how to read literature like an english professor summary

How to Read Nonfictional English Texts Faster and More Effectively

How to Read Nonfictional English Texts Faster and More Effectively

... the reading strategy called "skimming" which can and ought to be developed in other units of EFL-courses and can be applied and practised here. At this stage of the 'Standard Reading ... chance to to check if his/her educated guesses and expectations about the text at hand have been in the right direction. Task 6: The results of task 5 can be used as the basis for answers to ... schemes", etc How to Read Nonfictional English Texts Faster and More Effectively A 'Standard Reading Exercise' for ESL-Students Helmut Stiefenh&oumlfer Introductory remarks:With...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

5 468 0
How to read a person like a book

How to read a person like a book

... constantly, by holding out her hand and touching, a strong need for reassurance. Notice how the woman on the right is leaning away from her companion. In most situations where people get together, ... right - handed you tend to shift the phone from hand to hand in order to gesture. Observe how much you gesture and how much more frequent the gestures are when the conversation tends to be exciting, ... reacting to each other in a suspicious and nervous manner. The man on the right has silhouetted his body to the other man; his peering glance over the rims of his glasses and his hand thrust...

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2014, 00:29

106 466 0
of how to incorporate cultural elements into English training at HCC

of how to incorporate cultural elements into English training at HCC

... teacher of EFL, is how to integrate English culture teaching into our language programs. This is the matter I want to raise in my thesis. It is an attempt to look into the matter of how to incorporate ... proposing some tools that can be applied into English culture learning of the study. 3.3.1. An overview on Tourism students’ English culture learning at HCC. In this section, an overview to Tourism ... to culture. We can not be competed in the language if we do not understand the culture that has shaped, and how that culture relates to our own first language/ first culture. Thus, foreign language...

Ngày tải lên: 17/04/2013, 10:12

40 376 0
How to help your child in English

How to help your child in English

... games. ♦ Encourage writing to organisations for information – fan clubs, supporters’ clubs, voluntary organisations. HELPING YOUR CHILD Key Stage 3 English Helping with reading  Try to make a range of materials ... newspapers.  Value and show an interest in their choices of personal reading. If possible read some of their choice of personal reading so that you know what to talk about.  Talk to them about ... them to make use of facilities at local library.  Encourage reading for different purposes: - for enjoyment and relaxation; to find information; - reading and explaining instructions; - reading...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2013, 03:10

14 558 1
How to read a financial report

How to read a financial report

... J UST W HAT D OES T HE B ALANCE S HEET S HOW ? 24 One way to measure the adequacy and balance of inventory is to compare it with the cost of sales for the year to determine the inventory turnover. This tells us how many ... Accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements C ONSOLIDATED F INANCIAL S TATEMENTS 6 Typical Manufacturing Company, Inc. 22 To analyze balance-sheet figures, investors look to certain ... Cash collected from customers; interest received and paid; dividends received; salary; insurance; and tax payments. How can an investor compute Typical’s ROE? To arrive at this figure, an investor would...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 20:15

53 439 0
Tài liệu How To Read A Book pptx

Tài liệu How To Read A Book pptx

... available to most people—is to learn to read better, and then, by reading better, to learn more of what can be learned through reading. The way out and how to take it is what this book tries to show. ... and degrees of ability to read. It is not contradictory to say that this book is for readers who want to read better or want to read in some other way than they now can. For whom is this book ... enough to indicate to readers who cannot read that I am one who cannot read much better than they. My chief advantage is the clarity with which I know that I cannot, and perhaps why I cannot....

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 21:15

201 686 0
Tài liệu The Secret Language of Business: How to Read Anyone docx

Tài liệu The Secret Language of Business: How to Read Anyone docx

... be used to indicate when you are ready to move from one topic to an- other topic, or to transition smoothly to another person’s chance to speak. Regulating behaviors help to moderate and control ... they can lead people to behave unkindly toward others. There’s nothing “nice” or “mean” about reading body language and nonverbal communication. It’s not good or bad, it’s simply reading and interpreting. It’s ... this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 03:20

258 767 0
how to make people like you

how to make people like you

... Irresistible Language Patterns in the United States, Canada and England, and delved into everything to do with the brain's part in human connec- tivity. I worked with actors, comedians and drama ... Chance encounters happen on almost a daily basis to all of us —at work, in the supermarket, at the Laundromat or the bus stop. The key to establishing rapport with strangers is to learn how to ... "Hi!" clap your hands together and slide your right hand off and past the other in the direction of your partner. Gather up all the energy you can throughout your body and store it in your heart,...

Ngày tải lên: 04/03/2014, 11:52

185 571 1


... important because of one central point: Investors and potential investors not only are trying to find out how Typical is doing now, but they also want to try to predict how Typical and its stock ... not accountants, analysts or financial planners, this booklet can help them to better under- stand such reports and possibly become more informed investors. This booklet was written and designed to ... BALANCE SHEET SHOW? 24 One way to measure the adequacy and balance of inventory is to compare it with the cost of sales for the year to determine the inventory turnover. This tells us how many...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

52 414 0
Basic music theory how to read, write and understand written music (jonathan harnum)

Basic music theory how to read, write and understand written music (jonathan harnum)

... 1964. Music, like any language, evolves over time. Maybe in another thousand years we’ll be reading music based on smells. Who knows? What do you think music will look like and sound like in another ... ten thousand of them. Then twenty thousand. Thirty. More. Tonight they will crush together and dance to the music. On a raised platform, anywhere from three to a dozen people stroke or bang on ... and shamanism, and still is. Wherever you find a shaman, you’ll probably find a drum. Music has magical powers. It can transport you into an altered state, heal sickness, purify the body and...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 12:41

354 456 1


... FINANCIAL REPORT 1 GOALS OF THIS BOOKLET An annual report is unfamiliar terrain to many people. For those who are not accountants, analysts or financial planners, this booklet can help them to ... private- sector body that sets financial accounting standards. From time to time, these standards change and new ones are issued. At this writing, the FASB is considering substantial changes to the ... certain circumstances be exchanged for or converted into another security, generally com- mon stock. Cost of Sales (Page 28). The total cost to purchase and/or manufacture all of the company’s products...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 14:20

53 413 0
05 the arabic alphabet how to read and write it

05 the arabic alphabet how to read and write it

... waaw and yoo' also stand for the consonants w and y. How can you tell when a waaw stands for w and when it stands for a longuu , and when ayaa' stands for y and when ... foreign not only to English but also to any other European language, and in fact to just about all the world's languages. It is a peculiarity of the Semitic languages, and one of the ... mlilch closer to the language of the Koran than modem Greek, for example, is to classical Greek, not to mention modem and medieval English, French, or Gennan . As compared to classical Arabic,...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 12:40

47 603 0
how to read a paper

how to read a paper

... delighted that How to read a paper has become a standard reader in many medical and nursing schools and has so far been translated into French, German, Italian, Polish, Japanese, and Russian. I am ... guides to the medical literature. IV. How to use an article about harm. JAMA 1994; 271:1615–19. 14 Laupacis A, Wells G, Richardson WS, Tugwell P. Users’ guides to the medical literature. V. How to ... than an hour. Remember that articles can be traced in two ways. HOW TO READ A PAPER 16 waste if you do not put at least as much effort into implementing valid evidence and measuring progress towards...

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2014, 07:13

240 492 0