... philosophers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the rights from which human rights emerged functioned to define and delimit the role of governments, and set the standards of legitimacy of political ... shape of NGOs, and technological changes all of which drive the allocation of these new duties McBarnet traces the emergence of the idea of a triple bottom line (financial, environmental and social) ... UN Global Charter, and UNCTAD 98, he notes the wide acceptance of the idea of sustainable development and the use of this idea to foster the legitimacy and accountability of international organisations...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 02:20
... importance of social ethics, and the application of concepts of rights and discrimination to more and more areas of life, it is wholly understandable that lookism has taken on an entirely new profile ... effort and one or more of the other bases of desert are implied in the conservative standard of justice The policy implications of the conservative view of justice are illustrated in standard ... familial affiliation, imagination, art and major sectors of the economy are unthinkable without judging by appearances When and where lookism is triggered—that is, its economic sector or social context—determines...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 18:20
Air Pollution : - Effects Of Pollutants And Public Policy Concern pot
... (a) Emission standards (b) Air quality standards are currently use in many part of the world (c) Emission taxes (d) Cost – benefit standard Mostly been the subject of academic publications (not ... the effects of pollution and new developments in control technology without major overhauls of our legal structure or major revisions of existing plants The Four Philosophies Most of all air ... appropriately clean environment, appropriate cost, and appropriate distribution of that cost Air Pollution Control Philosophies • A perfect air pollution philosophy and its implementing regulations are –...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 18:20
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance_1 potx
... the economy and in the society of the Federal Republic of Germany 136 136 Psychology of Taxation and Public Finance 5.1 Fiscal psychology: a new branch of public finance 5.2 Tax morale and tax resistance ... standard and income (in DM) Consumption standard (in DM) and occupational groups Consumption standard, occupational groups and income Consumption standard (in DM) and education Consumption standard ... knowledge, and found a poor understanding of fiscal policy Tax authorities face the problem of the complexity of public finance and the complexity of the law, as well as ambiguities in interpreting and...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance_2 pdf
... fixed rules and on the basis of official budgets The same applies to families and other bodies composed of a number of people, to trades and industry, societies and associations, all of which work ... great variety of human behaviour and activity, and thus to see the entire economic life as a merely mechanical interplay of the forces of quantities and markets, prices, income and rates of interest ... the various forms of saving and into the influences of group standards and leads on the function of saving, as well as losing any chance of making forecasts on the behaviour of the savers The...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance_3 pdf
... and purchaser attitudes, of saving and property formation, of the behaviour of taxpayers and citizens, of the different influences on legislation by economic groups and single firms, we have ... into the behaviour of holders of securities If conformity and constancy of human behaviour are to be ascribed to the working of institutions and to the effect of attitudes and habits, while any ... patients knew of Northrhine-Westphalia (Land Nordrhein-Westfalen) with representatives of law and technological sciences In 1960 a colloquium was held in Zurich with anthropologists and cultural...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance_5 pptx
... fall was expected by: 55% of all respondents 61% of all men 51% of all women 64% of heads of households 64% of all male heads of households 62% of all female heads of households Yet another interesting ... actual and the desired level of consumption, a household’s standard of consumption was defined as the sum of its level of consumption plus its level of aspiration If the two components of the standard ... techniques is obvious and we may hope that it will force methodological problems into the focus of attention interface of demographic and psychological variables plus their respective and mutual interaction...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance_6 docx
... correlation of occupation and income with the frequency and size of demand for durable goods (Klein and Lansing, 1955/56) The equipment level of households was found to be influenced by the stage of the ... development Attitudes and motives that are called standards and values sociologically, and called traditions ethnologically, have a conforming effect on the behaviour of a large number of fellow men, ... (Tables 3.15 and 3.16) An interesting comparison of workers on one hand, with employees, civil servants and professionals on the other, revealed that a larger percentage of the former than of the latter...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance_7 pot
... special role of leadership In Schumpeter’s analysis the entrepreneur becomes the decisive ‘motor of innovation’ As such, and as the pillar of economic and technological progress and therefore of economic ... by one of the leading publicopinion research institutes of Western Germany Even this latter type of research, digging down deeply into the motivational and emotional layers of the mind of taxpayers ... disapproval of former decisions of their own, or a strong preference for ‘new’ instead of ‘old’ functions of the government Psychologically, it only betrays some of the laws of political thinking and...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance_8 doc
... ‘higher’ level of politics and public opinion and overlook the more blunted feelings and resentments of citizens and taxpayers These attitudes and patterns of behaviour can be recorded and ‘measured’ ... policy in the feelings and sympathies of voters and consumers, taxpayers and the officers of their professional groups and trade associations over tax justice The words of Thomas Aquinas, according ... independent judgement, and more of a mix of often vaguely sensed, and sometimes even contradictory feelings of justice This imbalance, and even contradiction, in the prevailing ‘conventions of justice’...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance_9 pot
... target of any effective development policy If economic growth demands a certain preparedness of a population to give up its present way of living and working in favour of different, more profitable ... equations of total volume of money, money volume minus idle balances, and turnover velocity, and, on the other hand, the ‘total monetary demand’, which is nothing other than the ‘general demand’ of ... atmosphere of economic development, and in the character of the peoples concerned Econometrics, which concerns itself with the observation and measurement of economic cycles and with the interaction of...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance_10 pot
... 37, 139 age and consumption level, 132 and consumption standard, 130 and income expectations, 68 and mental attitude, 67 and psychology of saving, 100 and saving, 24 and thrift, 60 and wishes, ... education, 145–6 and attitude to price and currency developments, 108 and consumption standard, 128 and ownership of consumer goods, 127 and the psychology of saving, 100, 103 ego, in works of Adler, ... cycle and aspiration, 132 and consumption standards, 129, 130, 132–3, 237 n 77 and earning and spending, 129 and equipment level of households, 128–9 liquidity objective and subjective, 224 and...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance by Günter Schmölders (Dec 12, 2006)_2 pot
... and purchaser attitudes, of saving and property formation, of the behaviour of taxpayers and citizens, of the different influences on legislation by economic groups and single firms, we have ... into the behaviour of holders of securities If conformity and constancy of human behaviour are to be ascribed to the working of institutions and to the effect of attitudes and habits, while any ... patients knew of Northrhine-Westphalia (Land Nordrhein-Westfalen) with representatives of law and technological sciences In 1960 a colloquium was held in Zurich with anthropologists and cultural...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance by Günter Schmölders (Dec 12, 2006)_3 docx
... banking sector on one side and the private and public sector on the other Communications between and within sectors were very rigidly defined and concerned the creation and the disappearance of means ... of thrift Our assumption is that the development of principles of thrift such as we have observed is a function of income and size of household For each combination of income level and size of ... terms of standard of living and the schedule of purchases for the households, a particular class of consumer goods played a special part at the time of the survey: the labour-saving products of...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance by Günter Schmölders (Dec 12, 2006)_4 doc
... fall was expected by: 55% of all respondents 61% of all men 51% of all women 64% of heads of households 64% of all male heads of households 62% of all female heads of households Yet another interesting ... actual and the desired level of consumption, a household’s standard of consumption was defined as the sum of its level of consumption plus its level of aspiration If the two components of the standard ... techniques is obvious and we may hope that it will force methodological problems into the focus of attention interface of demographic and psychological variables plus their respective and mutual interaction...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance by Günter Schmölders (Dec 12, 2006)_6 ppt
... special role of leadership In Schumpeter’s analysis the entrepreneur becomes the decisive ‘motor of innovation’ As such, and as the pillar of economic and technological progress and therefore of economic ... by one of the leading publicopinion research institutes of Western Germany Even this latter type of research, digging down deeply into the motivational and emotional layers of the mind of taxpayers ... disapproval of former decisions of their own, or a strong preference for ‘new’ instead of ‘old’ functions of the government Psychologically, it only betrays some of the laws of political thinking and...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance by Günter Schmölders (Dec 12, 2006)_7 pot
... ‘higher’ level of politics and public opinion and overlook the more blunted feelings and resentments of citizens and taxpayers These attitudes and patterns of behaviour can be recorded and ‘measured’ ... policy in the feelings and sympathies of voters and consumers, taxpayers and the officers of their professional groups and trade associations over tax justice The words of Thomas Aquinas, according ... independent judgement, and more of a mix of often vaguely sensed, and sometimes even contradictory feelings of justice This imbalance, and even contradiction, in the prevailing ‘conventions of justice’...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance by Günter Schmölders (Dec 12, 2006)_8 pptx
... target of any effective development policy If economic growth demands a certain preparedness of a population to give up its present way of living and working in favour of different, more profitable ... equations of total volume of money, money volume minus idle balances, and turnover velocity, and, on the other hand, the ‘total monetary demand’, which is nothing other than the ‘general demand’ of ... atmosphere of economic development, and in the character of the peoples concerned Econometrics, which concerns itself with the observation and measurement of economic cycles and with the interaction of...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance by Günter Schmölders (Dec 12, 2006)_9 doc
... 37, 139 age and consumption level, 132 and consumption standard, 130 and income expectations, 68 and mental attitude, 67 and psychology of saving, 100 and saving, 24 and thrift, 60 and wishes, ... education, 145–6 and attitude to price and currency developments, 108 and consumption standard, 128 and ownership of consumer goods, 127 and the psychology of saving, 100, 103 ego, in works of Adler, ... cycle and aspiration, 132 and consumption standards, 129, 130, 132–3, 237 n 77 and earning and spending, 129 and equipment level of households, 128–9 liquidity objective and subjective, 224 and...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20