induction and its application

Báo cáo khoa học: "Bayesian Synchronous Tree-Substitution Grammar Induction and its Application to Sentence Compression" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Bayesian Synchronous Tree-Substitution Grammar Induction and its Application to Sentence Compression" pdf

... judgments of GS, EM, and SVM output sen- tences and the gold standard in terms of grammat- icality (how fluent the compression is) and impor- tance (how much of the meaning of and impor- tant information ... source to target. In particular, we visit every tree pair and each of its source nodes i, and update its alignment by selecting between and within two choices: (a) unaligned, (b) aligned with some ... Computational Linguistics Bayesian Synchronous Tree-Substitution Grammar Induction and its Application to Sentence Compression Elif Yamangil and Stuart M. Shieber Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20

11 424 0
Hydraulic modeling of open channel flows over an arbitrary 3-d surface and its applications in amenity hydraulic engineering

Hydraulic modeling of open channel flows over an arbitrary 3-d surface and its applications in amenity hydraulic engineering

... water is diverted and locally accelerated or drawn off, any associated vortex tube is extended and its rotation is thereby increased. Higher velocities incur lower pressures and, if a free surface ... curvilinear coordinates for prediction of flow pattern in meandering channel with 60 o and 90 o bend, and also with compound meandering channel. In this study, the Cartesian velocity components ... OVER AN ARBITRARY 3-D SURFACE AND ITS APPLICATIONS IN AMENITY HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING TRAN NGOC ANH August, 2006 17 7. Hsieh T. and Yang J. C. 2003. Investigation...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 10:35

127 597 0
Real-Time Digital Signal Processing - Chapter 7: Fast Fourier Transform and Its Applications

Real-Time Digital Signal Processing - Chapter 7: Fast Fourier Transform and Its Applications

... the command file exp7.cmd, the functions epx7a.c, fft_a.c,andibit_rev.c, and the header file icomplex.h from the software package into the project. 340 FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM AND ITS APPLICATIONS Table ... 0.; 338 FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM AND ITS APPLICATIONS Compared with LM required by direct FIR filtering, the computational saving is significant when both L and M are large. For many applications, the input ... than the radix-2 FFT algorithms, and the 320 FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM AND ITS APPLICATIONS Periodicity Because of the periodicity property shown in Figure 7.1, the DFT and IDFT produce periodic results...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 05:15

47 635 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Organizing Encyclopedic Knowledge based on the Web and its Application to Question Answering" ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Organizing Encyclopedic Knowledge based on the Web and its Application to Question Answering" ppt

... question, random choice can be performed to improve the cov- erage to 100%. Thus, for each knowledge resource we compared cases without/with random choice, which are denoted “w/o Random” and “w/ Random” ... based on the Web and its Application to Question Answering Atsushi Fujii University of Library and Information Science 1-2 Kasuga, Tsukuba 305-8550, Japan CREST, Japan Science and Technology Corporation Tetsuya ... (see Sections 2 and 3), and evalu- ated the quality of the encyclopedia itself. Second, we applied the generated encyclopedia to our QA system (see Section 4), and evaluated its per- formance....

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 18:20

8 508 1


... been integrated with information extraction and retrieval technology and many application systems, such as automatic voice document indexing and retrieval systems, are under development. ... cepstral parameters and their regression coefficients as speech features, triphone HMMs as acoustic models, vocabularies of several thousand or several ten thousand entries, and stochastic language ... of speech recognition into other research areas and applications. Since the variations in speaking style and accent as well as in channel and environment conditions are totally unconstrained,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 18:20

10 515 3


... classifiers result in four experiments: Hu’s SM and Neural Network, SM and Euclidean Distance, Image Averaging and Neural Network, and Image Averaging and Euclidean Distance. Table 1: Errors rates ... Hội nghị Sinh viên Nghiên cứu Khoa học lần thứ 8 Đại học Đà Nẵng năm 2012 HANDWRITTEN NUMBER RECOGNITION AND ITS APPLICATION AT DANANG UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Authors: Duong Thi Kim Cuc, ... from MNIST [1] and collected samples of digits handwritten by teachers at Da Nang University of Technology. For feature extraction, two features are chosen: Hu’s seven moments and image averaging...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 02:20

5 352 1
Báo cáo khoa học:The principle of flux minimization and its application to estimate stationary fluxes in metabolic networks docx

Báo cáo khoa học:The principle of flux minimization and its application to estimate stationary fluxes in metabolic networks docx

... tants. For example, the standard free energy change of the glyco- Ó FEBS 2004 Flux minimization (Eur. J. Biochem. 271) 2907 The principle of flux minimization and its application to estimate stationary ... about by thousands of chemical reactions and transport processes. The synthesis of the underlying enzymes and membrane t ransporters causes the cell a certain ÔeffortÕ of energy and external resources. ... constant level to ensure stability and integrity of the cell, and ÔvariableÕ target fluxes that may vary according to the external conditions of the cell or its current Fig. 7. Stoichiometric...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20

18 800 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Statistical Tree Annotator and Its Applications" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Statistical Tree Annotator and Its Applications" pptx

... Feature 1 and 18 to the PP-node in Figure 1 would yield a feature instance that cap- tures the fact that the current node is a PP node and its head child’s POS tag is TO. 4 Applications and Results A ... Feature 9 and 10 are computed from past pre- dicted values. When predicting the function tag for the PP-node in Figure 1, there is no predicted value for its left-sibling and any of its child ... al., 1993) and partition the data set identically: Section 1232 curacies for 4 types of function tags, and our results in Table 3 compare favorably with those in (Blaheta and Charniak, 2000). Lintean and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20

9 421 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Method for Relating Multiple Newspaper Articles by Using Graphs, and Its Application to Webcasting" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Method for Relating Multiple Newspaper Articles by Using Graphs, and Its Application to Webcasting" pptx

... at a high cost in terms of time and effort. This paper describes methods for relating news- paper articles automatically, and its application for a Webcasting application. A set of article on ... A Method for Relating Multiple Newspaper Articles by Using Graphs, and Its Application to Webcasting Naohiko Uramoto and Koichi Takeda IBM Research, Tokyo Research Laboratory 1623-14 Shimo-tsuruma, ... ferentia word for dT, and is in its adjacent articles ds, dg, anddlo. This means that d7 is a starting point of the new topic "state." Such words are called topic words, and are represented...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 06:20

7 419 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Generalized Encoding of Description Spaces and its Application to Typed Feature Structures" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Generalized Encoding of Description Spaces and its Application to Typed Feature Structures" potx

... static typability, the lemma holds. Intro F and Intro F : and F , so and F are con- sistent. By bounded completeness, F and F . By upward closure, F F and by static typability, F F F F . Furthermore, ... one ( ) for unifying the representatives of and , one ( ) for unifying the representatives of and , and one ( ) for unifying the representatives of and . Notice that the set of representatives ... Feat, and a partial function, such that, for every F : (Feature Introduction) there is a type F such that: F F , and for all , if F , then F , and (Upward Closure / Right Monotonicity) if F and...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 07:20

8 456 0


... and Facts about Food Biotechnology, Food Insight, September/October 1999, PP 2-3. 19- Council for Agricultural Science and Technology: “Applications of Biotechnology to Crops: Benefits and ... finishing of fabrics and garments. Biotechnology also produces biotech-derived cotton that is warmer, stronger, has improved dye uptake and retention, enhanced absorbency, and wrinkle- and shrink-resistance. ... allergens. These risks are systematically evaluated by FDA and identified prior to commercialization. 1 FSR0031 BIOTECHNOLOGY and its APPLICATIONS Kevin Keener, Assistant Professor of...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 21:48

13 393 0
Chemical of alumina reactions in aqueous solution and its application in water treatment

Chemical of alumina reactions in aqueous solution and its application in water treatment

... Drzymaly 24, 60-613 Poznan, Poland ´ { Abstract Due to the presence and significance of alumina in the natural aquatic environment and its increasing application in drinking and wastewater purification, ... ozonation w 19– 26 x and wet air oxidation w 27–32 x . Due to the presence and importance of alumina in the natural aquatic environment and its growing application in drinking and wastewater purification, ... due to its high surface area, mechanical strength and thermal stability has found several applications as an adsorbent and catalyst. The acid–base properties of alumina are the main reason for its...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:22

30 806 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Reference Resolution beyond Coreference: a Conceptual Frame and its Application" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Reference Resolution beyond Coreference: a Conceptual Frame and its Application" pptx

... Reference Resolution beyond Coreference: a Conceptual Frame and its Application Andrei POPESCU-BELIS, Isabelle ROBBA and G6rard SABAH Language and Cognition Group, LIMSI-CNRS B.P. 133 Orsay, France, ... act; this is called the topic T, and its representations are RTh and RTs. The speaker produces a discourse message (DM) and a gesture message (GM). Both DM and GM contain referring expressions ... reference understanding by a computer program (c). Such a program has to build and manage, in theory, a RWc and a RWc(s), using information about the world, the message itself, and possi- bly...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 07:20

7 295 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Revision Learning and its Application to Part-of-Speech Tagging" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Revision Learning and its Application to Part-of-Speech Tagging" pptx

... class and negative training examples for the other classes. As a result, positive and negative examples for each class are generated. Suppose we have five candidate classes A, B, C, D and E , and ... tags and the lexical forms of the two words preceding w, which are given by HMMs; 2. the POS tags and the lexical forms of the two words following w; 3. the lexical form of w and the prefixes and suffixes ... con- ducted (van Halteren et al., 2001; M`arquez et al., 1999), and Brill and Wu (1998) combined maximum entropy models, TBL, unigram and trigram, and achieved higher accuracy than any of the four learners...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 08:20

8 499 0

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