ielts writing task 1 10 academic ielts essays

ielts writing task 1 10 academic IELTS essays

ielts writing task 1 10 academic IELTS essays

... middle 17 4 © / B.Worthington, entire document, IELTS questions and IELTS essay International Student Enrolment in British Universities 2009-2 014 14 12 10 YEAR 2009 YEAR 2 014 Liverpool ... Australia over years, 2 011 -2 014 In 2 011 Malaysia invests the highest however, all countries invested between 80 and 10 0, except Somalia which invested around 20 USD million In 2 012 , all countries increased ... while England has the highest 18 0 © / B.Worthington, entire document, IELTS questions and IELTS essay 013 /11 /china-fastest-growing-consumer-market-in-the-world.jpg...

Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2015, 09:05

11 1,3K 5
ielts academic writing task 1

ielts academic writing task 1

... and 19 96  The figure in 19 96 was three times the 19 92 figure  The figure in 19 98 was four times the 19 96 figure 19 92 19 94 19 96 19 98 10 00 800 400 10 0 Use Fractions:  Between 19 92 and 19 94, ... by half, from 12 00 to 18 00 (Fraction)  The figure went up by 50%, from 12 00 to 18 00 Percentage)  The figure went up 15 0%, to 18 00 (Percentage) 19 92 19 94 19 96 19 98 500 10 00 3000 12 000 Use “trebled,” ... stood just below 10 0,000 in 19 51 C -The figure for UK couples getting married again was around 10 0,000 C -About 10 0,000 couples remarried in the UK in 19 51 -There were approximately 10 0,000 remarriages...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 16:10

13 1,1K 3
IELTS Writing Task 1

IELTS Writing Task 1

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 10:02

1 3,2K 32
Ielts writing task 1

Ielts writing task 1

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 10:02

45 3K 28


... nhỏ phần để luyện tập Khi làm quen với viết IELTS Đừng “trâu bò” ngày viết 10 task hay task làm Thay vào viết 10 introduction Task 1, 10 câu overview, 10 paragraph phần thân bài… Việc chia nhỏ ... -ielts8 0/t%E1%BB%95ng-h%E1%BB%A3p-t%C3%A0i-li%E1%BB%87ut%E1%BB%B1-%C3%B4n-thi -ielts/ 204554 519 738563 + Simon http:/ /ielts- +Dominic Cole Written ... IELTS WRITING - MODEL ANSWERS (BASED ON PAST PAPERS Nói thật chúng chả có ích bạn tưởng đâu Bạn tham khảo mẫu tác giả sau: + Mat clark Sách down đây: -ielts8 0/t%E1%BB%95ng-h%E1%BB%A3p-t%C3%A0i-li%E1%BB%87ut%E1%BB%B1-%C3%B4n-thi -ielts/ 204554 519 738563...

Ngày tải lên: 05/02/2014, 19:47

3 1,4K 14
IELTS writing task 1 simon

IELTS writing task 1 simon

... years of schooling in 19 80 to nearly 11 years in 19 90 From 19 80 to 19 90, the number of scientists and technicians in industrialised countries almost doubled to about 70 per 10 00 people Spending ... nearly 16 % and just over 5% respectively Spain had slightly higher figures for these categories, but the lowest figure for leisure/education, at only 1. 98% (15 5) Pie chart 4 .1 Cam7, page 10 1 Writing ... to only 15 % for the healthy sports diet Writing Task - Simon Page 18 Map 5 .1 Village of Chorleywood The map shows the growth of a village called Chorleywood between 18 68 and 19 94 It is clear...

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2014, 07:42

27 6,7K 213
IELTS writing task 1

IELTS writing task 1

... 26 32 82 South Korea 13 28 Germany 11 19 14 44 France 11 11 12 34 Italy 11 28 Hungary 17 10 Australia 16 12 35 Source: http://www.london2 012 .com/medals/medal-count/ IELTS Writing Tip When you ... • • IELTS Home Downloads IELTS Speaking Test IELTS Writing Test IELTS Reading Test IELTS Listening Test Writing Task - A Writing Task - G Writing Task IELTS Speaking IELTS Practice Tests IELTS ... to 25 per cent between 2000 and 2 010 (40 -> 25) By 2 010 the number had fallen to 25 per cent IELTS Writing Task #11 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task The table below shows the cinema...

Ngày tải lên: 25/09/2014, 16:52

49 1,1K 0
IELTS Writing Task 1

IELTS Writing Task 1

... IELTS WRITING TASK Steps to Mastering Academic task SOME STEPS TO COMPLETE TASK STEP 1, 2: Identify Types of Charts, Look for Trends BAR CHART TABLE SOME STEPS TO COMPLETE TASK STEP ... reasons for study according to age of student in 2 014 BAR CHART: BAND SCORE  There are parts you need to write for your IELTS writing task 1: 1) Introduction 2) Overview 3) Body paragraph A 4) ... organizing the information ⇒)Note: Your organization is 25% of your mark on IELTS Writing Task BAR CHART: BAND SCORE 1) Introductions: paraphrase the description  Put this description into introduction...

Ngày tải lên: 16/11/2014, 21:21

34 1,3K 15
Sample writing task 1 ielts collection(pie chart mix) very good

Sample writing task 1 ielts collection(pie chart mix) very good

... Onluyenthi .IELTS@ Page 10 Tổng hợp: fanpage Onluyenthi .IELTS@ IELTS Writing Task 1: bar charts essay The ... Onluyenthi .IELTS@ Page 11 Tổng hợp: fanpage Onluyenthi .IELTS@ IELTS Writing Task 1: stacked bar chart essay ... three years (19 81, 19 91 and 20 01) By contrast, insurance was the smallest cost in each year In 19 81, 40% of the school’s budget went on teachers’ salaries This figure rose to 50% in 19 91, but fell...

Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2015, 20:19

17 1,8K 3
Liệt kê tất cả các lỗi ngữ pháp cần tránh trong IELTS (writing task 1)

Liệt kê tất cả các lỗi ngữ pháp cần tránh trong IELTS (writing task 1)

... for IELTS Writing Task 1:  In 2008, the number of customers fell (verb, past)  There was a sharp fall in Internet usage (noun) 'Reduce' and 'reduction' are probably more useful for Writing Task ... school A was highest in the year 2 010 - Thời gian tương lai, dùng cấu trúc miêu tả dự đoán Eg: The number of students in school A is expected to reach its peak of 10 9 thousand in the year 2050 - ... output by 12 million tonnes between 19 90 and 2000 Questions: Can you explain how "by" is used in the two cases above? What is the difference between "by the year 2000" and "in the year 2000"? IELTS...

Ngày tải lên: 06/04/2015, 06:43

10 1K 2
ielts writing task 1 viet general statement cho line graph

ielts writing task 1 viet general statement cho line graph

... Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Line graph 1: Upward trend Kết hợp với phần Expressions of prediction bạn có >>> Ví dụ: Eg1: It is clear that the figures for these countriesare estimated ... 2.3 Nếu line graph chung xu hướng rõ ràng, thứ tự đường phân biệt, mô tả đường cao >>> Cấu trúc 1: Sử dụng so sánh có đường: As is highlighted in the graph, ……A… was generally higher/more popular...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2015, 10:27

4 521 2


... -task- 1- cua-bai-thi -ielts- 583.html#sthash.6p7VonxJ.dpuf Hướng dẫn viết IELTS writing taskIELTS Tháng 13 , 2 015 Thí sinh thi IELTS khuyến cáo nên dành 20 phút cho IELTS writing task 1, nói ... tả số liệu Writing task 1? 1) dạng Writing task có miêu tả số liệu Bạn có dạng IELTS Writing task 1: line graph, bar chart, pie chart, table, map process Nhưng dạng IELTS Writing task yêu cầu ... Introduction Task 1: graph = line graph trends in = changes in information = data from 19 99 to 2009 = between 19 99 and 2009 from 19 99 to 2009 = over a period of 10 years in 19 99 = in the year 19 99 in...

Ngày tải lên: 01/10/2015, 10:00

19 2,5K 4

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