mechatronics system design
... University of Hartford, Prof Ridha Ben Mrad of University of Toronto, Prof M.K Ramasubramanian of North Carolina State University, and George Thomas of Lawrence Technological University Special ... Mechatronics System Design • Serviceability: On board diagnostics, prognostics, and modular design • Upgradeability: Future compatibility with current designs • Disposability: Recycling and disposal of ... Speed and Complexity 1.5.6 Interactive Modeling 1.5.7 Right First Time—Virtual Machine Prototyping 1.5.8 Evaluating Trade Off 1.5.9 Embedded Sensors and Actuators 1.5.10 Rapid Prototyping of a Mechatronic...
Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 11:16
... Automatic Control, Princeton University Press, 1973" • Zero departures have opposite sign" First- and SecondOrder Phase Angles " Phase Angle Variations in the Vicinity of Poles" • Results for multiple ... dB/dec slope" • Produces phase lag in vicinity of zero" • Single zero in left half plane" • Introduces a +20 dB/ dec slope" • Produces phase lead in vicinity of zero" 4th-Order Transfer Function ... Second-Order Departures from Amplitude Ratio Asymptotes " Frequency Response AR Departures in the Vicinity of Poles " • Difference between actual amplitude ratio (dB) and asymptote = departure (dB)"...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 19:27
... Γ(α + β + 1) (2n − − σ)an Γ(β + 1) n=2 Γ(α + β + n) and as f ∈ T Q(α, β, σ), using the inequality in Theorem yields ∞ an n=2 Γ(β + 1) Γ(α + β + 2) − σ Γ(α + β + 1) Γ(β + 2) − σ (15) From (8) ... [n(1 + σ) − (σ + γ)]an , Γ(β + 1) n=2 Γ(α + β + n) and as f ∈ T Q(α, β, σ, γ), using the inequality in Theorem yields ∞ an n=2 Γ(β + 1) Γ(α + β + 2) − γ Γ(α + β + 1) Γ(β + 2) + σ − γ From (8) ... Γ(β + n) n(2n − − σ)an , Γ(β + 1) n=2 Γ(α + β + n) and as f ∈ UCVQT (α, β, σ), using the inequality in Theorem yields ∞ an n=2 Γ(β + 1) Γ(α + β + 2) − σ Γ(α + β + 1) Γ(β + 2) 2(3 − σ) From (8)...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 05:20
A new approach to semantic and syntactic functions of English adjectives – A contrastive analysis with their Vietnamese equivalents
... as type1, type 2, type 3, type 4, type 5, type 6, type 7, type 8, and type Contrast to gradable adjectives, non-gradable ones are found as type8, type 10 Stative adjectives as type 1, type2, typr3 ... type 1- dimension, type 2- physical property, type 3- speed, type 4- age, type5- color, type 6- value, type 7- difficult, type8- qualification, type 9- human propensity and type 10- similarity, ... as followings: type1- dimension, type 2- physical propensity, type 4- age, type 6- value, type 7- difficulty, type 8- qualification, type 9- human propensity and type 10similarity The following...
Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2013, 14:46
Exercise4. Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Virtual Functions Function Templates and the Standard Template Library
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 17:15
Convex sets and convex functions taking the infinity value
... D} tvnguyen (University of Science) Convex Optimization / 108 Chapter Convex sets and convex functions taking the infinity value Illustration X X Y Y convex tvnguyen (University of Science) non ... (Here the inequality should be interpreted elementwise.) tvnguyen (University of Science) Convex Optimization / 108 Chapter Convex sets and convex functions taking the infinity value Examples ... ε > tvnguyen (University of Science) Convex Optimization / 108 Chapter Convex sets and convex functions taking the infinity value Convex cone Some of the geometric optimality conditions that we...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 15:20
Using Local Variables and Creating Functions that Return Results
... discernible because it's an empty string of "") Each one of these elements has an associated index value, beginning with For example, channelNames[0] = "" (empty), channelNames[1] = "News", channelNames[2] ... of the script, as our example demonstrates TIP You can use the return action to return any data types, including variable values, arrays, or any other objects Now that you understand that functions...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 15:15
... cos(10 t + 15.02 ) A and the voltage v C (t ) is v C (t ) = 4.21cos(10 t − 40.86 ) V Power utility companies use three-phase circuits for the generation, transmission and distribution of large ... decreased from 10,000 to 100 Ohms, the bandwidth of the frequency response decreases and the quality factor of the circuit increases © 1999 CRC Press LLC Figure 6.14 Frequency Response of an RLC...
Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 03:20
Tài liệu Pro-face HMI Operator Interface and Controller Products pdf
... 25pin D-sub Programming Download / Barcode input TYPE A1 -XY32SKModels TYPE A2 -XY32SCModels TYPE B+ -XY32KFModels TYPE D -DNMModels TYPE B -FLEXModels TYPE C -RSFLModels √ √ √ None None None √ Sink ... 0-10VDC Configurable 2pt RTD PT100 3-wire input Type H1 ADK Models Type H2 ADC Models Type H1 ADPK Models Type H2 ADPC Models Type H1 ADTK Models Type H2 ADTC Models √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Sink √ Source ... GLC-AIOCN01 GLC100-DIOCON01 DIO CONNECTOR FOR TY TYPE H (2/PACK) ANALOG I/O CONNECTOR FOR LT TYPE H (5/PACK) DIO Connector/cover for GLC150 Type A1 and A2 (qty 5) FN-IFCN01 GLC2300-FNCN01 GPL-AXCN01...
Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 06:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "The impact of language models and loss functions on repair disfluency detection" pptx
... disfluency analyses The choice of high probability to disfluency-free utterances and a this model is driven by the observation that the re- lower probability to utterances still containing dispairs ... of words in the repair; this identity is strong evidence of a repair The channel model is designed so that exact copy reparandum words will have high probability Because these repair structures ... each analysis we calculate the probability under that language model for the candidate underlying fluent substring 5.4 Reranker X We use this log probability as a feature in the To improve performance...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 04:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Skip N-grams and Ranking Functions for Predicting Script Events" doc
... all verbs that had an entity as either a subject or object They defined an event as a verb plus a dependency type (either subject or object), and collected for each entity, the chain of events that ... with all the events in the partial chain The work of McIntyre and Lapata followed in this same paradigm, (McIntyre and Lapata, 2009; McIntyre and Lapata, 2010), collecting chains of events by looking ... Jurafsky, 2009; McIntyre and Lapata, 2009; McIntyre and Lapata, 2010), these event chains are identified by running a coreference system and a dependency parser Then for each entity identified by the...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 02:20
Đề tài " Divisibility of anticyclotomic L-functions and theta functions with complex multiplication " pdf
... fixed infinity type (−k, k − 1) Every character λ violating the equality of Theorem 1.1 gives a character λ of infinity type (−1, 0) and conductor dividing dD m p∞ violating the equality, except ... character ϕ of conductor lm and infinity DIVISIBILITY OF ANTICYCLOTOMIC L-FUNCTIONS 795 type (k − 1, 0) Set σ = ϕ/ϕ ◦ c, which gives a character of conductor m and infinity type (k −1, 1−k) After twisting ... dDp∞ , infinity type (−1, 0), and global root number W (λ) = +1, (2) v (Ω−1 D1/4 L(0, λ)) = ∞ µ (λq ) + b (λ , w(λ)) q= inert in K Moreover, for all anticyclotomic characters λ of infinity type as...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:21
Báo cáo khoa học: Identification and characterization of oxidized human serum albumin A slight structural change impairs its ligand-binding and antioxidant functions pptx
... susceptibility, there is a possibility that the binding properties of reduced and oxidized HSA may also be different Therefore, we investigated the relative binding properties of these two types of ... difference in the susceptibility of the two types of HSA to tryptic proteolysis As shown in Fig 3, highly Scysteinylated oxidized HSA showed increased susceptibility to tryptic proteolysis Consistent ... at 37 °C to promote aerobic oxidation, we observed gradual increase in the intensity of peak d, while the intensity of peak c was reciprocally decreased Thus, we regarded peak d as oxidized HSA...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 13:20
Related Variety, Unrelated Variety and Regional Functions: A spatial panel approach potx
... diversity, they distinguish between related and unrelated variety Whereas the concept of unrelated variety is likely to capture a portfolio-effect and allows insights into the vulnerability of ... reflect economic relations Related variety, unrelated variety and regional functions – Calculation of the variety indices To identify effects of functional proximity (or distance) on regional employment ... of related and unrelated variety and test our hypothesis by the help of spatial panel approach Our findings suggest that related variety as same as unrelated variety facilitate regional employment...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 10:20
City of Houston Parade and Street Functions potx
... begins on Citywest Boulevard at Westheimer Road, proceeds north on Citywest Boulevard, east on City Way, u-turns at Texas Beltway Feeder Road, continues west on City Way, north on Citywest Boulevard, ... proceeds east on Briar Forest Drive (south side; eastbound lanes only), south on Citywest Boulevard and concludes on Citywest Boulevard at Westheimer Road Closures from 6:00 a.m to 11:00 a.m ***Austin ... MacGregor Way and Calhoun Road and various closures throughout the University of Houston campus as approved by the University of Houston Closures from 5:00 a.m to 1:00 p.m ***Run begins on Pressler...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Simultaneous English-Japanese Spoken Language Translation Based on Incremental Dependency Parsing and Transfer" pot
... of both simultaneity and quality To evaluate the translation quality of our system, each translation result of our system was assigned one of four ranks for translation quality by a human translator: ... due to the high flexibility of word order in Japanese Moreover, in spoken language machine translation, the high degree of incrementality is preferred to that of quality Therefore, our study positively ... implemented a prototype system and conducted an experiment with 578 sentences in the ATIS corpus We evaluated the translation results of our system in terms of quality and simultaneity, confirming...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 18:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Comparison of Head Transducers and Transfer for a Limited Domain Translation Application" pptx
... additional target positions increases the flexibility of transducers in the translation application without an adverse effect on computational complexity• On the other hand, we restrict the source ... one model over another were achieved through an increase in model complexity We looked at three measures of model complexity for the two systems, with the results shown in Table The first was the ... difficult There is also an inherent difficulty in evaluating the translation task: a single source utterance has many valid translations and the validity of translations is a matter of degree Despite...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 03:21
Chapter 15 Polymorphism and Virtual Functions doc
... Upcasting is OK ♦ From descendant type to ancestor type Copyright © 2006 Pearson Addison- 15-33 Downcasting ♦ Downcasting dangerous! ♦ Casting from ancestor type to descended type ♦ Assumes information ... Copyright © 2006 Pearson Addison- 15-23 Extended Type Compatibility ♦ Given: Derived is derived class of Base ♦ Derived objects can be assigned to objects of type Base ♦ But NOT the other way! ♦ Consider ... Abstract classes and pure virtual functions ♦ Pointers and Virtual Functions ♦ Extended type compatibility ♦ Downcasting and upcasting ♦ C++ "under the hood" with virtual functions Copyright ©...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 16:23