... competitive pricing Extensive distribution Ability to raise consumer awareness Broad product mix Global presence Well positioned bottlers and bottling capacity 10 INDUSTRY FRAGMENTATION AND ... defining two specific axes Brainstorm key drivers, decision factors, and possible scenario departure or divergence points Define target issue, time frame, and scope for scenarios 22 HYPERCOMPETITION ... understanding of the big picture and a plan to manage uncertainty Assess the strategic implications of each scenario Specify indicators that can signal which scenario is unfolding Flesh out the picture Develop...
Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 14:20
... services include e-commerce expertise and assistance in merchandising, demand forecasting, marketing, customer service, and logistics Given their advantaged position in serving dozens of companies simultaneously, ... integration, data transmission, billing, and quality monitoring The client focuses on the real business drivers: service policies and representative training Solution Dynamics Finally, the dynamic ... (customization, integration, maintenance) while owning “core” business functions (branding, merchandising, service) Companies typically require at most one IT employee to interface with their ECISP provider...
Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2014, 12:59
How I made 2 million dollars in the stock market Chapter 4 ppt
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 06:20
I usually catch a bus -Talking About What You Do potx
... Bạn n i n i làm việc bạn: I work in a bank or I work at a bank Vì bạn giáo viên tiếng Anh: What you do? Ngư i trả l i: I work at a school or I work in a school or I teach English or I m a teacher ... Dư i số câu trả l i khác: I m a builder or I build houses ANNE What you do? STEVE I m a builder I build houses Đ i ta thêm er vào từ để nghề nghiệp: I bake bread I m a baker I manage a hotel I m ... I go by bus I drive to work or I go by car I walk to work or I go on foot ANNE And how you get to work? STEVE I drive I have to use my car for work I never go by bus Đ i v i hầu hết phương tiện...
Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 03:20
Giáo trình động từ tiếng Pháp - Part I Living in the Here and Now: The Present Indicative - Chapter 4 doc
... ch 04. qxp 44 8/2/06 1:26 PM Page 44 Part I: Living in the Here and Now: The Present Indicative avoir (to have) j’ai nous avons tu as vous avez il/elle/on a ils/elles ont J’ai trois enfants (I have ... rewrite), and transcrire (to transcribe) Lire (to read) is very similar in its conjugation First, drop the -re from the infinitive, and add the endings you see in this table Remember to add an s in ... contredire, interdire, and prédire end in -disez The verb boire (to drink) is in a place all its own It starts out like the other irregular -re verbs Drop the -re from the infinitive, and add...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 10:22
de thi hoc ky II (Family & Friends 4)
... They’re thirsty H Listen and circle the sound you hear (1p) dog fan bin jug I Listen and tick ( ) the activities you hear (1p) I can ride a horse He can play tennis Ben can ride a bike Nga can skate ... and circle the sound you hear (1p) I Listen and tick ( ) the activities you hear (1p) Tapescript: G Listen and number: They are happy They’re tired They’re brave They’re angry They’re thirsty ... Look and write the correct words (1p) can Ben can play fottball Kim …………ride a bike Ben………… skate Kim ……… play tennis Ben ………… skateboard G Read and tick (1p) G Listen and number (1p): H Listen and...
Ngày tải lên: 31/01/2015, 09:00
... monkeys I like parrots I like elephants I like lions I don’t like E) Read and circle Yes, I I like rice No, I don’t I like bread F) Read and write My name is Trung I like pears but I don’t like grapes ... Can she write? _ /4 J) Read and write My name’s Nam I am nine years old I ve got brown hair and brown eyes I like ice cream and bread I don’t like fish I can run and climb but I can’t ... (elephant) I m a bird with many colours and live in trees = b (parrot) I m very long and I hiss = a (snake) I m an orange and black cat = a (tiger) D) Look and write Example: I don’t like snakes...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2015, 03:00
Giáo án tiếng anh family friends lớp 4
... PATTERN I like…; I don't like…; (don’t like) Complete the sentences with like or don't like Children finish exercise I like lions I don't like elephants I don't like giraffes I like monkeys Exercises ... e.g This is a tall giraffe SEMESTER – Unit – Lesson – Period 32 Lesson – Listening Objectives: - Identifying and describing zoo animals, Speaking and writing skills Resources and Teaching Topic ... answers with the whole class The boy: I like meat and rice I don’t like yogurt The girl: I like fish and carrot I don’t like meat Consolidation Talking about likes or dislikes: Ask children to...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2015, 15:51
33 english words and phrases for talking about your extended family
... cousins' children. and a third cousin is one of your grandparents' cousins' children. You can even talk about a "second cousin once removed", which is a complicated relationship that many English speakers have heard of, but only a few of us understand. You can read a full ... You can also call your child's wife or husband your "daughterinlaw" or "soninlaw": My daughter and soninlaw are in town this week More Complicated Family Relations Divorces, remarriages, and adoptions create other kinds of relationships A stepmother or stepfather is someone who's married to your father or mother ... nephew, and the daughter of one of your siblings is your niece InLaws Your husband or wife's family are your inlaws. You call members of your spouse's family "motherinlaw", "brotherinlaw", and so on. But that usually stops with immediate family. For...
Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 11:28
Giáo án Family Friends 4 ( đại trường phát ) trọn bộ năm 2017 2018 (4 tiết tuần)
... Family and III.Skills: speaking and writing IV.Teaching aids: V.Procedures: CONTENTS I. Warm – up: Sing and do: It’s a square II Presentation: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - Setting ... the activity - Carrying out the activity -Asking to sing and act - Singing and acting in chorus -Asking - Answering in individuals -Asking the questions - Answering the questions in individuals ... Repeating in chorus - Talking individuals II Presentation: Activity 1:Read and number Then - Playing in groups - Listening - Looking at the pictures reading, matching and colouring - Comparing with...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2016, 11:03
... finishing university this year PART 3: TALKING ABOUT YOUR IMMEDIATE FAMILY OR EXTENDED FAMILY: *Immediate family: you, your husband/wife, children, parents, brothers and sisters * Extended family: ... cousins, nephews ,nieces, grandparents, grandchildren Ex: My immedia family is quite small, because I m an only child My mum is one of five children, so I have a lot of cousins, who are kind ... kind of like my brothers and sisters There are six people in my immediate family : my parents, my brother and his wife, my sister and me I have a lot of other relatives, but they live inCanada,...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2017, 17:16
Chapter 4: Getting Images into and out of Photoshop
... Part II: Easy Enhancements for Digital Images Anti-aliasing is similar to feathering in that it softens edges: It’s designed to hide the corners of pixels along curves and in diagonal lines You ... is a yes/no option, with no numeric field to worry about Figure 8-5 compares a diagonal with no antialiasing, with anti-aliasing, and with a 1-pixel feather Figure 8-5: Anti-aliasing helps smooth ... then choose Image➪Image Size to resize to your required dimensions and resolution (Read about resizing and cropping your images in Chapter 4. ) The Fixed Size option changes the behavior of the...
Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 14:35
Tài liệu động cơ FORD 6.4L P1- Chapter 4
... exceeded Wiring to injector, injector Injector/Injection Timing Control Circuit This error occurs if a post injection cycle is recognized without a main injection cycle PCM This failure occurs ... which cylinder is actually in the firing position by installing pushrods, and observing #3 intake and #8 intake Step 3: If #3 intake pushrod shows cam lift, this is the #1 firing position Torque ... the maximum current rise time is exceeded Wiring to injector, injector P0205 X Injector Circuit / Open - Cylinder This error occurs when the maximum current rise time is exceeded Wiring to injector,...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2012, 08:08
Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook - Chapter 4
... Sclater Chapter 5/3/01 10 :44 AM Page 94 GEARS AND ECCENTRIC DISK COMBINE IN QUICK INDEXING An ingenious intermittent mechanism with its multiple gears, gear racks, and levers provides smoothness and ... these limitations Differential motion In deriving the operating principle of his mechanism, Freudenstein first considered a conventional epicyclic (planetary) drive in which the input to the ... rotation of the input member • The velocity variation during motion is adjustable within wide limits Uniform output velocity for part of the indexing cycle is obtainable; by varying the number and...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2012, 14:26
Bài giảng marketing quốc tế CHAPTER 4
... công CHIẾN LƯC CẠNH TRANH Theo đu i: Đ i v i DN nước phát triển * “Chung sống hòa bình” * Khi chiến cạnh tranh làm phía yếu thiệt th i * Khi công thắng không đủ lực để công Theo đu i ngư i dẫn ... nghiệp cần tìm hiểu vấn đề đ i thủ cạnh tranh: Ai đ i thủ cạnh tranh? Chiến lược họ nào? Mục tiêu họ gì? Những i m mạnh i m yếu họ gì? Cách thức phản ứng họ gì? 11 PHÂN TÍCH CẠNH TRANH Ai đ i ... khoảng th i gian v i m i trường chương trình marketing đònh Làm để đánh giá dự báo nhu cầu? Căn vào: * Ý kiến: Chuyên gia, khách hàng, nhân viên bán hàng * Tổ chức thò trường thực nghiệm * Số liệu...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 08:58