Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:22
... Proposalstoinstallbikelanesonmajorstreetsareoftenmetwithoppositionfrommerchants whofearthatthereallocationofroadspacefromonstreetparkingtoonstreetbikelaneswould hurtbusiness.Thepurposeofthisstudyistounderstandandestimatetheimportanceofon streetparking tobusinessonBloorStreetintheAnnexneighbourhoodofToronto. ToencouragemoreCanadianstousebicyclesforutilitariantripsmoreoften,itisessentialthat theimplementationofbikelanesonmajorstreetsbeaccelerated.TheBloorDanforthcorridoris aparticularlyattractiveoptionforacitywide eastwestbikelaneinTorontobecauseitisoneof theonlylong,straight,relativelyflatroutesthatconnectsthecityfromendtoend;thereareno streetcartracks;andithasoneofthehighestincidencesofbicyclecollisionsinthecity. Thisreportisaboutthedevelopment andtestingofnewanalytictoolstodeterminethepublic acceptabilityandeconomicimpactofreallocatingroadspace.ThestudyconductedinJulyof 2008surveyedtheopinionsandpreferencesof61merchantsand538patronsonBloorStreet andanalyzedparkingusagedatainthearea. Among thestudysfindings: ã Only10%ofpatronsdrivetotheBloorAnnexneighbourhood; ã Evenduringpeakperiodsnomorethanabout80%ofpaidparkingspacesarepaidfor; ã ... importanceof on streetparkingto businessactivity on BloorStreetWest in theAnnex.Thefindingsshowthatrelativetotheother modesoftransportation,notverymanypatronsdrivetotheBloorAnnexarea.Therefore, on streetparking doesnotappeartobe a majorissuefortheeconomicwell‐beingofbusinesses. 71%ofmerchantsbelievethatlessthanone‐quarteroftheirpatronsdrivetotheirbusiness. Accordingtooursurveyofpeople on thestreet,only10%ofpatronsdrivetotheBloorAnnex, and 16%ofpatronswhodonotliveorwork in thearea.Furthermore,ofallpatrons,thosethat drivetotheBloorAnnexvisittheleastoften and reportspendingtheleastamountofmoney. Thesecondgoalofthis study wastoprojecttheimpacts on businessactivityofreallocating space in theAnnexfrom on streetparkingtoothertravelmodessuchascycling (a bikelane) and walking (a widersidewalk).From a purelyeconomicalpointofview, in ordertomaximize commercialactivity,theprioritizationofspaceshouldshiftclosertowardthemodeoftravel usedby themajorityofpatrons.Pedestrians,cyclists and publictransitusersmakeup90%of patrons, and donotneed on oroff‐streetparking.Providingmorespaceforcycling and for pedestriansimprovesaccessibility.Dedicatedbicyclelanesattractcyclists and widened sidewalks–wherethereismorespacetodedicateto streetfurniture,likebenches,waste receptacles,plantings and bicycleparking–attractpedestrians.Thesurveyshowsthatpatrons arrivingbyfoot and bicyclevisitthemostoften and spendthemostmoney.Itappears in the bestinterestofmerchantstofavourreallocatingspacetowardtheirmorefrequent and higher‐ spendingpatrons– in thiscase,pedestrians and cyclists. AccordingtothedatasuppliedbytheTPA, on averagebetweenaboutonethird and twothirds of on streetparkingisusedduringthepayparkingperiods(9:00 a. m.to9:00p.m.), and 48%to 82%ofoff‐streetparkinglot spaceisused.Theremovalofonelaneof on streetparkingwould reduce on streetparkingbyonehalf and totalpaidparking in the study areabyabout 20%. Sinceaveragepeakusageisnotfarabove80%atanytimeoftheday,thepotential20% reduction canlikelybeabsorbedbyexistingpaidparkingcapacity. In addition,evenifallthe BloorAnnexpatronswhodrivecannotbeaccommodated,thesurveydatashowthelost businessassociatedwithreducedparkingspacewouldlikelybemorethanoffsetbyattracting morenon‐drivingpatronsbyimprovingthebicycling and pedestrianenvironment. On thequestionofwhethertoinstall a bikelaneorwidenthesidewalk,theresponseofpatrons wasquiteclear:bikelanesarepreferred.75%ofmerchantsthought a bikelaneorwidened sidewalkwouldimproveorhavenoeffect on business, and patronspreferred a bikelaneto widenedsidewalksat a ratioofalmostfourtoone.Even46%ofdriverssupportedtheideaof a ... P’lots,alsowithin a twoorthreeminutewalkofthe study area:at577 Palmerston,365 Lippincott and 19Spadina.ThedatatrackspaymentsmadeusingTPA’spay and display machinesforboth on streetparking and off‐streetTPAlots. For on streetparking,dataisreportedasthenumberofvalidticketsduring15‐minuteintervals throughoutthedaysthatcorrespondwith thepedestriansurveydays(July8,9,10,15,16,17 and 19).However,dataforSaturday,July19 th wasnotavailable,soSaturday,July12 th was substitutedinstead.Theresearcherstookhourlysnapshotsbetween10:00 a. m. and 9:00p.m.– thehourswhenthemachinesaregenerally in use– and determinedtheaveragenumberof validticketsthroughouttheday,aswellasmorning‐midday,afternoon, and eveningaverages. Fortheoff‐streetlots, parkingdataisreportedasdaily and eveningpeaks–thehighest recordednumberofvalidticketsatanygiventime in thedayoreveningperiod.Again,theTPA supplieddataforthesamedaysasthe on streetparkingdata,whichcorrespondtothe pedestriansurveydays. Theaverage validticketcountswerecomparedtotheoverallcapacity–either on streetor in lots–todeterminetheaverageusageof on street and off‐streetpaidparking. 3.4...
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... Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil Full list of author information is available at the end of the article Alves et al. Journal of Translational Medicine 2011, 9:23 â ... contrast, in an animal model of sepsis VEGF -A levels increased in liver, kidney and heart, and no difference could be detected between VEGF -A levels in serum and plasma, arguing against a majorroleofplateletsasasourceofVEGF -A[ 8] .In our ... considered a medical emergency, and a standar- dized management approach including wide-spectrum antibiotics and admission is usually implemented for all patients. So far, there are no reliable...
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báo cáo hóa học:" Time-course of sFlt-1 and VEGF-A release in neutropenic patients with sepsis and septic shock: a prospective study" pdf
... Taha Y, Raab Y, Larsson A, Carlson M, Loof L, Gerdin B, Thorn M: Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) a possible mediator of inflammation and mucosal permeability in patients with collagenous ... contrast, in an animal model of sepsis VEGF -A levels increased in liver, kidney and heart, and no difference could be detected between VEGF -A levels in serum and plasma, arguing against a majorroleofplateletsasasourceofVEGF -A[ 8] .In our ... Yoshida H, Sakisaka S, Taniguchi E, Kawaguchi T, Ariyoshi M, Saiki T, Sakamoto M, Nagata K, et al: Vascular endothelial growth factor in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Scand J Rheumatol 1998,...
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