... Landscape of Blockchain and Other Distributed Ledger Technologies Julie Maupin CIGI Papers No 149 — October 2017 Mapping the Global Legal Landscape of Blockchain and Other Distributed Ledger Technologies ... law Mapping the Global Legal Landscape of Blockchain and Other Distributed Ledger Technologies vii Executive Summary Blockchain, tangle and other distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) are pushing ... Contract and Decentralized Application Platform” (2015) Ethereum White Paper, online: Mapping the Global Legal Landscape of Blockchain and Other Distributed Ledger Technologies in the world and no
Ngày tải lên: 20/05/2018, 20:00
... amazing and precious Finally, I would like to give special thanks to my family and friends as a whole for their continuous support and understanding Due to the limited time and shortage of my knowledge, ... https://www.who.int/teams/health-product-policy-andstandards/standards-and-specifications/vaccinestandardization/tetanus#:~:text=Tetanus vaccines&text=tetani are grown in liquid,and administered by intramuscular ... HÀ NỘI – 2022 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and give my warmest thanks to my supervisors and Associate Professor Dr Dam Thanh Xuan and Dr Nguyen Khac Tiep
Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2022, 19:36
How software works the magic behind encryption, CGI, search engines, and other everyday technologies
... HOW SOFTWARE WORKS The Magic Behind Encryption, CGI, Search Engines, and Other Everyday Technologies by V Anton Spraul San Francisco HOW SOFTWARE WORKS Copyright © 2015 by V ... Spraul, V Anton How software works : the magic behind encryption, CGI, search engines, and other everyday technologies / by V Anton Spraul pages cm Includes index Summary: “A guide for non-technical readers that explores topics like data encryption; computer graphics ... 005.3—dc23 2015022623 No Starch Press and the No Starch Press logo are registered trademarks of No Starch Press, Inc Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners
Ngày tải lên: 04/03/2019, 13:17
Fast forward investing how to profit from AI, driverless vehicles, gene editing, robotics, and other technologies
... productivity: connectivity and, 217, 223 data collection and, 135 employment and, 203 improving, 136 predictive analytics and, 199 robotics and, 136–138, 145 wage growth and, 126 Product Lifecycle ... American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations TERMS OF USE This is a copyrighted work and McGraw-Hill Education and its licensors reserve all rights in and to the work Use ... intelligent and adaptive home furnishings are becoming a plausible reality All of this is going to make entrepreneurs and their backers very wealthy, but public shareholders will benefit too, and grandly
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2020, 09:52
Phrasal verbs, idioms and other expressions using ''pick''
... phrasal verb and idiom in bold and decide if they are TRUE or FALSE. 54 Phrasal verbs, idioms and other expressions using 'set' 1. If something sets people against each other, it encourages ... complete the phrasal verbs, idioms and other expressions using put in this story. You will need to use some of them more than once. Phrasal verbs, idioms and other expressions using 'put' ... ________, and smashed the car through the agency's window. And that, your honour, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, is my story. I hope you will take into account my feelings and emotions
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 10:20
GSM, cdmaOne and 3G systems P1
... mobile radio system, which became GSM, and the Qualcomm CDMA system for a number of years. The GSM system predates cdmaOne. The two systems are very different. The radio interface of GSM relies ... a more complex and advanced radio interface, and only later were fixed network issues addressed [3, 7]. In the chapters to follow, the GSM and cdmaOne systems will be described and analysed while ... of GSM and cdmaOne. There are many ways of describing cellular radio, and the two most obvious are a bottom- up approach, or a top-down one. The former starts with the basic principles of radio
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 16:15
Tài liệu GSM, cdmaOne and 3G systems P4 pdf
... positioned in such a way as to allow sufficient guard bands between other ser- vices operating above and below the cellular band and between the A and B services. Con- sequently, the CDMA carriers ... filter pass band extends from 0 to f p and the stop band extends from f s to ∞. Within the pass band the filter response is prescribed within the limits δ 1 , and within the stop band the filter ... RADIO INTERFACE 209 now examine the physical layer of the radio interface. In contrast to the GSM system, the coding systems employed on the reverse link and forward link are very different and,
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 23:15
Tài liệu GSM, cdmaOne and 3G systems P5 pdf
... interfering mobile and zeroth BS, is rj = q D2 j + r2 2D j r cos(ϕ) (5.81) and ζ is the difference between λi j and λ0, the independent random variables with zero mean and standard deviation ... 1 and a duration of T b , c i ( t ) is the spreading code sequence of ith user and each of the M chips per code has a duration T c ,andθ i is the random phase of the ith mobile carrier and ... control and VAFs of 3/8 and 1/2 For an outage probability of 2%, the single cell CDMA system can support 48 users and 38 users... the ith mobile in the jth cell, and ε is a random variable
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 23:15
Tài liệu GSM, cdmaOne and 3G systems P6 pdf
... network and radio resources, and strict separation between the radio subsystem and the network subsystem is maintained, although the network subsystem is compatible with the other GSM radio access ... in Europe, and is also used for PHS, PCS and DECT in other parts of the world. Segment 2 is used at present for PCS and PHS in the United States and Japan, respectively. Segments 3 and 6 form ... (2G) cellular system that would be totally digital. This 2G system became GSM, and a brief history of GSM has already been provided in Section 2.1. The Europeans have a long view in cellular radio
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 23:15
Tài liệu GSM, cdmaOne and 3G Systems P4 docx
... positioned in such a way as to allow sufficient guard bands between other ser- vices operating above and below the cellular band and between the A and B services. Con- sequently, the CDMA carriers ... filter pass band extends from 0 to f p and the stop band extends from f s to ∞. Within the pass band the filter response is prescribed within the limits δ 1 , and within the stop band the filter ... RADIO INTERFACE 209 now examine the physical layer of the radio interface. In contrast to the GSM system, the coding systems employed on the reverse link and forward link are very different and,
Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 17:15
... Mike Wolf and Martin Haardt Chapter Coding, Modulation, and Detection for Power-Efficient Low-Complexity Receivers in Impulse -Radio Ultra-Wideband Transmission Systems 123 Andreas Schenk and Robert ... UltraWideband Radio Technologies for Communications, Localization and Sensor Applications (SPP 1202) His research interests include measurement and digital signal processing methods (correlation and ... frequency band was subdivided into small ‘boxes’ of different sizes, regulated and supervised The rules governing these ‘bands’ are strict and vary with the respective region, time and demand Sometimes...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 12:20
gsm, gprs, and edge performance evolution towards 3gumts
... GSM, GPRS EDGE Performance AND Evolution Towards 3G/UMTS Second Edition Edited by Timo Halonen Nokia Javier Romero and Juan Melero TarTec GSM, GPRS AND EDGE Performance GSM, GPRS EDGE Performance ... 133 137 139 Part GSM, GPRS and EDGE Performance 141 Basics of GSM Radio Communication and Spectral Efficiency 143 Juan Melero, Jeroen Wigard, Timo Halonen and Javier Romero 5.1 GSM Radio System Description ... Power Control C.4 Final Results and Conclusions References 579 579 579 581 582 583 583 585 586 Appendix D Interference between GSM/ EDGE and Other Cellular Radio Technologies D.1 Introduction D.2...
Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 01:19
An overview of hydraulic fracturing and other stimulation technologies
... Development in Shales, Tight Sands and Coalbeds”) was launched and funded by the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)8 and performed by Carter Technologies between 2008 and 2009 (Carter 2009) ... environmental, or otherwise) does not constitute an endorsement of the net benefits and/ or costs and disadvantages of that stimulation method in comparison with other methods Advantages and disadvantages ... fracturing in some conventional and tight gas reservoirs, mostly in vertical wells, and constituted only a small part of past EU oil and gas operations The scale, frequency and complexity of the fracking...
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2014, 23:03
Báo cáo y học: "Maitake Mushroom Extracts Ameliorate Progressive Hypertension and Other Chronic Metabolic Perturbations in Aging Female Rats"
... in SHR and WKY rats Ann Lab Clin Sci 1986;16:419-426 32 Grant KE, Chandler RM, Castle AL, Ivy JL: Chromium and exercise training: effect on obese women Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise ... for the 20th Century: Chronic and Disabling Conditions 12:1.6, October 2000 Wotecki CE, Welsh SO, Raper N, Marston RW: Recent trends and levels of dietary sugar and other caloric sweeteners In: ... blood pressure and catecholamine excretion in SHR and WKY Am J Physiol 1986;250:E381-385 Kopilas MA, Dang LNT, Anderson HDI: Effect of dietary chromium on resistance artery function and nitric oxide...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 08:57
Suppliant Maidens and Other Plays
... to herself by a touch of the hand of Zeus, and bare a child called Epaphus And from Epaphus sprang Libya, and from Libya, Belus; and from Belus, Aegyptus and Danaus And the sons of Aegyptus willed ... gates of Argos: statue and shrines of Zeus and other deities stand around CHORUS ZEUS! Lord and guard of suppliant hands! Look down benign on us who crave Thine aid whom winds and waters drave From ... the shape of a bull And by the will of Zeus and the craft of Hermes was Argus slain Then Io was driven over far lands and seas by her madness, and came at length to the land of Egypt There was...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 14:13
ThThe Cook's Wedding and Other Stories
... lots and lots of cabmen as you know, hay is dear, and folks are paltry nowadays and always contriving to go by tram And yet, thank God, I have nothing to complain of I have plenty to eat and good ... shakes her head, rocks the cradle, and murmurs her song The green patch and the shadows from the trousers and the babyclothes move up and down, nod to her, and soon take possession of her brain ... has come to feed the baby, and is standing in the middle of the room While the stout, broad-shouldered woman nurses the child and soothes it, Varka stands looking at her and waiting till she Thank...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 14:13
Afterlife and Other Stories
... record player Bob took Jean‟s right hand and helped her to stand He put his arms around her waist and said, “I love you, Jean.” “I love you too, Bob,” she replied And they were found dead by the building ... But they persisted, and grew stronger and longer with time There began to be days when instead of going out for wheelchair walks they stayed indoors and stared into each other s eyes Each seeing ... She turned and saw him in his Dress Blues, marching with his white gloved hands around the wheelchair‟s handles with brass buttons shining against his uniform Jean did a double take and was comforted...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 16:13
A teacher's guide to interference and other problems
... branch of Indo-European, and as such is closely related to Frisian, English, German and the Scandinavian languages It is the standard language in the Netherlands and in Flanders, the northern part ... to interference and other problems / [edited by] Michael Swan and Bernard Smith ± 2nd ed p cm ± (Cambridge handbooks for language teachers) Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-521-77939-1 ... still very great The standard language is understood almost everywhere, but dialects tend to be mutually unintelligible, both in the Netherlands and in Flanders Dutch and English being so closely...
Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2013, 08:35
The Black Cat and other stories
... brave and happy and wise prince When half of the people in his land were dead, he chose a thousand healthy and happy friends and took them away from the city He took them over the hills and far ... And as they listened, some people's faces became white Other people's heads began to go round and round Others put hands to their heads, surprised by sudden strange, dream-like thoughts And ... nothing He took my hand I saw cuts and dried blood on it I cried out, jumped to the table and tried to open the box I tried and tried but I could not! I fell to the floor and broke Dentist's...
Ngày tải lên: 14/10/2013, 17:11