm Introducing Decision Trees Using Decision Trees Creating a Decision Tree Model DMX Queries Classification Model Regression Model Association Model Content Interpreting...

Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 22:20

40 515 2
Tài liệu Sybex - Mastering SQL Server 2008 (2009)02 pdf

Tài liệu Sybex - Mastering SQL Server 2008 (2009)02 pdf

... amount of needed archival data and what kind of server installation strategy you will need to support it SQL Server 2008 Installation Requirements The official Microsoft SQL Server installation ... here you can perform a new installation, upgrade older servers to SQL Server 2008, or modify a SQL Server cluster Click the first option to perform a new standalone installation In a moment, a ... AM | Installing SQL Server 2008   17 Table 1.2 Microsoft SQL Server Installation Requirements  (continued) Visual Studio 2008 If VS 2008 is installed on the same machine as the server or client...

Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 22:20

10 322 0
Tài liệu McGraw-Hill - Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services (2008)02 pdf

Tài liệu McGraw-Hill - Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services (2008)02 pdf

... running on another computer This is called remote administration SQL Server 2005 /SQL Server 2008 Either SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008 is required to hold the database where Reporting Services ... versions of SQL Server, the sample code and sample database could be installed as part of the SQL Server installation process Beginning with SQL Server 2008, the samples are now downloaded from ... also uses the SQL Server Agent, which you will learn about shortly In addition, databases in SQL Server can be used as data sources for Reporting Services reports SQL Server Agent SQL Server Agent...

Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 22:20

10 346 0
Tài liệu Wiley - Microsoft SQL Server 2008 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (2008)02 pdf

Tài liệu Wiley - Microsoft SQL Server 2008 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (2008)02 pdf

... Upgrade from SQL Server 2000 or 2005 option in the SQL Server 2008 Installation Center dialog box The System Configuration Checker analyzes your computer to see if it’s capable of running SQL Server ... DVD drive Launch the SQL Server setup application The Setup.exe file is under the \Servers folder on your installation media Accept the license terms and click Next The installation program obtains ... to the Internet 07_179543-bk01ch03.qxp 8/23/08 12:26 AM Page 25 Converting to SQL Server 2008 25 Converting to SQL Server 2008 Before undertaking any major system or software upgrade, it’s always...

Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 09:20

10 510 0
Tài liệu SQL Server 2008 Database Administration– Monitoring and Performance pdf

Tài liệu SQL Server 2008 Database Administration– Monitoring and Performance pdf

... server permission p 10 SQL Server Profiler p 11 SQL Server Profiler • DBAs use traces to monitor statements sent to SQL Server – We’ve already seen how SQL Server uses “default traces” in Chapter ... Running traces will have an impact on server performance – How much? It depends on how much you trace p 12 SQL Server Profiler • SQL Server Profiler is the GUI for defining, viewing, and replaying ... load trc file contents into SQL Server table after trace for maximum flexibility! p 15 SQL Server Profiler • After trace is complete, you can export results p 16 SQL Server Profiler • Tips on working...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 08:20

148 493 1
Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 11 pdf

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 11 pdf

... for transitive dependencies A transitive dependency is similar to a partial dependency in that they both refer to attributes that are not fully dependent on a primary key A dependency is transient ... Davidson (aka Dr SQL) and I co-present a session at conferences on database design I recommend his book Pro SQL Server 2008 Relational Database Design and Implementation (Apress, 2008) Summary Relational ... normal form ensures that each attribute does in fact describe the entity It’s a dependency issue Does the attribute depend on, or describe, the item identified by the primary key? If the entity’s primary...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 09:20

10 324 0
Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 14 pdf

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 14 pdf

... compatible with SQL 2008 but will not be enhanced to support the new 2008 SQL Server features Chapter 39, ‘‘Configuring SQL Server, ’’ discusses SQL Server configuration in detail Server Configuration ... of SQL Server 2008, it must be installed separately on the development machine and must be included with the application setup Microsoft has included the sqlncli.msi file on the SQL Server installation ... features of SQL Server 2008 through the SQL Server Native Client (SNAC) If the new features are not needed and managed code is a requirement for data access, then ADO.NET will suffice While a detailed...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 09:20

10 352 0
Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 21 pdf

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 21 pdf

... points to understand is that SQL is a declarative language This means that the SQL query logically describes the question to the SQL Query Optimizer, which then determines the best method to physically ... excellent tool for writing SQL code or ad hoc data retrieval because there are no graphics to get in the way and the developer can work as close to the SQL code as possible From SQL Server s point of ... more servers to determine whether or not the objects comply with the conditions de ned in the policy It can also be used to reset object settings to comply with the policy, if that is needed Lara...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 09:20

10 363 0
Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 36 pdf

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 36 pdf

... CumulativeTotal FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader ORDER BY OrderDate, SalesOrderID; go -ALTER TABLE Sales.SalesOrderHeader DROP CONSTRAINT dfSalesOrderHeader; ALTER TABLE Sales.SalesOrderHeader DROP ... Sales.SalesOrderHeader SET CumulativeTotal = @CumulativeTotal WHERE SalesOrderID = @SalesOrderID; fetch next FETCH cRun INTO @SalesOrderID, @TotalDue; END; CLOSE cRun; DEALLOCATE cRun; go -SELECT SalesOrderID, ... Sales.SalesOrderHeader ORDER BY SalesOrderID; OPEN cRun; prime the cursor FETCH cRun INTO @SalesOrderID, @TotalDue; WHILE @@Fetch_Status = BEGIN; SET @CumulativeTotal += @TotalDue; UPDATE Sales.SalesOrderHeader...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 09:20

10 308 0
Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 37 pdf

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 37 pdf

... SELECT RowNumber, SalesOrderID, OrderDate, SalesOrderNumber FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY OrderDate, SalesOrderID) as RowNumber, * FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader WHERE SalesPersonID = ... of whether the view is in the query, so the name is slightly confusing Because designing an indexed view is more like designing an indexing structure than creating a view, I’ve included indexed ... Sales.SalesOrderDetail GROUP BY ProductID ) AS Q ORDER BY ‘Rank’; Result (abbreviated): ProductID 897 942 943 911 927 SalesCount 6 Rank -1 3 324 DenseRank...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 09:20

10 321 0