... corporation’s stock are considered corporate insiders. You can get clues to how a stock will do by looking at whether insid- ers are buying or selling the stock. To find what insiders are doing, log onto ... sheet, shown in Figure 9-1. IT ’ S REALLY FUNDAMENTAL : INTRODUCTION TO FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS 93 10381_Sincere_03.c 7/18/03 10:58 AM Page 93 PART THREE FINDING STOCKS TO BUY AND SELL 10381_Sincere_03.c ... Analysis Learn Everything You Can about the Industry The first thing an investor has to determine when engaging in funda- mental analysis is what industry to look at. If we are in the middle of a recession,...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:20
... underwhelming or overwhelming, it pays to learn how to boast. It is possi- ble to be modest, yet effective. The trick is to avoid speaking solely of your own merits in every line. Instead, link your ... 3 How to Identify and Sell Your Strengths Whatever industry you represent, field you’re in, or expertise you possess, when you’re looking for a job, you’re in sales and marketing. ■ You ’re selling ... skilled work- er,” and “I am trained in using a word processor.” Although these facts may be true, standing alone they require recruiters and employers to do all the work, that is, to interpret what...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 18:20
How to communicate effectively with foreign colleagues in foreign organizations and companies.doc
... barrier to them. Explaining means to clarify something in more details and more simply. Interpreting is to expound or in other words, to repeat the message in other way without changing the meaning ... (by emailing or calling), “watching their reactions,” “talking slowly and moderately, going straight to the point, even with some explanations and background information,” “notifying to them ... and pauses in doubt. People also take advantage of using hands. Waving hands can be either “hello” or “goodbye.” Holding the index and the mid finger upright stands for “victory.” In short,...
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 16:44
How to translate some of the metaphors in Harry potter Books (book 3 and book 7) into Vietnamese
... smoothly the meaning of a written or spoken text into his mother tongue. In addition to conveying the lexical meaning, translation requires the translator to respect other important factors such as ... constituting a band within which the translator works, concerning only reproduction In addition, Bell (1991) and Larson (1984) illustrate translation as a process to achieve the final product in ... đạo: bụng no thì tinh thần tốt, bụng trống không thì sinh cÃi cọ và rầu rĩ 39 39 All in all, translation in some certain meaning in a work of creativity and imagination. Knowing the way is far...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2012, 09:53
The Six-Figure Second Income: How To Start and Grow A Successful Online Business Without Quitting Your Day Job
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getting permission, how to license and clear copyrighted materials online and off 4th (2010)
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Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 18:20
How to design and write web pages today
... in Aristotle’s Rhetoric, the available means for developing something to say, and for supporting what they say. 2 Rhetoric also suggests how to establish the best form to say some- thing in, ... computer company. HOW TO DESIGN AND WRITE WEB PAGES TODAY Karl Stolley Writing Today 10 HOW TO DESIGN AND WRITE WEB PAGES TODAY and other social Web sites allow you to do this through direct ... of indi- vidual pages, including page elements such as branding, text and media content, and navigation. ã “Problems and Solutions” moves to the challenges surround- ing construction and maintenance...
Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 13:55
... responsible for main- taining a register of all doctors licensed to practise medicine in the UK but also for ensuring that doctors are trained to practise and do practise to a high standard. The GMC ... creating more family-friendly training packages, part-time posts and job shares. Each aspiring entrant to medicine must come to terms with the length and the nature of the training, the demands ... science and for the healing art of medicine. 28 Learning medicine They are inspired by curiosity and enriched by sparks of initiative and originality. Lord Moran (Dean of St Mary’s and Winston Churchill’s...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:58
Báo cáo y học: "Users' guides to the medical literature: how to use an article about mortality in a humanitarian emergency"
... for intervention. Can you corroborate these findings from local independent sources? In order to determine whether to apply the study findings to our field setting requires independent information from ... authors use random sampling to determine households or settings sampled? ã Do the investigators succeed in interviewing a large pro- portion of the chosen sample? ã Did the investigators institute ... similar to the context examined in a mortality study requires corrobo- rating evidence, which leads us to our next question to determine if findings can and should be applied to the decision-making...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:31
How to maximize part-time students ’ involvement in English speaking lessons at Hai Phong Foreign Languages Centre
... reluctant to speak in speaking lessons due to many reasons, and one of those is that topics are not interesting to learners. 1.3 Factors making learners reluctant to speak in speaking lessons ... unwilling to speak or affects their involvement in speaking lessons including: subjective factors from the learners themselves such as finding ideas, finding words, poor pronunciation ect and ... record to bear in mind learners who have told the story and who have not.) Stories chosen by learners must be short and easy to understand. Learners can translate Vietnamese funny stories into...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:50
Energy savings due to daylight and artificial lighting integration in office buildings in hot climate
... buildings resulting from daylight and artificial lighting integration in hot climates. A parametric analysis is conducted to find the impact of different window design parameters, including window ... researc h interests includes: - Design, Supervise, Maintain and Operate the following Systems: Architectural Systems (i.e. Walls, Roofs and Windows) and Building lighting system. - Design and Operate ... lighting and the increased cooling energy due to the additional heat gain from artificial lighting. By properly integrating daylight with artificial lighting, the required lighting control and...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10
... writing in blue ink to see if my handwriting is better. Try + to infinitive : coá gaéng làm việc gì. - They tried to work as hard as they could. (*) Mean + gerund : mang yù nghóa. - Failure in ... means having to learn one more year. Mean + to infinitive : dự định làm việc gì. - He means to take the coming exam. (*) Forget + gerund : quên điều gì đã xảy ra. - I forgot telling her this story. Forget ... story. Forget + to infinitive : quên làm điều gì. - I forgot to tell her about this. (*) Regret + gerund : hối tiếc việc đã xảy ra. - She regrets going to a village school. Regret + to infinitive :...
Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2013, 08:10
Tài liệu How to Install and Configure NetWare Enterprise Web Server or Apache Web Server with Tomcat Apache Web Server with Tomcat ppt
... line LogLevel warn and insert the following behind this line: JkLogLevel error Search for the line CustomLog… and insert the following behind this line: JkLogFile sys:/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2/logs/mod_jk.log Search ... Web Server and Apache Web Server for NetWare. Contents: ã Introduction ã Installing Tomcat ã Integrating Tomcat with NetWare Enterprise Web Server ã Installing Apache ã Integrating Tomcat with ... insert the following lines in your AUTOEXEC.NCF file: add secondary ipaddress x.x.x.x search add apache apache Integrating Tomcat with Apache 1. Install Tomcat as mentioned at the beginning of this...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:15
A study on how to improve listening skills part II in toeic test
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A study on how to use some common punctuation marks in writing english
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