history of crossing the rubicon

a history of thermodynamics the doctrine of energy and entropy

a history of thermodynamics the doctrine of energy and entropy

... a gas on the wall of the container by the change of momentum of the molecules during their incessant bombardment of the wall. Bernoulli also related the temperature to the square of the (mean) ... was the dilemma of the atomic hypothesis which delayed its acceptance among physicists: The whole idea had too much of a hypothetical flavour; neither the masses of the atoms were known, nor their ... Müller A History of Thermodynamics The Doctrine of Energy and Entropy ABC 60 3 Entropy Clausius’s derivation of the internal energy and the calculation of the Carnot function When a body absorbs the...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 16:42

335 830 0


... the whole of the then A HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE ON THE COMPARATIVE METHOD. GENERAL INTRODUCTION. "Deal worthily with the History of Architecture and it is worthy to take its place with the History of ... in many of the great basilicas, in which the semicircular arches spring directly from their capitals. As the Romans con- quered the whole of the then known world, that is to say, most of what ... largely by inventive genius led, in the latter part of the twelfth century, to the introduction of the pointed arch. The pointed arch is the keynote of what is known as the Gothic or pointed style, which prevailed throughout...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 16:20

418 149 0
Muller A History of Thermodynamics The Doctrine of Energy and Entropy phần 10 pot

Muller A History of Thermodynamics The Doctrine of Energy and Entropy phần 10 pot

... rest: The heating consists of the non-convective part of the energy flux and the internal energy is the non-convective part of the energy. The power, or working of the force dG has no place in the ... in the stomach. By inserting foodstuffs into the small intestine he showed that the major part of the digestion takes place there, under the influence of the secretions of the pancreas, the ... from the CO 2 of the air and from H 2 O of the soil and the release of oxygen. We rewrite the stoichiometric formula from before, except in reverse order as is appropriate for the synthesis of...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 16:21

36 366 0
Muller A History of Thermodynamics The Doctrine of Energy and Entropy phần 9 pdf

Muller A History of Thermodynamics The Doctrine of Energy and Entropy phần 9 pdf

... from the observation of the wavy line of the proper motion of the bright star Sirius. Therefore, ironically, the first white dwarf entered the literature as the dark companion of Sirius, also astronomer ... calculation. Therefore they serve as prototypes for the treatment of defensive of Onsager when challenged, probably because of the pre- perature in air cannot be seen. And yet they are there, and they ... the density of the stars is so great that the de Broglie wave lengths of the free electrons overlap. In the beginning of this book I have given much space to the idiosyncrasies of the early...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 16:21

34 468 0
Muller A History of Thermodynamics The Doctrine of Energy and Entropy phần 8 ppsx

Muller A History of Thermodynamics The Doctrine of Energy and Entropy phần 8 ppsx

... cylinders and the gas and put them on a carousel with the axis of rotation coinciding with the axes of the cylinders. Then the paths of the atoms are curved by the Coriolis force so that there is ... about the nature of heat, or whether heat is the weightless caloric or a form of motion. Fourier says: One can only form hypotheses on the inner nature of heat, but the knowledge of the mathematical ... and focus the attention on a small volume element of the dimension of the mean free path of the atoms. There is a radial temperature gradient, see Fig. 8.4. The atoms at the bottom of the element...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 16:21

30 368 0
Muller A History of Thermodynamics The Doctrine of Energy and Entropy phần 7 ppt

Muller A History of Thermodynamics The Doctrine of Energy and Entropy phần 7 ppt

... that the thermal motion of the particles of the wall of the cavity cannot provide them. Therefore high frequency oscillators are inactive, i.e. they remain at rest, – at least that was the ... the higher the surplus and the quicker the electron moves. On the other hand, if the light quantum – for low frequency– carries less than the binding energy of the electron to the metal, there ... determined by the mass of the star. So, Eddington was able to transfer much of the mathematics from the earlier researches to 52 A.S. Eddington: The Internal Constitution of the Stars.” Cambridge,...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 16:21

36 466 0
Muller A History of Thermodynamics The Doctrine of Energy and Entropy phần 6 ppt

Muller A History of Thermodynamics The Doctrine of Energy and Entropy phần 6 ppt

... an office job; he became the last inspector of the Luftwaffe in the war and then the first inspector of the after-war Luftwaffe in 1956. 43 P.D. Straffin: “Game Theory and Strategy.” New Mathematical ... realization of this distribution is given by {N xc }, the number of atoms sitting in the individual cells (x,c) in dxdc. Thus by the rules of combi- natorics the number of realizations of the distribution ... placed at one end. The tube was then sealed and gentle heating liberated the gas chlorine which mixed with the air of the tube and, of course, raised the pressure. The other end was put into...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 16:21

34 423 0
History of the periodic table

History of the periodic table

... ong theo th t tng dn v trng lng nguyên t. Khi cái ng ong c a ra thì 16 n v khi lng có th ln lt c vit lên, nhng nguyên t liên quan cht ch vi nhau c vit theo ... biu rng bt c nguyên tã cho nào cng s th hin tính tng t v tính cht vi 8 nguyên t theo sau nó trong bng HTTH hóa hc. Ai là cha  ca bng HTTH? ã có nhiu ý kin không tán thành ... loi các nguyên t. Bn tho này ã  cp n khong mt na các nguyên tã bit c sp sp theo trng lng nguyên t và trình bày nhng thay i tun hoàn v hóa tr nh là mt hàm s ca...

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 09:18

4 613 0


... bc, while others moved more quickly up the main waterways until, at about 1000 bc, they reached the eastern edge of the equatorial forest in the broad area of the great East African lakes. There they ... of the economy at Birimi, a settlement close to the northern edge of the West African forest in modern Ghana. This was an outlier of the Kintampo culture whose other sites, further south in the ... eight million years ago with the separation of the hominins (ancestral to human beings) from their closest animal relatives, the ancestors of the chimpanzees. The skull of the first known hominin,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:39

386 1,2K 4
Báo cáo y học: "The Natural History of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Infection"

Báo cáo y học: "The Natural History of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Infection"

... response to the HCV.[28, 29] The competency of the immune response plays a significant role in the development of chronic hepatitis C, as well as the progression of liver fibrosis. The rates of chronic ... during the past decade, the worldwide reservoir of chronically infected persons is estimated at 170 million, or 3% of the global population. There is much controversy surrounding the natural history ... Progression of Liver Fibrosis In the setting of persistent hepatitis C viremia, the rate of progression of liver fibrosis varies widely. There have been extensive studies focusing on the natural...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 09:56

6 531 0
The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus

The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus

... spirits tell me they can dry the sea, And fetch the treasure of all foreign wrecks, Ay, all the wealth that our forefathers hid Within the massy entrails of the earth: Then tell me, Faustus, what ... spargo, The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus Enter CHORUS. CHORUS. Not marching now in fields of Thrasymene, Where Mars did mate[1] the Carthaginians; Nor sporting in the dalliance of love, ... Shadowing more beauty in their airy brows Than have the[ 38] white breasts of the queen of love: From[39] Venice shall they drag huge argosies, And from America the golden fleece That yearly...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 14:13

11 369 0