... 21 (2) 1 Revision : How you say in English in these situations : 1.You want someone to open the door for you 2 You want to know your new friend’s name 3.You want your friend not to come to ... did you begin studying English ? 6 Why are you learning English ? 7 Do you speak any other languages ? 8 How did you learn English in your country ? 9 How will you use English in the future ? ... go there , we can ………… Western culture (16)5 Structures 5 Structures The expressions used to persuade the others can be :The expressions used to persuade the others can be : • I think…
Ngày tải lên: 20/04/2021, 21:47
... 18 2. 2.4 Students’ difficulties in speaking English 20 2. 2.5 Summary 22 2. 3 Findings 22 2. 3.1 Lack of confidence 22 2. 3 .2 Poor vocabulary 23 2. 3.3 ... Having negative attitudes towards English speaking 24 2. 3.4 Lack of practicing 24 2. 3.5 The mispronunciation and misunderstanding in using grammar 24 2. 3.6 Difficulties in getting the ... initiate communication either for the purpose of informing their subordinates or for the purpose of telling them, what to do, how to do when to do, etc The command and instructive
Ngày tải lên: 10/10/2016, 23:20
How to win the competition in business
... fierce in business Business is a game and only the team with the best players will win So how to win the competition and why do businesses want to win the competition ? We will together find out the ... able to increase the price or change the quality of the inputs they provide to the business In a nutshell, strategic planners must find the risks and opportunities from the supplier to have the ... reputation in the long run Respecting the customer's mood is essential when they have trouble with the company Keeping calm is key to attracting customers to the trouble they are having At the same
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2017, 21:56
How to Motivate the Employees in Taiwanese Multinational Corporations Operating in Vietnam
... 3.03 3.04 2. 88 3.16 3 .28 3.01 2. 73 3 .29 2. 84 3.11 3. 12 2.93 China Mean 2. 89 2. 76 2. 87 2. 94 2. 85 2. 93 2. 93 3.08 3 .22 2. 09 2. 65 3 .22 2. 78 2. 85 2. 91 2. 89 Source: Shuming Zhao (20 03), Across-cultural ... 3. 12 3 .21 3.41 3. 42 3 .22 3.63 3. 42 3.08 3.44 3.31 3 .21 Canada Mean 3.15 3 .24 3 .27 3 .21 3.36 3 .21 3.38 3. 42 3.51 3.31 3.04 3.50 3. 12 3.33 3.38 3 .28 Ireland Mean 2. 31 2. 89 3.00 2. 86 3.03 3.04 2. 88 ... 19 ** 32 35 ** 39 ** Senior management 25 ** 35 ** 11 ** 27 ** 39 ** 36 ** Cooperation Employment mechanism 21 ** 26 ** 24 ** 22 ** 25 ** 32 ** 16 ** 29 ** 22 ** 27 ** 32 ** 34 ** Intrinsic satisfaction
Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2017, 07:59
How to motivate the employees in taiwanese multinational corporations operating in vietnam
... 3.03 3.04 2. 88 3.16 3 .28 3.01 2. 73 3 .29 2. 84 3.11 3. 12 2.93 China Mean 2. 89 2. 76 2. 87 2. 94 2. 85 2. 93 2. 93 3.08 3 .22 2. 09 2. 65 3 .22 2. 78 2. 85 2. 91 2. 89 Source: Shuming Zhao (20 03), Across-cultural ... 3. 12 3 .21 3.41 3. 42 3 .22 3.63 3. 42 3.08 3.44 3.31 3 .21 Canada Mean 3.15 3 .24 3 .27 3 .21 3.36 3 .21 3.38 3. 42 3.51 3.31 3.04 3.50 3. 12 3.33 3.38 3 .28 Ireland Mean 2. 31 2. 89 3.00 2. 86 3.03 3.04 2. 88 ... 19 ** 32 35 ** 39 ** Senior management 25 ** 35 ** 11 ** 27 ** 39 ** 36 ** Cooperation Employment mechanism 21 ** 26 ** 24 ** 22 ** 25 ** 32 ** 16 ** 29 ** 22 ** 27 ** 32 ** 34 ** Intrinsic satisfaction
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2021, 20:26
How to use the internet in ELT
... telephone line, Tl lines, 58-59 TESL EJ, 19 TESL-L, 24 -27 subscribing to, 24 The Case, 73 Tile.net, 27 -28 toolbars, 11-13 mailing lists, 4, 23 -28 , 109 checking archives, 26 finding lists, 27 -28 leaving ... good Internet-based activity? • Introducing the Internet • Focusing on language • Reading • Speaking • Writing • Listening Conclusions Looking ahead The Internet as a coursebook • W h y use the Internet ... available via the Internet The fourth appendix gives a list of web sites of interest to language teachers, and the final appendix offers suggestions for further reading How to Use the Internet in ELT
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2022, 23:27
how to determine the court in resolving a civil conflict with foreign factors
... left their inheritance to their child and wife Accordingly, all issues by the time the inheritance opens, who inherits theTrang 10legacy, are all applied following the country in which the person ... and the law applied towards transferring ownership, other rights towards the property is real estate, letting the real estate be rented or using the real estate in case the parties decide to change ... differences .The act of inheritance towards real estate is understood that the person who inherits or the person who is alive and allowed to own the real estate or not completely according to the law of the
Ngày tải lên: 20/04/2024, 09:55
How to trade the new single stock future Part 2 ppt
... for investors. Stock investing and trading are here to stay, and they will continue to play a major role in the future. Given the integral role of stocks in both the new and the old economy, the ... The Growth in Stock Trading Volume from 1986? ?20 02. The vertical bars show total share volume. 20 02, again reinforcing the underlying speculative activity and liq- uidity of stocks. ❚ Stocks in ... before. Adding to the spec- ulative attraction of stocks in the 1990s and into the 20 00s was the dramatic increase in trading volume. As Figure 3.1 shows, quarterly trading volume in 20 02 was more
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 05:20
John wiley sons create your own future how to master the 12 critical factors of unlimited success (2002); ocr 7 0 2 6 lotb
... Virtues: compassion, 23 1 development of, 22 0? ?22 2 focus on, 22 2 friendliness, 23 2 integrity, 22 2? ?22 5, 23 0 kindness, 23 1? ?23 2 peace of mind, 23 3 responsibility, 23 1 strength, 23 2? ?23 3 Vision, importance ... for, 24 8 Character: decisions and, 22 5? ?22 6 gaining respect of others, 22 0, 23 2 honesty, 22 4? ?22 5 importance of, 21 7? ?21 9, 25 6 self-discipline, 22 5 social skills, 22 1? ?22 2 success, personal definition ... Insecurity, 23 2 Insights, 165, 24 9 Inspiration, 1 72? ??173 Instincts, 164 Insurance guidelines, 1 52? ??153 Integrity, 25 , 22 2? ?22 5, 23 0 Intelligence: clarity, 170 creativity, stimulation of, 167, 25 6 decision
Ngày tải lên: 23/05/2018, 13:49
HOW TO IMPROVE LISTENING SKILLS IN TOEIC THE CASE OF questions and responses short conversations
... Using telephone . 19 2. Greeting people and responding . 21 3. Making and responding to instruct . 25 4. Saying ... 3 .2. The surveyed students’ general opinion toward TOEIC test . 12 3.3. Most of the students are not good English speakers 14 3.4. The problems you have faces when listening in TOEIC ... 26 5. Asking for information 28 6. Giving direction and instructions . 29 7. Thanking people and responding to thanks
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:59
How to improve peer interaction in the 10th form english class in high schools = làm thế nào để cải thiện sự tương tác giữa học sinh lớp 10 trong giờ học tiếng anh
... not. The third question is intended to examine the teachers' perception of peer interaction. The author would like to know how important the teachers find peer interaction in their teaching. ... activities. 2. The Objectives of the Study The study has been conducted in order to make contributions to the improvement in English teaching and learning in high schools. The author, hopefully, shows the ... outlines the background of the study. In this part, the author presents the reasons for choosing the topic, the objectives, the methods, the scope, and the design of the study. Part two with the
Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 21:39
How to trade the new single stock future Part 7 doc
... market or some industry sector Changes in the value of the stock index are a way of measuring the changes in the stock market stock index futures A contract reflecting the value of ... the New Single Stock Futures... fact is 161 1 62 How to Trade the New Single Stock Futures that bull markets tend to be favored by most investors, due not only to the ... traders to turn a losing day trade into an “investment” by failing to exit the trade. .. bottoms to emphasize the overall trend universal stock futures (USFs) Single stock futures
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 05:20
How to trade the new single stock future Part 3 ppt
... Synthesis: The Marriage of Stocks and Futures The union of stocks and futures into the single stock futures contract brings to the financial markets a new vehicle as well as a new era in trading ... accordingly If the underlying stock rises, then the futures contract rises If the underlying stock declines, then the futures contract declines You can spread one SSF against another (to be discussed ... quickly in many other countries following their success in London 43 44 How to Trade the New Single Stock Futures Which Stocks Are Traded as SSFs? As of March 14, 20 02, OneChicago, the joint venture
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 05:20
How to trade the new single stock future Part 4 doc
... the cost of doing business, thereby increasing the bottom line? Have lower commissions been a blessing or a curse? Clearly, to those who can use the information, make intelligent and disciplined ... undisciplined trader, or to the average investor, these advances have only created losses. And they will likely continue to do so because most newcomers to trading, whether in stocks, SSFs, or futures, ... line: The extension of a support line into the future after the trend line has been penetrated in order to determine possible future price resistance 2 Resistance return line: The
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 05:20
How to trade the new single stock future Part 5 pot
... happen to the price of General Motors futures? Investors will want to buy the June futures contract, expecting that the stock and the futures will rise in response to the good news. Yet, they may ... the following: From point 1 to point A, the spread traversed a range of $ 32 to $ 62, or about $3,000 on the spread. From point A to point B the spread dropped (i.e., GM losing to F) about $3 ,20 0 ... $3 ,20 0 in value. From point B to point C the spread gained about $22 . From C to D the spread lost about $25 . From D to E the spread gained about $17. From E to F the spread lost about $17. From F to
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 05:20
How to Feed the World in 2050 doc
... Mensbrugghe et al. (20 09) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 20 05 20 10 20 15 20 20 20 25 20 30 2 035 20 40 20 45 20 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Developingcountrygrowth(right‐axis) High‐incomecountrygrowth(right‐axis) DevelopingcountryGDP(left‐axis) $20 04 ... from 8 42 million at the beginning of the 1990s to over one billion in 20 09. The recent increase was mainly the consequence of the recent financial crisis and the drastic food price increases ... distributed. Although the countries in the Southern hemisphere are not the main originators of climate change, they may suffer the greatest share of the damage in the form of declining yields and...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 22:20
Can i freeze it how to use the most versatile appliance in your kitchen
... frozen in the packaging and then inserted into a plas- tic freezer bag. They can be stored for up to six months. Thaw in the fridge. Whipped butters and spreads, however, tend to break down, causing ... lightly toasted, swirling the pan to keep the seeds turning, about 2 minutes. Cool slightly, then put in a spice blender with the sugar and salt and blend until finely ground. Add the spice mix to the ... rolling pin until about 1 ⁄ 4 inch thick. Remove the paper and thinly slice the meat into 1 ⁄ 4 -inch-wide, 2- inch- long strips. Pork: Use tenderloin. Use a paring knife to remove any fat and sinew...
Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2014, 11:01
Succeeding in the project management jungle how to manage the people side of projects
... always best to tell customers, the management food chain, and your team what they need to hear ev en if they vehemently don’t want to hear it at the time. The wisdom is in knowing what they need to hear, when ... need to have weekly one-on-one meetings with all direct reports. The meetings are not a chance for you to beat them up or to tell them how to do their jobs but rather should be pegged to their ... scramble to find the magic elixir that will turn their dysfunctional, sputtering projects into high-performance machines. The pain I ha ve witnessed over the y ears as people struggle to survive in these...
Ngày tải lên: 05/04/2014, 01:27
one more zero. how to trade the forex like a pro in one hour
... close + today’s low = X today’s close > today’s open today’s high + today’s low + today’s close + today’s high = X today’s close = today’s open today’s high + today’s low + today’s close + today’s ... today’s close = X high = X /2 - today’s low (M1) low = X /2 - today’s high (M3) high = X /2 - today’s low (M2) low = X /2 - today’s high (M4) high = X /2 - today’s low low = X /2 - today’s high En règle ... cinq plus de niveaux : R2 M4 R1 M3 Pivot Point M2 S2 M1 S1 Nous avons maintenant quatre points possibles d'achat (S1, M1, S2, et m2) et quatre possibles points de vente (M3, R1, M4, R2)....
Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2014, 15:51
Succeeding in the Project Management Jungle How to Manage the People Side of Projects_1 pdf
... 118 Preplanning the Plan 121 Avoiding Toxic Management in Initiation 122 Case Study: The Path Less Taken 123 Chapter 8: Planning 1 32 Creating the Initial (Baseline) Plan 134 Historical Planning Approaches ... 20 2 Chapter 10: Monitoring, Controlling, and Reporting 21 1 Monitoring 21 2 Controlling (Don’t Even Try) 21 5 Reporting 22 4 Case Study: The Path Less Taken 23 0 Chapter 11: Closing 23 7 Properly Close ... who don’t. They don’t live in a fantasyland of perfect projects, but, when they come to the bumps in the road, the y hav e in place the team and the skills to maneuver around the danger zone. First, in...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20
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