... numbers of HIV-positive individuals being enrolled onto HAART and increasing survival among these patients, there is a growing need to understand the impact of HAART use on the quality of lives of ... individuals [4-8] There is a sizeable body of research on the impact of HAART on health- related quality of life (HRQoL) in the developed world Most recent cohort studies in the USA and Europe have ... Africa, there is an ongoing debate about whether or not the side-effect profile of HAART may adversely affect the HRQoL of HIVpositive individuals More data about the impact of HAART and HAARTrelated...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20
... as: Tjakkes et al., TMD pain: the effect on health related quality of life and the influence of pain duration Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2010, 8:46 Page of ... individual's perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value system of which they live with the relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns." This concept ... used to their pain and symptoms and incorporate them as a part of their life, thereby leaving their mental health less affected The first group did score significantly higher ("better") on the scale...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 16:20
Báo cáo khoa hoc:" Influence of an outpatient multidisciplinary pain management program on the health-related quality of life and the physical fitness of chronic pain patients" pps
... months after the beginning of the study in the performance of the step test (p = 0.028 fup2 vs pre) and of the arm holding Page of 10 (page number not for citation purposes) Journal of Negative ... examples of the eight health categories of SF-36 Two examples of the eight health categories of SF-36 Values of two prototype patients at beginning (pre) and end (post), as well as (fup1), (fup2), and ... which is summarized as health- related quality of life (HRQL) [19], are commonly reported Quality of life is a highly subjective item and, as indicated by the considerable number of existing methods,...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 08:20
báo cáo hóa học: " Primary Sjögren''''s Syndrome: health experiences and predictors of health quality among patients in the United States" potx
... 37% of patients compared to 12% of controls In order to assess the impact of gender and disability, and due to the small samples of men and work disabled in the PhysR patient group, the PhysR and ... Fatigue and pain, but not dryness, were correlated with both quality of life and psychological distress[7] There is limited and inconsistent data regarding the impact of sicca symptoms on health quality ... corneal scarring and tooth loss Improved understanding of the neurobiology of pain and fatigue, as well as greater appreciation of the pervasive effects and reduced quality of life experienced...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 18:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Combined life satisfaction of persons with stroke and their caregivers: associations with caregiver burden and the impact of stroke" potx
... Combined life satisfaction and the impact of stroke The results of the impact of stroke in everyday life and the association with the dyads combined life satisfaction are presented in Table These ... life satisfaction of the dyads, the perceived level of impact of the stroke in everyday life for the persons with stroke and the perceived level of burden of care for the caregiver Life Satisfaction ... contributed to the design of the study, data analysis and to the revision of the manuscript KT was responsible for initiating and planning the study, contributed to the design of the study and was instrumental...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20
Ensuring Financial Stability: Financial Structure and the Impact of Monetary Policy on Asset Prices
... zero even at the 95% level in Canada, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK and the US Moreover, while in some countries, (including Finland, the UK and the US) residential ... also for these countries the existence of cointegration could not be rejected We therefore specify the VAR models in the level of the variables Nevertheless, we neither impose the number of cointegrating ... to offset the macro economic effects of the collapse of the bubble).2 Of course, it is by no means clear that central banks are better able to judge the appropriate level of asset prices and the...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 09:40
Tài liệu Central Bank Announcements of Asset Purchases and the Impact on Global Financial and Commodity Markets docx
... Understanding the surprise component of these announcements is important in order to understand how much of their effect on the day of the announcement was already priced in In the case of the U.S ... in the case of Federal Reserve announcements, with the effect on the S&P 500 significant at 5percent, and in four of six markets in the case of Bank of England announcements, though none of these ... identify “news” about their recent programs of asset purchases We concentrate on the programs of the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England These central banks both rapidly brought their policy rates...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 03:20
Tài liệu Investigating the Role of Poultry in Livelihoods and the Impact of Avian Flu on Livelihoods Outcomes in Africa docx
... one of these studies collected data on the number of poultry kept by the sampled households in the study year and, in the case of Kenya, Nigeria, and Ghana, on the number of poultry sold and the ... income and wealth According to this method of matching, the two groups—which include the treatment group of households representing the result of the HPAI-induced supply -and- demand shocks and the ... and supply shocks (all other scenarios), as well as the impact of the supply shocks on poultry keepers of different scales The duration of the livelihoods impacts of these shocks are assumed...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 01:20
Health and Work of the Elderly: Subjective Health Measures, Reporting Errors and the Endogenous Relationship between Health and Work doc
... introduce the latent variables representing the true value of general health, H* , and the true value of work W G W related health, H* Rather then one measure for each type of health, H* and H* ... on the history of health related decisions (the vector Z of section 3) We therefore have to assume that • encompasses elements of the initial stock of health and decisions made in the course of ... from the right hand side of the equation If this is the case, the effect of S from (3) will include both the causal effect from labour market status on work-related health and the effect of reporting...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:20
Operation of the Air Pollution Index (API), the Air Quality Index (AQI) and the Air Quality Advisory pdf
... calculation of each of the sub-index values, the highest of these is taken as the Air Quality Index One of the AQI sub-index values may be the API sub-index If the API sub-index is the highest of the ... pollution on the environment, and a Health Statement regarding the general impacts of air pollution on health 5.0 Method and Frequency of API and AQI Reports to the Public 5.1 API The API will ... human sickness and mortality Air Pollution Alert System: A system which warns of deteriorating air quality 3.0 Purpose of the API and AQI 3.1 Purpose of the API The API is the basis of an Air Pollution...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20
Anatomy of a Health Scare: Education, Income and the MMR Controversy in the UK doc
... in the house or through work), frequency of contact with the grandmother, the mother’s perception of the quality of the neighborhood, whether the mother worked in the NHS before the birth of the ... over-report their uptake 25 The variables measuring the frequency of contact with the grandmother and the mother’s perception of the quality of the area are presented here in binary form; in the regressions ... the mother, the number of siblings of the cohort member at the time of birth, whether the child has been in private childcare, and whether or not the household had an internet connection (either...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 14:20
the allure of machinic life cybernetics artificial life and the new ai sep 2008
... experience of systems of medium complexity; either they have been like the watch and the pendulum, and we have found their properties few and trivial, or they have been like the dog and the human ... Morowitz’s The Emergence of Everything, which sketches in twenty-eight instances of emergence the origin of the physical universe, the origin of life, and the origin of human mind.44 Yet none of these ... biology—as the most contemporary form of the science of life and the history of technical objects And I have begun to suggest that a new, nonstandard theory of computation provides the conceptual...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 13:52
báo cáo hóa học: " Factor structure and internal consistency of the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and the Subjective Vitality Scale (VS), and the relationship between them: a study from France" potx
... population of France MSY was the main investigator and analysed the data and wrote the first draft AI and CR contributed to the study design and the analysis AM contributed to the analysis and wrote the ... available, including the GHQ-30, the GHQ-28, the GHQ-20 and the GHQ-12 The shortest version of the questionnaire (GHQ-12) has been extensively validated and used in a number of countries and in different ... coefficient and was found to be 0.83, well above the threshold for a satisfactory value Relationship between the GHQ-12 and the VS The correlation between the GHQ-12 and the VS scores was investigated and...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo y học: " Divergence of exonic splicing elements after gene duplication and the impact on gene structures" pot
... position of the alignment Assuming that there are totally n1 and n2 ESE elements observed in two paralogous exons and b of them are observed at the same position of the alignment, we regard these ... in the exon and six bases in the intron The 3' splice site includes 20 bases in the intron and bases in the exon In this study, we use the list of ESEs and ESSs that was compiled for humans and ... Ks as the proxy of duplication age and the same result is observed (Additional data file 2) The above analysis is based on all the exons in each group of exons together To explore further the underlying...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:20
báo cáo khoa học: " A review of co-morbidity between infectious and chronic disease in Sub Saharan Africa: TB and Diabetes Mellitus, HIV and Metabolic Syndrome, and the impact of globalization" pot
... syndrome (MS) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) We also address the potential public health importance of these relationships within SSA and describe the possible impact of globalization upon these associations ... gain a better awareness of the effect of ethnicity upon the strength of the RR of individuals with DM for contracting TB further investigation is needed Estimates of the population attributable ... illustrate the potential importance of this relationship PAR is dependent upon the prevalence of the risk factor (diabetes) and the strength of its relationship to the outcome (TB) and provides,...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 14:21
lee, mucklow and ready-spreads, depths, and the impact of earnings information - an intraday analysis
... statistics and the research design controls for the composition of firms and the time of day of the announcements The univariate approach provides an intraday profile of the variables of interest ... unchanged when we standardize the quoted spreads and depths by the beginning of the year price and the average daily volume rather than their respective averages 21 The accuracy of the DJNS time stamp ... decreases after the announcement However, these studies exclude the day before and the day of the announcement, because of concerns over the accuracy of the announcement date.15 Yet these are the periods...
Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2014, 18:45
the reputation of underwriters, the bonding hypothesis, and the impact on the information environment of u.s cross-listed firms
... relevant for the second-stage regression In this model I use the “Log of age” as an instrument The age of the firm (number of years between the foundation of the firm and the year of the offering) ... (owners of more than 5% of the firm’s capital), and total percentage of blockholder ownership – were hand-collected from 20-Fs 22 and proxy statements as of the end of the first fiscal year after the ... respectively The total number of underwriters conducting all equity offerings is 272 Figure shows the number of underwriters and the percentage of them in the top CM rank The number of underwriters...
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2014, 00:47
Singapores role in indonesias confrontation of malaysia and the impact of confrontation on singapore indonesia relations 2
... terms, there were, simultaneously, other strategic interests being pursued by both the Singaporeans and Indonesians under the cover of the moral argument This two-pronged pursuit of moral ideals and ... Singapore-Indonesia relations in the years 1965 to 1973 in the form of enduring lessons learnt about the other from the experience of the Confrontation years ii List of Abbreviations ABRI: Angkatan ... strategic interests was played out in the political, military, economic and diplomatic fronts of Confrontation, which also reflects the move towards the closure of the conflict In addition, Singapore’s...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 18:50
Singapores role in indonesias confrontation of malaysia and the impact of confrontation on singapore indonesia relations 3
... by the objectives and ambitions of the Malayan, Indonesian and Singaporean leadership One such pitfall was the pressing concerns of the Indonesians on the question of whether the people of the ... territories of ‗Nusantara‘ or pre-historical Indonesia, which consisted of the eight groups of islands of the Malay peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo, Java, the Southeastern Islands, the islands of Sulawesi, the ... on the re-organisation of the International Relations of Southeast Asia This is presented through the explanation of why Malaysia fell apart with the secession of Singapore and the impact of...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 18:50
Singapores role in indonesias confrontation of malaysia and the impact of confrontation on singapore indonesia relations 1
... political and military fronts of Confrontation, 1963-1965: Creating a new Southeast Asia 135 5.1 The systemic imperatives of the political theatre of Confrontation 140 5.2 The avoidance of war on the ... Malaysia plan and the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) 60 Conclusions 68 Chapter 3: The proximate “causes” of Confrontation, 1962-1963: On the concept of Malaysia 72 3.1 The question of the North ... revolution, and the search for a post-colonial identity 45 2.3 Singapore and Confrontation as the continuation of the confrontation over West Irian 51 2.4 The fear of communism, the Tunku’s Greater...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 18:54