how to simplify your life and save money



... the stock in your company. 2 First and foremost, readers need to understand how to do a “quick -and- dirty” valu- ation, in order to manage your business over time to maximize its value and to plan ... following general topics: ã Chapters 1 through 8: How to value your business as of to- day. ã Chapter 9: How to value your business as of a future date. ã How to manage your business to increase its ... valuation con- text and environment. Understanding these, and other topics to be discussed, should make you a more competent adviser to your clients and provide more tools to help your client find...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 09:22

320 478 0


... GivingaBodyofEthericSubstance to Your Ideal;  Giving Your IdealtheImpulseofAction to MakeItReal;  TheProcessthatMakesIdealsComeTrue;  TheActofMakingtheRealityYours; and   Where to Center Your Effort.  TO ATTAIN YOUR DESIRES,ALLTHREEMUSTBEUSED  CHAPTER7  Ifyouidealize and useallthreeofthebasicactivities and onlythose three,itiseasy to make your idealsbecome realities.Youalwaysattainwhenyouidealize and usethem;but,ifyou leaveoutanyoneofthethree,youfail to  attain your desire, -and noonecanbeblamedexceptyourself.  Ifyouidealizeonlythatwhichyoudesire and holdfaithfully to that ideal,-thatis,ifyouuseonlythefirstofthe threeactivities,-youwillsucceed and justlyinproportion to whatyou do.  SinceGodisjustice,theresultcorresponds to theeffort.Idealizing whatyouwant and holdingfaithfully to the idealformonths and evenyearsbringsyouthesuccess your effortmerits -evenafteryearsyouwillstillbe holding to theideal.  And, ifyouidealizethatwhichyoudesire and attempt to takepossession ofitmentally-usingthefirst and third ofthethreebasicactivities-yousucceed and justlyinproportion to whatyoudo.  If,wheninNewYork,youlearnofafootballgame to beplayedinBoston and desire to bepresent,theidealof theThingDesiredis to beinBoston.Ifyoudesire to driveby automobilefromNewYork to Boston,thatisthe idealoftheProcessyouintend to use to get to Boston.Ifyougo to your garage and sitin your carforaday,a monthorayear,holdingfaithfullyallthetime to theThingDesired and holdingalsoamentalpictureofbeingin     Boston-mentallypicturingthefirst and thirdsteps,butomittingthe secondone-beforetheyearpasses your  friendswillwish to sendyou to themadhouse; and onlybecauseyou failed to usethesecondactivity-thatofthe processofactuallystartingthemachine and drivingfromNewYork to Boston. ... Thislastactivity-theactofmakingtherealityyours-comprisesthree steps:  idealizing your attitude;  unifyingthesubstanceoftheidealWITHthesubstanceofthereal; and      makingtheactualthingapartof your possessionsorplacingyourselfin theactualconditionsthatyouhave idealized and desired.  Your attituderelates to yourself, to others, to conditions, and to the worldingeneral.Beginwithyourself. Consciouslyornot,youdotakesomekindofanattitudetowardyourself. Youmaythinkyourselfawormora god.Youarefree to takeanyattitudetowardyourselfyoudesire to take;butthereisonlyoneattitudethatleads to success and itistheidealizedattitude!Incompletethinkingin “ideas”makesyouseeyourselfasachildofsin, suffering,sorrow,weakness,mistake and failure.Thinkofyourselfas youare:asonofGod-idealizingtheend youdesire,theprocessbywhichyouattain, and theattitudeyouhold towardyourself,others,conditions, and the universeitself.  Then,idealize your attitudetowardothers,"Thatwhichyeseekyeshall find."Ifyouthinkthatallmenaretrying to crushyou,youwillbecrushed;first,because your attitudecloses your eyes to theopportunitiesofferedyou; and second,becausesuchanattitudediscovers and draws to youthosewho donothelpyou.Ifyouidealize othersaswilling to helpyou,youdraw to youmen and womenwhowilldo thesquarethingbyyou and helpyou, -inthemyouwillfindhelp and ajustreward.Thisidealizedattitude doesnotmakeyouatrustingsimpleton,for theidealizedattitudealsoidealizeswisdominknowingothers.  Theidealizedattitudechangesalltheconditionsof life. Inbusiness, itleadsus to expectgoodresults, and,  expectinggoodresults,weplanbetter.Whenweplanbetter,-thatis, in,amoreidealizedway-wegetbetter results.Idealizetheworldingeneral.Theuniversemustbegood.Ifit werenotgooditwouldgo to piecesover night,-forevildisrupts and destroys.Goodattracts and unites and holdstogether.  Youcannotidealize your business, your profession and your workwithout conductingthewholeaffairasan idealizedservicethatinevitablywillforce your ideals to cometrue! YoumayidealizetheThingDesired, ... Thislastactivity-theactofmakingtherealityyours-comprisesthree steps:  idealizing your attitude;  unifyingthesubstanceoftheidealWITHthesubstanceofthereal; and      makingtheactualthingapartof your possessionsorplacingyourselfin theactualconditionsthatyouhave idealized and desired.  Your attituderelates to yourself, to others, to conditions, and to the worldingeneral.Beginwithyourself. Consciouslyornot,youdotakesomekindofanattitudetowardyourself. Youmaythinkyourselfawormora god.Youarefree to takeanyattitudetowardyourselfyoudesire to take;butthereisonlyoneattitudethatleads to success and itistheidealizedattitude!Incompletethinkingin “ideas”makesyouseeyourselfasachildofsin, suffering,sorrow,weakness,mistake and failure.Thinkofyourselfas youare:asonofGod-idealizingtheend youdesire,theprocessbywhichyouattain, and theattitudeyouhold towardyourself,others,conditions, and the universeitself.  Then,idealize your attitudetowardothers,"Thatwhichyeseekyeshall find."Ifyouthinkthatallmenaretrying to crushyou,youwillbecrushed;first,because your attitudecloses your eyes to theopportunitiesofferedyou; and second,becausesuchanattitudediscovers and draws to youthosewho donothelpyou.Ifyouidealize othersaswilling to helpyou,youdraw to youmen and womenwhowilldo thesquarethingbyyou and helpyou, -inthemyouwillfindhelp and ajustreward.Thisidealizedattitude doesnotmakeyouatrustingsimpleton,for theidealizedattitudealsoidealizeswisdominknowingothers.  Theidealizedattitudechangesalltheconditionsof life. Inbusiness, itleadsus to expectgoodresults, and,  expectinggoodresults,weplanbetter.Whenweplanbetter,-thatis, in,amoreidealizedway-wegetbetter results.Idealizetheworldingeneral.Theuniversemustbegood.Ifit werenotgooditwouldgo to piecesover night,-forevildisrupts and destroys.Goodattracts and unites and holdstogether.  Youcannotidealize your business, your profession and your workwithout conductingthewholeaffairasan idealizedservicethatinevitablywillforce your ideals to cometrue! YoumayidealizetheThingDesired, ...

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