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Improve your IELTS writing skills - Full book

Improve your IELTS writing skills - Full book

... approach Academi c Writing tasks How will Improve your JELTS Writing SkiJJs improve my score? By developing skills The skills secti ons form a detailed syllabus of essential IELTS wriling skills For ... 96 • • •• ••••• •• • • ••• •••• •••• In trod-uction •• What is Improve your IEL TS Writing Skills? Improve YOllr fELTS Writing Skills is a complete preparation course for the Academic Wr iting ... u seful opportunity to _hare ideas and techniq u es w ith othe r lea rners How is Improve your IEL TS Writing Skills orga n ized? J[ consists of ten units based aroun d topics wbich occur common...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 09:39

112 6,7K 118
improve your ielts reading skills

improve your ielts reading skills

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2013, 15:32

94 2,6K 119
Succeed at IQ tests improve your numerical, verbal and spatial reasoning skills

Succeed at IQ tests improve your numerical, verbal and spatial reasoning skills

... Tests i This page is left intentionally blank ii Succeed at IQ Tests Improve your Numerical, Verbal and Spatial Reasoning Skills Philip Carter & Ken Russell London and Philadelphia iii First ... Cataloging-in-Publication Data Carter, Philip J Succeed at IQ tests : improve your numerical, verbal, and spatial reasoning skills / Philip Carter and Ken Russell p cm Rev ed of: The Times book ... reinvestment in training As IQ is hereditary, it is not possible to increase your IQ It is, nevertheless, possible to improve your performance on IQ tests by practising the many different types of...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2013, 18:49

209 1,2K 6
Tài liệu Improve Your English Speaking and English Pronunciation Skills pdf

Tài liệu Improve Your English Speaking and English Pronunciation Skills pdf

... • • • • phone book, your local newspaper and your local university Or if there isn't one in your area - start one! Place an advertisement in your newspaper for people interested ... slowly concentrating on the pronunciation of particular words Record yourself, keep the tape and record yourself later, have you improved? Don't be shy - ask a friend to listen to the tape too Don't ... native speakers there There are no more excuses !On the network:- Use the pronunciation pages to improve your understanding !On this site:- You can find some karaoke resources and ideas on the learn...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 10:20

3 1,4K 4