importance of the english language in india



... cũng. These tones change the meanings of the words, and English sounds change the meanings in the very same way. And there are many more differences in pronunciation between the two languages. In ... dictionaries the authors and the programmers tend to note the difficult words that the learners often mispronounce by adding a small star in the initial position of the word. And by installing the software, ... that they can get good marks in their tests''. In reality, in the reformed syllabus promulgated by Ministry of Education students have been learning listening and speaking skills together

Ngày tải lên: 13/06/2015, 17:42

14 983 1
0521853133 cambridge university press weeds in the garden of words further observations on the tangled history of the english language jun 2005

0521853133 cambridge university press weeds in the garden of words further observations on the tangled history of the english language jun 2005

... 37 indescribables 41 index (indices) 152 193 List of interesting words Indian 152 indigent 37 ineffables 41 inexplicables 41 inexpressibles 41 information overload 15 infotainment 21 input 16 insane ... success of her book Blooming English with another entertaining excursion into the ever-changing nature of our complex and captivating language Kate Burridge is Professor of Linguistics at Monash ... Delivered in Birmingham, London and Nottingham 1878–1881, Ellis & White, London, 1883 Nares, R, Elements of Orthoepy: Containing A Distinct View of the Whole Analogy of the English Language:

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2020, 19:46

207 309 0
The Mediational Role of Classroom Practices During the Silent Period: A New-Immigrant Student Learning the English Language in a | Mainstream Classroom |

The Mediational Role of Classroom Practices During the Silent Period: A New-Immigrant Student Learning the English Language in a | Mainstream Classroom |

... according to the color of the sign hanging from the ceiling and of their clothespin (e.g., black) The teacher would then come by the learning center again and sign her name on the recording sheet ... children sink into it by resisting or avoiding L2 learning In contrast, Clarke (1989), when examining the role of the silent period in the acquisition of English as a second language of one Vietnamese ... about the teaching of kindergarten as well as about the teaching of L2 students They both believed that the main goal of kindergarten was to socialize students in the culture of schools by helping

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2022, 19:14

24 1 0
The cambridge history of the english language volume 2 part 4

The cambridge history of the english language volume 2 part 4

... attention to the possibility of personal and social variation affecting the language of the texts They note the possibility that a writer of mixed upbringing may betray in his usage the influence of two ... programme is the application of its findings to questions of importance in the history of English In a very influential paper, Samuels (1963) has considered changes in the London dialect of the fifteenth ... emphasised the importance of this work for linguistic theory, and has pointed out the failures of the past in the respects I have mentioned There is such a wealth of surviving material that 'linguists

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 13:40

70 872 0
The cambridge history of the english language volume 3 part 10

The cambridge history of the english language volume 3 part 10

... prompts the favouring of wh- over th- markers in the theory and (to a lesser degree) the stylistic practice of the time Swift commented that ‘one of the greatest difficulties in our language, lies in ... fixing the definition of ‘all the important words’ in their discourse, this being the ‘very touchstone of truth’ (Priestley 1777: 46–7) The first effect of applying this criterion to literary language ... the increasing standardisation of spelling made it increasingly difficult to indicate a pun in writing without manifest wrenching of accepted norms From the mid-seventeenth century onwards, the

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 13:40

66 702 0
Tài liệu A Brief History Of The English Language Eckersley 1960 ppt

Tài liệu A Brief History Of The English Language Eckersley 1960 ppt

... the Isle of Wight; the Saxons in the rest of Southern England south of the Thames; the Angles in the land north of the Thames Each of the three tribes spoke a different form of their common language, ... contact with other languages of different origin As a result of these divisions there are two main groups of languages in the Indo-European family: there is the Western group, contain- ing Germanic, ... light on the social history of the times ? ?In it (the English language) as it were, there lies fossilized or still showing the signs of the freshness of the assimilation, the whole of English history,

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 13:15

17 510 0
the cambridge encyclopedia of the english language phần 1 doc

the cambridge encyclopedia of the english language phần 1 doc

... keeper of the heavenly kingdom, the power of the lord of destiny and his imagination, the glorious father of men, the deeds of the glorious father, | when of every glorious thing he, the eternal ... account, in terms of a beginning, middle, and end There is no single beginning to the story of English, but several, with waves of Anglo-Saxon invaders arriving in various locations, and laying the ... first-born; the father was in there of both of those princes, the uncle and the nephew in all there were five Jords and ladies sitting in there This is one of the 95 poetic riddtes (some of which

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 08:20

46 376 0
The Cambridge History of the English Language Volume 1 Part 1 ppt

The Cambridge History of the English Language Volume 1 Part 1 ppt

... showed the main ideas scholars had concerning Indo-European around the middle of the nineteenth century The fable was then ' up-dated' by Hirt in the The place of English in Germanic and Indo-European ... methods of indicating different speakers at the beginning of the poem The editors of (b) and (c) view the first seven lines as an introduction by the poet, which is then followed by the Wanderer's ... Indo-European' (in German indogermanisch) The aim of historical linguistics consists in following up the development of a given language through its history This involves the study of texts in

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21

62 402 0
The Cambridge History of the English Language Volume 1 Part 2 pdf

The Cambridge History of the English Language Volume 1 Part 2 pdf

... language on the basis of the existing lexical stock In view of the enormous complexity found in the pronominal forms, the brief overview of historical morphology presented in the following lines ... aspect of the diphthongal system is uncertain and subject to fierce debate and the most controversial of these are discussed in §3.3.3 in the context of the development of the language The situation ... distinct in the protolanguage can be deduced from ablaut relations Thus the reduplicating perfect of the root *gwem- had the o-grade *gwom- preceded by the reduplicating syllable *gwe- in the singular:

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21

62 760 0
The Cambridge History of the English Language Volume 1 Part 3 doc

The Cambridge History of the English Language Volume 1 Part 3 doc

... witnessing is the falling together of the indicative and subjunctive inflexions under the indicative, that is to say, we are witnessing the beginnings of the demise of separate inflexions for the subjunctive, ... sound change which, in terms of the •whole history of the language, is of only minor consequence (for the effects of breaking are largely eliminated at the end of the period) The reason is as follows ... in the following paragraphs, therefore, is trace the extent of the collapse in the system during the period Strong class I verbs, e.g rtdan above, remained strikingly homogeneous Apart from the

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21

62 524 0
The Cambridge History of the English Language Volume 1 Part 4 ppsx

The Cambridge History of the English Language Volume 1 Part 4 ppsx

... speech by a break in intonation and in writing by commas.4 The distinction can be seen in the following pair The restrictive relative restricts the reference of the head to a subset of the possible ... particularly true of the interlinear glosses) Where the OE is similar to Latin we not always know whether this is a result of the Latin or of the OE; however, when the two are distinctly different, ... discussed in greater detail in the relevant sections below (a) Word order in OE is organised according to two main principles In main clauses the verb is typically in non-final position In subordinate

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21

62 537 0
The Cambridge History of the English Language Volume 1 Part 5 docx

The Cambridge History of the English Language Volume 1 Part 5 docx

... because the main prose texts in O E were written within a rather limited period of time between the end of the ninth century and the beginning of the eleventh Such changes as were evidenced during the ... immediately, as in the case of (153) and (154) Alternatively, they may be shifted to the right of the NP head if they modify a dependent phrase, as in the case of (274), or to the right of the main clause, ... stranded', in other words it must occur in its original position toward the end of the clause, cf the house that Jack lived in, not * *the house in that Jack lived In O E the contrast between pronominal

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21

62 497 0
The Cambridge History of the English Language Volume 1 Part 6 ppsx

The Cambridge History of the English Language Volume 1 Part 6 ppsx

... investigation of the Anglian vocabulary in the glosses of the Gospel of St Luke in the Northumbrian Lindisfarne Gospels, and Hofstetter's (1987) meticulous analysis of part of the vocabulary of the texts ... been with the king before Then said they (E) that they (E) regarded it [the offer] not a whit more than " This translation is preceded by the comment: 'The poverty of the English language in demonstrative ... according to text-type, i.e whether the text is an original piece of OE prose, a translation of a Latin original in the form of an independent text, as with Orosius, Bede, Boethius, or an interlinear

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21

62 504 0
The Cambridge History of the English Language Volume 1 Part 7 docx

The Cambridge History of the English Language Volume 1 Part 7 docx

... basically agrees with the findings of Gneuss (1972), except that the latter regards the 'Winchester standard' not as a dialectal phenomenon but as an instance of language planning, involving 'a specific ... lines frean Scyldinga beaga bryttan )?eoden maerne Ic )?ses wine Deniga, frinan wille, swa \>u bena eart ymb )?inne si6 'I shall ask the lord of Danes, the ruler of the Scyldings, giver of rings, ... considerable influence on the formation of the O E vocabulary should be mentioned again in this connection, namely the dependence of many O E texts on a Latin original In § the phenomena of semantic

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:21

62 525 0
The Cambridge History of the English Language Volume 1 Part 8 potx

The Cambridge History of the English Language Volume 1 Part 8 potx

... [r]pronouncing/deleting regions of Britain Often one variety, as in the case of the London Cockney dialect, becomes associated with a single social group and further becomes the means of defining group ... and talk of childhood, the language of formal classroom, we are in fact learning different language systems In so doing we become sensitive to the fact that the appropriateness of the language ... establishing and maintaining group solidarity Labov and his associates initiated the work of studying contemporary language variation in terms of how it relates to processes of ongoing language

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 14:20

62 425 0
The Cambridge History of the English Language Volume 1 Part 9 potx

The Cambridge History of the English Language Volume 1 Part 9 potx

... all creatures and the ruin of the earth, the strife of the faithless and the fall of the stars, the noise of thunder and the storm of darkness This use of rhythmical patterning in prose seems to ... carefully trained in that art The commonest form of ornament is the use of rhythm Users of the Old English language in general show a striking sensitivity to patterns of stress This is indicated ... particularly pairs of synonyms; note, for instance, the rendering of Latin insignis by the pair gemxred andgeweordad in the passage from the Old English Bede above The two-stress rhythms which these tend

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 14:20

62 548 0
The Cambridge History of the English Language Volume 1 Part 10 ppt

The Cambridge History of the English Language Volume 1 Part 10 ppt

... means of the starting- and finishing-points of the articulation, as in fine /fain/. Diphthongs may have prominence either on the first element (' falling diphthongs') or the second ... interlinear gloss a gloss, usually word-by-word, of a text which is written between the lines of an original text in another language, the word glosses appearing above the corresponding words in the ... and extensive intermingling of Latin words, produces the most extreme case of high style in Old English prose, matching the extravagance of the same author's Latin prose. Alfred's

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 14:20

55 476 0
An investigation into the style of the english language used in advertising slogans issued by some world - famous airlines

An investigation into the style of the english language used in advertising slogans issued by some world - famous airlines

... with the endless advertisements hiding in the newspapers and magazines, clamoring on the radio, or dazzling on the TV. On the other hand, they still need the information to guide their purchasing. ... characteristic of their service by reminding customers of the magical feelings of The Language of Airlines’ Advertising Slogans Page 28 advertised, they will learn more about it. From this, the confidence ... each time the customer reads it out loud. This interesting thing will remind them of the airline, especially in this case when the brand name is included in the slogan. Moreover, the noun Thomas...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:54

45 1,4K 10
Tiểu luận tiếng anh : Robinson Crusoe – A Representative of the English Bourgeoisie in the early 18th century

Tiểu luận tiếng anh : Robinson Crusoe – A Representative of the English Bourgeoisie in the early 18th century

... typical example of initial accumulation of capitalism. Holding power in economics, the English bourgeoisie further encroached on the politic field. They became the driving force in the English society. ... of the English society at that time. They thought they had rights to be proud of their status in society and in the superiority of their race. They wanted other countries to give way to English ... followed the bourgeois revolution.” Enlightenment” indicates the historical role of the bourgeoisie in the age of the Bourgeois Revolution in comparison with the corrupt feudalism by recalling the...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2012, 12:02

15 2,4K 13

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