insert date and time in mysql using jsp

Date and Time Manipulation

Date and Time Manipulation

... only increases when the date interval spans months or years. Date in Days The following script shows one way to make date and time calculations much easier. Because UNIX and Linux calculate time ... like to get those routine notices by page during the day and by e-mail at other times. The following script determines whether the current day and hour are within a certain time frame that you ... 's/0*//'` year= `date +'%Y'` 22 CHAPTER 3 ■ DATE AND TIME MANIPULATION Alternatives for Finding the Date in Seconds There are two other ways to calculate the number of seconds since the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:51

6 369 0
Date and time potx

Date and time potx

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2014, 04:20

8 376 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Constitutive oligomerization of human D2 dopamine receptors expressed in Spodoptera frugiperda 9 (Sf9 ) and in HEK293 cells Analysis using co-immunoprecipitation and time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Constitutive oligomerization of human D2 dopamine receptors expressed in Spodoptera frugiperda 9 (Sf9 ) and in HEK293 cells Analysis using co-immunoprecipitation and time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer pdf

... cells expressing FLAG-tagged D 2L or D 2S dopamine receptors, using time- resolved FRET. As shown in Fig. 5B, a strong FRET signal was observed on membranes containing either dopamine D 2L or ... of recombinant baculoviruses cDNAs encoding human D 2L and D 2S dopamine receptors were subcloned into the vector TOPOÒ (Invitrogen) between an NdeI site at the 5Â end of the insert and an EcoRI ... dopamine, R-(–)propylnorapomorphine, and raclopride did not affect oligomerization of D 2L and D 2S in Sf9 and HEK293 cells. Human D 2 dopamine receptors can therefore form consti- tutive oligomers in Sf9 cells and in HEK293...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 00:20

11 618 0
Vietnamese Speech Recognition and Synthesis in Embedded System Using T-Engine

Vietnamese Speech Recognition and Synthesis in Embedded System Using T-Engine

... pitch marking for prosodic modification of speech using td-psola', 2006 Vietnamese Speech Recognition and Synthesis in Embedded System Using T-Engine Trinh Van Loan, La The Vinh Department ... speed and quality of speech engines. Finally, we demonstrate a human-computer interaction software in T-Engine embedded system. I. INTRODUCTION In this paper, we are concerned with the combination ... recognition in T-Engine is provided in Section 3, following is Vietnamese speech synthesis method in Section 4. In the two last sections, we provide concluding remarks. II. T-ENGINE INTRODUCTION The...

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2013, 16:05

5 1,1K 6
animals and activities in free time

animals and activities in free time

... A penguin ['peηgwin]A spider ['spaidə]A Crocodile ['kr kədail]ɔMonkey A panda ['pændə] I often ………………. in my free time 12 7 8 2 431 1110 65 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... hen [hen] A hippo : ['hipou]A wolf [wulf]A dinosaur : ['dainəs :]ɔA duck [d k]ʌ A snake [sneik] A starfish ['st :fi∫]ɑ Husband : (n) chồng The centre of town: Trung tâm thị...

Ngày tải lên: 30/06/2013, 01:26

13 436 5


... going to workers minus tax payments minus consumption minus investment into physical capital minus costs of investing into physical capital plus interest income from assets accumulated in ... that the optimum rate of investment, as expected, is increasing in the marginal productivity of capital and decreasing in the depreciation rate, the interest rate, and the cost parameter b . ... rate that is incompatible with low discounting and low intertemporal substitution in consumption. Finally Figure 3 shows a shift in the I 1 ( r ) line generated by an increase in b . With...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 14:18

29 554 0
Law and authority in space and time

Law and authority in space and time

... ultimate reality and meaning. ‘Ultimate Reality and Meaning’ is actually a term of art used by interdisciplinary and cross-cultural scholars interested in collectively pursuing the idea in their studies. ... as culture is maintained by the universe of meaning in which the norms reside. That is, everything makes sense by reference to authoritative texts, teachings and upbringing within the culture, which ... changes in line with the evolution of notions of ultimate reality and meaning. Thus written, this chapter and indeed this book will employ a general notion of God and ultimate reality and meaning in...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20

25 531 0
Tài liệu Using Simulink and Stateflow in Automotive Applicationsl doc

Tài liệu Using Simulink and Stateflow in Automotive Applicationsl doc

... F n , and engine torque, T in . Each of these is represented by a matrix table in the M ATLAB workspace and plotted in Figure 3.6 below. The Simulink model incorporates these inputs by using From ... Controller 1 Throttle Setting pi/30 rpm to rad/s integrator input controller output enable integration prevent windup limit output Kp Proportional Gain Ki Integral Gain T z-1 Discrete Time Integrator 0 2 N 1 Desired rpm Figure ... U SING S IMULINK AND S TATEFLOW IN A UTOMOTIVE A PPLICATIONS 41 We have now tested the pump and actuator blocks and determined that they perform according to design. We created a Simulink...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 11:15

93 677 4
Tài liệu Sounding the Event- Escapades in dialogue and matters of art, nature and time doc

Tài liệu Sounding the Event- Escapades in dialogue and matters of art, nature and time doc

... for all. There is noise in the subject, in the object, in the observed, in the observer, in the transmitter and in the receiver; it is in being, in appearing and in knowing as well; moreover, ... multiplicity. And this multiplicity, this noise, is the song of my being and my becoming. I would not be here - breathing, thinking, living, touching, reading, writing - without it. And now ... under- stand that comprehension always remains incomplete and that this is no failure. There is wisdom in understanding this, just as there is wisdom in understanding that clear thinking is never...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 01:20

206 499 0


... asking and giving opinions, instructions, asking directions, and so on. ã Reading: comprehending texts via practicing different reading skills: skimming, scanning,…; enriching vocabulary and ... textbook. ã Listening: comprehending main and specific information of the text or dialogue; improving basic listening skills ã Speaking: asking-answering, presenting the topics given; using daily communication ... Guiding and giving instructions of the purposes and how and what to listen to 100% Designing tasks and organizing activities in classroom 100% Observing the class activities 97% Listening and...

Ngày tải lên: 05/02/2014, 22:02

53 1,2K 7
using pair work and group work techniques to increase students' participation and interest in communicative english classes at hanoi university of industry

using pair work and group work techniques to increase students' participation and interest in communicative english classes at hanoi university of industry

... working in pairs and groups and playing games more relaxing and interesting. In addition, they said that when working in pairs and groups they felt more confident in communicating in English and ... strongly increased students’ participation and interest in class activities. The students found working in pairs and in groups intersting, which made them participate more in the lesson. In addition, ... learning to read, studying grammar, and learning English words by seeing them. - Students’ motivation Motivation is a key factor leading students’ success in learning in general, and in learning...

Ngày tải lên: 06/02/2014, 14:45

43 1,6K 5
Tài liệu Serum cytokine profiles in healthy young and elderly population assessed using multiplexed bead-based immunoassays doc

Tài liệu Serum cytokine profiles in healthy young and elderly population assessed using multiplexed bead-based immunoassays doc

... recom- binant cytokines was used to establish standard curves and to maximize the sensitivity and dynamic range of the assay. Cytokine levels were determined using a Luminex IS 100 (Luminex, Austin, ... role in regulating homeosta- sis and/ or diseases in aged subjects, increased serum levels of this cytokine in the elderly population may play Table 2 Serum levels of cytokines, chemokines, and ... in the study design, result interpretation and in the writing. HOK and HSK performed the analysis of the data and drafted the manuscript. JCY and ECS participated in the design of the study and performed...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 06:20

7 715 0
Chapter 7  machine equations in operational impedances and time constants

Chapter 7 machine equations in operational impedances and time constants

... SYNCHRONOUS MACHINE WITH FOUR ROTOR WINDINGS In Chapter 5 , the synchronous machine was represented with a fi eld winding and one damper winding in the d -axis and with two damper windings in the q ... equations for a synchronous machine represented by three damper windings in the q -axis and two damper windings and a fi eld winding in the d -axis. 15. Derive X d ( s ) and G ( s ) for the d -axis ... 1 and the fd windings and between the kq 2 and the kd windings. In this chapter, we have associated the kq 1 winding with the transient reactance (7.4-6) , and the kq 2 winding with the subtransient...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 18:47

28 570 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Direct identification of hydrophobins and their processing in Trichoderma using intact-cell MALDI-TOF MS docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Direct identification of hydrophobins and their processing in Trichoderma using intact-cell MALDI-TOF MS docx

... mass peaks in the range of 5–10 kDa, typically including two dominating peaks at approximately m ⁄ z 7000. As mycelia and spores largely remained intact, and the extraction solution contained acetonitrile ... 843 in the knockout mutant hfbI – , only the respective mass peak was missing (Fig. 3B). Deviating post-translational processing of hydrophobins in H. jecorina strains To investigate strain diversity ... of hydrophobins and their processing in Trichoderma using intact-cell MALDI-TOF MS Torsten Neuhof 1 , Ralf Dieckmann 1, *, Irina S. Druzhinina 2 , Christian P. Kubicek 2 , Tiina Nakari-Seta ă la ă 3 ,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 02:20

12 634 0
Exposures to fine particulate air pollution and respiratory outcomes in adults using two national datasets: a cross-sectional study doc

Exposures to fine particulate air pollution and respiratory outcomes in adults using two national datasets: a cross-sectional study doc

... presentation of data, and assistance in drafting manuscript. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript. Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Received: ... with and without insurance. For these sensitivity analyses, interaction terms between PM 2.5 and urbanization and health insurance were examined in logistic models for the overall sample and for ... n and poverty ratio. Despite this, it is likely that the effect esti mates are influenced by residual confounding and are likely attenuated. Conclusions Using two linked national datasets and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

12 549 0
Challenging Time in DOPMA - Flexible and Contemporary Military Officer Management doc

Challenging Time in DOPMA - Flexible and Contemporary Military Officer Management doc

... “longer TIA” (longer time in assignment) and longer careers in scenarios as “longer TIS” (longer time in service). 2 Challenging Time in DOPMA serious examination.” 3 In response, the Office ... number of assignments in career = Total time in career Law and policy fix total time in grade (assuming promotion) at about six years for O-3s, O-4s, and O-5s and fix total time in career at 20 to ... be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from RAND. Published...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 20:20

102 280 0