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Can i freeze it how to use the most versatile appliance in your kitchen

Can i freeze it how to use the most versatile appliance in your kitchen

... be hard to find food hidden at the back, too. But there is often plenty of storage on the freezer door, and most models of this type come equipped with a through -the- door water dispenser. These ... and fridge right next to each other, with the freezer typically half the width of the fridge. The combined width is typically 32 to 48 inches. These freezers are deep relative to their width, which ... the motor may sound louder than usual. These freezers are conveniently at eye level and are therefore easy to access; the shal- low depth allows you to see to the back. An- other advantage to...

Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2014, 11:01

227 824 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Protein crystallography for non-crystallographers, or how to get the best (but not more) from published macromolecular structures potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Protein crystallography for non-crystallographers, or how to get the best (but not more) from published macromolecular structures potx

... may be a good habit to have a look at the atomic coordinate section of the PDB file to see the level of the B-factors of the atoms that are in the most important fragments of the struc- ture. If ... rather than by Nd1, as is the case with other RNase A-like enzymes. The orientation of the His97 ring in the deposited structure (PDB code 2i5s) was determined, on the basis of the B-factors of ... processes. The location of most of them can be calculated with good accuracy from the positions of the heavier atoms. As a consequence, it is advisable to include the majority of hydrogen atoms in...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 06:20

21 571 0


... Resources Get Prepared Know your product Know your customer Make your library’s resources easy to find Speak your patron’s language online Go get ‘em! Get the Word Out Seize opportunities in the library Network, ... spread the word to the people you want to reach. And with that word of mouth comes endorsement. ■ When, where, and how can you reach them? Doctors might be best reached with a letter about your ... ideas are the tip of the iceberg. Create these marketing tools and consider every encounter with patrons an opportunity to teach them about all the good things their library gives them online. Step...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 20:20

4 353 0
How to get out of the friendzone: turn your  friendship into a  relationship

How to get out of the friendzone: turn your friendship into a relationship

... together and things get ugly? In our experience, when people work together or go to school together, they are especially afraid to put their feelings on the line, because there’s nowhere to ... I’m getting kind of impatient. Am I stupid to wait around for him? 16 How to Get Out of the Friend Zone would hang out with them until the wee hours of the morning, watching them party until they ... here’s the amazing, wonderful, life- changing news: there is a way out. Trust us. We’ve had a ton of 36 How to Get Out of the Friend Zone Different Types of Friend Zones CHAPTER 2 18 How to Get...

Ngày tải lên: 10/02/2014, 18:17

240 1,1K 1


... importance of customer satisfaction, customer retention and other parameters related to the customer, whereas the role of the employees, their satisfaction, loyalty and the link between these variables ... than any other category, so this kind of metrics are the most frequently collected. The indicators enjoying the major popularity among the top management are the following: profit/profitability; ... which involves the assessment of the results derived from the implementation of different marketing strategies. One of these barriers is the complexity to isolate the effects of a 3 dimensions...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 17:15

15 797 0
Tài liệu How To Use the Six Laws of Persuasion during a Negotiation pptx

Tài liệu How To Use the Six Laws of Persuasion during a Negotiation pptx

... persuading others to your way of thinking. In other words, you have to be able to “sell” your ideas in order to make changes in your favor and, in a win-win situation, provide the other side with ... persuasion is often the missing key to success in the workplace and your personal life. If you give people what they w ant via the Six Laws of P ersuasion, they’ll most likely return the favor. ... and William Ury. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In. New York: Penguin, 2003. Hogan, Kevin. The Psychology of Persuasion: How to Persuade Others to Your Way of Thinking. Gretna, LA: Pelican,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 04:18

6 501 0
Tài liệu How To Use the Six Laws of Persuasion during a Negotiation docx

Tài liệu How To Use the Six Laws of Persuasion during a Negotiation docx

... persuasion is often the missing key to success in the workplace and your personal life. If you give people what they w ant via the Six Laws of P ersuasion, they’ll most likely return the favor. ... and William Ury. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In. New York: Penguin, 2003. Hogan, Kevin. The Psychology of Persuasion: How to Persuade Others to Your Way of Thinking. Gretna, LA: Pelican, ... (the lower the “value” of the concession on your part, of course , the better). You can also use this law to appeal to fairness. For example, if the other party manipulates the physical envi- ronment...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 06:18

6 503 0
Tài liệu The Insider’s Guide to PR: Chapter 5 APPLY HERE: HOW TO GET THAT JOB IN PR CONSULTANCY doc

Tài liệu The Insider’s Guide to PR: Chapter 5 APPLY HERE: HOW TO GET THAT JOB IN PR CONSULTANCY doc

... lists of most UK PR agencies, and the accounts they hold. The more considered and targeted your application, the better your chance of being noticed and singled out. Don’t forget to read the marketing ... can afford to overlook an opportunity to recruit the stars of tomorrow. Do your research Do think carefully about the type of consultancy you would like to work in. You may be attracted to accounts ... Be prepared to start at the bottom, prove yourself to be a valuable extra pair of hands, and in return you’ll get an insight into the industry as well as a fantastic talking point at your next...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 00:20

2 563 0
Tài liệu Laser-Optimized Fiber: Built for Price, Bandwidth, and Distance to Make the Most of Your Investment doc

Tài liệu Laser-Optimized Fiber: Built for Price, Bandwidth, and Distance to Make the Most of Your Investment doc

... 10GBASE-LX4* 62 .5/ 1 25 àm multimode fiber 062/OM1 300m 55 0m 86m 300m 50 /1 25 àm multimode fiber 050 /OM1 55 0m 55 0m 86m 300m 50 E/OM2 750 m 600m 150 m 300m 50 U/OM3 970m 600m 300m 300m 5U5/OM3 1040m 600m 55 0m 300m *LX4 ... material, which is calculated as the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light through the material. For example, the refractive index of a vacuum is 1.0, while air is ... 2 .5 Gigabit each and is cost prohibitive. With 62 .5 m fiber making up much of the installed base, the IEEE is exploring ways to run 10 Gigabit Ethernet over 300 meters of 62 .5 m fiber with the...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 11:20

4 461 0
Tài liệu 137 Twitter Tips - How Small Businesses Get The Most From Twitter ppt

Tài liệu 137 Twitter Tips - How Small Businesses Get The Most From Twitter ppt

... want to follow. Example of different things to track include: key users that you want to follow your company name (good to know the good or bad tweets about your company your competitor’s ... tip for getting retweeted is to leave enough characters for people to just RT as is. If people have to start editing your message to t “RT @your name + message” then they often don’t bother or ... brand.” Dawn Fotopulos, Small Business How 2 Web: Twitter: @dfotopulos “Respect your audience. Treat them the way you would like to be treated.” Luther Lowe Twitter: @lutherlowe “I...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 21:20

29 421 0
How to Get on in the World A Ladder to Practical Success doc

How to Get on in the World A Ladder to Practical Success doc

... nor the battle to the strong," in the race of business or in the battle of professional life, but usually the swiftest wins the prize, and the strongest gains in the strife. CHAPTER I 5 ... Helpfulness HOW TO GET ON IN THE WORLD to Get on in the World, by Major A.R. Calhoon 3 Erasmus, the great scholar, was even of opinion that books were the necessaries of life, and clothes the luxuries; ... and generation," there is a wild desire on the part of young men to leap into fortune at a bound, to reach the top of the ladder of success without carefully climbing the rounds, but no permanent prosperity...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 18:20

111 942 0
How to get a specialty training post: the insider’s guide doc

How to get a specialty training post: the insider’s guide doc

... many of them left their application form to almost the last minute: 54 % of doctors submitted their applications on the last day and most of these applications were submitted just 15 minutes ... you, but the doctor most likely to get a training job is not necessarily the best or most knowledgeable clinician. So, what are the deaneries looking for? The doctor most likely to succeed ... jobs. 32 How to get a specialty training post the passive voice. Resist the urge! Which of the two paragraphs below is easier to read? Passive voice: The idea of an audit of our antibiotic...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:20

205 592 1