... used to create the voice packet An RTP packet is shown in Figure 1-14 20 | Chapter 1: Introduction to Voice over the Internet Protocol www.it-ebooks.info Figure 1-14 RTP packet RFC 3550 also includes ... point to these advantages as well as integration with other applications as nonfinancial reasons to switch to VoIP | Chapter 1: Introduction to Voice over the Internet Protocol www.it-ebooks.info ... signaling protocol used by most com‐ panies going forward, including Vonage and Skype Even Cisco is transitioning from Skinny to SIP In- depth coverage of SIP can be found in Chapter A sample SIP packet...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 01:21
... protocols are based on IP, thus, requiring an existing IP infrastructure to operate Any error in IP or relating to IP, such as convergence issues with Spanning tree protocol or the routing protocol ... functions Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) signaling protocols perform plays a critical role in designing, building, maintaining, and troubleshooting a Cisco VoIP implementation Each protocol also ... potential reduction in telephony operating costs in the form of reduced toll charges to send IP signaling and audio over existing IP WAN links This can occur in two forms, Toll Bypass and Tail...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:15
... VOICE- OVER PACKETS IN A PACKET NETWORK 15.1 AN OVERVIEW OF THE CONCEPT Digitize the voice and break up the resulting serial bit stream into packets of some length A header is added to each packet, ... terminations Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) SIP is based on RFC 2543 and is an application layer signaling protocol SIP is closely related to IP and familiar HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol) ... standardization Optimized standard packet payload size Packet overhead 15.4 VOIP, INTRODUCTORY TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 15.4.1 VoIP Gateway Gateways are defined in different ways by different...
Ngày tải lên: 16/07/2014, 21:15
Thoại trên mạng VOI IP (voice over IP - VOIP)
... th thoại/dữ liệu tích hợp dùng dịch vụ Internet hay Intranet Công nghệ VoIP có bốn lợi ích chủ yếu: Giảm chi phí Một giá cớc chung thực đợc với mạng Internet tiết kiệm đáng kể cho dịch vụ ... điểm sai sót, thống hệ thống to n có ích Trong tổ chức kinh doanh, quản lý sở SNMP đợc cung cấp cho dịch vụ thoại liệu sử dụng VoIP Việc sử dụng thống giao thức IP cho tất ứng dụng hứa hẹn giảm ... PSTN/VoIP bao gồm gateway môi trờng mạng thoại liệu Quản lý hệ thống, an to n, địa hoá to n phải đợc cung cấp, tốt đợc hợp với hệ thống hỗ trợ hoạt động PSTN (OSS) Cuộc chạy đua tạo sản phẩm VoIP...
Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2012, 10:00
Cisco Press 2000 - Voice over IP Fundamentals
... for packet loss to occur In fact, Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP /IP) was built to utilize packet loss as a means of controlling the flow of packets In TCP /IP, if a packet ... methods include the following: • • • • • Simple business line—This method involves using a line directly from the PSTN as a business line This line is similar to a residential line, however the business ... seeking to understand how to use IP to transport voice, its target audience comprises voice and networking experts In the past, voice and data gurus did not have to know each other's jobs In this...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2012, 11:42
Implementing Voice Over IP
... Supporting VoIP 15 Voice Signal Processing, 15 Low-Bit-Rate Voice Signal Encoding, 16 Voice Signal Framing and Packetization, 16 Packet Voice Transmission, 18 Mechanisms and Protocols, 18 Packet Voice ... but the inter-LATA transmission of a voice signal is o¤ered over an IP network The resulting architecture demands VoIP GWs to convert the TDM-formatted voice signal into IP packets at the ingress ... legacy VoIP protocol Figure 2-7 shows the protocol layers for real-time services like VoIP using the H.323 protocol Other emerging VoIP protocols are IETF’s session initiation protocol (SIP, RFC...
Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2012, 10:04
How to configure LVM
... Source we are going to merge "oracle" and "linux" to get a single VG linux So #vgmaerge -v linux oracle [root@vm4 ~]# vgmerge -v linux oracle Checking for volume group "linux" Checking for volume ... "databases" giving verbose runtime information Step1: we are going to merge "oracle" and "linux" to get a single VG linux Make the source Volume Group inactive In this case source is oracle #vgchange ... groups fit into DestinationVolumeGroupName's limits #vgmerge -v databases my_vg merges the inactive volume group named "my_vg" into the active or inactive volume group named "databases" giving verbose...
Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2012, 10:11
... [VOICE OVER IP] CHƯƠNG I: TỔNG QUAN VỀ VOIP Giới thiệu chung VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) công nghệ cho phép truyền thoại sử dụng giao thức mạng IP, sở hạ tầng sẵn có mạng internet ... giao thức VoIP (VoIP protocols) VoIP cần loại giao thức : Signaling protocol Media Protocol Signaling Protocol điều khiển việc cài đặt gọi Các loại signaling protocols bao gồm: H.323, SIP, MGCP, ... mạng VoIP Các IP phone không cần VoIP Adapter chúng tích hợp sẵn bên để kết nối trực tiếpvới VoIP server Các định nghĩa liên quan đến VOIP • VoIP – Voice over Internet Protocol (còn gọi IP Telephony,...
Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2012, 16:40
Voice over IP Applications and Services
... dial-peer voice voip description "calls to Denver office" destination-pattern 5… session target ipv4: ! dial-peer voice voip description "calls to IP Phones CallMgr." codec g723r63 destination-pattern ... (ACM) Signaling Parameter Type Message Type M Backward Call Indicators O Optional Backward Call Indicators O Call Reference O Cause Indicators O User -to- user Indicators O User -to- user Information ... digital voice interfaces The 3600 series includes the 3620, 3640, and 3660 These routers can have up to 14 LAN interfaces, up to 96 WAN interfaces, up to 24 analog voice interfaces, or up to 12...
Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2013, 05:20
Voice over IP Benefits and Applications
... e-mail integrated into one application; using Web-based customer support; having CTI capability; being able to fax in and out from the desktop (and fax to your e-mail account); and being able to ... operators a great advantage in terms of hiring skilled or unskilled workers, as well as growing and shrinking the number of stations needed at any given point in time In a packet telephony infrastructure, ... moving the voice traffic onto the data infrastructure This causes the voice and data infrastructure to look something similar to Figure 6-13 Figure 6-13 Enterprise Voice and Data Network Replacing...
Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2013, 05:20
Voice over IP Configuration Issues
... following reasons: • • • You can lose Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) tones as they traverse the Internet Protocol (IP) network if you use inappropriate encodings Coding a voice stream—carried over ... is configured on the VoIP dial-peer (which is defined later in this chapter) If no single entity controls the voice and data network, however, it is possible in single- and two-stage dialing to ... the voice gateway to hunt through dial-peers to ensure delivery of a phone call to a valid IP gateway Call failover—Enables an IP call to be routed to a different location if the first IP destination...
Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2013, 05:20
Cisco Press 2000 - Voice over IP Fundamentals - Voice over IP Fundamentals
... seeking to understand how to use IP to transport voice, its target audience comprises voice and networking experts In the past, voice and data gurus did not have to know each other's jobs In this ... (QoS), and how does one ensure good voice quality in a network? In addition to covering these concepts, this book also explains the basics of VoIP so that a network administrator, software engineer, ... capability to break up your voice into small pieces (known as samples) and place them in an IP packet Voice and data networking are complex technologies This book explains how telephony infrastructure...
Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2013, 05:20
Implementing Voice Over IP - Preface
... chapter In addition to presenting some concluding remarks and future research topics, I provide some guidelines for implementing the VoIP service in any operational IP network These include the ... emerging protocols, hardware, and related standards that can be used to implement the VoIP service These include the bandwidth e‰cient voice coding algorithms, advanced packet queueing, routing, ... this information into nine chapters and three appendixes Chapter provides some background and preliminary information on introducing the VoIP service for both residential and enterprise customers...
Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2013, 07:20
9E0-431 (CVOICE) Cisco Voice Over IP Version 3.0
... and RTP voice streams UDP /IP for both skinny signalling and RTP voice streams TCP /IP for skinny signalling and UDP /IP for RTP voice streams TCP /IP for skinny signalling and TCP /IP for RTP voice ... 7/2 auto on yes 5040 120 7/3 auto faulty yes 12600 300 7/4 auto deny yes 0 7/5 off off no 0 A show B show C show D show cam inlinepower | port inline | port inlinepower ... problem? A B C D show show show show voice dsp voice connection voice port summary dial-peer voice summary Answer: A Leading the way in IT testing and certification tools, www.testking.com - 9- 9E0...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 18:15
Voice over IP/Frame Relay Lab Scenarios
... $1$IM1E$54nbR7ceGJQHXdqCBMoTU ! ip subnet-zero no ip domain-lookup ! dial-peer voice 101 voip destination-pattern 1002 ip precedence session target ipv4: ! dial-peer voice 201 pots destination-pattern ... ! interface Serial1 no ip address shutdown ! interface Serial2 no ip address encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay traffic-shaping hold-queue 1024 out ! interface Serial2.1 point -to- point ip ... frame-relay bc 1000 ! ! ! line line aux line vty password Cisco login ! ! voice- port 1/1 ! voice- port 1/2 ! voice- port 1/3 ! voice- port 1/4 ! dial-peer voice 20 vofr destination-pattern session...
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 02:15
Configuring Voice over IP for the Cisco 3600 Series
... devices to support Voice over IP Configuring Voice over IP for the Cisco 3600 Series VC-15 Voice over IP Configuration Task List Voice over IP Configuration Task List To configure Voice over IP on ... NetMeeting Configure Voice over IP to Support Microsoft NetMeeting To configure Voice over IP to support NetMeeting, create a VoIP peer that contains the following information: • • Session Target IP ... use Voice over IP, you must first: • Establish a working IP network For more information about configuring IP, refer to the IP Overview,” “Configuring IP Addressing,” and “Configuring IP Services”...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 09:15
Voice over IP : Protocols and Standards
... Voice over IP (VOIP) uses the Internet Protocol (IP) to transmit voice as packets over an IP network So VOIP can be achieved on any data network that uses IP, like Internet, Intranets and Local ... providing voice over IP http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/~jain/cis788-99/voip_protocols/index.html (17 of 20) [2/7/2000 10:47:54 AM] Voice Over IP : Protocols and Standards MGCP Gateway protocol ... signaling and transport protocols required for delivering voice over IP [Schulzrinne99b] http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/~jain/cis788-99/voip_protocols/index.html (11 of 20) [2/7/2000 10:47:54 AM] Voice...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 16:15
... accusing, admitting, apologizing, challenging, complaining, condoling, congratulating, declining, giving permission, giving way, greeting, leave-taking, mocking, naming, offering, praising, promising, ... meaning in an attempt to create shared understanding This process requires a vest repertoire of skills in intrapersonal and interpersonal processing, listening, observing, speaking, questioning, ... traffic into consideration.” Or, to take a recent example: In a response to the government‘s inept handling of Hurricane Katrina, Hillary Clinton said she apologized but then turned it into a criticism...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:51
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