i o with channels and buffers

C++ - I/O Streams as an Introduction to Objects and Classes

C++ - I/O Streams as an Introduction to Objects and Classes

... between items The number of digits after a decimal point The numeric style: scientific notation for fixed point Showing digits after a decimal point even if they are zeroes Showing plus signs in front ... Format output to the screen with: cout.setf(ios::fixed); cout.setf(ios::showpoint); cout.precision(2);  Format output to a file using the out-file stream named out_stream with: out_stream.setf(ios::fixed); ... of floating point numbers…   A flag is an instruction to one of two options ios::fixed is a flag Will be written in fixed-point notation, the way we normally expect to see numbers Calls to setf...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 22:49

117 901 0
Expanding Memory and I-O

Expanding Memory and I-O

... CS is set at low to set WE at low, OE is capable of writing at either high or low Writing with OE set at high is called the "OE clock" mode since it is set at low for reading and high for writing ... writing Writing with OE set at low, on the other hand, is called the "OE low fixed" mode since it is set at low for both reading and writing Writing is generally conducted in OE clock mode In non-selection ... non-selection mode, the memory is not selected When CS is set at high, the system is set in non-selection mode irrespective of the OE or WE setting Since the memory IC is not operating in this mode, power...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 11:20

33 409 0


... hits before k if (i) either it goes to i - (with probability 1/2) and from i - goes to before k (with probability p(0 ,i - 1,k)), + (ii) or it goes to i (with probability 1/2) and from i before ... including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without written permission from the Publisher For photocopying of material in this volume, ... vii This page intentionally left blank Contents Preface to the First Edition V Preface to the Second Edition vii Introduction xv I SIMPLE SYMMETRIC RANDOM WALK IN Z’ Notations and abbreviations...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

397 367 0
Lecture 7: Exceptions and I/O pptx

Lecture 7: Exceptions and I/O pptx

... IOException } }  If the try clause throws a StreamException and the finally clause throws an IOException, the original exception is lost and the IOException is thrown out instead – a situation ... reading  Handling Errors with Exceptions http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/essential/except ions/index.html  Reading and Writing http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/essential/io/ind ... type of exception conditions, not others Catching exceptions Checked exceptions handling is strictly enforced If you invoke a method that lists a checked exception in its throws clause, you have...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 03:20

24 316 0
o'reilly - database programming with jdbc and java 2nd editi

o'reilly - database programming with jdbc and java 2nd editi

... JDBC and Java 2nd edition Informix Pro-C Ltd 1.2.2 Internationalization, Localization, and Accessibility Java is the first major language with internationalization and localization built into it ... Technologies Hit Software HOB electronic GmbH & Co KG IBM IDS Software I- Kinetics Imaginary i- net software Information Builders Informix Corporation InterBase InterSoft Intersolv JavaSoft KonaSoft, ... 2nd edition Derrida is a 20th century French philosopher born in Algeria in 1930 His most famous contribution to philosophy is the school of Deconstruction Deconstruction is a way of examining...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:41

253 503 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " The impact of spatial correlation on the statistical properties of the capacity of nakagami-m channels with MRC and EGC" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " The impact of spatial correlation on the statistical properties of the capacity of nakagami-m channels with MRC and EGC" pdf

... doi:10.1109/ 25.330168 EA Jorswieck, TJ Oechtering, H Boche, Performance analysis of combining techniques with correlated diversity, in Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking ... Holtzman, Foundations for level crossing analysis of handoff algorithms, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 1993 Geneva, Switzerland, 935–939 (1993) A Giorgetti, ... Papoulis, SU Pillai, Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes, 4th edn (McGraw-Hill, New York, 2002) GJ Foschini, MJ Gans, On limits of wireless communications in a fading environment...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20

12 607 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Which patients do I treat? An experimental study with economists and physicians" pot

báo cáo hóa học:" Which patients do I treat? An experimental study with economists and physicians" pot

... allocator type JEL Classification: A13, I1 9, C91, C72 Keywords: experimental economics, social orientation, individual choices, allocation of medical resources, principles of distribution Introduction ... regression to analyze the determinants of the size of a recipients payoff, conditional on it being positive Section discusses and summarizes our findings The allocation problem and possible solutions ... characterized by two parameters, mi and pi mi is the minimum ration an individual needs to obtain a positive payoff, while pi is a productivity factor, transforming the allocated ration into a payoff...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 17:20

27 286 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Distributed Cooperative Transmission with Unreliable and Untrustworthy Relay Channels" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Distributed Cooperative Transmission with Unreliable and Untrustworthy Relay Channels" docx

... a strong incentive to collaboration, which suppresses selfish behaviors, (ii) to detect malicious nodes and hold them responsible, (iii) to provide the cooperative transmission protocols with accurate ... refuse to cooperate with others, that is, not working as relay nodes, for the purpose of saving their own resources (i) In cooperative transmission, channel information is often required to perform ... EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking [6] Z Han, T Himsoon, W Siriwongpairat, and K J R Liu, “Resource allocation for multiuser cooperative OFDM networks: who helps whom and how...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 22:20

13 257 0
I Trained with Greg Jackson And Other Greats. by Dave Rodway doc

I Trained with Greg Jackson And Other Greats. by Dave Rodway doc

... blame him Kevin Fitzpatrick enjoyed toying with me when I got older, even though I wasn’t training yet He knew I wanted an inside look at his “outlaw” world I would go over to Tom’s house and if ... how to handle bad guys without hurting them or facing legal charges I thought I could use this kind of knowledge, since I know that simply shooting someone doesn’t always work I thought I should ... tough, in that dojo, we put on protective gear (including chest protection), and did full-contact sparring as part of our daily class routine I liked that kind of training, and look back on those...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 00:20

7 272 0
Seminar 2: Basic hardware foundations (resets, oscillators and port I/O) Vcc Vcc EA Atmel pps

Seminar 2: Basic hardware foundations (resets, oscillators and port I/O) Vcc Vcc EA Atmel pps

... form of oscillator circuit • This circuit is the ‘heartbeat’ of the system and is crucial to correct operation For example: • If the oscillator fails, the system will not function at all • If the ... counters • Nine interrupts (two external) with two priority levels • Low-power Idle and Power-down modes The different members of this family are suitable for everything from automotive and aerospace ... C”, Addison-Wesley PES I - 25 CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR Crystals may be used to generate a popular form of oscillator circuit known as a Pierce oscillator Vcc L C Oscillator output (to microcontroller)...

Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2014, 18:20

24 217 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " Application of ventriculoperitoneal shunt as a treatment for hydrocephalus in a dog with syringomyelia and Chiari I malformation" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: " Application of ventriculoperitoneal shunt as a treatment for hydrocephalus in a dog with syringomyelia and Chiari I malformation" pptx

... eht fo noitainreh drawnwod eht sa denifed yllanoitidart neeb sah taht nigiro niatrecnu na fo redrosid a si noitamroflam I iraihC )2 giF( aileymognirys dna noitamroflam I iraihC osla tub ,selcirtnev ... llits aileymognirys dna noitamroflam I iraihC ,revewoh ;seitilamronba lacigoloruen yna wohs ton did god eht ,yregrus gnitnuhs PV retfA snoitacilpmoc elbissop eseht emocrevo ot tuo deirrac eb dluohs ... hsinimid sciteruid dna ,noitproser FSC esaercni ot nwonk era sdioretS gnitnuhs PV erofeb edimesorf dna )B( aileymognirys dna noitamroflam I iraihC fo ecneserp deunitnoc eht tub selcirtnev fo noitalid...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 18:21

4 384 0
o''''reilly database programming with JDBC and Java 2nd edition phần 1 pps

o''''reilly database programming with JDBC and Java 2nd edition phần 1 pps

... JDBC and Java 2nd edition Informix Pro-C Ltd 1.2.2 Internationalization, Localization, and Accessibility Java is the first major language with internationalization and localization built into it ... 2nd edition Derrida is a 20th century French philosopher born in Algeria in 1930 His most famous contribution to philosophy is the school of Deconstruction Deconstruction is a way of examining ... methods in objects located across the network Unlike IDL, RMI is a Java-only solution Instead of writing complex communication protocols using sockets, an application can communicate with remote...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

26 454 0
o''''reilly database programming with JDBC and Java 2nd edition phần 2 pptx

o''''reilly database programming with JDBC and Java 2nd edition phần 2 pptx

... Technologies Hit Software HOB electronic GmbH & Co KG IBM IDS Software I- Kinetics Imaginary i- net software Information Builders Informix Corporation InterBase InterSoft Intersolv JavaSoft KonaSoft, ... ServletConfig object holds runtime configuration information Use this information to capture all JDBC runtime configuration and save it in the driverName, jdbcURL, and connectionProperties attributes ... SQLException In addition to the information you commonly find in Java exceptions, SQLException provides database-specific error information, such as the SQLState value and vendor error code In the...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

25 392 0
o''''reilly database programming with JDBC and Java 2nd edition phần 3 pdf

o''''reilly database programming with JDBC and Java 2nd edition phần 3 pdf

... transaction isolation Transaction isolation identifies the visibility of your changes at a transaction level In other words, what visibility the actions of one transaction have to another? Can another ... specifically disallowed at this level You can find the transaction isolation of a connection by calling its getTransactionIsolation( ) method This visibility applies to updatable result sets as it ... The bottom line in this decision is portability versus speed and elegance You should thus consider the following in making your decision: • As you can see from the Oracle and Sybase stored procedures...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

25 567 0
o''''reilly database programming with JDBC and Java 2nd edition phần 4 pps

o''''reilly database programming with JDBC and Java 2nd edition phần 4 pps

... DataSource instance, it pulls a Connection out of the connection pool The application works with its Connection just like any other Connection until it is finished It then closes the connection ... JNDI grabs its initialization information from your system properties You can, however, specify your own initialization values by passing the properties to the InitialContext constructor: Properties ... shuts down [1] The lack of connection pooling was such a glaring hole in initial JDBC releases that most driver vendors support some sort of connection-pooling scheme Connection pooling in the...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

25 630 0
o''''reilly database programming with JDBC and Java 2nd edition phần 5 doc

o''''reilly database programming with JDBC and Java 2nd edition phần 5 doc

... primary goal of an identity token is to avoid continuous reauthentication of a client If you are familiar with web development, an identity token is kind of like a cookie—without the privacy concerns ... assistance of EJB, nothing demands you make this distinction For the sake of being able to best leverage the tools in this book for a migration to EJB, however, you will continue with this distinction ... simply exists during a client session to support the withdrawal of money from a checking account or the deposit of money into a savings account If you write your own distributed application without...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

25 402 0
o''''reilly database programming with JDBC and Java 2nd edition phần 6 pptx

o''''reilly database programming with JDBC and Java 2nd edition phần 6 pptx

... relationships are clearly simplified with the use of façades One-to-many and many-tomany relationships complicate things How you handle the modeling of a machine with one million parts? You almost ... list of things to save if( toStore.contains(ob) ) { toStore.remove(ob); } toRemove.add(ob); } /** * Adds the specified entity to the list of entities * modified in this transaction If the entity ... Objects contain the possibility of all situations — Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico Philisophicus If RAM were unlimited and computers never shut down, you would now have all of the tools you...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

25 443 0
o''''reilly database programming with JDBC and Java 2nd edition phần 7 pdf

o''''reilly database programming with JDBC and Java 2nd edition phần 7 pdf

... JDBC and Java 2nd edition import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import com.imaginary.lwp.FindException; com.imaginary.lwp.PersistenceSupport; ... application needs to provide a model that organizes the banking business objects for the appropriate UI component models Before we dive into the complexities of three-tier UI component modeling, ... While you can avoid its complexities in desktop applications, you absolutely cannot avoid multithreading in a distributed application Because Swing works independently of the underlying operating...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

25 536 0
o''''reilly database programming with JDBC and Java 2nd edition phần 8 docx

o''''reilly database programming with JDBC and Java 2nd edition phần 8 docx

... getTransactionIsolation( ) and setTransactionIsolation( ) public int getTransactionIsolation( ) throws SQLException public void setTransactionIsolation(int level) throws SQLException Description This method ... public boolean getAutoCommit( ) throws SQLException public void setAutoCommit(boolean ac) throws SQLException Description By default, all Connection objects are in auto-commit mode With auto-commit ... Description This method returns a list of all registered drivers getLoginTimeout( ) and setLoginTimeout( ) static public int getLoginTimeout( ) static public int setLoginTimeout( ) Description...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

25 381 0