health behavior and dental care of diabetics

Disability status, partner behavior, and the risk of sexual intimate partner violence in Uganda: An analysis of the demographic and health survey data

Disability status, partner behavior, and the risk of sexual intimate partner violence in Uganda: An analysis of the demographic and health survey data

... 22:1872 Canada and Nepal [5, 35] Predictors of sexual IPV among women in general in Uganda and elsewhere, include alcohol and substance abuse, and controlling behaviors which are a form of IPV [31, ... “Pentecostal and others” and the rest of the smaller groups were merged with Muslims to form the category “Muslims and others” because of similarities in beliefs and practices The richer and richest ... five categories: “not working and domestic work”, “professional or formal work”, “sales and services”, and “agriculture and manual work” Merging and generation of new categories for occupation

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2022, 03:36

11 4 0
informing a culturally appropriate approach to oral health and dental care for pre school refugee children a community participatory study

informing a culturally appropriate approach to oral health and dental care for pre school refugee children a community participatory study

... understanding of these barriers and of refugee families’ perceptions of oral health in their children The fundamental premise of this research was that in order to improve the dental health care of ... political ecosystem of health literacies Health Promot Int 2012, 27(1):1–4 26 Johnson MO: The shifting landscape of health care: toward a model of health care empowerment Am J Public Health 2011, 101(2):265–270 ... traditional feeding practices and poverty; and a consequent lack of understanding of the importance of early oral health and early dental caries, (ii) the burden of resettlement including prioritising,

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2022, 11:39

11 10 0
Health beliefs and (timely) use of facility-based care for under-five children: lessons from the qualitative component of Nigeria’s 2019 VASA

Health beliefs and (timely) use of facility-based care for under-five children: lessons from the qualitative component of Nigeria’s 2019 VASA

... affordability, and access to and perceived quality of care in health facilities, caregivers often choose one or a combination of traditional medicines, care from medicine vendors, and faith healing ... health education needs of different parts of the country, with a focus on the communities with the highest numbers of under-five deaths Explaining health beliefs and? ?healthcare behavior The health ... social, behavioral, and health systems contributors to child deaths, help program managers and policymakers identify strategies for increasing healthpromoting behavior and access to and use of healthcare

Ngày tải lên: 29/11/2022, 10:55

13 9 0
Health beliefs and (timely) use of facility-based care for under-five children: Lessons from the qualitative component of Nigeria’s 2019 VASA

Health beliefs and (timely) use of facility-based care for under-five children: Lessons from the qualitative component of Nigeria’s 2019 VASA

... affordability, and access to and perceived quality of care in health facilities, caregivers often choose one or a combination of traditional medicines, care from medicine vendors, and faith healing ... health education needs of different parts of the country, with a focus on the communities with the highest numbers of under-five deaths Explaining health beliefs and? ?healthcare behavior The health ... social, behavioral, and health systems contributors to child deaths, help program managers and policymakers identify strategies for increasing healthpromoting behavior and access to and use of healthcare

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2022, 06:33

13 5 0
health impact and economy cost of air pollution in Skopje

health impact and economy cost of air pollution in Skopje

... for the city of Skopje the current health burdens and mitigation benefits of pollution on the local population in terms of hospital admissions and premature mortality, and in terms of their associated ... Statistical Office of Macedonia Statistical Review: Population and Social Statistics; State Statistical Office of Macedonia: Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2016 State Statistical Office of Macedonia ... International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Article Health Impacts and Economic Costs of Air Pollution in the Metropolitan Area of Skopje Gerardo Sanchez Martinez

Ngày tải lên: 14/06/2018, 20:56

11 3 0
Summary of the thesis for the degree of doctor of public health: Situation and associated factors of toxocara canis infection in mo duc district, quang ngai province in 2016, and

Summary of the thesis for the degree of doctor of public health: Situation and associated factors of toxocara canis infection in mo duc district, quang ngai province in 2016, and

... 1 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING MINISTRY OF HEALTH NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HYGIENE AND EPIDEMIOLOGY BUI VAN TUAN SITUATION AND ASSOCIATED FACTORS OF TOXOCARA CANIS INFECTION ... raising of dogs and cats, less frequent or no deworming of dogs and cats, carrying cats and dogs, eating raw vegetable, playing with soil, and no handwashing after playing with soil 1.3 Control of ... NGAI PROVINCE IN 2016, AND EFFECTIVEENSS OF INTERVENTION MEASURES Major: Public Health Major code: 62 72 03 01 SUMMARY OF THE THESIS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH Ha Noi - 2018 THIS

Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2020, 10:02

27 65 0
Parents’ perception of child and adolescent mental health problems and their choice of treatment option in southwest Ethiopia

Parents’ perception of child and adolescent mental health problems and their choice of treatment option in southwest Ethiopia

... plans to implement as part of a larger scale-up of mental health services, emphasizes the role of parents and/ or care- givers in the management of childhood developmental and behavioral disorders [27] ... Psychiatry Ment Health (2015) 9:40 Page of 11 Table 2  Understanding and? ?perception of? ?parents about children’s behavioral, emotional and? ?cognitive manifestations as a mental health problems ... list of author information is available at the end of the article their mental health problems [1] For children and adolescents, where there is limited access for health services and mental health

Ngày tải lên: 14/01/2020, 20:22

11 32 0
Ebook Neurotrauma and critical care of the brain (2/E): Part 1

Ebook Neurotrauma and critical care of the brain (2/E): Part 1

... Neurotrauma and Critical Care of the Brain Second Edition Jack Jallo, MD, PhD Professor and Vice Chair for Academic Services Director, Division of Neurotrauma and Critical Care Department of Neurological ... nervous function, and (4) the restoration of anatomic Fig 15.1 Evolution of neurosurgical approach to wartime penetrating brain injury Jallo and Loftus, Neurotrauma and Critical Care of the Brain, ... decompression, and hemostasis are all challenging in this area The incision should allow exposure above and below the transverse-sigmoid sinus and allow Jallo and Loftus, Neurotrauma and Critical Care of

Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2020, 19:59

216 111 0
Ebook Neurotrauma and critical care of the brain (2/E): Part 2

Ebook Neurotrauma and critical care of the brain (2/E): Part 2

... risk of infectious complications with surgery within 72 hours regardless of the level of contamination at the time of surgery.107,111,118 A metaanalysis of randomized clinical trials and 17 nonrandomized ... present-value medical spending, $72 of work loss, and quality of life valued at $473 What uncosted outcomes will result? Jallo and Loftus, Neurotrauma and Critical Care of the Brain, 2nd Ed (ISBN 978-1-62623-336-2), ... pyelonephritis 341 Q quality of care and CPG compliance 142, 143 quality of life, TBI impact on 363 Quality of Well-Being (QWB) scale 373 quality -of- life costs of TBI 398, 398 R race and ethnicity 372 Rancho

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2020, 08:54

218 37 0
health champions and their circles of influence as a communication mechanism for health promotion

health champions and their circles of influence as a communication mechanism for health promotion

... with the knowledge and understanding of the principles of promoting health and well-being and to develop the public health skills to support lifestyle changes • Emotional Health and Resilience: ... inequalities within the Sunderland area, (NHS South of Tyne and Wear and Sunderland City Council, 2011), and a commitment and vision articulated in the NHS Sunderland Teaching Primary Care Trust Integrated ... intervention.’Social Science and Medicine 39(11): 1565-1578 Sunderland Data Annex–NHS South of Tyne and Wear and Sunderland City Council (2011) Chapter 4: Life Expectancy And Mortality And Ill Health From All

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2022, 11:34

19 0 0
impact initiated behavior and reaction mechanism of w zr composites with shpb setup

impact initiated behavior and reaction mechanism of w zr composites with shpb setup

... View Table of Contents: Published by the American Institute of Physics AIP ADVANCES 6, 115205 (2016) Impact-initiated behavior and reaction mechanism of W/Zr ... loading and is rapidly crushed into smaller particles and pieces, with a large amount of sparks produced (Fig 2(b) and Fig 2(c)) Along with fragment ejection, micron-sized particle mixtures drift and ... Liu, and Ning AIP Advances 6, 115205 (2016) FIG Selected frames from a high-speed imaging sequence of ignition and propagation following a SHPB test at 23.53 m/s A record rate of 30000 frames/s and

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2022, 14:51

10 3 0
Effect of extraction temperature on rheological behavior and antioxidant capacity of flaxseed gum

Effect of extraction temperature on rheological behavior and antioxidant capacity of flaxseed gum

... risk of diabetes and coronary heart diseases, decrease in the cholesterol and sugar absorption into the blood, decrease in the incidence of obesity, prevention of colorectal cancer, and other health ... injected at bar Retention times of standards were used to determine and quantify the sugar composition of each of the samples Golden flaxseeds were produced in South of Brazil and kindly provided by CISBRA ... linkages of the xylose residues are quite similar for the higher temperatures of extraction (40 °C and 60 °C), presenting a linear backbone of 1,4-linked xylose, with 22% of unsubstituted residues and

Ngày tải lên: 07/01/2023, 21:21

11 3 0


... dual commitments of contingent workers: An examination of contingents' commitment to the agency and the organization Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, ... (1986) Organizational commitment and psychological attachment: The effects of compliance, identification, and internalization on prosocial behavior Journal of Applied Psychology, 71, 492–499 ... duyệt đăng: 21/06/2022 Title: The impact of green human resource management on employee environmental behavior and environmental performance of hotels in Can Tho City Từ khóa: Hành vi

Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2024, 16:25

11 1 0
Sexually transmitted infections related care-seeking behavior and associated factors among reproductive age women in East Africa: A multilevel analysis of demographic and health

Sexually transmitted infections related care-seeking behavior and associated factors among reproductive age women in East Africa: A multilevel analysis of demographic and health

... pooled prevalence of sexually transmitted infections related care- seeking behavior, and associated factors among reproductive-age women in East Africa using the recent Demographic and Health Survey ... Demographic and Health Survey of East African countries from 2008/09 to 2018/2019 A total weighted sample of 12,004 reproductive-age women who reported sexually transmitted infections or symptoms of sexually ... 22:1714 Shewarega et al BMC Public Health Open Access RESEARCH Sexually transmitted infections related care? ??seeking behavior and? ?associated factors among reproductive

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2022, 04:02

11 4 0
Báo cáo y học: "Lifetime health effects and medical costs of integrated stroke services - a non-randomized controlled cluster-trial based life table approach"

Báo cáo y học: "Lifetime health effects and medical costs of integrated stroke services - a non-randomized controlled cluster-trial based life table approach"

... between health effects and costs as lower health care consumption and better health are associated Discounting both costs and health effects at a 3% rate lead to slightly lower ICERs of € 15,510 and ... Reimer W: Costs of stroke and stroke services: Determinants of patient costs and a comparison of costs of regular care and care organised in stroke services Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation ... home-based and ambulatory health care cost (through professional support and increased revalidation efforts) It might be that the service set-up leads to additional cost of informal care and patients...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:35

10 569 0
Tài liệu Nutrition and Nutritional Care of Elderly People in Finnish Nursing Homes and Hospitals pptx

Tài liệu Nutrition and Nutritional Care of Elderly People in Finnish Nursing Homes and Hospitals pptx

... Department of Applied Chemistry and Microbiology (Nutrition) University of Helsinki, Finland Department of General Practice and Primary Health Care University of Helsinki, Finland Nutrition and Nutritional ... Professor Kaisu Pitkälä Department of General Practice and Primary Health Care University of Helsinki Finland Reviewed by Professor (emeritus) Antti Aro National Public Health Institute Finland ... future randomised trials and for development of nutritional care practices in elderly care 6.2 MALNUTRITION AND NUTRITIONAL CARE Nutritional status and associated factors of elderly residents and...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 18:20

76 579 1


... the Health, Safety, and Well-Being of Our People ADVANCING THE HEALTH, SAFETY, AND WELL-BEING OF OUR PEOPLE The Department of Health and Human Services enhances the health and well-being of Americans ... Research and Quality AGENCY FOR HEALTHCARE RESEARCH AND QUALITY The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is charged with improving the quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care ... American Indians and Alaska Natives with preventive health care and direct medical care, and contracts with hospitals and health care providers outside the IHS system to purchase care it cannot...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 13:20

114 392 0
Respect and reciprocity: Care of elderly people in rural Ghana pot

Respect and reciprocity: Care of elderly people in rural Ghana pot

... educating and training them, and so forth Healthy people take care of sick ones and young people of old ones Technically, care has a complementary character, one person completes another one Care ... also regards care as one of the central activities of human life (Tronto 1993) She distinguishes four, interconnected phases of care: caring about, taking care, care- giving and care- receiving, ... understand him correctly, he argues that the act of caring for oneself and for others and the attitude of ‘carefulness’ typifies being a ‘human being’; to care is the essence, the structure of being...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 18:20

31 572 0
HEALTH BEHAVIOR AND HEALTH EDUCATION: Theory, Research, and Practice pdf

HEALTH BEHAVIOR AND HEALTH EDUCATION: Theory, Research, and Practice pdf

... EDUCATION AND HEALTH BEHAVIOR: THE FOUNDATIONS ONE: THE SCOPE OF HEALTH BEHAVIOR AND HEALTH EDUCATION The Editors Key Points The Changing Context of Health Behavior Health Education and Health Behavior ... professor and dean of the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota Edwin B Fisher is professor and chair of the Department of Health Behavior and Health Education at the School of ... definitions of health education, health behavior, and health promotion Discuss the diverse settings and audiences for health education Highlight progress and challenges in health behavior and health...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 20:20

590 9,6K 1


... accuracy of their current projections of health care costs, CMS would like to be able to rely on more accurate estimates of future health care needs and expenditures Estimates of future health ... total Medicare reimbursement and total healthcare reimbursement as the dependent variables, and health status measures, selfreported disease categories, and interactions of health measures and disease ... elderly and health care affect Medicare costs We focus on two of the key determinants of spending: diseases (and the medical technology to treat them) and health status The primary objective of the...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 13:20

249 4,2K 0