getting the most from your batteries

Getting the Most from a Class Discussion Group

Getting the Most from a Class Discussion Group

... back the notes to the group after everyone has spoken GETTING THE MOST FROM A CLASS DISCUSSION GROUP • A reporter tells the class what the group discovered or decided in its discussion The instructor ... you speak, the less nervous you’ll be Go back to Chapter 13, Getting the Most from Class Participation,” for tips on overcoming stage fright when you speak in your group Keep Within the Time Limit ... group notes It’s only fair to try to pass these roles around rather than having one or two people all the work all the time HOW TO MAKE YOUR GROUP WORK As the group solves a problem or comes to...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 18:20

6 503 0
Getting the Most from a Lecture

Getting the Most from a Lecture

... participation, either because they’d rather hear what the teacher has to say than what their fellow students think, or because they just don’t want to speak in class (To get the most from this chapter, ... down the ideas helps you remember them 98 GETTING THE MOST FROM A LECTURE Try It! Try the different ways of listening described above to see which best helps you listen attentively Practice them ... you mean ?” She found the more she helped others make themselves understood, the more she was getting out of the class—she discovered she was interested in what the other students had to say...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 18:20

16 433 1
managing virtual teams getting the most from wikis, blogs, and other collaborative tools

managing virtual teams getting the most from wikis, blogs, and other collaborative tools

... for the inevitable changes that occur during the course of any project, whether changes are in your team, the project goals, or the design n Chapter discusses ways to measure the success of your ... managing their employees because the employees often spend more time with their respective project teams than they with the functional group The supervisor must depend on the project managers and other ... what you already know about them from your colleagues The Yes pile contains the résumés or CVs for the people you definitely want to interview The No pile contains the résumés or CVs for people...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 09:24

401 252 0
The CEO Guide To Getting The Best  From Your Team

The CEO Guide To Getting The Best From Your Team

... of the Enterprise LEADER methodology The real transformational change in terms of mindset, attitude and behaviour comes from the team getting together as a group to discuss the learning from the ... element to the success of Enterprise LEADER is the role of the facilitator, and their drive and direction to get the most out of the program The facilitator possibly you will steer the group ... to understand the impact that Enterprise LEADER will have on your team (and overall company) is to examine the outcomes from each of the three core themes of the program These core themes are customers,...

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2016, 15:31

113 441 0
149194935X {71022e4e} customizing chef  getting the most out of your infrastructure automation cowie 2014 09 19

149194935X {71022e4e} customizing chef getting the most out of your infrastructure automation cowie 2014 09 19

... that can tell us the current state of the node, what the state of the node was at the end of the last chef-client run, and what the state of the node should be at the end of the current chef-client ... met the require‐ ments they saw as necessary to achieve fully automated infrastructure, so they created Chef But did they succeed? What makes Chef different from the other CM systems out there, ... out of the box In the three par‐ ticular cases mentioned here, it turns out that a decent chunk of the community had the same requirements and adopted one or the other of these tools, so they’ve...

Ngày tải lên: 07/01/2017, 20:45

387 935 0
149194935X {c1832e26} customizing chef  getting the most out of your infrastructure automation cowie 2014 09 19

149194935X {c1832e26} customizing chef getting the most out of your infrastructure automation cowie 2014 09 19

... that can tell us the current state of the node, what the state of the node was at the end of the last chef-client run, and what the state of the node should be at the end of the current chef-client ... met the require‐ ments they saw as necessary to achieve fully automated infrastructure, so they created Chef But did they succeed? What makes Chef different from the other CM systems out there, ... out of the box In the three par‐ ticular cases mentioned here, it turns out that a decent chunk of the community had the same requirements and adopted one or the other of these tools, so they’ve...

Ngày tải lên: 07/01/2017, 20:45

387 1,2K 0


... If you are working on the same problem, one of you might know the answer and can help the other; if neither of you knows it, you can figure it out together Getting the Most Out of Class 93 • ... convenient for both of you Getting the Most from Your Study Buddy Here are some tips for how you and your study buddy can work together Set an Agenda The first thing you and your study buddy have ... happened in it Jill: I disagree I was really impressed by the way the people in the village stuck together and the way they treated their children Jack: That’s true I was surprised You’d think...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 15:20

12 984 1
Tài liệu Laser-Optimized Fiber: Built for Price, Bandwidth, and Distance to Make the Most of Your Investment doc

Tài liệu Laser-Optimized Fiber: Built for Price, Bandwidth, and Distance to Make the Most of Your Investment doc

... to Make the Most of Your Investment Unfortunately, the use of VCSELs can cause differential mode delay (DMD), an effect that happens when the laser beam launched into a small area of the fiber's ... Laser Core the modal bandwidth This preventsCladding the transmission Core pulse from spreading out, and as a result, the receiver can accurately detect the signal over longer distances, therefore ... variations in the fiber core can affect the angle and speed that a light pulse can travel This effect is the refractive index profile of the material, which is calculated as the ratio of the speed...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 11:20

4 461 0
Tài liệu 137 Twitter Tips - How Small Businesses Get The Most From Twitter ppt

Tài liệu 137 Twitter Tips - How Small Businesses Get The Most From Twitter ppt

... coffee in the morning, on your break time, and then briefly at lunch Some people may find it helpful to set a timer to stick to the plan Tweet at the end of your work day and again in the evening ... When you create your to list for the following day, make a note of the valuable resources you will share the following day.” The Lost Swede Web: Twitter: @TheLostSwede “My ... can see which topics are most popular amongst your followers and then feed them more.” Cynthia Sutton, The Silver Barn Web: Twitter: @thesilverbarn “Set specific...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 21:20

29 421 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Getting the Most out of Transition-based Dependency Parsing" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "Getting the Most out of Transition-based Dependency Parsing" doc

... crossvalidation to check if the average parsing accuracy on the current cross-validation set is higher than the one from the previous stage We stop the procedure when the parsing accuracy on cross-validation ... instance by joining the features with the goldstandard label The gold-standard label is achieved by comparing the dependency relation between wi and wj in the gold-standard tree When the parsing is ... indices of their corresponding word tokens The initial state is ([0], [ ], [1, ,n], ∅) The identifier corresponds to an initial token, w0 , introduced as the root of the sentence The final state...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 00:20

6 417 0
gist tips on getting the most webinar pptx

gist tips on getting the most webinar pptx

... achieve these two goals. » Peter Drucker Management challenges of the XXIst Century-1999 Inside Outlook – integrated with my workflow 1/21/10 confidential 10 Inside Salesforce – giving me the reason ... – •  Help us spread the word! V insight = time « We know now that the source of wealth is something specifically human : knowledge Applied ... have •  Power User Tips •  Using Gist with Other Applications •  Questions and Feedback How Gist Works… 1/21/10 confidential iPhone app – all my data in the palm of my hand 1/21/10 confidential...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 17:20

11 315 0
cpanel user guide and tutorial get the most from cpanel with this easy to follow guide

cpanel user guide and tutorial get the most from cpanel with this easy to follow guide

... on the Submit Errata link, and entering the details of your errata Once your errata have been verified, your submission will be accepted and the errata added to the list of existing errata The ... use the auto-installer, visit and fill out the short form Enter your cPanel account username and then password The form then asks for the server This can be the ... Shared/Dedicated IP: The IP address listed here is the one that your website and cPanel account are accessible on Most likely the IP address is shared with most of the other accounts on this...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 16:05

208 1,7K 0
User Experience Re-Mastered Your Guide to Getting the Right Design- P7

User Experience Re-Mastered Your Guide to Getting the Right Design- P7

... testing, none of the six evaluators opened the panel When asked whether they had seen the bar and the arrow, most said they had, but they took the striped bar to be a graphical element and the arrow ... During the evaluation session, you will record the start time of the task and the end time You then subtract the start time from the end time to calculate the time spent on the task by the participant ... CONDUCTING THE INTERVIEW There are two goals in conducting user interviews: getting the most natural responses from evaluators and getting the most complete responses Everything that goes into the environment...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 22:15

50 441 0
User Experience Re-Mastered Your Guide to Getting the Right Design- P8

User Experience Re-Mastered Your Guide to Getting the Right Design- P8

... off if the infant suffers from the colic bug or a virus Recognition Rather Than Recall – 7: The various parts of the infant generally match those of the user, though at a prototype level The users, ... on the expert’s lap in Fig 12.1 Note that there is a column for recording the usability defects This is because the inspectors will identify most of the usability defects as they walk through the ... the second column in Table 12.5 to record the applicability) The next column is for recording the adherence/nonadherence of the interface feature to the particular guideline of the standard The...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 16:15

47 510 0
User Experience Re-Mastered Your Guide to Getting the Right Design- P9

User Experience Re-Mastered Your Guide to Getting the Right Design- P9

... off if the infant suffers from the colic bug or a virus Recognition Rather Than Recall – 7: The various parts of the infant generally match those of the user, though at a prototype level The users, ... on the expert’s lap in Fig 12.1 Note that there is a column for recording the usability defects This is because the inspectors will identify most of the usability defects as they walk through the ... the second column in Table 12.5 to record the applicability) The next column is for recording the adherence/nonadherence of the interface feature to the particular guideline of the standard The...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 16:15

46 526 0
Can i freeze it how to use the most versatile appliance in your kitchen

Can i freeze it how to use the most versatile appliance in your kitchen

... Once the food is solid, turn off the fast-freeze switch Other models have a thermostat dial so you can turn the dial to its lowest temperature setting while the food is freezing and then once the ... ice crystals from forming around the food in the bag Once the air is squeezed out, tightly close the bag, either by sealing with the attached zipper lock, or by twisting the top of the bag and ... Mix the herbes de Provence with the red pepper and tablespoon of the olive oil Rub all over the lamb Dust the lamb with the flour Heat the remaining oil in the skillet until hot and sear the lamb...

Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2014, 11:01

227 824 0
Tài liệu User Experience Re-Mastered Your Guide to Getting the Right Design- P1 ppt

Tài liệu User Experience Re-Mastered Your Guide to Getting the Right Design- P1 ppt

... mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, ... were unable to remember the contents of the menus when they were away from the system, even though they could use the same menus with no problems when they were sitting at the computer (Mayes, Draper, ... considered further (Optional) The group votes on the best ideas and then prioritizes them further at the end of the session or at a separate session Two efficiency tests were conducted In the first...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 14:20

50 712 0
Tài liệu User Experience Re-Mastered Your Guide to Getting the Right Design- P2 pdf

Tài liệu User Experience Re-Mastered Your Guide to Getting the Right Design- P2 pdf

... country from the pop-up menu,” the user must the following: Locate the pop-up menu named “Country” Move the cursor to the menu Press the mouse button Locate the appropriate country from the list ... is to take your competitors’ designs, brand them with your logo, and ask people which design they like best for your site If your own design is among them, then you can verify whether your design ... they would go there Ask them how it fits into their lifestyle, and when and how they’d like to use it Ask them what features they’d like and what they’d use; provide them with suggestions if they...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 14:20

50 866 0
Tài liệu User Experience Re-Mastered Your Guide to Getting the Right Design- P3 pdf

Tài liệu User Experience Re-Mastered Your Guide to Getting the Right Design- P3 pdf

... CHAPTER When the participants had sorted all the cards, we gave them the colored cards and asked them to name each of their groups We also asked them to place the groups on the table in the approximate ... n.d.) When the time is up, you can collect the cards and then redistribute them randomly to the group Then ask the participants to read aloud what is on each card as they place them on the brainstorming ... information about the organization would not be the most important reason people came to the site Like the public users, they put the About NCI DCP category in the lower right of the page If you...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 14:20

50 653 0
Tài liệu User Experience Re-Mastered Your Guide to Getting the Right Design- P4 pptx

Tài liệu User Experience Re-Mastered Your Guide to Getting the Right Design- P4 pptx

... analyze the data to discover themes (see Fig 6.2) You use these themes to generate rough persona “skeletons.” You then cull and prioritize the skeletons to focus only the most important ,most appropriate, ... craft an initial cut of the IA, we took the hierarchical model from the population from which the primary persona (Irene) was derived We then verified that the limited content the secondary persona ... scanned from sketchbook In what century were these made? Yesterday? During the Renaissance? You can’t tell from the form, only from the content Credit: Michael Sagan, Trek Bicycles Looking at them...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 14:20

50 1,4K 0