Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication may only be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms and licences issued by the CLA. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside these terms should be sent to the publishers at the undermentioned addresses:
Succeed_IQtests_RPK_aw:Test Your IQ PB aw 5/12/07 17:05 Page Do you want to improve your reasoning skills? Do you want to boost your IQ rating? Succeed at IQ Tests contains 400 questions, just like those you are likely to encounter in real IQ tests The questions are organized into 10 timed tests, each of 40 questions, together with a guide for assessing your performance Practising the different types of question will help you to: • improve your verbal, numerical and spatial reasoning skills; • boost your confidence; • improve your IQ rating Whether you are faced with an IQ test as part of a job interview, or simply want to exercise your mind, Succeed at IQ Tests provides you with plenty of opportunity to practice Philip Carter is a UK IQ test expert who is continually devising new IQ tests and puzzles Together with the late Ken Russell, they produced over 60 books including Test your IQ and The Ultimate IQ Test Book, both published by Kogan Page Philip Carter is also the author of IQ & Psychometric Tests, IQ and Psychometric Test Workbook, IQ and Aptitude Tests and IQ and Personality Tests, all published by Kogan Page £5.99 US $14.95 ISBN: 978-0-7494-5228-5 Kogan Page 120 Pentonville Road London N1 9JN United Kingdom www.kogan-page.co.uk Kogan Page US 525 South 4th Street, #241 Philadelphia PA 19147 USA Careers and testing Philip Carter & Ken Russell For a full list of other books on psychometric testing and job hunting please visit: www.kogan-page.co.uk SUCCEED AT IQ TESTS Are you faced with an IQ test? Succeed at IQ Tests Improve your Numerical, Verbal and Spatial Reasoning Skills Philip Carter & Ken Russell 400 QUESTIONS TO BOOST YOUR BRAIN POWER Succeed at IQ Tests i This page is left intentionally blank ii Succeed at IQ Tests Improve your Numerical, Verbal and Spatial Reasoning Skills Philip Carter & Ken Russell London and Philadelphia iii First published in Great Britain and the United States in 2002 by Kogan Page Limited entitled The Times Book of IQ Tests Reissued in 2008 entitled Succeed at IQ Tests Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication may only be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms and licences issued by the CLA Enquiries concerning reproduction outside these terms should be sent to the publishers at the undermentioned addresses: 120 Pentonville Road London N1 9JN UK www.kogan-page.co.uk 525 South 4th Street, #241 Philadelphia PA 19147 USA © Ken Russell and Philip Carter, 2002, 2008 The right of Ken Russell and Philip Carter to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 ISBN 978 7494 5228 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Carter, Philip J Succeed at IQ tests : improve your numerical, verbal, and spatial reasoning skills / Philip Carter and Ken Russell p cm Rev ed of: The Times book of IQ tests Book / Ken Russell and Philip Carter ISBN 978-0-7494-5228-5 Intelligence tests Self-evaluation I Russell, Kenneth A II Russell, Kenneth A Times book of IQ tests Book III Title BF431.3.R872 2008 153.993 dc22 2007045490 Typeset by Saxon Graphics Ltd, Derby Printed and bound in Great Britain by MPG Books Ltd, Bodmin, Cornwall iv Contents Introduction Test One: Questions Test One: Answers Test Two: Questions Test Two: Answers Test Three: Questions Test Three: Answers Test Four: Questions Test Four: Answers Test Five: Questions Test Five: Answers Test Six: Questions Test Six: Answers Test Seven: Questions Test Seven: Answers Test Eight: Questions Test Eight: Answers Test Nine: Questions Test Nine: Answers Test Ten: Questions Test Ten: Answers 20 24 37 41 57 61 75 79 96 100 115 119 134 138 153 157 171 176 192 v This page is left intentionally blank vi Introduction Intelligence quotient (IQ) is an age-related measure of intelligence and is defined as 100 times the mental age The word ‘quotient’ means the result of dividing one quantity by another, and intelligence can be defined as mental ability or quickness of mind An intelligence test (IQ test) is, by definition, any test that purports to measure intelligence Generally such tests consist of a graded series of tasks, each of which has been standardized using a large, representative population of individuals This procedure establishes the average IQ as 100 It is generally believed that a person’s IQ rating is hereditary and that the rate of development of a person’s mental age remains constant until about the age of 13 years, after which it slows up Beyond the age of 18 little or no improvement is found Tests that measure the IQs of children are standardized and an average score is recorded for each age group Thus a child of 10 years of age who scores the results expected of a child of 12 would have an IQ of 120, calculated as follows: (mental age/chronological age) ϫ 100 = (12/10) ϫ 100 = 120 However, because little or no improvement in IQ rating is found in adults, they have to be judged on an IQ test whose Succeed at IQ Tests average score is 100 and their results graded above and below this norm according to known scores During the past 25–30 years IQ testing has been brought into widespread use by employers because of their need to ensure that they place the right people in the right job from the outset One of the main reasons for this in today’s world of tight purse strings, cost cutting and low budgets is the high cost of errors in employing the wrong person for a job, including the cost of readvertising and interviewing new applicants and of reinvestment in training As IQ is hereditary, it is not possible to increase your IQ It is, nevertheless, possible to improve your performance on IQ tests by practising the many different types of question and by learning to recognize the recurring themes The questions in this book are typical of the type and style of question that you are likely to encounter in actual tests and are designed to provide valuable practice for anyone who may have to take this type of test in the future It is our belief that by practising different types of IQ tests, and by attuning your mind to the different types of questions you may encounter, it is possible to improve by a few vital percentage points It is these few percentage points that may prove crucial in increasing your job prospects and may mean the difference between success or failure when attending one of the many job interviews that include an IQ test The tests that follow have been newly compiled for this book and are not, therefore, standardized, so an actual IQ assessment cannot be given However, there is a guide to assessing your performance at the end of every test, and there is also a cumulative guide for your overall performance on all 10 tests A time limit of 90 minutes is allowed for each test The correct answers are given at the end of every test and you should award yourself one point for each correct answer Calculators Introduction may be used to assist in solving numerical questions if preferred Use the following table to assess your performance: One test Score 36–40 31–35 25–30 19–24 14–18 Rating Exceptional Excellent Very good Good Average Ten tests Score 351–400 301–350 241–300 181–240 140–180 Rating Exceptional Excellent Very good Good Average It should be pointed out that intelligence tests only measure one’s ability to reason They not measure the other qualities that are required for success, such as character, personality, talent, persistence and application A person with a high IQ has a better chance of success in life than a person with a low IQ, but only if that person applies himself or herself to the tasks ahead diligently and with enthusiasm Someone with a relatively low IQ but with a high sense of achievement and great persistence can fare better in life than someone with a high IQ Cynics will say that the only thing having a high IQ proves is that the individual has scored well on an intelligence test An IQ test, however, remains the only known and tried method of measuring intelligence Some technical weaknesses exist Nevertheless it must be stressed how Succeed at IQ Tests 32 What is the fear of money? a belonophobia b chrometophobia c monophobia d tropophobia 33 Which is the odd one out? a anabas b chough c drongo d culver 34 Change DATE to LIME in three steps, one letter at a time DATE ––– ––– LIME 188 Test Ten: Questions 35 How many times must the large cog revolve before all the cogs are back at their starting position? 13 36 The letters in the circles below have been scrambled Which circle will not make a six-letter word? H O N R U S A I O N N L E B O T I O C L I O D L E O S D 37 Which anagram will not spell out a clothing material? a RUCKMAB b ROCBADA c GINMAGH d THEREAL 189 Succeed at IQ Tests 38 Fill in the blanks to find two words that are synonyms, clockwise or anti-clockwise R R A N O G A A L I E C 39 Find a word by moving across the circle on the chords and along the circumference C B A Z Y D X E W F V G U H T I S R J Q K L M N O P Clue: weapons for the Woman’s Army! (10) 190 Test Ten: Questions 40 ? Each line and symbol which appears in the four outer circles above, is transferred to the centre circle according to these rules If a line or symbol occurs in the outer circles: • once: it is transferred; • twice: it is possibly transferred; • three times: it is transferred; • four times: it is not transferred Which of the circles A, B, C, D or E shown below should appear at the centre of the diagram, above? A B D C E 191 Test Ten: Answers C; the triangle on the right goes to the top, and the other two triangles stay at the bottom but change round OQSV; it goes in the sequence OpQrStuV; the others go in the sequence NoPqrStU jaw 3; × = 15, × = 12 and 15 – 12 = Similarly × = 21, × = 20 and 21 – 20 = on second thoughts 647; its digits total 17 The digits of all the other numbers total 21 F; the square originally on the right is moving from right to left at each stage halibut 105; + = 10, + = 192 Test Ten: Answers 10 E; in all the others the overlapping segments alternate white/black or black/white In E, two black overlapping segments are adjacent 11 fusty, musty 12 AM OWED = meadow The buildings are: stadium (mad suit), pagoda (ado gap), cottage (get coat) and garage (ear gag) 13 settled 14 E; so that in each row and column there are five black and five white stars 15 wiry, tough 9164 16 ᎏᎏ 4582 17 B; when two identical symbols appear in a cloud they disappear and are replaced by two new symbols at the next stage 18 lectern; it is a reading stand for supporting a book The rest are all types of book 19 am 20 A; the contents of each pentagon are determined by the contents of the two pentagons immediately below Whenever a circle appears in the same corner in the two pentagons below it is not carried forward to the pentagon above, whether two black circles, two black circles or a black and a white circle 193 Succeed at IQ Tests 21 bordello 22 36 17 Mod 10 = 23 Mod 27 Mod 10 = 36 Mod 17 17 108 34 23 ᎏᎏ Ϭ ᎏᎏ = ᎏᎏ ϫ ᎏᎏ = ᎏᎏ = 18 18 34 108 24 restful 25 Audrey Bessie 10 Cynthia 46 26 hotchpotch 27 Don’t believe in superstition it brings bad luck 28 Falkland 29 74; each circle adds to 249 30 muzzle (26) 31 aluminium, potassium, magnesium 32 chrometophobia 33 a anabas (fish) The remainder are birds 34 date, dame, dime, lime 35 42 194 Test Ten: Answers 36 C A: ONRUSH, B: ONLINE, D: OODLES 37 b a BUCKRAM c GINGHAM d LEATHER 38 adorable, charming 39 battleaxes 40 D 195 This page is left intentionally blank 196 Further Reading from Kogan Page The Advanced Numeracy Test Workbook ISBN 978 7494 3941 Aptitude, Personality & Motivation Tests ISBN 978 7494 4179 The Aptitude Test Workbook ISBN 978 7494 3788 A-Z of Careers & Jobs ISBN 978 7494 4977 Career, Aptitude & Selection Tests ISBN 978 7494 4819 Graduate Psychometric Test Workbook ISBN 978 7494 4331 Great Answers to Tough Interview Questions ISBN 978 7494 4356 How to Master Psychometric Tests ISBN 978 7494 4279 How to Pass Advanced Aptitude Tests ISBN 978 7494 3787 How to Pass Advanced Numeracy Tests ISBN 978 7494 3791 197 How to Pass Advanced Verbal Reasoning Tests ISBN 978 7494 4969 How to Pass the Civil Service Qualifying Tests ISBN 978 7494 4853 How to Pass the GMAT ISBN 978 7494 4459 How to Pass Graduate Psychometric Tests ISBN 978 7494 4852 How to Pass the New Police Selection System ISBN 978 7494 4946 How to Pass Numeracy Tests ISBN 978 7494 4664 How to Pass Numerical Reasoning Tests ISBN 978 7494 4796 How to Pass Professional Level Psychometric Tests ISBN 978 7494 4207 How to Pass Selection Tests ISBN 978 7494 4374 How to Pass Verbal Reasoning Tests ISBN 978 7494 4666 How to Succeed at an Assessment Centre ISBN 978 7494 4421 IQ and Aptitude Tests ISBN 978 7494 4931 IQ and Personality Tests ISBN 978 7494 4954 IQ and Psychometric Tests ISBN 978 7494 5106 IQ and Psychometric Test Workbook ISBN 978 7494 4378 198 The Numeracy Test Workbook ISBN 978 7494 4045 Preparing the Perfect Job Application ISBN 978 7494 5022 Preparing the Perfect CV ISBN 978 7494 4855 Preparing the Perfect CV ISBN 978 7494 4855 Readymade CVs ISBN 978 7494 4274 Successful Interview Skills ISBN 978 7494 4508 Test Your IQ ISBN 978 7494 4833 Test Your Numerical Aptitude ISBN 978 7494 5064 Test Your Own Aptitude ISBN 978 7494 3887 The Ultimate CV Book ISBN 978 7494 3875 The Ultimate Interview Book ISBN 978 7494 4310 The Ultimate IQ Test Book ISBN 978 7494 4947 The Ultimate Job Search Book ISBN 978 7494 4690 The Ultimate Psychometric Test Book ISBN 978 7494 4458 Sign up to receive regular e-mail updates on Kogan Page books at www.kogan-page.co.uk/signup.aspx and visit our website: www.kogan-page.co.uk 199 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM KOGAN PAGE ISBN: 978 7494 4666 Paperback 2006 ISBN: 978 7494 4664 Paperback 2006 ISBN: 978 7494 4421 Paperback 2005 ISBN: 978 7494 5064 Paperback 2007 Sign up to receive regular email updates on Kogan Page books www.kogan-page.co.uk/signup.aspx and visit our website: www.kogan-page.co.uk 200 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM KOGAN PAGE ISBN-13: 978 7494 5106 Paperback 2007 ISBN: 978 7494 4852 Paperback 2007 ISBN: 978 7494 4954 Paperback 2007 ISBN: 978 7494 4279 Paperback 2004 Sign up to receive regular email updates on Kogan Page books www.kogan-page.co.uk/signup.aspx and visit our website: www.kogan-page.co.uk 201 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM KOGAN PAGE ISBN: 978 7494 4374 Paperback 2005 ISBN: 978 7494 4508 Paperback 2006 ISBN: 978 7494 3788 Paperback 2003 ISBN: 978 7494 4244 Paperback 2004 Sign up to receive regular email updates on Kogan Page books www.kogan-page.co.uk/signup.aspx and visit our website: www.kogan-page.co.uk 202 .. .Succeed at IQ Tests i This page is left intentionally blank ii Succeed at IQ Tests Improve your Numerical, Verbal and Spatial Reasoning Skills Philip Carter & Ken Russell London and Philadelphia... Cataloging-in-Publication Data Carter, Philip J Succeed at IQ tests : improve your numerical, verbal, and spatial reasoning skills / Philip Carter and Ken Russell p cm Rev ed of: The Times book of IQ tests Book... iii First published in Great Britain and the United States in 2002 by Kogan Page Limited entitled The Times Book of IQ Tests Reissued in 2008 entitled Succeed at IQ Tests Apart from any fair