i o driven guard waveform

AN1476   combining the CLC and NCO to implement a high resolution PWM

AN1476 combining the CLC and NCO to implement a high resolution PWM

... INFORMATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ITS CONDITION, QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PURPOSE Microchip disclaims all liability arising from this information and its use Use of Microchip ... Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A Silicon Storage Technology is a registered trademark of Microchip Technology Inc in other countries Analog-for-the-Digital Age, Application Maestro, BodyCom, ... constantly evolving We at Microchip are committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our products Attempts to break Microchip’s code protection feature may be a violation...

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2016, 16:57

10 230 0
nghiên cứu kỹ thuật điều chế độ rộng xung  PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) cho bộ nghịch lưu đa bậc ghép tầng (Cascade inverter)

nghiên cứu kỹ thuật điều chế độ rộng xung PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) cho bộ nghịch lưu đa bậc ghép tầng (Cascade inverter)

... thành phần primitive common mode, thành phần additional common mode không ảnh hưởng đến i n áp t i Tuy nhiên, thêm v o giá trị additional common mode thích hợp c i tiến đáng kể hiệu kỹ thuật PWM ... i u khiển có chiều dẫn i n ngược v i chiều dẫn i n công tắc Nhiệm vụ chỉnh lưu cầu diode t o i u kiện thuận l i cho trình trao đ i công suất o nguồn chiều t i xoay chiều, qua hạn chế i n ... Kh i Additional common mode Generator dùng để tính toán đưa i n áp offset_V0add thích hợp cho chế độ i u chế PWM (liên tục hay gián o n) Tín hiệu i n áp cu i thu Reference modulating signals_vxref...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2015, 21:27

102 1,1K 2
Space vector pulse width modulation for multilevel inverters and solution to modulation dependent problems

Space vector pulse width modulation for multilevel inverters and solution to modulation dependent problems

... Govind iii Contents Acknowledgement i Table of Contents iii Summary xi List of Tables xiv List of Figures xvi List of Symbols xxiii List of Abbreviations xxvi Introduction 1.1 Multilevel Inverters ... switching sequence, (iii) additional switching transitions while moving from one switching sequence to another Introduction 17 Asynchronous PWM harmonics are produced when the ratio of switching ... the industrial use of this topology Apart from these three main topologies other reported topologies [34]-[36] are essentially different variations of the above three topologies e.g hybrid topology...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:37

277 413 0
Điện tử công suât mạch MMC  Control and experiment of pulse width modulated modular multilevel converters

Điện tử công suât mạch MMC Control and experiment of pulse width modulated modular multilevel converters

... E Proportional gain of averaging control Integral gain of averaging control Proportional gain of current control Integral gain of current control Proportional gain of balancing control K1 K2 ... applicable to industrial motor drives, but it is suitable for STATCOMs and energy storage systems [21]-[23] This consideration is one of the most significant differences in function and application ... loop, producing low-order harmonic currents in iP and iN It is obvious that the fluctuations in iP and iN are accompanied by those in v∗ The switching B1 ripple currents contained in iP and iN are...

Ngày tải lên: 15/10/2013, 16:24

10 512 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Bandwidth Optimization in Centralized WLANs for Different Traffic Types" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Bandwidth Optimization in Centralized WLANs for Different Traffic Types" pdf

... milliseconds for 14 voice stations is approximately 0.67 for both model predictions and simulations 6.2 Selection of optimal CFPMAX This approach does not yet provide enough information to optimize ... case of nonlinear optimization, this means that the formation of the objective and constraint functions is crucial Our approach is to maximize the utilization of the contention-free and contending ... and collision avoidance are achieved with a combination of prerequisite quiet periods on the medium (hence the carrier sense) followed by random backoffs to avoid collisions The durations of the...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

14 312 0
High-power lead–acid batteries for different applications pps

High-power lead–acid batteries for different applications pps

... pasting problems [4] A way to avoid any restrictions from grid casting was proposed recently [5] It is a novel grid production method with an electro-deposition process, that minimizes grid weight ... important in comparison with a longer period of high power discharge Electric conductor parts The ohmic resistance of the electric current conductor parts makes a significant contribution to the ... approach to minimize the electrical resistance of the conductor parts There some reports of theoretical calculations, and about testing of prototypes made as a bipolar or a semi-bipolar version...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 20:21

11 745 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Surgical treatment for different forms of hernias in sheep and goats" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Surgical treatment for different forms of hernias in sheep and goats" ppt

... denimreted ton = DN ,)s( raey = Y ,)s( htnom = M noitartsaC + dooG doog toN noitartsaC + dooG noitartsaC + dooG noitartsaC + dooG noitartsaC + dooG dooG dooG dooG dooG dooG dooG dooG dooG emoctuO ... dooG dooG dooG dooG dooG dooG dooG dooG dooG dooG dooG ssenkaew ralucsuM alutsif lasamobA dooG gnillewS + dooG htnom retfa derruccoeR dooG dooG dooG dooG dooG emoctuO 781 tugtaC tugtaC SDP kliS ... SDP dooG tugtaC dooG kliS gnillews thgilS + dooG SDP dooG kliS dooG kliS dooG kliS dooG kliS gnillews thgilS + dooG SDP dooG tugtaC lairetam erutuS emoctuO lacilibmU lacilibmU lacilibmU lacilibmU...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 20:23

7 330 0
Báo cáo y học: "Antibodies against PM/Scl-75 and PM/Scl-100 are independent markers for different subsets of systemic sclerosis patients" doc

Báo cáo y học: "Antibodies against PM/Scl-75 and PM/Scl-100 are independent markers for different subsets of systemic sclerosis patients" doc

... 106 patients with pure dermatomyositis/PM For the identification of the anti-PM/Scl antibodies, immunoprecipitation and immunodiffusion were used The description of anti-PM/Scl-positive patients ... significant proportion of the anti-PM/Scl-positive patients also exhibited reactivity to the topo I autoantigen (35.1%) This subgroup of double-positive patients exhibited higher frequencies of ... antibodies, fewer gastrointestinal symptoms were found In view of these findings, detection and distinction of both antibody specificities appear to be important beyond the increase in sensitivity...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 01:22

9 473 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Treatment planning using MRI data: an analysis of the dose calculation accuracy for different treatment regions" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Treatment planning using MRI data: an analysis of the dose calculation accuracy for different treatment regions" ppt

... calculations for photons are insensitive to small geometrical errors Quality control Jonsson et al Radiation Oncology 2010, 5:62 http://www.ro-journal.com/content/5/1/62 Page of Figure DVH comparisons ... A method for conversion of Hounsfield number to electron density and prediction of macroscopic pair production cross-sections Radiother Oncol 1986, 5:337-345 20 Jiang H, Seco J, Paganetti H: Effects ... used to reduce the motion artifacts from breathing The images were corrected for geometrical distortions introduced by nonlinearities in the gradients using the standard Siemens 3D distortion correction...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 09:20

8 348 0
Báo cáo khoa hoc:" An expression of mixed animal model means equations to account for different and variances in the base" pps

Báo cáo khoa hoc:" An expression of mixed animal model means equations to account for different and variances in the base" pps

... differ among individuals This can be accomplished using equation (5) or equation (7) with a proper definition of H in equation (6) In particular, it is through Q and H that we account b b for ... alternatives have been suggested In sire evaluation, Henderson [5] proposed to assign logically animals to fixed groups according to some existing prior knowledge of breeding values, or instead to ... it is not always possible to trace the complete geneology or to describe the selection process back to the unselected foundation generation In this case, the distribution of breeding values is...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:21

9 397 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " Estimation of pulmonary capillary pressure: different methods for different pathophysiological processes" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: " Estimation of pulmonary capillary pressure: different methods for different pathophysiological processes" docx

... patients by maintaining an end-expiratory pause during pulmonary artery occlusion A short period of apnoea may be possible in cooperative spontaneously breathing patients The variability due to ... characteristics of the pulmonary vascular tree Estimation of the exact time of occlusion is a challenge during measurements of PCP in humans Respiratory noise is easily avoided in artificially ventilated ... also needed Until then, estimations of PCP may still help with clinical decision making, but caution is needed while interpreting individual findings Competing interests The author(s) declare...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:21

2 168 0
Emerging markets lessons for business success and the outlook for different markets

Emerging markets lessons for business success and the outlook for different markets

... EMERGING MARKETS OTHER ECONOMIST BOOKS Guide to Analysing Companies Guide to Business Modelling Guide to Business Planning Guide to Economic Indicators Guide to the European Union Guide to Financial ... political and economic environment Questions to ask about the political and economic environment are as follows (See Chapter for how to interpret economic indicators and Chapter for more on political ... Ukrainian unofficial economic activities are probably as large as official ones Even statistics on the official economy are inaccurate, including statistics in developed countries In developing...

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2015, 14:57

225 229 0
Electronic and magnetic properties of two dimensional electron gases at complex oxide interfaces for different polar systems and crystallographic orientations

Electronic and magnetic properties of two dimensional electron gases at complex oxide interfaces for different polar systems and crystallographic orientations

... characteristics has been investigated using various combinations of polar/nonpolar oxide (NdAlO3/SrTiO3, PrAlO3/SrTiO3 and NdGaO3/SrTiO3) interfaces which are similar in nature to the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface ... observed for NdAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces with NdAlO3 film thickness This suggests that polarization discontinuity induced electronic reconstruction could also be the possible origin of conductivity for ... layers to SrTiO3 and electron correlations arising from octahedral distortions in SrTiO3 appear to control the characteristics of the 2DEG Further, a metalinsulator transition in conductivity is observed...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:11

228 495 0
biến điệu độ rộng xung pwm (pluse width modulation)

biến điệu độ rộng xung pwm (pluse width modulation)

... V i giả thiết này, phân gi i xấp xĩ cho sóng biến i u, theo chu i Fourier M i số hạng chu i sóng FM, thay sóng sin tuý Ta trình bày dạng kh i biến i u dạng kh i hoàn i u cho PWM Trong hai, ... kh i biến i u hình 6.26b, dạng sóng tiêu biểu 3/5 biến i u độ rộng xung pwm:(pluse width modulation) Hình 6.26: Kh i biến i u PWM Trước tiên tín hiệu s(t) lấy mẫu giữ để có s1(t) 4/5 biến i u ... biến i u độ rộng xung pwm:(pluse width modulation) Hình 6.23: Biến i u PWM Cũng trường hợp FM, PWM phép biến i u phi tuyến Xem thí dụ đơn giản để minh chứng i u Giả sử tín hiệu chứa tin...

Ngày tải lên: 31/12/2015, 16:35

5 498 1
The study of combustion characteristics for different compositions of LPG

The study of combustion characteristics for different compositions of LPG

... used in refrigeration and air conditioning systems including domestic refrigerators, building air conditioners and vehicle air conditioning This is partly because of concerns about the ozone depleting ... variation of composition in LPG gives an effect to their combustion characteristics The research of combustion characteristic can optimize if using the sample of LPG that contain the other composition ... second scope of this work is to determine the flame stability The last scope is to determine the emission for different composition LPG 3 CHAPTER LITERATURE RIVIEW 2.1 Introduction Varieties of...

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2016, 10:42

24 333 1
A brand for all seasons? A discussion of brand loyalty approaches and their applicability for different markets

A brand for all seasons? A discussion of brand loyalty approaches and their applicability for different markets

... VOL 10 NO 2001 Switching Involvement Risk High Medium Low Behavioural Attitudinal Attitudinal Behavioural Attitudinal Attitudinal Attitudinal Behavioural Behavioural Table I The measures involved, ... communication directly with these customers rather than on more generalised brand promotions At the same time advertising and other promotions should reinforce the positive perception we hope our ... but with the method of operationalising brand loyalty This paper proposes that the type of market should drive the choice of brand loyalty measure(s) used Following this proposition, a classification...

Ngày tải lên: 24/09/2016, 18:06

15 473 0


... relativization of the strong topology Hence, the multifunction F|X0 is lower semicontinuous Consequently, since X0 is open, the multifunction F is lower Biagio Ricceri 189 semicontinuous at each point of ... semicontinuous at x0 Hence, it remains proved that F is lower semicontinuous in X with respect to the strong topology and so, a fortiori, with respect to τ Since F is also with nonempty τ-closed ... continue des solutions de certaines ´quations e e non lin´aires [Structure, approximation and continuous dependence of the solutions of certain e nonlinear equations], C R Acad Sci Paris S´ r I...

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 00:20

8 315 0
The effect of inactivation for C.parvum by Pulse lamp

The effect of inactivation for C.parvum by Pulse lamp

... Comparison of the lamps using excystation evaluation Fig shows that the level of inactivity achieved with the low-pressure mercury lamp rose primarily corresponding to the UV dose delivered However, ... 1kW-MPUV Fig Inactivation effect of the lamps using the excystation method Fig Inactivation effect of the lamps using the cell culture method 3) Comparison of the evaluation methods used The experiment ... UVdoses of the lamps were measured using coliphage Qβ1) Tables to indicate the conditions for UV lamp irradiation in each experiment In run 3, the cell culture method was conducted with turbidity...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:08

4 508 0
Different physical and chemical pretreatments of wheat straw for enhanced biobutanol production in simultaneous saccharification and fermentation

Different physical and chemical pretreatments of wheat straw for enhanced biobutanol production in simultaneous saccharification and fermentation

... cellulose into glucose Also increase in biomass concentration allowed more hydrolysis of cellulose into glucose as well as more hydrolysis of hemicellulose into xylose Increase in saccharification ... Clostridium Beijerinckii Qureshi, N., Lai, L.L and Blaschek, H.P 2004, Food and Bioproducts Processing, Vol 82, pp 164-173 Butanol production by Clostridium beijerinckii BA101 in an immobilized ... Agricultural Bioproducts Innovation Network (ABIN) in addition to Ryerson University, both located in Ontario, Canada References [1] Lee, S.Y., et al Fermentative Butanol Production by Clostridia Daejeon...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28

12 376 0
Tài liệu A neural-network-based space-vector PWM controller for a three-level voltage-fed inverter induction motor drive doc

Tài liệu A neural-network-based space-vector PWM controller for a three-level voltage-fed inverter induction motor drive doc

... Dr Bose has served the IEEE in various capacities, including Chairman of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) Power Electronics Council, Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ... for for for for for for for for for (6) for for for for for 664 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL 38, NO 3, MAY/JUNE 2002 TABLE II ANALYTICAL TIME EXPRESSIONS OF VOLTAGE VECTORS IN ... the similar comparison for mode operation Fig 12 shows the typical dynamic performance comparison of the drive during acceleration where acceleration torque is very low due to slow acceleration...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 08:16

10 523 0