guide dogs for the blind holiday cards

ADC KRONE - Guide Book - FTTP - The Efficient Service Delivery Architecture for OSP network

ADC KRONE - Guide Book - FTTP - The Efficient Service Delivery Architecture for OSP network

... Network Architecture The Efficient Service Delivery Architecture for OSP Networks Page 2 Information from the end user flows from the premises back through the PON to the CO, using wavelength division ... storage? How does one deal with the new implications posed by FTTP for the central office? There are various answers for every decision. Choosing the wrong answer can be the difference between an efficient, ... components involved. The signal is guided through the fiber to the end user by connecting and splitting components, traveling up to, and in some cases, exceeding 20 km. At the end user, the optical signal...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 14:15

8 319 0
Tài liệu Water Efficiency Guide for Laboratories; Laboratories for the 21st ... doc

Tài liệu Water Efficiency Guide for Laboratories; Laboratories for the 21st ... doc

... time before the system is designed. This evaluation allows designers to accurately characterize the quality of the water supply and helps them determine the best method for attaining the quality ... Determine the quality of water required in each application; use the lowest appropriate level of quality to guide the system design (FEMP 2004). ã Evaluate the quality of the water supply for a ... air stream to raise the temperature above the dew point of the surrounding air, reducing humidity and thus the size of the plume. Hybrid cooling tower performance depends on the location and...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 04:15

12 473 0
Tài liệu ADC KRONE - Guide Book - FTTP - The Efficient Service Delivery Architecture for OSP network docx

Tài liệu ADC KRONE - Guide Book - FTTP - The Efficient Service Delivery Architecture for OSP network docx

... place the WDM? There are advantages for placing the WDM inside the fiber distribution frame lineup as opposed to placing it beside the OLT equipment. There are also new considerations for fiber ... The Efficient Service Delivery Architecture for OSP Networks Page 6 Don’t Forget the Central Office Today’s FTTP networks will also have implications for the central office environment. For instance, ... OmniReach ™ : The Efficient Service Delivery Architecture for OSP Networks WHITE PAPER The Efficient Service Delivery Architecture for OSP Networks Page 2 Information from the end user flows from the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 22:15

8 329 0
Tài liệu Developing Culturally and Linguistically Competent Health Education Materials: A Guide for the State of New Jersey ppt

Tài liệu Developing Culturally and Linguistically Competent Health Education Materials: A Guide for the State of New Jersey ppt

... Context: The context addresses issues such as the what, the whys, the who, and the when. It provides the ‘meaning or reason’ for the development of the educational material. It guides our ... prescriptions for improving the quality of life. The differences are between perspectives: the individual and the societal; the negative and the positive; the curative and the preventive; the reductivist ... their children’s diagnosis, 3) Understand and respond to informed consent forms, 4) Understand medication instructions for themselves and their children, and 5) Be knowledgeable about the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 13:20

24 525 0
Tài liệu The Proposer''''s Guide for the Green Bank Telescope: GBT Support Staff pdf

Tài liệu The Proposer''''s Guide for the Green Bank Telescope: GBT Support Sta ff pdf

... have been placed on the support structure of the GBT. Data from these sensors are used to correct the pointing model for thermal flexing of the telescope. (These corrections are the so-called dynamic ... hour forecasts match the measured opacities. The results of the 60 hour forecasts can be used for the initial calibration of high frequency data. The observing procedure “Tip”, that drives the ... is usually used for these systems (see § 4.2). The continuum point-source sensitivity depends on three factors. These are the thermal noise floor, the 1/f gain fluctuations of the receiver, and the astronomical...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 10:20

37 637 0
Tài liệu VITA/TCE Training Guide - Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) / Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) pdf

Tài liệu VITA/TCE Training Guide - Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) / Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) pdf

... information on Form W-2 ã It is acceptable to e-le a return with an ITIN/SSN mismatch ã The return should reect the ITIN for the taxpayer, not the SSN on Form W-2 ã When entering Form W-2 information, ... within the scope of the program. Use the Scope of Service - Form 1040 chart in Publication 4012 to show why they do not qualify. ã Encourage the taxpayers to use the information they recorded on the ... software? The VolunteerResource Guide containsstep-by-stepprocedures for electronicreturnpreparationandhelp- fulhints for using the taxsoftwareunder the yellowtabs.Informationspecicto the onlineversionof the software can be found under the blue tabs. Information about completing the return...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 10:20

404 2K 0
Tài liệu Energy Efficiency Pays: A Guide for the Small Business Owner doc

Tài liệu Energy Efficiency Pays: A Guide for the Small Business Owner doc

... fluorescent lights on for more than 5 to 10 minutes, you save more money by turning them off than by leaving them on. may want to focus your attention on these. The rest of the guide is divided into ... and install the right system for your entire facility. 8 Document what they have done, in writing or electronically. For additional information, read EPA’s Putting Energy Into Profits guide, including ... Energy Efficiency Pays A Guide for the Small Business Owner ~ Plug or fill any cracks or leaks with weatherstripping and caulking. Look for cracks around windows, doors, utility switches/outlets, and any other...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 00:20

48 414 0
Tài liệu Essential Skills for the Agile Developer: A Guide to Better Programming and Design pptx

Tài liệu Essential Skills for the Agile Developer: A Guide to Better Programming and Design pptx

... away, because they are not part of the API of the service and we don’t want any other object, now or in the future, to become coupled to them (the way they work or even that they exist at all). ... significantly advanced the subject of their work, it was the genesis of much of the wisdom that guides us today. James Coplien wrote the thesis “Multi-Paradigm Design” that became the book that taught ... pass the method whatever it is we want it to use and take the result as a return, rather than having the method work directly on the object’s state. These methods move more easily because they...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 15:20

262 1,5K 1
140 CHARACTERS A Style Guide for the Short Form

140 CHARACTERS A Style Guide for the Short Form

... Read the first line of A Moveable Feast: Then there was the bad weather. He sets the context for an entire story by jumping right into the middle of a narrative.This is the essence of short-form ... “Protected”). At the outset, the interaction model and the visual metaphor for the service were constantly in flux.There was no “Twictionary” or cheat-sheet back then; data in the system were referred ... protocol for years, long be- fore “modern day” chat programs arrived. Short-form conventions have been written into the specification itself. The TOPIC channel property is the current topic of the...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 21:22

210 3,1K 0
Medication Safety for the Elderly: A Guide for Patients and Caregivers ppt

Medication Safety for the Elderly: A Guide for Patients and Caregivers ppt

... Version 2.0. October 2011. For more information on medicine safety, please visit: 3 Medication Safet y for the Elderl y : A Guide for Patients and Care g ivers Nonprescription ... complications in the elderly. Immunizations, like any medication, can cause side effects. However, the risks are generally lower than the risks from complications of the diseases they prevent. For more ... Version 2.0. October 2011. For more information on medicine safety, please visit: 4 Medication Safety for the Elderly: A Guide for Patients and Caregivers...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:20

4 515 0
UMTS Performance Measurement A Practical Guide to KPIs for the UTRAN Environment pdf

UMTS Performance Measurement A Practical Guide to KPIs for the UTRAN Environment pdf

... databases. The graphic user interface (GUI) of the performance measurement software then needs to query the database and present query results in tabular or graphic format on the screen. In addition, the ... which controls the activities of the downlink data flow. The measurement report in the uplink direction signals that the RLC buffer of the UE has been below a certain threshold for a certain period ... decrease the output level, resulting in silence at the output.’ In other words: if speech information is corrupted the subscriber will either hear again what he/she has already heard 20 ms before (20...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

228 664 4
Search Guide for the NTIS Database ppt

Search Guide for the NTIS Database ppt

... provides the report number(s) assigned by the sponsoring organization(s) unless the latter is also the performing organization(s). When the sponsoring and performing organization are the same, the ... French Defi nition: The language in which the full document was written. Note: If the abstract is in English, but the document is written in another language, then only the language of the full document ... 3 The NTIS Database Search Guide The NTIS Database Search Guide 3 Scope of the Collection On average, NTIS has added 30,000 new titles per year to the NTIS Database over the past ten years. These...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 23:20

90 405 0
Executive Coaching: A Guide for the HR Professional docx

Executive Coaching: A Guide for the HR Professional docx

... refer to the employer generally, or to the HR professional, or even to the boss. In certain ways, of course, they are clients as well as the person who is the focus of the coaching. These people ... surface of a potentially rather complex decision. In many companies the HR professionals will do most of the selecting. At the other extreme, the client may need to do all of the work to find a qualified ... solutions to certain of the puzzles of executive life and it’s hard for them to do it on their own. If there were right answers hidden away somewhere, the task would be a lot easier. ã The learning needs...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 16:20

241 378 1
SOCIAL ENTERPRISE GUIDE TO Health & Social Care for the Elderly potx

SOCIAL ENTERPRISE GUIDE TO Health & Social Care for the Elderly potx

... want to do things for others and find it difficult to think what they want others to do for them. It is sometimes difficult getting people to use up their time credits. But then the project is as much ... with representation from other groups, PCTs will be responsible for commissioning all the primary care in their localities. There have been calls for the Health Action Zones to be integrated with PCTs. The next ... bolted on for marketing reasons. Social enterprises are often not for profit, their surpluses being reinvested in the service or used for the benefit of the community. If users and their families...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 17:20

80 390 0