Wavelet and its applications
... symmetric tight wavelet frames with two or three wavelets are constructed by splitting a matrix of Laurant polynomials with symmetry The construction of non-separable multivariate tight wavelet ... ran TY TX = ran(TY |ran TX ) = ran(TY |ran TY ) = ran(TY |(ker TY )⊥ ) = ran TY = H ∗ ∗ ∗ To show the injectivity of TY TX , let f ∈ H such that TY TX f = Then TX f ∈ ker TY = ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ (ran TY ... ⊂ ran TX ∗ (a) ⇒ (b): Note that TX TX maps E1 onto E2 and is the identity on E1 So these two ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ sets coincide (b) ⇒ (a): If TX h ∈ S, then (TX TX )TX TX h = (TX TX )h, i.e TX TX h −...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:15
... Applying Theorem 2.9 to these two sets of wavelets, we see that Construction 2.1 gives three symmetric and three antisymmetric wavelets for the first set, and two symmetric and two antisymmetric wavelets ... us to convert the systematic construction of spline tight framelets of [16] to a systematic construction of symmetric and antisymmetric spline tight framelets with given orders of smoothness and ... stable shifts in [30] Our construction does not require the stability assumption of the refinable function and reduces the construction of symmetric tight framelets to the construction of tight...
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:59
... selection in statistics, thanks to the invention of the fast and efficient LARS algorithm [39] On the other hand, the l1 norm penalty has long been known by statisticians to yield biased estimators ... respectively • Let In denote the n × n identity matrix Let e denote the vector of suitable length whose entries are all ones Let ei denote the vector of suitable length whose i-th entries is one and ... true for the case that + f (t) = tq , < q ≤ At almost the same time, Yue and So [188, Theorem 5] proved this conjecture for the case that k = n with a stronger requirement that f is continuously...
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:12
... concept of SAMs also includes a few remarks about this Before continuing, it should be noted that a SAM is meant to fit into the existing national statistical and planning infrastructure That is to ... consumptior extra net indirect taxes on exports :xtra net ~ndirect taxes on stock changes noncommodity net indirect taxes, etc :xtra net ndmct axes on nvestmer net ind~rect net indirect taxes on taxes ... of production account: net national income by factor of production, distributed among the entitled institutions; from national institutions current account: interinstitutional current transfers,...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "An inexpensive, high-accuracy, semi-automatic metric for evaluating translation utility via semantic frames" pdf
... meaning that is not close to that of the input We argue that a translation metric that reflects meaning similarity is better based on similarity in semantic structure, rather than simply flat lexical ... origi- annotate the semantic roles so inconsistently as to reduce nal source input together with the translation Therefore, the reliability of the evaluation metric Inter-annotator there are three ... high IAA suggests that translation output only; and bilinguals seeing both input the annotation is consistent and the evaluation results are reliable and reproducible and output To obtain a clear...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20
... kinh tuyến góc 360 Trên Hình 6, cường độ t toàn phần tuyến có giá trị cực đại 41370nT vị trí km thứ 98, giá trị cực tiểu 40750nT, vị trí km thứ 118 Cường độ T toàn phần (nT) Hình 6: Cường độ t ... 7: Dị thường t toàn phần tuyến Trà Vinh – Đồng Tháp Hình đồ thị cường độ dị thường t toàn phần tuyến, có hai dị thường t mạnh Thứ vị trí km thứ 90, gồm có hai phần dị thường âm phần dị thường ... kích thước nguồn phân t ch Việc phân t ch ba dị thường t đơn có dạng vỉa tuyến Trà Vinh – Đồng Tháp cho ta k t phân t ch góc nghiêng ước lượng kích thước t t cho thấy phương pháp đề xu t thành...
Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2014, 06:21
báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Medical Image Fusion via an Effective Wavelet-Based Approach" pptx
... [34] and is motivated by the fact that the HVS is sensitive to the contrast Hence, this method can be likely to provide better details to the human observer The fusion rule first calculates the ... of the central coefficients within a window Although this method has been proved better than the pyramid-based method, the disadvantage of this method is that it treats the wavelet coefficients of ... information but no soft tissues information, while contrast to CT image the MR image provides clear soft tissues information but no bones information That is to say, the same object in the two medical...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 18:20
Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article 2-D DOA Estimation via Matrix Partition and Stacking Technique" pdf
... source, and E{•} denotes the statistical expectation The superscript Tdenotes the conjugate transpose It is easy to see that the cross-correlation matrix Rxz is not affected by the additive noise ... pair matching, as shown in Figure The results indicate that the proposed method exhibits the similar detection rates to JSVD and higher detection rates than CCM-ESPRIT It is worth noting that the ... snapshots This may be due to the fact that the CCM-ESPRIT method only uses the CCM to overcome the pair-matching problems, but not for the DOA estimation, and though the JSVD method exploited the...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Subspace-Based Noise Reduction for Speech Signals via Diagonal and Triangular Matrix Decompositions: Survey and Analysis" docx
... T − − T = UT1 T1 1 T1 11 T1 1T T11 T1 1 − mη2 Ik VT1 T − − = UT1 T1 1 Ik − mη2 T1 11 T1 1T VT1 This is the result given in Table We now turn to the SVD-based TDC estimate, and we follow the derivation ... comparing the decompositions of H and H, it follows that UT = ZD−1 , T = D, and VT = V T As a consequence of this lemma, we have ⎛ T UT U T = T T T1 1 T 11 0⎠ (A.13) T T T − = UT1 T1 1T T 11 T 11 VT1 ... insert the decomposition of H into H = H +E and T T T use E = EV T1 V T1 + EV T2 V T2 to obtain H = ZV T with Z = Z1 , Z2 = U T1 T 11 + EV T1 , EV T2 (A.10) We have T T T T T Z1 Z1 = T 11 U T1 ...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Construction of Orthonormal Piecewise Polynomial Scaling and Wavelet Bases on Non-Equally Spaced Knots" docx
... ti+1−ti 2 3ti2−12ti ti+1+6ti+2 ti+ti+2+10ti+1−8ti+2 ti+1 5/2 ti+2−ti √ h1,1 ti , ti+1 , ti+2 = 1,2 ti+1 − ti ti+2 − ti+1 ti+2 − ti ; 1/2 3/2 ; √ ti − ti+1 ti+2 − ti+1 h1,2 ti , ti+1 , ti+2 = 1,2 ti+2 ... 1/2 2 6ti2+3ti ti+1−15ti ti+2+ti+1−5ti+1 ti+2+10ti+2 = √ 15 ti+1 − ti 1/2 ti+2 − ti 3/2 ; ti+2 − ti 1/2 ; 5/2 ti+1 − ti ti , ti+1 , ti+2 = ti+2 − ti+1 ti+2 − ti ; 5/2 ti+2 − ti+1 ti+2 − ti 5/2 ... ti , ti+1 , ti+2 = 0; 1,0 √ 15 ti+1 − ti = 1/2 ti+2 − ti+1 ti + ti+1 − 2ti+2 ti+2 − ti 5/2 ; h0,1 ti , ti+1 , ti+2 1,1 (27) = 1/2 ti+1 − ti 2 2ti2 − 2ti+2 +9ti+1 ti+2 − 5ti+1 − 5ti ti+2 +ti ti+1...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Image Resolution Enhancement via Data-Driven Parametric Models in the Wavelet Space" ppt
... edges, and example-based SR introduces noticeable artifacts To illustrate the impact of starting point (x0 ) on reconstructed HR image, we test Algorithm with two different initial settings: lazy ... [22] (ii) Iterations: alternate the following two projections (1) Projection onto prior constraint set: sequentially run the projection onto four statistical constraint sets to modify the HR image ... (stationary) random field Homogeneity refers to that the probability distribution function (pdf) is independent of the spatial position Statistical modeling of textures has been extensively studied...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Video Coding Using 3D Dual-Tree Wavelet Transform" potx
... pattern with a certain spatial orientation and motion direction and speed The motion direction of each wavelet is orthogonal to the spacial orientation Note that the wavelets with the same spatial ... coefficients only in the subbands with the same or adjacent spatial orientation and motion pattern On the other hand, with the 3D DWT, a moving object in arbitrary directions that are not characterized ... shows that the 3D DDWT, both isotropic and anisotropic structures, achieve better quality (in terms of PSNR) than the standard 3D DWT, with the same number of retained coefficients To achieve the same...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Comparative Genomics via Wavelet Analysis for Closely Related Bacteria" pdf
... total signal energy; it is definitely smaller than that between S.typhi CT18 and S.typhimurium LT2, which indicates that the similarity between S.typhi CT18 and S.typhi Ty2 is larger than that ... overlap between S.typhimurium LT2 and S.typhi CT18, but there is an extra part around the terC site in S.typhimurium LT2 After partitioning in detail the fragment, the extra fragments in S.typhimurium ... in the inversion fragment in the two strains is the same as in the fragments G and H of the LT2 We also got a lot of pseudogenes; we think that the inverted and translocated fragments are the...
Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo y học: "Dating the age of admixture via wavelet transform analysis of genome-wide data." pptx
... continuous migration To test the sensitivity of our method with respect to the initial effective population size, we ran additional simulations where the effective size of population A at T0 ... wider, at time points exceeding 500 generations ago This is caused by the threshold imposed on the simulated data to concur with the same limitation that is present in the empirical data, due to the ... by the WT decomposition of the resulting StepPCO admixture signal To investigate how the dominant wavelet frequency is related to l for this artificial dataset, we generated a separate dataset...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 22:23
Joint estimation of covariance matrix via cholesky decomposition
... oracle property But it has to be noted that the weights must be based on a consistent estimator of the coefficients θ In the regression case, the natural root n consistent estimator of θ is not available ... levels The main goal of multi-ANOVA is often to select the important factors and to identify the level of importance of variables within the factor Suppose there are J factors and the jth factor ... have to choose one of the above relations and try to jointly estimate the corresponding parameters In this research, we investigate the third type of relationship by jointly estimating the autoregressive...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:09
Tight wavelet frame packet
... thesis, we study the construction of stationary and nonstationary tight wavelet frame packets and the characterization of Sobolev spaces by them We also extend our study to the construction of their ... tight wavelet frames, we build up the theory and construction of stationary and nonstationary tight wavelet frame packets Given a tight wavelet frame, associated with it we can either construct ... construction of nonstationary tight wavelet frame packet and its characterization of Sobolev spaces At last, in Chapter 5, we introduce the construction of 2−J -shift invariant nonstationary tight...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:07
Static and Dynamic Analysis of Space frames
... RM2000 database directly The RM7 project directory must be opened before starting the data transfer and a SYSAK file run that will activate the whole structural system Only the materials and cross-sections ... case” and “Envelope“ to print out the result list for certain elements respectively nodes (button ‘Print’) Module Tint – Results in List file and Plot file are unit consistent Module UltChk – ... How to convert projects defined with the old database? " Start the program and choose the project directory path " Open the project " Type “dbver200” in the command line and hit return " The...
Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2012, 15:18
Giới thiệu sơ lược về ngôn ngữ Matlab (Matrix Laboratory)
... arguments Time and Dates calendar Calendar clock Current time as a date vector cputime Elapsed CPU time date Current date string etime Elapsed time now Current date and time tic, toc Stopwatch timer ... statements end Terminate for, while, switch, try, and if statements or indicate last index for Repeat statements a specific number of times if Conditionally execute statements otherwise Default part ... data to a file Formatted I/O fgetl Return the next line of a file as a string without line terminator(s) fgets Return the next line of a file as a string with line terminator(s) fprintf Write...
Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 10:21
Bản thuyết minh đồ án hiển thị led matrix
... ho t c t thứ LED t ơng ứng s ẽ sáng T o th ời gian trễ, sau t t c t thứ • Gửi tiếp giá trị liệu hàng c t thứ 2, kích ho t c t th ứ 2, t ạo tr ễ lại t t c t thứ • Quá trình qu t tiếp diễn qu t ... cực thu IC) Dòng IC gồm hai thành phần : - Thành phần thứ ( thành phần chính) t lệ h t electron c ực ph t tớicực thu T lệ phụ thuộc vào cấu trúc transistor h ằng s ố t nh trước với transistorrieeng ... sinh BJT lớn công su t P Dmax BJT bị hỏng e T n số c t (thi t đoạn): T n số thi t đoạn (fcut-off) t n số mà BJT có độ khuếch đại công su t VD: Transistor 2SC458 có thông số kỹ thu t sau: Beta =...
Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2012, 14:16
những vấn đề cơ bản về xây dựng tầng ngầm (Basement Construction)
... works need to be carried out at the same time with the new foundation or even with part of the future superstructure This situations will create very difficult coordination problems that involve ... complex and sensitive, bottom up method may be a more appropriate option to construct Construction of basement using traditional bottom-up arrangement Church for the Witness of the Christ Project ... yet straight forward solution to get everything right Better understanding of the variety of possible methods and practices, as well as knowing the constraints when handling basement works, there...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2012, 10:52